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       /_/   \_\___/_|\_\ |_|  |_|\___|\__\__,_|_|   |_|_|\__\___|_|
       querying the hive mind
       --- May 9 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Any recommendations on road trips this summer?
 (HTM) How do I safely sell stuff on a Facebook group?
 (HTM) Quickest, easiest, no-fuss, bare-bones "blog" / sharing space?
 (HTM) Herb-loving Garden Pests
 (HTM) What cities on the Polish Belarus border changed hands?
       --- May 8 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Easy-to-learn recipes?
 (HTM) Achilles tendinosis - how have you healed from it
 (HTM) Upping My Contribution to Family Cooking
 (HTM) Ideas for repairing torn/damaged watercolour paper?
 (HTM) Best practices for flea treatment in Parkinson's disease households?
 (HTM) Best way to get high speed data on my American phone in Mexico?
 (HTM) Book(s) on the origins of the Israel/Palestine conflict
 (HTM) I love to swim,  but sometimes swimming does not love me.
 (HTM) Gifts for the Calculating Grad
 (HTM) Science of SodaStream vs. soda siphons?
 (HTM) Name That Scam
 (HTM) How to plan a two-person move
 (HTM) Should I try tirzepatide/semaglutide?
 (HTM) Horror story about old spy and ?Alien/monster in suburban UK
 (HTM) Can I make this leather wallet smell better?
 (HTM) Alchemy show for medieval fair
 (HTM) best Grateful Dead shows?
 (HTM) Marriage is hard. Anniversary planning is harder
 (HTM) Looking for a post about ethics in military/wifi software development
 (HTM) Looking for a specific article/news release from October re: Israel
 (HTM) Great modular shelving with drawers
       --- May 7 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Shore excursions in Walvis Bay Namibia
 (HTM) When were blue glow sticks available?
 (HTM) Locked out. Can I pick it?
 (HTM) Find deleted iPhone note
 (HTM) Summer hat recommendation?
 (HTM) Fire escape ladder for third floor casement window
 (HTM) Headaches and Mysterious Lump
 (HTM) Can a business use someone else's YouTube videos online for $$?
 (HTM) Seeking advice on upcoming meeting with financial advisor
 (HTM) House cleaning routines
 (HTM) Track little league stats
 (HTM) Time management and studying tools for college part two!
       --- May 6 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) At least something at Microsoft is left leaning
 (HTM) Constant burning on my tongue when eating food...
 (HTM) Full scale mockup of building, of wire and fencing material?
 (HTM) Toilet question
 (HTM) Legality of work for teenager
 (HTM) alternative techniques for conveying story background information
 (HTM) Economics, GDP, debt, and deficit.
 (HTM) Trip ideas: London, Prague, Vienna (July 2024)
 (HTM) Making glassware look new again?
 (HTM) Creating and Selling Art with Rider-Waite Tarot Deck?
 (HTM) when do they usually do a credit check for rentals?
       --- May 5 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) I have reading kid, I want to make sure he becomes a reading adult...
       "It's moist, but thanks."