(TXT) [2019.04.30] Very Short Break
 (TXT) [2019.04.29] Nothing New
 (TXT) [2019.04.28] Armagnac Older Than Me
 (TXT) [2019.04.27] Eiffel Tower
 (TXT) [2019.04.26] Disneyland
 (TXT) [2019.04.25] Océanopolis
 (TXT) [2019.04.24] Brest
 (TXT) [2019.04.23] Mont Saint-Michel
 (TXT) [2019.04.22] Rennes
 (TXT) [2019.04.21] Easter
 (TXT) [2019.04.20] Caen
 (TXT) [2019.04.19] Le Bug
 (TXT) [2019.04.18] Reims
 (TXT) [2019.04.17] Louvre
 (TXT) [2019.04.16] Shawarma from the Michelin Guide
 (TXT) [2019.04.15] Notre-Dame de Paris Fire
 (TXT) [2019.04.14] Horas non numero nisi serenas
 (TXT) [2019.04.13] Parc de Sceaux
 (TXT) [2019.04.12] Green vs Red
 (TXT) [2019.04.11] Pull Requests
 (TXT) [2019.04.10] BULATS
 (TXT) [2019.04.09] loc vs iloc
 (TXT) [2019.04.08] Kaggle Learn
 (TXT) [2019.04.07] Positive Outlook
 (TXT) [2019.04.06] Age of Empires II: The Forgotten
 (TXT) [2019.04.05] Memorising
 (TXT) [2019.04.04] MacBrick
 (TXT) [2019.04.03] The Plus and Negaitve
 (TXT) [2019.04.02] Refactoring
 (TXT) [2019.04.01] Believe Noone