# Posts with tag spirit:
 (DIR) 2023-11-24 - Contemplation of the Truth by Gurumayi
 (DIR) 2023-10-07 - What Is Health?
 (DIR) 2023-07-18 - Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address
 (DIR) 2023-07-05 - Great Spirit Prayer by Yellow Hawk
 (DIR) 2023-06-02 - Immanent and Transcendent Paths by Jack Kornfield
 (DIR) 2023-06-01 - Essentials of Yoga Practice and Philosophy
 (DIR) 2023-04-10 - Samgacchadvam, Let Us Move Together
 (DIR) 2023-04-06 - Hidden Journey by Andrew Harvey
 (DIR) 2023-03-12 - Spiritual Emergencies
 (DIR) 2022-10-22 - Wisdom of China and India by Lin Yutang
 (DIR) 2022-08-24 - For A Future To Be Possible by Thích Nhất Hạnh
 (DIR) 2022-07-20 - Deep Listening by Jillian Pransky
 (DIR) 2022-07-05 - How To Be A Yogi by Swami Abhedānanda
 (DIR) 2022-07-02 - World As Lover, World As Self by Joanna Macy
 (DIR) 2022-06-21 - There Is A Way by Sat Santokh
 (DIR) 2022-06-13 - The Simple Life, edited by Larry Roth
 (DIR) 2022-03-11 - Peace Be With You
 (DIR) 2022-03-10 - How To Get Unstuck by Les Brown
 (DIR) 2022-02-03 - Practical Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill
 (DIR) 2022-01-20 - The Garland of Letters by Sir John Woodroffe
 (DIR) 2021-12-27 - Self-control by Swami Abhedānanda
 (DIR) 2021-12-21 - The Art of Forgiving by Lewis Smedes
 (DIR) 2021-12-01 - Four Paths of Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
 (DIR) 2021-07-12 - Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore
 (DIR) 2021-01-19 - The Healing Wisdom of Africa by Malidoma Patrice Somé
 (DIR) 2020-12-31 - Of Water And The Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé
 (DIR) 2020-10-18 - Compassionate Inaction by Blackbird
 (DIR) 2020-08-24 - On Meditation by Morrie Schwartz
 (DIR) 2020-02-01 - The Yoga-Sūtra of Patañjali
 (DIR) 2019-12-22 - A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
 (DIR) 2019-12-08 - The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
 (DIR) 2019-05-20 - Five Practices of Neohumanism
 (DIR) 2019-03-07 - Illusions by Richard Bach
 (DIR) 2019-02-11 - How To Communicate Like A Buddhist by Cynthia Kane
 (DIR) 2018-09-14 - The Path Of Service
 (DIR) 2018-06-18 - How To Meditate by Kathleen McDonald
 (DIR) 2018-04-19 - Anandamurti, The Jamalpur Years by Devashish
 (DIR) 2018-02-25 - Techniques For Restoring Biophilia
 (DIR) 2018-02-05 - The Lost Language Of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner
 (DIR) 2018-01-23 - Peace Pilgrim
 (DIR) 2018-01-07 - Love Is The Reality Of Life by Ananda Gurukula
 (DIR) 2017-12-29 - Resourceful Heart
 (DIR) 2017-04-17 - Discrimination
 (DIR) 2017-02-22 - Peaceful Conflict Resolution by Daniel Hertz
 (DIR) 2017-02-15 - You Were Made For This by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
 (DIR) 2016-12-30 - A Healthy Sense Of Urgency by Abigail Trafford
 (DIR) 2016-12-09 - Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa
 (DIR) 2016-12-05 - Yoga Lessons by Swami Mukerji
 (DIR) 2016-11-23 - Wonder by Saint Augustine
 (DIR) 2016-11-18 - John Muir, Saint of the American Wilderness
 (DIR) 2016-11-17 - How To Live Quietly by Annie Payson Call