[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-03-26) - Page 2
 (DIR) Your reading should be messy
       52 points by ingve (49 comments)
 (DIR) The wet bird (2000)
       124 points by networked (31 comments)
 (DIR) The layoffs will continue until (investor) morale improves
       95 points by fairytalemtg (49 comments)
 (DIR) Let ChatGPT run free on random webpages and do what it likes
       131 points by super_linear (62 comments)
 (DIR) The F-15 Eagle: Origins and Development, 1964-1972 [pdf]
       98 points by cdwhite (89 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Jailbreaking GPT3.5 Using GPT4
       28 points by raghavtoshniwal (0 comments)
 (DIR) The Anti-Productivity Manifesto
       191 points by imartin2k (124 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: GPT-4 Reverse Turing Test
       254 points by rain1 (201 comments)
 (DIR) GPT-2 as step toward general intelligence (2019)
       61 points by savanaly (12 comments)
 (DIR) Superhuman: What can AI do in 30 minutes?
       284 points by EMM_386 (294 comments)
 (DIR) ChatGPT and Code Interpreter = Magic
       279 points by dogon (128 comments)
 (DIR) Why are developers expected to estimate tasks at all?
       223 points by zikohh (293 comments)
 (DIR) Text only news websites (2022)
       174 points by michaelrkn (114 comments)
 (DIR) Understanding ChatGPT
       234 points by alexzeitler (198 comments)
 (DIR) OpenSUSE Linux gains momentum
       152 points by jrepinc (124 comments)
 (DIR) Frequency Format Hypothesis
       40 points by Agraillo (7 comments)
 (DIR) Clever Hans (Intelligence Misattributon)
       52 points by anotherhue (16 comments)
 (DIR) Utah is first US state to limit teen social media access
       501 points by djoldman (568 comments)
 (DIR) The sad state of U.S. life expectancy
       6 points by Avshalom (2 comments)
 (DIR) Introducing LLaMA Voice Chat
       43 points by iKlsR (1 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2023-03-26 23:02 UTC)