[HN Gopher] Archive (2020-04-14) - Page 1
 (DIR) GitHub is now free for teams
       1575 points by ig0r0 (447 comments)
 (DIR) AMD Claims World's Fastest Per-Core Performance with New EPYC Ro...
       146 points by ItsTotallyOn (69 comments)
 (DIR) SoftBank expects $24B in losses from Vision Fund, WeWork and OneWeb
       228 points by JumpCrisscross (150 comments)
 (DIR) Keycloak: Open-source identity and access management
       88 points by fanf2 (28 comments)
 (DIR) Tell HN: C Experts Panel - Ask us anything about C
       604 points by rseacord (694 comments)
 (DIR) Xnu-QEMU-Arm64: iOS on QEMU
       77 points by mmastrac (9 comments)
 (DIR) Airbreak.dev: Jailbreak your CPAP machine to turn them into vent...
       276 points by yarapavan (132 comments)
 (DIR) ArduBee - A micro drone for open source development
       123 points by dieantwoord (22 comments)
 (DIR) Poverty, not trauma, affects cognitive function in refugee youth...
       142 points by ignored (41 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Tom Nook's Laptop
       354 points by bertrandom (90 comments)
 (DIR) Turning my obsession in the stock market into a side project
       79 points by blakbelt78 (38 comments)
 (DIR) A Texas nonprofit experiments with land trusts, for affordable h...
       40 points by jseliger (23 comments)
 (DIR) Modern Submarine Torpedo Attacks Are Nothing Like What You See i...
       11 points by smacktoward (1 comments)
 (DIR) Using VueJS Alongside Django
       73 points by tkainrad (24 comments)
 (DIR) Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code
       251 points by evo_9 (113 comments)
 (DIR) The Wolfram Physics Project
       286 points by pokolovsky (218 comments)
 (DIR) "Typesetting Markdown" blog post series by a technical writer
       69 points by miles (13 comments)
 (DIR) AI Gahuku: AI Generator Will Turn Your Photos into Renaissance P...
       95 points by superasn (39 comments)
 (DIR) UTF-8 Everywhere
       244 points by pcr910303 (205 comments)
 (DIR) Saul Steinberg celebrated the home as a 'cocoon for creativity'
       27 points by prismatic (7 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2020-04-14 23:01 UTC)