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       ;################## P H L O G  &  R E S O U R C E S ####################;   
       Introduction / About Me
       I am a techie, software engineer, LAMP administrator and BBS enthusiast. 
       I am currently spreading my wings into InfoSec. This gopher hole will offer 
       a glimpse into my exploration of the smol web, which fascinates me, as well 
       as chronicle my journey through becoming an InfoSec professional. It may
       touch on some personal topics such as mental health and addiction.
       Feedback is welcome, feel free to email diviniti@sdf.org
       Phlog Entries
 (TXT) Latest Entry: The Gullibility of Students (08-08-2022)
       Past Entries (Recent):
 (TXT) Procrastination (07-26-2022)
 (TXT) Respecting Opinions (07-27-2022)
 (TXT) Setbacks, Both Real and Imagined (07-29-2022)
 (TXT) Consolas (07-31-2022)
 (TXT) To Ask for Help (08-02-2022)
 (TXT) An Opportunity (08-04-2022)
 (DIR) Phlog Archive
       Smol Web Links
 (DIR) SDF Gopher Space
 (DIR) Raw Text Club
 (DIR) Gopher Tools and Resources
 (DIR) Gopher Search Engine
 (HTM) Gemini Tools and Resources
       Other Links of Interest
 (HTM) Telnet and Dialup BBS List
 (HTM) Absinthe BBS, a Highly-Customized BBS with Unique Features
 (HTM) 20forBeers BBS, a Favorite BBS With Access to Many Networks
 (HTM) The Bottomless Abyss BBS, a Great Hacking/Scene BBS
 (HTM) Syncterm, an ANSI Terminal
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3