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        |.-----------+++----------------------. |
       .'             |           ( >)         '.
       ___      ___     .'The'.     ___      ___ |
       |+|      |+|   MidnightPub   |+|      |+| |
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       It's late. You are seconds away from the main street in a small
       alley. It's quieter here, but you can still hear the sound of
       chatter, footsteps, and cars from busy downtown. The city is
       buzzing, the streets are like arteries. You see an intriguing place
       in the alley, with a moon on its door. It reads "The Midnight Pub".
       The Midnight is a virtual pub that lets you write posts and create
       pages. To join, send an email to m15o@posteo.net
 (TXT) 2024-07-21 tffb - digital blips, their platforms, and the intent behind them
 (TXT) 2024-07-21 iazia - new garden!
 (TXT) 2024-07-20 inquiry - A classic lazy day after "too much fun" the night before
 (TXT) 2024-07-19 iazia - Oh, what a lovely day!
 (TXT) 2024-07-19 griekspoor - Textural and blazing
 (TXT) 2024-07-19 inquiry - I've long loved the word 'willow'
 (TXT) 2024-07-19 inquiry - The fascinating phenomenon of narrative insecurity
 (TXT) 2024-07-18 tffb - been a good day, time to cool it
 (TXT) 2024-07-18 inquiry - Derangement syndrome 101?
 (TXT) 2024-07-17 tffb - windows, walls, brackets and BS
 (TXT) 2024-07-17 inquiry - Behold the istists!
 (TXT) 2024-07-17 turboblack - What projects are you working on?
 (TXT) 2024-07-17 tffb - a window into the apartment
 (TXT) 2024-07-16 inquiry - Where the "f" is my "s", solved?
 (TXT) 2024-07-15 inquiry - Degrees of rushing to and fro
 (TXT) 2024-07-15 iazia - Looks Like...
 (TXT) 2024-07-14 kebabmaster - Thoughts on the information age.
 (TXT) 2024-07-14 inquiry - Ass ass in nation
 (TXT) 2024-07-14 tffb - blog resist him
 (TXT) 2024-07-13 tffb - hey, there's that tffb jacka**, again
 (TXT) 2024-07-13 lacklustre_saint - Adventures in tokens
 (TXT) 2024-07-13 inquiry - There's no place like home - revisited
 (TXT) 2024-07-12 inquiry - Laying back after a satisfying day
 (TXT) 2024-07-11 uchu_yagi - Magic Well
 (TXT) 2024-07-11 inquiry - Perhaps I need more jobs?
 (TXT) 2024-07-10 bluish - brick by boring brick
 (TXT) 2024-07-10 inquiry - As the day slowly materializes
 (TXT) 2024-07-10 iazia - *thunder for background noise*
 (TXT) 2024-07-09 inquiry - The eyes have it
 (TXT) 2024-07-09 herdis - Hello, world?
 (TXT) 2024-07-09 one_saturn_ring - She's amazing
 (TXT) 2024-07-08 rav3ndust - on a rainy monday
 (TXT) 2024-07-08 bluish - hello small world
 (TXT) 2024-07-08 iazia - On the Job
 (TXT) 2024-07-08 inquiry - Seriously? ... SERIOUSLY?
 (TXT) 2024-07-07 indoors - Candyfloss
 (TXT) 2024-07-06 softwarepagan - The Fluctuating Coolness of Geekdom
 (TXT) 2024-07-06 inquiry - ... and then did the wheels veer from the tracks
 (TXT) 2024-07-06 inquiry - It's a beautiful morning
 (TXT) 2024-07-06 tffb - morning news on the side of a Midwest highway
 (TXT) 2024-07-06 detritus - Web economics
 (TXT) 2024-07-05 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 28
 (TXT) 2024-07-05 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 27
 (TXT) 2024-07-04 tffb - an old man, an old (b)log, an old tale to degrade into old time
 (TXT) 2024-07-04 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 26
 (TXT) 2024-07-04 one_saturn_ring - Scolding him
 (TXT) 2024-07-04 inquiry - How many successful hoop jumps does it take to make disparate (despair-ate?) software work together?
 (TXT) 2024-07-04 inquiry - No matter
 (TXT) 2024-07-04 beefox - the world is beautiful, humanity is beautiful
 (TXT) 2024-07-03 rav3ndust - heatwave, bloody heatwave
 (DIR) All posts