       This is the Gopher site for Another Droid BBS. Navigate through
       the menu, to find useful files and texts. ADBBS is the HQ for XQTR's
       scripts, NULL emag, BBS ROOT project. 
                            A n o t h e r   D r o i d                     
 (DIR) Phlog/Blog
 (DIR) NULL emag.
 (DIR) The BBS
 (DIR) Gallery
                                  L i b r a r y                           
 (DIR) Tutorials
 (DIR) Files
 (DIR) Documents / Texts
 (DIR) Links
                             A n d r o i d   A p p s                      
 (DIR) GOPHRite // Android Gopher Client
 (DIR) Telnet World // Android app.
 (DIR) ANSIDroid // Android app.
                                  V a r i o u s                           
 (DIR) WTF is Gopher?
 (DIR) CyberPunk
                                    L i n k s                             
 (DIR) Nihirash
 (DIR) Mateusz' gopher lair
 (DIR) KatolaZ' gopherhole
 (DIR) Bongusta
 (DIR) Solderpunk's realm
 (DIR) Hacker News Feed