Welcome to
                                 Troels Henriksen's gopherhole
       I'm a hacker who likes simple things and plain text.  I'm also a
       researcher at the University of Copenhagen, working on parallel
       programming languages.
       The charm of Gopher diminishes when you have to leave it.  While I
       have some links to the dismal web, this hole is intended to contain
       material that relies mostly on references available on Gopher.
 (DIR) About this server (as recommended by RFC 1436)
       ## Local #############################################################
 (DIR) Phlog
 (HTM) My WWW site
 (DIR) Frequently Asked Questions
 (DIR) Famous quotes from history
 (DIR) The Pragmatic OCaml Reference
 (DIR) Blenders as Marxist praxis
 (TXT) Why do STAR TREK aliens look like humans?
 (TXT) Jyske Lov (1241) in modern Danish
 (DIR) Scripts of dubious purpose
 (DIR) Stuff about programming
 (DIR) Test page where I play with Gopher features
       ## Remote ############################################################
 (DIR) Bitreich
 (DIR) The best Gopher client for Emacs
 (DIR) The best Gopher client for not-Emacs
 (DIR) Newest-first list of Gopher servers
 (DIR) The observable Gopherverse
 (DIR) The Gopher Lawn
 (DIR) The Gopher Times
 (DIR) Hacker News on Gopher
 (DIR) Cocktail Database & Search Engine
       ## Cooler people #####################################################
 (DIR) Anders Damsgaards gopherhole
       Scientific code doesn't have to suck.
 (DIR) Niels' gopherhole
       Jokes and things
 (DIR) Sunset Ash's Arcane Sciences
       I'm always up for linking to someone with Itanium Opinions.
 (DIR) Philip Munksgaard
       A study in peer pressure.
       ## Your advertisement here? ##########################################
       Gopher can do everything important the web can do, including annoying
       advertisements.  Do you want an annoying ad for your gizmo or crypto
       scam here?  Come by my office and make me an offer.