Welcome to my gopher hole.
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       You can also find these posts on my website:
 (TXT) ZNC and rcirc and authinfo
 (TXT) How AI is hindered by the GDPR
 (TXT) Blog - Gopher - Elpher
 (TXT) Combining Emacs and Asciinema
 (TXT) Org Tree Slide Mode, and Whiteroom Mode
 (TXT) Honk My first systemd timer
 (TXT) Updated first steps with Nix on Debian
 (TXT) Lisp connection closed unexpectedly
 (TXT) One vowel and four consonants
 (TXT) Nonexistent spamassassin user_prefs
 (TXT) Exim sysadmins beware, Debian bookworm is a major update
 (TXT) Cyrus imap sysadmins beware, Debian bookworm might hose your mail
 (TXT) Office productivity: emacs
 (TXT) Org-Mode piechart in a hurry
 (TXT) Initramfs: "no space left on device"
 (TXT) Outdated first steps with Nixus
 (TXT) Partial solar eclipse
 (TXT) Gnu Social and Activitypub on Debian 10 and 11
 (TXT) The great conjunction
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Debian/12 x86_64