Fiery Jack! - Wednesday, August 05th, 2015
 (TXT) Continued...
       Fragging - Thursday, July 30th, 2015
       Hisashiburi desu ne...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Lahr - Wednesday, July 15th, 2015
       Ich lebe noch!...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Beer! - Friday, July 10th, 2015
       Friday at last...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Krimi - Thursday, July 09th, 2015
       Change of tack...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Module One - Wednesday, July 08th, 2015
       Morgen Jost!
 (TXT) Continued...
       Motorbiking - Tuesday, July 07th, 2015
 (TXT) Continued...
       Cyanogenmod - Thursday, July 02th, 2015
       It's a miracle...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Proofreading - Wednesday, July 01th, 2015
       Pinch, punch and all that...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Lazy Sunday.. - Sunday, June 28th, 2015
       Sunday, my head hurts...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Proofreading - Thursday, June 25th, 2015
       Connection still slow, but workable..
 (TXT) Continued...
       Crap Connection - Wednesday, June 24th, 2015
       Nothing much to report yet, but here I am anyway..
 (TXT) Continued...
       Tramps & Thieves - Tuesday, June 23th, 2015
       Neck ache and knee ache, must be getting old..
 (TXT) Continued...
       Oh baby.. - Monday, June 22th, 2015
       Back to work, ausgezeichnet..
 (TXT) Continued...
       Sober Saturday - Saturday, June 20th, 2015
       Saturday morning and no hangover, seltsam..
 (TXT) Continued...
       Prinz Eugen - Friday, June 19th, 2015
       Another day older and deeper in debt..
 (TXT) Continued...
       Bored - Thursday, June 18th, 2015
       200 year anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, not much mention of
       Prussia in the UK media...
 (TXT) Continued...
       Siebzehnten Juni
           Wednesday, June 17th, 2015
       Just a test after mucking around with mkgopherentry..
 (TXT) Continued...
           Wednesday, June 17th, 2015
       Still having trouble accessing the paulskin gopherspace from work 
       on Linux or Android, but not Windows..
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, June 16th, 2015
       Watched "Humans" on Channel 4 last night (4OD), interesting in 
       places but yet again someone mentions the Singularity but 
       completely misses the point.  Once again it seems to be that all it
       means is a few robots falling in love and learning how to cry, 
       basically the same sorry reason for the existence of Vulcans, it's 
       our emotions that make us human and all that shite.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, June 15th, 2015
       All working now, let's crack on.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, June 11th, 2015 Hello again. This is more of a test, 
       I've buggered around with the permissions again and all seems to 
       work, lets see what happens with the mkgopherentry script. 
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, June 11th, 2015 My first phlog post, I may well have 
       fucked this right up, let's see.. 
 (TXT) Continued...