A   G O P H E R   B U R R O W   
        An Introduction to Mobile Shortwave Radios  
 (TXT)  [1] What is a shortwave radio? 
 (TXT)  [2] Why would anybody want or need one?     
 (TXT)  [3] What do I need to know to start using one?     
 (TXT)  [4] What differences are there between digital & analog?     
 (TXT)  [5] What radio accessories are especially useful for shortwave?
 (TXT)  [6] How do bands, wavelengths & frequencies, kHz & MHz, differ?
 (TXT)  [7] But what if I don't want to hunt on-the-go for stations? 
 (TXT)  [8] Where online can I get more information on mobile SW radios?
 (TXT)  [9] Abbreviations and Terms 
        [0] An intro to the Intro 
       The Intro is intended for those who are fairly mobile, seeking a 
       subscription-free alternative to radio via satellite or mobile 
       phone, unaware of shortwave radio, not averse to roughing it with 
       AM-sound, nor technically inclined nor hobby-oriented (modifying,
       monitoring etc.). It assumes that transmissions from America and
       Oceania are of primary interest to those seeking a retro mobile
       radio for such an alternative. It is also a guide to help decide
       among available options, particularly in the mid-price range
       ($50-$250 CAD) for radios to be used while traveling by surface 
       means: bike, car, RV, boat, etc.  It is modeled on Radio Shack's 
       "Shortwave Radio - Learning the Basics" and borrows some of its 
       material from there, as did also the original rec.radio.shortwave
       FAQ, under 'Fair Use' provisions. However, unlike said FAQ, the 
       Intro rectifies errors & omissions found in the model.
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