(TXT) GIF: Scarecrow's conversions; Question: Who are they?
 (TXT) Request: Vampires?
 (TXT) Request: Chicken Boo
 (TXT) Line: Baby stuff
 (TXT) Line: Smiley's dictionary
 (TXT) QUESTION: Is there a random .sig generator for WinVM?
 (TXT) Talk: Thanks for the camel
 (TXT) Talk: Baby stuff
 (TXT) REQUEST: Bruna's rabbit "Miffy"
 (TXT) Request: 4-line GOLFERS?
 (TXT) Line: Logo
 (TXT) Request: Windsurf
 (TXT) Line: Subliminal Barney
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sign language
 (TXT) Line: New sig
 (TXT) GIF: Space Shuttle
 (TXT) Request: 4 line sig box
 (TXT) Line: Sig - A thorn among roses...
 (TXT) GIF-talk: Scarecrow's conversions
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Moose
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Cats
 (TXT) GIF-talk: Scarecrow's conversions
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Dogs
 (TXT) Line: Dragon
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Elephants
 (TXT) Line: Dophins
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Insects
 (TXT) Line: New sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: 4-6 line rose
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Under the Sea
 (TXT) GIF: Alligator/Crocodile
 (TXT) Line: Faces, from the eptiwall font
 (TXT) Talk: Scarecrow's conversions
 (TXT) LINE: ASCii's by coleslaw
 (TXT) Talk: Smiley's dictionary
 (TXT) Line: Sig; Question: Is it recognizable?
 (TXT) Talk: Baby stuff
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Barnyard Animals
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: My browsable sig collection...
 (TXT) Line: Rabbits and Weasels
 (TXT) Request: naked man picutures
 (TXT) GIF: All the conversions I've made
 (TXT) Request: Beavis & Butthead
 (TXT) Talk: Lady nude !!!
 (TXT) Line: Under the Sea
 (TXT) Request: Alligator/Crocodile
 (TXT) Request: Baby Type Pictures Needed
 (TXT) Request: Pentagram
 (TXT) request: Dragon
 (TXT) Request: Batman, Comic Book Version
 (TXT) Request: Barracuda GIF or JPEG
 (TXT) Talk: Archive of various pics
 (TXT) Request: Alphabets
 (TXT) Request: Toons
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Request: Smiley's dictionary
 (TXT) REQUEST: Cars or Rallying
 (TXT) GIF: Pocahontas (BIG 510 LINES) Part 2/2
 (TXT) Talk-line: Volleyball Sig
 (TXT) Request: Bugs Bunny
 (TXT) Request: Batman pics
 (TXT) REQUEST: Soccer
 (TXT) REQUEST: Mean looking husky
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1st ascii art
 (TXT) Line: Signatures [1,400+ lines]
 (TXT) REQUEST: Ranma art collection
 (TXT) Line: 4 line circle
 (TXT) Line: Mother and baby ducks
 (TXT) Line: First try
 (TXT) Line: Paw Prints
 (TXT) Line: Holy Cow! :-)
 (TXT) Line: Paris Pic
 (TXT) Talk: Pinocchio
 (TXT) Line: Lady nude !!!
 (TXT) Request: pagan/wiccan art...birthday too!
 (TXT) Request: Need ASCII Fighter Jets/Airplanes
 (TXT) Talk-line: v-ball sig
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: 4 line circle
 (TXT) Line: Vampire
 (TXT) Talk: Finocchio
 (TXT) Answer: GIF to ASCII converters
 (TXT) Line: Cats
 (TXT) Line: Seashells
 (TXT) Line: Dinosaur
 (TXT) Line: Love
 (TXT) Line: Flower
 (TXT) Line: Lions
 (TXT) Request: Horses
 (TXT) Line: Carla
 (TXT) REQUEST: Anteater
 (TXT) Line: Seattle
 (TXT) REQUEST: Zodiac signs ( esp. Scorpion )
 (TXT) Line: Unicorns
 (TXT) Talk-line: Volleyball Sig
 (TXT) Line: Fire-lizard
 (TXT) REQUEST: Birthday cake or equivalent
 (TXT) Talk: A return to default...
 (TXT) Line: Casper; Request: 8 pictures needed
 (TXT) Line-talk: 4 line circle
 (TXT) Request: Camel or Dromedary
 (TXT) Request: Help needed with sig
 (TXT) Request: Small feathers for sig
 (TXT) Line: Small feathers for sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) request: need addresses
 (TXT) request: dove needed
 (TXT) Request: Satanic art wanted
 (TXT) REQUEST: my words....
 (TXT) Question: ANSI Archives?
 (TXT) Request: Artist's brush and palette for my sig
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Request: Ships or boats
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Request: 4 line circle
 (TXT) Request: Signature
 (TXT) Request: small feathers for sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: Windsurf
 (TXT) Line: Smiley Parts Dictionary
 (TXT) Question: How to view animations?
 (TXT) Request: Colosseum or Ancient Rome
 (TXT) REQUEST: A sig for my name ... pleas :-)
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Request: help doing ascii art for network diagrams
 (TXT) REQUEST: Any babies?
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line: The Spying at the Wall Dict. - June '95 Edition
 (TXT) Line: Batman !!!
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Line-talk: Smiley Parts Dictionary
 (TXT) REQUEST: Paris Pics
 (TXT) Line: Ships
 (TXT) Question: Are there GIF or TIFF to ASCII converters?
 (TXT) Line: More armadillos
 (TXT) Line: Lips
 (TXT) REQUEST: A magical theme of ASCII art
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Talk: Paris Pics
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Smiley Parts Dictionary
 (TXT) Request: 4 line sig box
 (TXT) Request: Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit
 (TXT) GIF: various clipart conversions
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: More armadillos
 (TXT) Line-talk: 4 line circle
 (TXT) Talk: Jordan pics
 (TXT) Line-talk: Deep glance
 (TXT) Line-talk: Oscar
 (TXT) Request: Dog chasing bird animation
 (TXT) Line: Japanese text; Answer: What it means
 (TXT) Line: <> ddbb <> (bulldozer)
 (TXT) Line-talk: Small floating bottle
 (TXT) REQUEST: Krusty
 (TXT) Talk: manatee art
 (TXT) Request: Funny pigs
 (TXT) Talk: The Tick
 (TXT) REQUEST: Pinoccio
 (TXT) Request: Mother and baby ducks
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) ANSWER: Pinocchio
 (TXT) REQUEST James Bond sig?
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: New moricons invented
 (TXT) REQUEST: batman ascii-art
 (TXT) Line-talk: Small floating bottle
 (TXT) Line: I'm not sure what it is
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Request: Jordan
 (TXT) Line-talk: "Small" bottle floating
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Line: human figure
 (TXT) REQUEST: A Sign for my Name ...
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) GIF: Michael Stipe in an R.E.M. postcard
 (TXT) GIF: various PostScript clipart conversions
 (TXT) REQUEST: elvis
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) Line: 'Return To Sender'
 (TXT) Request: world sig
 (TXT) REQUEST - Hobie Cat
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Saxophone
 (TXT) Answer: How do you view these animations?
 (TXT) Request: Ascii on Wall St.
 (TXT) Request: Forklift
 (TXT) Line: Helicopters
 (TXT) Talk: Formatted output to ascii files?
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Line: Armadillo
 (TXT) Line: The Unofficial Smilie Dictionary
 (TXT) Talk: Elvis
 (TXT) Line: Mouse
 (TXT) Animation: Cow - Hee, hee.
 (TXT) Question: WWW sites?
 (TXT) Line: shark
 (TXT) Request: "Lamb-Chop" & "Mickey/Minnie"
 (TXT) Line: Frame of roses.
 (TXT) REQUEST: neat picture for .sig
 (TXT) Request: Needing a good bird for my sig
 (TXT) Request: The eye of Horus
 (TXT) request: TazDevil pictures
 (TXT) Line: Bon Voyage
 (TXT) Request: The Crow
 (TXT) Talk/Line: manatee art
 (TXT) INFO: ASCII ATLAS now available by FTP.
 (TXT) Line: hatching ideas (2)
 (TXT) Request: NFL & NBA logos
 (TXT) Line: Batman symbol
 (TXT) Talk-line: Mine own humble piece/peace :)
 (TXT) line: heart
 (TXT) Line: Superman's S-insignia
 (TXT) Line: A tribute to Christopher Reeve...
 (TXT) LINE: NQCBGT Official List Of Dragon Ascii Art
 (TXT) Request: DOS Batch file to show figlet fonts required
 (TXT) Talk/Line: manatee art
 (TXT) Line: manatee sig
 (TXT) Line: bear
 (TXT) Request: NFL & NBA logos
 (TXT) Line: Valentine diddled
 (TXT) Request: Roses.
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) REQUEST: ascii .sig please?
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Line: manatee art
 (TXT) REQUEST: Erotic ascii
 (TXT) Request: Help me, plese.
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.9 - 58 K)
 (TXT) Line: bear
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) Request: Korean Hello
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Request: Repost Killer Instinct
 (TXT) GIF: Armadillo
 (TXT) Line: New sig
 (TXT) Line: Crane
 (TXT) line: Oscar
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hatching ducks
 (TXT) talk: charming
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) Line: Cats
 (TXT) Line: Cats
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Question: What does "Fairie's Forever" stand for?
 (TXT) Talk-line: Manatee art
 (TXT) REQUEST: Erotic ascii
 (TXT) Line: Inline Skate
 (TXT) request: duck
 (TXT) Line-talk: Less attentive eyes on bear
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Line: Inline Skate
 (TXT) Line: Coffeemaker
 (TXT) Line: ASCII Cafe'
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Cats
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) Line: ASCII Cafe', Take Two
 (TXT) Line: Skating Picture
 (TXT) Talk: Dog chasing bird animation
 (TXT) Request: Ascii Book
 (TXT) request: help with designs please!
 (TXT) Talk: Elvis
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Talker connect message
 (TXT) GIF: Nice
 (TXT) Line: Japanese(?) text; Question: What does this mean?
 (TXT) 3-D: 3 pics
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) LINE-GIF: Animals
 (TXT) Request: Paw Prints
 (TXT) Request: Star Trek Ascii Art
 (TXT) Request: Does someone have Mickey Mouse?
 (TXT) Line: Butterflies
 (TXT) Line: Japanese text; Answer: What it means
 (TXT) REQUEST: Octopus
 (TXT) line: penguin
 (TXT) Line: Dolphin
 (TXT) Line: Superman's S-insignia
 (TXT) Line: Cool Beans BBS login screen
 (TXT) Line: Couches
 (TXT) Talk: Two More ASCII Artists Whose Work I Admire
 (TXT) Request: Looking for Books....
 (TXT) Line: Books
 (TXT) Request: PLEASE draw me a BIG baby!
 (TXT) Line: Japanese text; Answer: What it means
 (TXT) Request: Squirrel pictures
 (TXT) GIF-BIG: Pocahontas (641 LINES)
 (TXT) Talk: Sig
 (TXT) Talk: Dog chasing bird animation
 (TXT) REQUEST: Chicken
 (TXT) REQUEST: Small floating bottle
 (TXT) Line: A Sign for my Name ...
 (TXT) Request: Help with sig
 (TXT) Talk: Dog chasing bird animation
 (TXT) Request: Looking for Casper Ascii Pic
 (TXT) Line: Karate
 (TXT) REQUEST: Kilroy (again, sorry)
 (TXT) Request: Raccoon + Wolf
 (TXT) Line: Moon
 (TXT) Line: Monkey
 (TXT) Line: Eagles
 (TXT) Request: Calvin and hobbes sig
 (TXT) Line: Japanese text; Answer: What it means
 (TXT) Answer: Text in shapes
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Cats
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Beer Glass; Request: needs help
 (TXT) Request: Mog from FFIII
 (TXT) Request: a large cow
 (TXT) REQUEST: Robotech Pictures
 (TXT) Line: Space Shuttle
 (TXT) Line: Butterfly
 (TXT) GIF: Mog from FFIII
 (TXT) Request: bill nye
 (TXT) REQUEST: Calvin and Hobbes sig
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Butterfly
 (TXT) LINE: U of Stony Brook Logos; Cleanup Wanted
 (TXT) Line: Eskimos & Egypt logo
 (TXT) Line-talk: Small floating bottle
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Answer: disney?
 (TXT) Talk/Line: manatee art
 (TXT) Talk-Line: My Ascii art...
 (TXT) Request: Help with sig?
 (TXT) Request: NFL & NBA logos
 (TXT) Request: Spot
 (TXT) REQUEST: Robotech Pictures
 (TXT) Request: beauty and the beast
 (TXT) Question: disney?
 (TXT) Line: Radio
 (TXT) Answer: How to save Figlet to a file
 (TXT) Talk-line: manatee art
 (TXT) Talk: the cow thing
 (TXT) 3-D: Scarecrow's 3-D Gallery 2.0
 (TXT) Line: Comiled Smiley List -- 6/8/95 Update
 (TXT) GIF: Beauty and the Beast (revised) (big 612 lines) (1 of 3)
 (TXT) GIF: Beauty and the Beast (revised) (big 584 lines) (2 of 3)
 (TXT) Line: Anime pic, Madoka from KOR.
 (TXT) Question: What is it?
 (TXT) Request: ANSI's sites?
 (TXT) Request: Wind in the Willows characters
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Talk: Superman's S-insignia
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Question: Source of 3Dp-pictures
 (TXT) REQUEST: Beatles logo
 (TXT) Urgent request!!!!--Birthday art!!!
 (TXT) Talk-line: Needing a good bird for my sig
 (TXT) Request: Piglet
 (TXT) GIFs - 2231 lines
 (TXT) Talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Talk: What is it?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Looking for a Cat/Kitten/Lion...
 (TXT) Request: Cheshire Cat pix
 (TXT) Request: Ham Radio stuff
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Line: VW Beatles
 (TXT) Request: Help!!!! I NEED Winnie the Pooh
 (TXT) line: Various small pics
 (TXT) Line: Birthday art
 (TXT) Talk-Line: VW Beatles
 (TXT) Line: Armadillo
 (TXT) Request: Smileys full list
 (TXT) Info: Cheshire Cat pix
 (TXT) REQUEST: Spanner, Wrench & Tool box
 (TXT) Request: Pluto
 (TXT) Line-talk: What is it?
 (TXT) Request: Lady in 19th Cent. costume
 (TXT) Request: Eeyore
 (TXT) Talk: Superman's S-insignia
 (TXT) Request: Vampire Art
 (TXT) Request: Shark....
 (TXT) Font: Marshmallow
 (TXT) Font: Heavy Metal
 (TXT) Font: Spock
 (TXT) Font: Las Vegas
 (TXT) Line: Morris Dancing!
 (TXT) Line: Shark
 (TXT) Line: TREE
 (TXT) Talk: Stick figure animation
 (TXT) Talk: Heavy Metal font
 (TXT) REQUEST: Ascii Baby
 (TXT) Line: Heart
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Butterfly
 (TXT) GIF-Line: Winnie the Pooh Collection
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Butterfly (further diddling)
 (TXT) LINE: ASCII critters
 (TXT) REQUEST: Banana
 (TXT) REQUEST: Beauty & the Beast
 (TXT) 3-D: Various pics (71 K)