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 (DIR) Info about this GopherSpace
 (DIR) Rossford Island Park in the Fall
 (TXT) Yard Birdsong for Early February 2017
 (TXT) 2014-2015 Winter Season Recap
 (TXT) A few words about my Dad
 (TXT) Bicycling in Toledo
 (TXT) Recap of the June 27, 2015 Weather Event
 (TXT) Crocheting a Small Mobius Scarf
 (TXT) Black Cloister Pints and Purls
 (TXT) Supporting local businesses
 (TXT) Making Matzo Bread
 (TXT) Dining at Mutz
 (TXT) Cooking a Rib Roast
 (TXT) Brewing a One-gallon Batch of Beer
 (TXT) Baking Naturally-leavened Sourdough Bread
 (TXT) Crocheting a Beanie and a Scarf
 (TXT) Making Pizza
 (TXT) A full, rich day in Toledo, Ohio
 (TXT) Baking Poilane-style Punition Cookies
 (TXT) 2014 Backyard Garden Notes
 (TXT) Roasting Coffee Beans
 (TXT) Roasting Coffee Brief Notes
 (TXT) Observing Lakeshore Dragons
 (TXT) Rossford Island View Park in the Fall
 (TXT) Lake Erie West Farmers Markets
 (TXT) Toledo Mayoral Primary 2005
 (TXT) December 2016 Events Calendar
 (TXT) Creating an Alexa Flash Briefing Skill for Amazon Echo
 (DIR) Slippery News