 (BIN) Reading Rainbow Remix
 (HTM) Library of congress
 (HTM) Eugene library
 (HTM) UO library
       Free books
 (HTM) Internet archive
 (TXT) Book swapping
 (DIR) Gutenberg project (official)
 (DIR) Gutenberg gopher (with search)
 (HTM) Library Genesis
 (HTM) LibriVox
 (HTM) Soil and health library
       Lists of books
 (HTM) ALA lists
 (TXT) Alternative reading list
 (HTM) Awesome opensource documents
 (TXT) Constitution society list
 (TXT) Core fantasy and science fiction
 (TXT) GPHS reading list
 (TXT) Great works of western civilization
 (TXT) How to read a book, bibliography
 (TXT) How to read a book better and faster, bibliography
 (HTM) Internet top 100 SF&F list
 (TXT) Interpretation for park visitors, bibliography
 (HTM) National outdoor book awards
 (HTM) One hundred best fantasy books of all time
 (HTM) Prize winners online
 (DIR) Serial reading
 (BIN) Ben's free ebooks list (CSV)
 (BIN) Ben's to-read list (CSV)
 (TXT) TSR D&D bibliography
 (DIR) Fae fables
 (DIR) Guerilla open access manifesto
 (DIR) Intellectual freedom
 (DIR) Wisdom literature