[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-01-11) - Page 1
 (DIR) CSS Gradients that avoid the "gray dead zone"
       496 points by joshwcomeau (82 comments)
 (DIR) PCI-Sig Releases 256GBps PCIe 6.0 X16 Spec
       88 points by ksec (62 comments)
 (DIR) Make the "semantic web" web 3.0 again - with the help of SQLite
       81 points by sekao (40 comments)
 (DIR) Is the madness ever going to end?
       73 points by zaik (43 comments)
 (DIR) Embrace slow productivity
       180 points by prostoalex (133 comments)
 (DIR) Decoded: GNU Coreutils (2018)
       83 points by firefly284 (4 comments)
 (DIR) "Modern" C++ Lamentations(2018)
       9 points by 0xedb (0 comments)
 (DIR) Jevons Paradox
       7 points by rememberlenny (4 comments)
 (DIR) Compound (YC S19) is hiring to build financial products for tech...
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) New SysJoker Backdoor Targets Windows, Linux, and macOS
       82 points by mzs (22 comments)
 (DIR) Dsq: Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV,...
       233 points by eatonphil (35 comments)
 (DIR) What Defcon Sounds Like: Skyking Emergency Action Messages (2016)
       60 points by riffic (34 comments)
 (DIR) Microtargeting as Information Warfare [pdf]
       48 points by donohoe (12 comments)
 (DIR) That famous Pixar lunch of 1994 (2014)
       100 points by BerislavLopac (26 comments)
 (DIR) The Future of Hardware Is Software
       19 points by blueplastic (4 comments)
 (DIR) The WebSocket Handbook
       210 points by AlexTDiaconu (93 comments)
 (DIR) Launch HN: Clover (YC S20) - Notes, whiteboarding, and daily pla...
       95 points by attasi (72 comments)
 (DIR) Window.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime for desktop graph...
       121 points by EntICOnc (40 comments)
 (DIR) Revisiting why hyperlinks are blue
       23 points by TangerineDream (2 comments)
 (DIR) Google says iMessage is too powerful
       170 points by ryan_j_naughton (232 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2022-01-11 23:00 UTC)