# taz.de -- Migration policy in Tunisia: Fortress Europe in North Africa
       > To ward off terrorism, the EU is building border facilities for Tunisia.
       > But the country is reluctant to become a detention centre for transit
       > migrants.
 (IMG) Bild: 2011: A refugee from Ghana at the border between Libya and Tunisia
       Of course the border with Libya is open. Or at least porous. This was
       repeatedly asserted during investigations in Tunisia in early 2015, by the
       political side as well by civil society groups. At the official border
       crossing points, there were controls; however, according to these claims,
       for those who knew the ropes or had the necessary money on hand, it was
       relatively easy to cross the national border that extends, in large part,
       all the way across the desert.
       Among the North African neighbour states, the “open door“ policy was viewed
       as one accomplishment of the “Arab Spring“. No-one could, or would want to,
       halt the daily border traffic in southern Tunisia. That would deprive the
       already impoverished local population of its livelihood.
       According to the statements of workers from international organisations, at
       the controlled border crossings, about 100 dollars would be demanded on the
       quiet in order to continue travelling into Libya. Syrians used this route
       through the South of Tunisia when fleeing to Europe. The route that passed
       through Turkey, from there by airplane to Algeria, across the border to
       Tunisia and then on to Libya, in search of a boat that would carry them
       across the Mediterranean Sea, was viewed in early 2015 as a less costly and
       lower-risk alternative to the so-called Balkan route through Eastern
       After the attack on the Bardo Museum in the Tunisian capital in late March
       2015, the atmosphere in the country changed overnight. After the revolution
       of 2011, representatives of the various Tunisian transitional governments
       had appeared noticeably reserved with regards to European ambitions to
       involve Tunisia more deeply in the expansion of its border and migration
       controls. As Tunisian civil society grew stronger, the hope for a
       democratic, human rights-based policy on migration and refugees was
       palpable. In early 2015, practically from one day to the next, these
       efforts were once again subordinated to the interests of national security.
       The border to Libya was closed out of fear of further terrorist invasions.
       The attack on tourists on the beach at Sousse in the following summer
       further reinforced the abrupt return to a repressive configuration of
       Tunisian border and migration policy.
       ## The dictator as border protector
       The EU and its member states energetically support Tunisia's
       security-oriented comeback: Representing a last remaining hope for
       democracy, the country is supposed to be preserved against the chaos
       threatening its neighbour states and supported in its aspirations toward
       democracy and a free market economy patterned on a Western role model. As a
       secure transit land along the central Mediterranean route, it is also
       intended to play a key part in re-stabilising the European border regime.
       A retrospective: In the 1990s, as European states began jointly securing
       their external borders, co-operation with Tunisia played only a minor role.
       Italy already maintained good relations with the then-dictator Ben Ali and
       thereby effectively tied Tunisia through a bilateral co-operation agreement
       into the expanding European compartmentalisation regime. Under pressure
       from Europe, the authoritarian regime prohibited and criminalised
       “irregular migration“ by law, starting in 2004, controlled its sea borders
       and thereby effectively lay the groundwork for pre-planned migration
       control based on the European model.
       It was only after the fall of President Ben Ali that Tunisia consequently
       become a “problem“ for Europe in terms of border and migration policy. A
       brief historical moment of reduced and disorganised border surveillance
       during the uprising in early 2011 was enough to allow 25,000 migrants to
       cross the sea to Italy. As war broke out in Libya and thousands fled from
       violence and instability, first into neighbouring Tunisia and then further
       on to Europe, the arrivals in Italy nearly doubled. Added to this came the
       great movement of refugees along the Balkan route. In reaction to these
       events, which Europe called a “refugee crisis“, Italy imposed a state of
       emergency and France and Denmark suspended the Schengen Agreement and
       closed their national borders.
       ## Money for expulsion
       The European states were in agreement that unregulated migration to Europe
       on this scale was to be averted in the future at all costs. Despite
       multiple manifest displays of humanitarian concern and commendation for the
       democratic turnaround, the EU offered no appreciable new responses to the
       migration policy challenges of the “Arab Spring“. In essence, it pushed the
       Tunisian transitional government to re-establish the co-operations
       involving matters of return and border security that had existed before the
       revolution, in order to stabilise the fragile, momentary border regime in
       the Mediterranean.
       To do this, at first the EU mainly offered Tunisia money. The EU indicates
       that since 2011, payments to Tunisia thereby doubled overall. Up until
       2016, they add up to €3.5 billion in total. The numerous bi- and
       multilateral agreements, “partnerships“ and “dialogues“ that were made with
       Tunisia in this period focus primarily on so-called positive incentives.
       More European funds for development and democracy promotion were meant to
       prompt Tunisia to take back more “irregular migrants“ from Europe and deter
       them from crossing the Mediterranean in the future.
       In the form of civil-military co-operation the EU was fulfilling Italy's
       wish, as well as its own, to strengthen border protection in the central
       Mediterranean. In the context of the operation “Hermes“, starting in 2011,
       the European border protection agency Frontex attempted to detect and
       impede irregular border crossings. In 2015, its mandate was extended within
       the framework of Operation FrontexPlus. To this day, there exists no
       official agreement between Frontex and the Tunisian state to formalise the
       operative teamwork and legitimate their “rescue“ of migrants by returning
       them to Tunisia; in practice, Frontex nonetheless carries out direct
       expulsions continually by handing over refugees on the sea to the Tunisian
       If Germany had its way, this practice, which has thus far been informal,
       would prospectively become an official procedure within European border
       management in the Mediterranean. German involvement in the area of Tunisian
       security extends back to 2004. In the name of “combatting terror“, it was
       reinforced in 2015 with training support, technical equipment, a liaison
       office of the German police in Tunis and €100 million, and focused on
       securing the land border with Libya. This was followed in 2016 by further
       training missions, deliveries of speedboats, a document testing laboratory
       and, in part, military equipment and devices for border security, mostly
       produced by Airbus. From Germany's perspective, apparently not only
       terrorists but also refugees and migrants should be stopped by these
       sponsored border protection measures.
       ## Reluctant implementation
       The EU has also been expanding its involvement for further border security
       in North Africa since 2015, in the name of “combatting international
       terror“. With the support of the International Organisation for Migration
       (IOM), as well as the UN refugee agency UNHCR and the International Centre
       for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), it is attempting to shift the
       failed mission to bolster Libyan border protection (EUBAM Libya) over to
       Tunisia. Under EUBAM Tunisia, €23 million are earmarked over the next three
       years for the reform of the Tunisian security sector. Over half of the
       money is designated to expand border protection, including, for example,
       three so-called situation centres at the borders to Algeria and Libya.
       Tunisia may gratefully accept European money, but so far, it remains
       hesitant to implement its co-operation promises in the area of migration
       control. After the revolution in 2011, the representatives of the various
       transitional governments were no longer willing to play “doorkeeper“ to
       Europe. It proved especially reluctant to implement the security-oriented
       approach being forced upon it by the EU, against the will of an
       increasingly self-confident and organised civil society. Even until today,
       Tunisia has refused to become the official main receiving country for
       migrants “rescued“ from the Mediterranean Sea by EU border protection
       agency Frontex and European member states. Even the number of migrants who
       have actually been returned from Europe on the basis of bilateral
       agreements is negligible.
       As to the implementation of a functional system for asylum, which was to
       have been developed with support from UNHCR starting in 2012, skepticism
       and disagreement prevail. Many fear that this could encourage the EU in the
       future to not only return refugees and migrants back to Tunisia, but to
       also generally contain them there.
       In Europe, recommendations come up time and again for so-called reception
       centres, where refugees in North Africa would apply for asylum and, if
       necessary, also wait for their relocation to Europe. The most prominent
       recommendation dates back to a German-British initiative from 2004. In the
       years that followed, the so-called Blair-Schily Plan was repeatedly taken
       out of the drawer and considered, yet due to concerns about human rights
       and asylum policy, it never gained a majority in the EU. Just how much such
       concerns have changed within the EU can be seen in the conclusion of the
       Turkey Agreement in March 2016, in which Turkey is to be compensated with
       €6 billion and the prospective facilitation of visas for its own citizens
       in exchange for taking back, and “providing temporary protection to“,
       Syrian refugees.
       ## Expulsion to the desert
       It hasn't gone this far in Tunisia yet. As long as there is no functional
       system for asylum in Tunisia, people who have been “rescued“ while fleeing
       and are sent there have almost no chance to validate their right to asylum
       and gain adequate protection. According to a report by the UN Special Envoy
       in 2013, irregular border crossings and sojourns in Tunisia can still be
       punished by imprisonment. After the revolution, this practice was at first
       suspended, but the corresponding law from 2004 was never abolished.
       With regards to migrants who are rescued or returned to Tunisia, the law is
       still being repeatedly applied in a deliberate way today. Those caught
       under it are incarcerated in one of the so-called reception centres. Many
       migrants coming from sub-Saharan Africa who were apprehended in Tunisia
       without valid papers are also imprisoned there. However, the Tunisian state
       lacks the money to deport them. Instead, it charges a fine for the period
       of the irregular stay in the country. This must be paid, along with the
       cost of their own plane ticket, by the migrants themselves in order to
       effectively “bail themselves out“ of jail and “deport themselves“. If the
       migrants or their families cannot pay the fast-growing sums, they may be
       deported without warning to the desert – formerly to Libya, now
       increasingly to Algeria.
       The Tunisian state makes money from the irregular and precarious presence
       of migrants in the country and seems to be in no hurry to change the legal
       foundation of these arbitrary, opaque practices. During a stay in Tunisia
       in early 2015, it was possible to observe how “irregular“ migrants were
       being driven out of the large cities in the North through arrests,
       incarcerations and deportations, away from the proximity to the coast and
       out of the focus of international publicity. “Tunisia keeps its coastal
       borders sealed, there's no problem with migration here“ was the message
       directed at Europe. In the South, by contrast, the Tunisian state left its
       borders porous and allowed migrants stay as mobile as they liked, for the
       most part. Knowing that the migrants' only chance is the route across Libya
       and the Mediterranean to Europe, one might have hoped, through this tactic,
       to be rid of the “problem“ at some point. For this, there would be no need
       to implement EU-sponsored measures, only to selectively look the other way.
       ## Tunisia becomes a secure third state
       However, Tunisian interest in controlling migration and borders changed
       fundamentally in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 2015. As it became
       known that the assassinators came from Libya, or were trained there,
       Tunisia immediately closed its border to the neighbouring country. With
       financial support from Germany and the USA, in late 2015 the Tunisian
       government even started construction on a “separation barrier“, 168
       kilometres long and 2 metres high, along the Libyan border. Whether this
       will be implemented in the future additionally as a defence against
       refugees and migrants on the way to Europe, as expected by Germany and the
       EU, remains to be seen.
       In reaction to the EU's so-called refugee crisis of 2015, its member states
       have agreed upon new initiatives intended to help them to expand migration
       and border control continually further across the African continent. In
       order to reinforce co-operation with so-called third states, it seems that
       not only “positive incentives“ are to be provided from now on, but
       additionally, “negative sanctions“ will be used if a country does not
       As it appears in the “Partnership Framework for co-operation with third
       countries“, in the first place, the EU is pursuing the goal of creating
       conditions to “enable migrants and refugees to stay close to home and avoid
       people taking dangerous journeys“. With the “Protection and Development
       Programme for North Africa“, it has already created a new financial
       instrument for this. It is set to equip the IOM with €10 million to build
       up capacities in North Africa in the area of asylum and to provide better
       protection for migrants there in the future. Thus the goal of current EU
       policy toward Tunisia is nothing less than to make the country into a
       “secure“ location where migrants on the way to Europe can be held and
       ## Negative incentives
       Secondly, by conducting swift, smooth expulsions the EU wants to deter
       migrants from crossing to Europe. For this purpose, as well, it is courting
       Tunisia vigorously. In October it sent the surprising news that it wished
       to resume negotiations on a mobility partnership that had proceeded rather
       haltingly since 2011. In essence, the agreement signed by Tunisia in 2014
       promises visa facilitation, particularly for its highly qualified national
       citizens, if in return, the country takes back migrants who have entered
       the EU via Tunisia. In practical terms, this has not yet been implemented.
       The EU is trying to move implementation along with a “flexible approach“
       and to negotiate both central aspects of re-admittance and visa
       facilitation in a “parallel“ yet “separate“ manner. The emphasis on two
       separate agreements obscures the otherwise unmistakable similarity to the
       Turkey Agreement.
       If Tunisia continues to resist co-operation in taking back and providing
       protection for migrants from the EU, it may lead to negative consequences
       for European support in the country. Tunisia is one of 24 focus countries
       in which the EU wants to make its support in all fields of policy dependent
       upon the country's co-operation in “combatting irregular migration“
       Re-admitting its own citizens and transit migrants is also a central
       element of this. In concrete terms, the EU is demanding the acceptance of
       its own issued return papers and the introduction of biometric data
       processing within border management. After Jordan and Lebanon, Tunisia is
       the next country with which the EU is striving for investigation probes in
       this context. From this, it may be presumed that the deal with Turkey will
       soon be followed by a deal with Tunisia.
       There is much to indicate that, in the future, Tunisia is intended to play
       a key role in European policy on migration prevention and expulsions along
       the central Mediterranean route. Thus far, in any case, Tunisia resists
       becoming North Africa's largest “outdoor prison“ for Europe's unwelcome
       migrants. Signs of protest from within civil society can already be heard.
       12 Dec 2016
       ## AUTOREN
 (DIR) Inken Bartels
       ## TAGS
 (DIR) migControl
 (DIR) Tunesien
 (DIR) Terrorismusbekämpfung
 (DIR) Schwerpunkt Flucht
 (DIR) Schwerpunkt Anschlag auf Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt
 (DIR) migControl
 (DIR) sichere Herkunftsländer
 (DIR) Schwerpunkt Flucht
 (DIR) Berlin nach dem Terroranschlag: Offen bleiben, aus Trotz
       Er sei heute besonders freundlich, sagt der tunesische Busfahrer. Wie die
       Hauptstadt auf die Gewalt reagiert.
 (DIR) EU-Gelder für afrikanische Staaten: Flüchtlinge aufhalten, um jeden Preis
       Milliarden fließen nach Afrika, wenn dafür keine Menschen nach Europa
       kommen. Aber wie viel bezahlt die EU für den Grenzschutz-Service?
 (DIR) Diskussion um sichere Herkunftsländer: Gefahr im Maghreb
       Die Bundesregierung bezeichnet Tunesien, Algerien und Marokko als „sicher“.
       Experten des Bundesamtes für Migration sehen das anders.
 (DIR) EU-Gipfel zu Flüchtlingspolitik: Keine Flucht aus Afrika
       Auf ihrem Gipfel peilt die EU die komplette Schließung der
       „Mittelmeerroute“ aus Afrika an. Bis Dezember sollen „konkrete und messbare
       Ergebnisse“ vorliegen.