Welcome to Solene gopher space. I like to learn and share stuff with
       people. My interests are '(OpenBSD Lisp Qubes OS security cmdline Gaming). 
       I _love_ % and lambda characters. I'm OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI involved.
       Phlog generated with static blog generator cl-yag, content under CC-BY-4.0.
       Download it with git clone git://bitreich.org/cl-yag
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       Contact me: solene (libera.chat) / solene at dataswamp dot org
                   solene@bsd.network (mastodon)
       If you are a regular Gopher reader, please drop me an email! I'd be happy
       to know there are Gopher users reading me there :-)
 (DIR) OpenBSD scripts to convert wg-quick VPN files                           20240427
 (DIR) A Stateless Workstation                                                 20240420
 (DIR) Lessons learned with XZ vulnerability                                   20240330
 (DIR) OpenBSD workstation hardening                                           20231231
 (DIR) Qubes OS backup transfer from old to new computer                       20231224
 (DIR) Run your own Syncthing relay server on OpenBSD                          20231103
 (DIR) Run your own Syncthing discovery server on OpenBSD                      20231018
 (DIR) Port of the Week: Presenting Syncthing                                  20231004
 (DIR) Firefox hardening with Arkenfox                                         20230924
 (DIR) How to add pledge to a program in OpenBSD                               20230908
 (DIR) Authenticate the SSH servers you are connecting to                      20230805
 (DIR) Ban scanners IPs from OpenSMTP logs                                     20230622
 (DIR) Why one would use Qubes OS?                                             20230617
 (DIR) Using git bundle to synchronize a repository between Qubes OS dom0 and a20230617
 (DIR) OpenKuBSD progress report                                               20230616
 (DIR) OpenKuBSD design document                                               20230606
 (DIR) Authentication gateway with SSH on OpenBSD                              20221201
 (DIR) Automatic prompt to unlock remote encrypted partitions                  20221120
 (DIR) Hard user separation with two NixOS as one                              20221117
 (DIR) A NixOS kiosk                                                           20221006
 (DIR) Extending fail2ban on NixOS                                             20221002
 (DIR) Automatically ban ports scanner IPs on NixOS                            20220929
 (DIR) How to trigger services restart after OpenBSD update                    20220925
 (DIR) Creating a NixOS live USB for a full featured APU router                20220803
 (DIR) How to use sshfs on OpenBSD                                             20220723
 (DIR) How to use Docker from a Linux host system to escalate to root          20220719
 (DIR) Routing a specific user on a specific network interface on Linux        20220423
 (DIR) Harden your NixOS workstation                                           20220113
 (DIR) Restrict users to a network interface on Linux                          20211220
 (DIR) OpenVPN on OpenBSD in its own rdomain to prevent data leak              20211216
 (DIR) Automatically lock screen on OpenBSD using xidle and xlock              20210730
 (DIR) OpenBSD full Tor setup                                                  20210725
 (DIR) How to use Tor only for onion addresses in a web browser                20210612
 (DIR) Introduction to security good practices                                 20210509
 (DIR) Securely share a secret using Shamir's secret sharing                   20210321
 (DIR) What security does a default OpenBSD installation offer?                20210214
 (DIR) Firejail on Linux to sandbox all the things                             20210214
 (DIR) Filtering TCP connections by operating system on OpenBSD                20210206
 (DIR) Enable multi-factor authentication on OpenBSD                           20210206
 (DIR) Vger security analysis                                                  20210114
 (DIR) GPG2 cheatsheet                                                         20190906
 (DIR) Safely restrict commands through SSH                                    20181108
 (DIR) Tor part 2: hidden service                                              20181011
 (DIR) Tor part 1: how-to use Tor                                              20181010
 (DIR) How to check your data integrity?                                       20170317
 (DIR) Let's encrypt on OpenBSD in 5 minutes                                   20170120
 (DIR) Port of the week: dnscrypt-proxy                                        20161019
 (DIR) Port of the week: pwgen                                                 20160812
 (DIR) Stop being tracked by Google search with Firefox                        20160704