[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-01-20) - Page 1
 (DIR) Roblox October Outage Postmortem
       235 points by kbuck (132 comments)
 (DIR) The Ecology of Freedom (1982)
       13 points by greenie_beans (0 comments)
 (DIR) The mystery of social behavior in octopuses
       54 points by sohkamyung (48 comments)
 (DIR) Adding unusable RAM for tax reasons
       155 points by NieDzejkob (143 comments)
 (DIR) Aranese: Spain's little-known language
       20 points by Thevet (0 comments)
 (DIR) Linux kernel heap buffer overflow in fs_context.c since version 5.1
       180 points by todsacerdoti (66 comments)
 (DIR) Google Camera randomly changes some QR code URLs on Android 12
       65 points by csnweb (36 comments)
 (DIR) Libor, long the most important number in finance, dies at 52
       178 points by prostoalex (126 comments)
 (DIR) No amount of alcohol is good for the heart, says World Heart Fed...
       120 points by caaqil (668 comments)
 (DIR) Reverie Labs (YC W18) is hiring senior software engineers to tac...
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) The long, slow process of carcinogenesis
       98 points by _Microft (29 comments)
 (DIR) Porting USB applications to the web. Part 1: libusb
       113 points by RReverser (68 comments)
 (DIR) The horizon problem for faster than light travel
       19 points by hhs (3 comments)
 (DIR) American Airlines and The Points Guy  are suing each other
       235 points by vnkatesh (258 comments)
 (DIR) Iosevka - Versatile typeface for code, from code
       56 points by lycopodiopsida (26 comments)
 (DIR) Geometry from Another Universe
       145 points by dgellow (53 comments)
 (DIR) Senate panel approves antitrust bill restricting big tech platforms
       92 points by clairity (50 comments)
 (DIR) The harrowing journey to Elephant Island by Ernest Shackleton an...
       46 points by CapitalistCartr (22 comments)
 (DIR) Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan shaped modern politics
       5 points by pepys (0 comments)
 (DIR) TypeScript Features to Avoid
       212 points by gary_bernhardt (171 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2022-01-20 23:01 UTC)