(DIR) Floodgap Systems gopher root
       If you've installed a Gopher server after 1999, we'd love to list
       new Gophers here. Newest submissions appear first.
       Please note that these links go to servers that are not maintained
       by Floodgap and no opinion is expressed over the content therein.
       Your use is at your own risk.
       List your gopher resource here by mailing gopher@floodgap.com.
       We ask that your site use consistent hostnames in your menu and
       please consider a robots.txt file if you have gopher-based apps
       so that Veronica-2 won't get caught in an indexing loop in them.
 (TXT) About the indexer
       Servers that have persistent DNS or connect failures will be
       periodically purged.
       You can also see the most actively tested and verified servers as
       Veronica-2 crawls them:
 (DIR) "Greatest hits": most recently verified gopher servers
       ** NOTE: new links listed here may not yet be available for search
       in Veronica-2 or in the global database. **
 (DIR) shemake.dev -- tech, gaming and more
 (DIR) encw's gopherhole
 (DIR) Mac OS 9 Lives - Mac OS 9 centric guides, articles and software
 (DIR) rt-software.net
 (DIR) A Brazilian Gopher Hole, with a phlog written in Portuguese.
 (DIR) Think it, spout it
 (DIR) AKFoerster [German/UTF-8]
 (DIR) ceddral
 (DIR) Fab's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) Eightbitswide Gopher Hole
 (DIR) Navan's Gopherhole
 (DIR) Canceled Software Solutions Gopher Service for legacy PC
 (DIR) texto-plano.xyz, a Spanish-speaking gopher community
 (DIR) tastyfish
 (DIR) prx's si3tch
 (DIR) GNU Canada
 (DIR) Haciendo presente del pasado
 (DIR) flatline
 (DIR) damaniel.xyz - Damaniel's place in Gopherspace
 (DIR) Into the Wild Spaces (therandymon.com)
 (DIR) texopher - Textify World Wide Web
 (DIR) gopher.unixwire.com, retro computer stuff
 (DIR) System 7 Today
 (DIR) JonSharp.net:70
 (DIR) Blackthorn's gopher hole
 (DIR) jay.scot
 (DIR) Dan Q
 (DIR) GopherNews - A Google News Reader for Gopher
 (DIR) Spook's Attic - all about the Amiga, X68k and other old junk
 (DIR) Alex Karle's Gopherhole
 (DIR) Essays on code, arts and the rest.
 (DIR) gopher.deadnet.se
 (DIR) dixieflatline.de - Sebastian's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) From the magnetic plains
 (DIR) Dacav's Shed
 (DIR) fatelectron.net
 (DIR) Troels Henriksen's gopherhole
 (DIR) BodaX BBS
 (DIR) Tobbes Gopher hole - Misc
 (DIR) Welcome to KD4WOV's Gopher Hole powered by Pygopherd
 (DIR) Almeidas minicomputing
 (DIR) ZampanioSim
 (DIR) rak.ac - rak's gopherhole
 (DIR) The nkeck72.xyz gopher server
 (DIR) Space Hippie Gopherhole
 (DIR) Geir Isene's Simplicity
 (DIR) Midnight Pub
 (DIR) port70.de - "Delivering text since 2008"
 (DIR) Christian Remnant Now
 (DIR) AGLemons Gopher
 (DIR) Casper's Cupboard products for you and your home
 (DIR) the cybercave of dio9dys
 (DIR) petermolnar.net
 (DIR) Ruben's gopherblog for literature, magazines and IT
 (DIR) Fripster's place
 (DIR) Gopher.pizza Gopherspace
 (DIR) Magic Margin on Gopher
 (DIR) Zachary's gopherspace
 (DIR) Apple // Mirrors
 (DIR) The Wandering Geek
 (DIR) Andrew Fuller's personal blog
 (DIR) RPi4 Gopher
 (DIR) gopher.lottalinuxlinks.com
 (DIR) The Gnarled Thicket: Writings and Music by slothbear
 (DIR) Gemeinde Zermatt
 (DIR) Anders Damsgaard's gopherhole on climate science software
 (DIR) LinkError - projects, software, text and phlog
 (DIR) Blizzard of Zeros
 (DIR) gopher.canich.net
 (DIR) T3 Gopherspace Estate
 (DIR) gopherddit - simple gopher interface to reddit
 (DIR) The Lambda Lab
 (DIR) A Gopher Hole of Verisimilitudes
 (DIR) Freaknet Medialab
 (DIR) Kagu-tsuchi
 (DIR) Silent Messengers
 (DIR) Raymii.org
 (DIR) InvisibleUp
 (DIR) The InfinitelyRemote GopherSpace
 (DIR) tilde.team public access unix system / linux user group
 (DIR) gopher.black
 (DIR) Cosmic Voyage
 (DIR) lurkcoin
 (DIR) baud.baby
 (DIR) srjskam
 (DIR) Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu
 (DIR) Tellus
 (DIR) Endangered Software Society
 (DIR) FIRST-Lab/ETHZ Gopher
 (DIR) phlog @szabolcsszucs.com w/ arts&programming
 (DIR) Cyber Vanguard
 (DIR) HN Gopher - A Hacker News Mirror
 (DIR) Raspberry Pi of Death Gopherhole
 (DIR) Electric Transcendence
 (DIR) MtxDev gopher space, Music and Ideas of Steve
 (DIR) happymacs.ddns.net - Vintage Mac blog and MacOS software archive
 (DIR) Ratthing.com, San Antonio, TX
 (DIR) neozeed's gopher server
 (DIR) (blog) VirtuallyFun
 (DIR) gopher.blog.benjojo.co.uk
 (DIR) DusteDs Home in Cyberspace
 (DIR) umaxx.net
 (DIR) Conman Laboratories
 (DIR) MetaFilter: sharing and discussing neat stuff
 (DIR) gopher4all.com - Vincent's Gopherspace
 (DIR) ICM UW Public Archives
 (DIR) Seattle Tourism Bureau
 (DIR) BE9 - The Psychedelic side of gopherspace
 (DIR) Pogemon.pw - vaporhole aesthetics
 (DIR) gopherspace.de - German Gopher Service
 (DIR) DtZ 8 bit CPU projects: Z80, m68k, CP/M and others
 (DIR) Counterrevolution in Gopherspace
 (DIR) Tyrfingr Heavy Industries
 (DIR) SalsaNet - San Antonio Texas
 (DIR) devio.us: OpenBSD Shell Provider
 (DIR) John's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) xenotide
 (DIR) NW8L's Ham Radio and Retro Tech
 (DIR) David Griffith's 661.org
 (DIR) Interactive Fiction Archive
 (DIR) uninformativ.de
 (DIR) Logout's Gopherspace
 (DIR) Port 70 Gopher Outpost
 (DIR) Firien
 (DIR) Information Underground
 (DIR) Delaware Linux User Group - Free Software Mirror
 (DIR) simple machines
 (DIR) The Terminal Core
 (DIR) pongonova.org
 (DIR) holviala.com
 (DIR) RetroNET Gopher Hole
 (DIR) Output of Wine compilation for PlayOnLinux (by MulX)
 (DIR) robsayers.com
 (DIR) fosco's glog
 (DIR) port70.net
 (DIR) gopher.stauropygial.org
 (DIR) Wensley Group
 (DIR) bbsorillia.com
 (DIR) R-36
 (DIR) Lost Halls of Ladros
 (DIR) The Frugal Web Server's Gopher Portal
 (DIR) Rachael/Amiga Gopherexx Telefisk
 (DIR) SDF Public Access UNIX
 (DIR) quux.org Gopher