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       To keep up with GopherSpace gossip, check out the featured
       guest books. Messages and advertisements about gopher
       holes are constantly left in these guest books.
       Guest book content is available via direct link:
 (DIR) Hacker News
 (DIR) Gopher News
 (DIR) Yasend file
 (DIR) Gopher ICU
 (DIR) Gopherddit
 (DIR) 1436 Ninja
 (DIR) Tilde Club
 (DIR) Slackjeff
 (DIR) Pogonova
 (DIR) Nihirash
 (DIR) Ratthing
 (DIR) I-logout
 (DIR) Srjkam
 (DIR) Viste
       Guest book content requiring manual clicking by link:
 (DIR) Silent messengers
 (DIR) Infinitely Remote
 (DIR) The Lambda Lab
 (DIR) Magical fish
 (DIR) Zaledia
 (DIR) Z3bra
 (DIR) Amox
 (DIR) Back to index page