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       Originally posted by the Voice of America.
       Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
       a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
       the public domain.
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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Philippines Holds Elections Crucial for Aquino Reforms
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: North Korea Changes Hard-Line Defense Chief
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: South Korea, US begin Naval Exercise
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Obama, Cameron Set for White House Talks
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Conservatives Set to Win Pakistan Election
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Taiwan Gives Philippines Deadline to Apologize for Shooting Death of Fisherman
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Conservatives Poised to Re-take Charge of Bulgaria Legislation
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Taiwan Gives Philippines Apology Deadline After Seaman Killed
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: South Korea President Apologizes for Scandal
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Ex-Combatants Face Uncertain Future Ivory Coast
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Conservatives Set to Win Pakistan Election
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Bangladesh to End Search for Building Collapse Victims
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: South Korea's Newest Trains Take the Tracks Less Traveled
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Afghanistan: Roadside Blast Kills 10
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Cameron Moves to Quell Party Revolt over Europe
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Natural Disasters Displace 32 Million in 2012
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: India Looks for Easier Relations Under Sharif
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Cannes Film Festival Opens with Fittingly Lavish 'The Great Gatsby'
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Senator Rubio Calls for IRS Chief's Resgination
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Activists: Syrian Troops Oust Rebels from Southern Town
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Brothers of US Abduction Suspect Disown Him
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Bangladesh to End Search for Building Collapse Victims
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Philippine midterm elections
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Pakistan's Likely PM Wants Good US Relations
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Car Bomb Hits Libya's Benghazi
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Memorial to Fallen Journalists Rededicated
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Chesney Tops Billboard Album Chart; Lopez Signs New Record Deal
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Roadside Blast Kills 10 Civilians in S. Afghanistan
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: US Retail Sales Increase in April
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Political Storm Brews in Madagascar
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Homosexuals Press for Rights in China
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: China's Quake Recovery Efforts Facing Challenges
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: S. Korea's Newest Trains Take Tracks Less Traveled
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Cyber Threat Top Concern for NATO
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Uganda Opposition Leader Blames President Museveni for Tension
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Italian Prosecutor Seeks 6-year Jail Term for Berlusconi
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Turkey Considers Tighter Limits on Alcohol Sale, Consumption
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Nigeria Court Convicts Iranian of Arms Smuggling
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Nigeria's Islamists Stage Bolder, Deadlier Comeback
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Iran Expects 'Progress' in UN Nuclear Talks, West Skeptical
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Syrian Refugees Fear Backlash in Turkey After Bombings
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: May 13, 2013
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Spain, Portugal Push for Full Banking Union
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Obama: 'No Patience' for Tax Probes Aimed at Conservatives
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Cambodian Leader Thanks New York Museum for Return of Statues
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: UN: Billions Still Will Lack Sanitation by 2015
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: WHO Issues Warning Over SARS-Like Virus
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Saudi Arabia to Punish Men Over Christian Woman Convert
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Global Retailers Join Bangladesh Safety Plan as Survivor Search Ends
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Turkey's Support for Syrian Opposition Under Fire
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Saudi Man Traveling With Pressure Cooker Arrested
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Insects Can Fill Gap in Diets, UN Says
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Uganda Parliament to Review Justices Candidates
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Palestinians Unite Behind Gaza Strip 'Arab Idol' Star
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Iran's Ahmadinejad May Face Charges Over Election Appearance With Aide
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Astronaut's 'Space Oddity' Music Video Goes Viral
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: ICRC: Many Armed Groups Hold Swathes of North Syria
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: UN Links Terrorism in Africa to Organized Crime
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Experts Analyze Issues Surrounding US Syria Intervention
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Supreme Court Upholds Patents on Monsanto Biotech Seeds
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: AP News Agency Says US Seized Phone Records
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: American Psychologist Joyce Brothers Dies at 85
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Burma Evacuating Camps Ahead of Cyclone
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: New Pakistan Government Will Face Serious Challenges
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: American Psychologist Joyce Brothers Dies at 85
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Activists: Syrian Troops Oust Rebels from Southern Town
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Washington Newseum Honors 82 Journalists Killed in 2012
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 13, 2013: Yau Yau Interview: Rebels Are Fighting for Separate State