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 (TXT) 2019 a year that can be prosperous with the effort of all
 (TXT) 45th Anniversary of the University of Moa "Dr. Antonio Nunez Jimenez"
 (TXT) 45th Anniversary of the University of Moa ¨Dr. Antonio Nuñez Jimenez¨
 (TXT) 5 data from the Virtual Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement that is hel
 (TXT) 51 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed in 12 Cuban provinces
 (TXT) 76 positive samples are diagnosed in 8 Cuban provinces
 (TXT) A Nobel Prize for Cuban solidarity is promoted from Ecuador
 (TXT) A meeting with the General Secretary of the UN was held by the Cuban P
 (TXT) A new group of Sahrawi youth with university scholarships in Cuba is b
 (TXT) A perfect scenario for TURNAT 2019- Zapata Swamp
 (TXT) Act for the 150th anniversary of the Independence fights
 (TXT) After the mysteries of a universal Cuban Jose Marti
 (TXT) Alas D Cuba Theater turns 25
 (TXT) Ambassador of Cuba receives Chinese decoration granted to Raul Castro
 (TXT) And Trump returns in the style of the old west
 (TXT) Announces Maduro investment in telecommunications with Chinese company
 (TXT) Anti-capitalist thinking of the Historical Leader of the Cuban Revolut
 (TXT) Apk for home service of agricultural products is created
 (TXT) Archbishop of Havana is named cardinal by Pope Francis
 (TXT) Are the blockade and human rights relatives
 (TXT) Arrived in Cuba Henry Reeve Contingent that faced COVID-19 in Mexico
 (TXT) Artificial Intelligence How will it influence the weather of the futur
 (TXT) Artificial Intelligence- How will it influence the weather of the futu
 (TXT) Attempt against Cuban plane in 1976 is remembered
 (TXT) Authorities from Santiago de Cuba perfect management before COVID-19
 (TXT) Biden marches to the top of Democratic primaries
 (TXT) Bruno Rodriguez calls to preserve the peace of Venezuela
 (TXT) Bruno Rodriguez makes official visit to Panama
 (TXT) CARICOM-Cuba Day celebrated in Havana
 (TXT) Challenges of the new representatives of the country
 (TXT) Chancellor of Venezuela meets with top Cuban authorities
 (TXT) Chavez lives in the Bolivarian Revolution
 (TXT) Check the progress of the Mother and Child Program
 (TXT) China confirms desire to deepen ties with Cuba
 (TXT) China makes a grant to Bolivia of new military equipment
 (TXT) Commemorate World Water Day in Cuba
 (TXT) Commerce Amazonia and Russia on the G7 agenda
 (TXT) Complaints about the blockade against the exercise of human rights in 
 (TXT) Concluding mission in Mozambique Henry Reeve Cuban Medical Brigade
 (TXT) Congratulates Diaz-Canel to Cubadebate on his 16th birthday
 (TXT) Consolacion del Sur- the land of Virginia tobacco in Cuba
 (TXT) Continuity of studies are guaranteed to young Cubans
 (TXT) Covid-19 in Cuba- 1039 new positive cases 5 deaths
 (TXT) Cuba 2019- Solidarity grateful for an island in resistance
 (TXT) Cuba Caravan against the blockade on the Havana seawall
 (TXT) Cuba Marti Theater hosts Lizt Alfonso show
 (TXT) Cuba National Tax Administration Office above 25 years
 (TXT) Cuba Renovation of areas of Paseo del Prado in Cienfuegos
 (TXT) Cuba Vulnerable nuclei identified in Cienfuegos for financial aid
 (TXT) Cuba a safe country to be
 (TXT) Cuba and China sign agreements to promote economic cooperation in 2019
 (TXT) Cuba and Germany promote sustainable development
 (TXT) Cuba and Venezuela are in the bulls eye of imperialism
 (TXT) Cuba and Venezuela are in the bull´s eye of imperialism
 (TXT) Cuba and Venezuela reinforce bilateral cooperation mechanisms
 (TXT) Cuba applies new Constitution and institutional strengthening
 (TXT) Cuba classifies of conspiracy to blame on Russia about alleged sonic a
 (TXT) Cuba condemns the scourge of racism at the UN
 (TXT) Cuba has a new law of symbols
 (TXT) Cuba participates in the Assembly of the Peoples of the Caribbean
 (TXT) Cuba plans to build new desalination plants
 (TXT) Cuba ratifies support for the World Health Organization
 (TXT) Cuba receives distinction from the United Nations for achievements in 
 (TXT) Cuba reported 1008 new cases of Covid-19 4 deaths and 664 medical disc
 (TXT) Cuba reported 699 new cases of COVID-19 4 deaths and 924 recovered
 (TXT) Cuba reports 46 new positive cases to COVID-19
 (TXT) Cuba reports 58 new positive cases to COVID-19
 (TXT) Cuba reports 774 new cases of COVID-19 and 793 discharges clinics
 (TXT) Cuba reports 792 new cases of Covid-19 3 deaths and 1060 medical disch
 (TXT) Cuba will continue to conduct itself with its own constructive voice
 (TXT) Cuba will strengthen border controls to face Covid-19
 (TXT) Cuba with 350 Athletes Qualified for Lima Pan American Games
 (TXT) Cuba- How to interpret the shameful scenes in the US Congress
 (TXT) Cuba- Seven locomotives from the Russian company SINARA arrive in the 
 (TXT) Cuba- tweet in honor of student leader Julio Antonio Mella
 (TXT) Cuba-Cape Verde collaborate in health sector
 (TXT) Cuba-Luxembourg- a fraternal meeting between leaders
 (TXT) Cuban Foreign Minister in high-level segment of the Human Rights Counc
 (TXT) Cuban Foreign Minister received a delegation from Japan
 (TXT) Cuban Foreign Minister receives American activist Benjamin Chavis
 (TXT) Cuban Government Example of sensitivity and human solidarity
 (TXT) Cuban Julio Cesar La Cruz at the head of the Athletes Commission of th
 (TXT) Cuban President supports UNEACs position on statements by Vargas Llosa
 (TXT) Cuban authorities congratulate the people of Venezuela for their elect
 (TXT) Cuban authorities declare quarantine capital city of Bauta in the prov
 (TXT) Cuban collaborators incorporated in the Bahamas recovery
 (TXT) Cuban doctors strengthen the fight against covid in Venezuela
 (TXT) Cuban films will participate in Oscar and Goya awards
 (TXT) Cuban informatics begin their first national conference
 (TXT) Cuban people backs Diaz-Canels words at the closing of the ANPP
 (TXT) Cuban physicians assist affected people in Guatemala
 (TXT) Cubans are very close when nature hits us
 (TXT) Debate at the UN on increase in violence against women amid COVID-19
 (TXT) Declarations of Jeff Flake about relationships between Cuba and the U.
 (TXT) Diaz Canel heads governmental visit to Guantanamo
 (TXT) Diaz Canel welcome the France Counselor
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel Cuban medical ethics can never be defamed
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel and Evo Morales analyze issues on the international agenda
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel attends the analysis of the Housing Program in the National
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel calls for solidarity and global cooperation before COVID-19
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel calls in Holguin to promote responsibility and initiative
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel checks the situation of COVID-19 in Cuba
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel condemns US attitude against Venezuela
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel confirmed preparations for the celebration of the 500th Ann
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel economic dynamics in 2019 should boost the countrys develop
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel expresses regret for the death of Rosa Aurora Freijanes
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel holds bilateral meetings with world leaders
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel holds meeting with Cuban scientists facing COVID-19
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel meets in New York representatives of technologies.
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel participates in debates on Cuban cultural policy
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel ponders visit of Caravana Pastors for Peace
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel ratifies Cubas solidarity with Venezuela
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel reaffirms that Cuba will denounce at UN the U.S embargo
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel recognizes Cuban doctors who faced COVID-19 in Mexico
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel supervises the restoration plan of fuel tanks in Matanzas
 (TXT) Diaz-Canel- what is most important in Cuba is solidarity
 (TXT) Dilma Rousseff the trial against Lula was flawed
 (TXT) Do we have a real perception of risk of the Covid-19
 (TXT) Donald Trump emits emergency state against Cuba.
 (TXT) Donald Trump returns to attack Cuba and Venezuela
 (TXT) ECLAC Warns of Strong Impact of Covid-19 in Latin America
 (TXT) EE.UU records biggest strike in prisons
 (TXT) ENCOMED guarantees distribution of vaccine candidate Abdala
 (TXT) Ecuadorian government confirms death of five people in protests
 (TXT) Ernesto Ramirez internationalist doctor receives a pleasant surprise
 (TXT) Esteban Lazo spoke at the World Conference of Presidents of Parliament
 (TXT) Evidences of electoral crimes of Bolsonaro are presented
 (TXT) Expectation for the return of health workers to their homes
 (TXT) Family Care System guarantees food to vulnerable groups
 (TXT) Family-school relationship- a pillar in the formation of new generatio
 (TXT) Ferro Buses for this 2021 will be manufactured
 (TXT) Fight only ends with free Lula ensures Workers Party
 (TXT) Foundation of the Democratic Republic of Korea celebrated in Cuba
 (TXT) Fourth dialog meeting Cuba-United States
 (TXT) Gazzellas Taxi Service maintains its vitality
 (TXT) Government analyzes various central issues of socioeconomic life in Cu
 (TXT) Gran Caribe online reservations and payment by Transfermobile for the 
 (TXT) Granma accelerates productive rhythms in greeting on July 26
 (TXT) Great interest of the country for the Constitution Project
 (TXT) Haiti organizes Cycling Championship of the Caribbean Nations
 (TXT) Havana says goodbye to its Theater Festival
 (TXT) Have you ever wondered if you are a decent person
 (TXT) Health situation in Santiago de Cuba evaluated
 (TXT) Holguin recognizes workers in the electric sector
 (TXT) Homeland and Life Premise in this year of pandemic in Cuba
 (TXT) Hospital "Miguel Enriquez" recovered after fire
 (TXT) Hotels in Cuba are repaired in the middle of the COVID-19
 (TXT) ICAIC presents a new visual image
 (TXT) ICAIC- 60 years of witnessing the history of Cuba
 (TXT) INDER postpones events as part of measures against Covid-19
 (TXT) In Namibia the National Hero of Cuba Jose Marti is remembered
 (TXT) In quarantine 24 blocks in the Santa Barbara Popular Council in Santia
 (TXT) In the US is announced that they will review Trumps policies against C
 (TXT) Indigenous of Ecuador decree state of exception in their territories
 (TXT) Inefficiency in the collection of garbage
 (TXT) Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance SA First bio technological Enterpris
 (TXT) International Craft Fair in Holguin concludes today
 (TXT) International media report caravans around the world against the block
 (TXT) Is a change in US policy towards Cuba possible
 (TXT) Japan Control of immigration law project is approved
 (TXT) Joe Biden selects Kamala Harris for presidential race
 (TXT) Judges involved in Lulas case will be investigated
 (TXT) Julian Assange will demand to the government of Ecuador
 (TXT) La Guayabera 5.0 Technological Fair returns
 (TXT) Labor prowess flag is delivered to the National Center for Scientific 
 (TXT) Latin America condemned blockade of the U.S against Cuba
 (TXT) Launches Etecsa Website Hosting service for natural persons
 (TXT) Law enforcement authorities detain perpetrators of robbery in East Hav
 (TXT) Lionel Messi The Best 2019 FIFA
 (TXT) Lula Free reclaim from the social movements of Brazil
 (TXT) Lula Free- reclaim from the social movements of Brazil
 (TXT) MININT detects illegal sale of wheat in Villa Clara
 (TXT) MININT- illicit transfer of fertilizers detected
 (TXT) Machado Ventura exchanges with producers and managers of the agricultu
 (TXT) Maduro assures that there was a plan to boycott the new Parliament
 (TXT) March of the program of house building in Cuba has been double checked
 (TXT) Mark Ruffalo "Capitalism is failing us
 (TXT) Marrero Cruz summons to deepen the Universitys ties with different sec
 (TXT) Matanzas IV International Festival of the Danzon “Miguel Failde in Mem
 (TXT) Mayabeque intensive rehabilitation project at the "El Gato fountain
 (TXT) Mayabeque- intensive rehabilitation project at the “El Gato fountain
 (TXT) Medicines in Cuba a controversial issue
 (TXT) Mexico There are more than 3000 clandestine graves with 4 800 bodies
 (TXT) Mexico will denounce Bolivia for harassment of its embassy in La Paz
 (TXT) Middle East the most tense region on the planet
 (TXT) Miguel Diaz-Canel ISDi 35th Anniversary Medal awarded
 (TXT) Miguel Diaz-Canel met in Beijing with Wang Yang
 (TXT) Miguel Diaz-Canel reiterates Cubas solidarity with the Saharawi cause
 (TXT) Millions of people have received the benefits of the Cuban medical coo
 (TXT) Minrex clarifies doubts about Cuba release for the More Doctors Progra
 (TXT) More than 170 000 Cuban people are favored by Heberprot-P
 (TXT) National Act for the beginning of the school year in a school affected
 (TXT) National Theater Award 2021 for Dagoberto Gainza
 (TXT) New five star hotel in Camaguey
 (TXT) New isolation measures in San Miguel del Padron
 (TXT) New normality at Jose Marti International Airport in Havana
 (TXT) New spaces for the enjoyment of the town on San Rafael Boulevard
 (TXT) New traveler agency opened in Havana
 (TXT) Nguyen Phu Trong was re-elected in Vietnam for a third term
 (TXT) Nicolas Maduro condemns aggression against Venezuela
 (TXT) Nine protesters in Bolivia are killed
 (TXT) On September 2 the 2019-2020 school year will begin in Cuba
 (TXT) Opponents threaten embassies of Venezuela and Cuba in Bolivia
 (TXT) Opposition maneuvers against elections in Bolivia
 (TXT) Pandoras box opens for Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernandez
 (TXT) Paulina Pedroso Jose Martis black mother
 (TXT) Perspectives of the collaboration between Russia and Latin America
 (TXT) Pianist from Cuba Ruy Adrian Lopez-Nussa finalist in SGAE competition
 (TXT) Pinar del Rio will have its presence at the Havana Biennial
 (TXT) Poll ensures that more than 60% of Americans disapprove of Trumps mana
 (TXT) Prenvengho-Vir a preventive homeopathic medicine
 (TXT) President of Cuba rejects lies and manipulations of the OAS
 (TXT) Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping hold phone conversation
 (TXT) Prevent detect and treat COVID-19 Artemisas priorities
 (TXT) Prime Minister congratulates Hotel Habana Libre on its 62 anniversary
 (TXT) Prime Minister exchanges with INDER executives and sports personalitie
 (TXT) Prime Minister of Cuba leads meeting with directors of the Ministry of
 (TXT) Priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba are examined for
 (TXT) Production of industrial and medicinal oxygen increased in Artemisa
 (TXT) Programs to diversify food production are checked
 (TXT) Protection to customers a lot of path to walk
 (TXT) Protests continue in Ecuador over rising fuel prices
 (TXT) Puerto Rican independence leader Rafael Cancel Miranda passed away
 (TXT) Quarantine decreed in Artemisa Popular Council
 (TXT) Radiocuba works to maintain quality parameters
 (TXT) Raul Castro sent a congratulation to the inhabitants of the 3rd Front
 (TXT) Raul received a group of Cuban doctors from Brazil
 (TXT) Raul receives Diaz-Canel upon his return from Argentina
 (TXT) Report meteorite fall in the Valley of Viñales
 (TXT) Reveal new evidence of the corruption plot of the Venezuelan oppositio
 (TXT) Royal British Highnesses in Cuba this is what we tell you from The Car
 (TXT) Royal British Highnesses in Cuba- this is what we tell you from The Ca
 (TXT) SOBERANA 01 First Cuban vaccine candidate against COVID-19 advances to
 (TXT) Salvador Valdes Mesa visits the Guanabacoa Silos Company
 (TXT) Sancti Spiritus recovers from damage caused by severe local storm
 (TXT) Second group of the Henry Reeve Contingent returns to Cuba
 (TXT) Send Raul congratulations on the 71st anniversary of North Korea
 (TXT) Serious humanitarian situation on the Greek-Turkish border
 (TXT) Siboney Studios 4 decades in the peoples preference
 (TXT) Summit Kim-Trump much ado about nothing
 (TXT) Summit Kim-Trump- much ado about nothing
 (TXT) Switzerland Trump reiterates his rejection of environmental protection
 (TXT) Teatro Avellaneda de Camaguey turns 107
 (TXT) Tensions fall between the US and Iran
 (TXT) The CDR play an important role in the analysis of the people about the
 (TXT) The Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology increases the processing of PC
 (TXT) The Granmas Sorrels to the final of baseball in Cuba
 (TXT) The Hamels Alleway the art and culture of Africa in Cuba
 (TXT) The Non-Aligned the precise forum to demand justice
 (TXT) The Rosenbergs assassination a crime from the "Cold war"
 (TXT) The Rosenbergs assassination a crime from the ¨Cold war¨
 (TXT) The Simon Bolivar school ship arrived in Havana
 (TXT) The Stripe and The Route a commitment to development and multilaterali
 (TXT) The U.S evacuated several Chinese officials due to sonic attacks
 (TXT) The US buys subversives piecework for political change in Cuba
 (TXT) The X Festival of the Arts begins in the coming days
 (TXT) The business of the counterrevolution flourishes in Miami
 (TXT) The construction materials and their sale are never old fashioned
 (TXT) The extraordinary journey of Celeste Garcia opens the Havana Film Fest
 (TXT) The great wall is protected with new technologies
 (TXT) The new Constitution project enshrines the rights of all Cubans
 (TXT) The oldest woman from Cuba passes away at the age of 117
 (TXT) The right fails again in Latin America
 (TXT) The visit of Fidel to Vietnam is remembered.
 (TXT) There are no reports of Covid-19 coronavirus in Cuba
 (TXT) They pay tribute to the Martyrs of the Revolution
 (TXT) They remember Pablo Neruda 46 years after his death
 (TXT) Third post-Covid-19 phase will begin gradually next Monday in 13 provi
 (TXT) Thread Spinning Factory de Gibara one of the best of its kind in Cuba
 (TXT) Three out of 10 migrants in Mexico are children
 (TXT) Tobacco and lung health a subject for reflection
 (TXT) Top Pakistani authorities receive Cuban vice president
 (TXT) Tourists from the Cuban assisted cruise ship arrive in the UK
 (TXT) Transfer of water East-West benefits to the people of Holguin
 (TXT) Tribute of the people to the star of Cuba Rosita Fornes
 (TXT) Tribute to Alicia Alonso in the Great Theater of Havana
 (TXT) Tribute to the Martyrs of the Revolution from Santiago de Cuba
 (TXT) Trova Festival "Pepe Sanchez" will have a virtual edition
 (TXT) Trump continues with his erratic behavior
 (TXT) Trump tries to blackmail to Central America for immigrants
 (TXT) UNDP provides Cuba with supplies for the prevention of COVID-19
 (TXT) US Elections a plebiscite on Trump
 (TXT) USA Donald Trump increases immigration measures
 (TXT) USA has always been a conflict manager
 (TXT) USA renewed emergency against Venezuela. Who threatens whom
 (TXT) United Kingdom part and target of its own game
 (TXT) United Nations outlines economic response to confront COVID-19
 (TXT) United States aims again against Iran
 (TXT) United States leads new slander campaign against Cuba
 (TXT) Value losses in Cuban family houses
 (TXT) Van Van half a century in the preference of the Cuban dancer
 (TXT) Vegueros devote themselves to food production in the face of a pandemi
 (TXT) Venezuela believes in dialogue in the face of external threats
 (TXT) Venezuela denounces new preparations for attacks from Colombia
 (TXT) Venezuela rejects US sanctions against Chancellor Jorge Arreaza
 (TXT) Venezuela- Maduro increases the minimal wage in his country
 (TXT) Venezuelan Chancellor denounces new maneuver against his country in th
 (TXT) Villa Clara celebrates the 324th anniversary of the Fire Department
 (TXT) Virtual meeting against United States blockade of Cuba meets
 (TXT) WHO warns that pandemic is far from over
 (TXT) Weigh Lifters Monopolize Praise for Cuba in Special Olympics
 (TXT) What implications does the new National Electoral Council have in Vene
 (TXT) When the bad is not cured with compresses
 (TXT) Why does Rabindranath Tagore have millions of followers
 (TXT) Work for Trump a difficult endless relay race
 (TXT) Work of the Ministry of Agriculture in 2019 has been analyzed
 (TXT) World economy in debate against COVID-19
 (TXT) World leaders congratulate Diaz-Canel for his election as president of
 (TXT) Young Cubans reflect on Human Rights
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