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       The best Internet Link directories
 (DIR) The Observable Gopherspace
       Universe Project knows all about Gopher holes
 (DIR) New gopher holes
       List a new Gopher resources from Floodgap
 (DIR) Infinitely Remote
       Lots of links to other Gophers
 (DIR) The Gopher Lawn
       Huge directory of links to Gopher sites (DMOZ)
 (DIR) Figlet gateway
       Creating ANSCII Fonts Online
 (DIR) Gopher black
       Aggregator of phlog activity on gopherspace
 (DIR) Gopher Space
       Gopher servers monitoring sevice
 (DIR) Magical fish
       University of Minnesota graduate
 (DIR) Gopherpedia
       Wikipedia in Gopher
 (DIR) Link error
       Links directory collection service
 (DIR) Zaledia
       List of acive gopher holes
 (DIR) Back to index page