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            | | ___ | |__  _ __  | |      | |  __  ___   __| | | ___  ___ 
        _   | |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ | |      | | |_ |/ _ \ / _` | |/ _ \/ _ \
       | |__| | (_) | | | | | | || |___ _ | |__| | (_) | (_| | |  __/  __/
        \____/ \___/|_| |_|_| |_||_____(_) \_____|\___/ \__,_|_|\___|\___|
       John L. Godlee
       Mon, 22 Jul 2024 18:23:50 +0000
       This is a copy of my personal website where I keep my CV,
       a collection of recipes, and a blog/phlog.
 (HTM) https://johngodlee.github.io
 (TXT) Contact details
 (TXT) PGP public key
 (DIR) Recipes
 (TXT) Library
       ==== Posts =======================================================
 (TXT) TITLE: Waiting for permits
 (TXT) TITLE: Low bandwidth internet browsing
 (TXT) TITLE: My vimdiff setup
 (TXT) TITLE: Track changes in LaTeX for reviewer comments
 (TXT) TITLE: Attaching threaded bar to rebar
 (TXT) TITLE: Automate CSV typesetting for plot data sheets
 (TXT) TITLE: An email about ordination and environmental fits
 (TXT) TITLE: R functions for creating LaTeX variables
 (TXT) TITLE: Workflow for writing an academic paper
 (TXT) TITLE: Constructing diversity profiles with Hill numbers
 (DIR) Archive
       ==== Other links =================================================
 (DIR) tilde.club
 (DIR) SDF.org
 (DIR) The Gopher Lawn