__  _ __    __      __                     
         / /_(_) /___/ /__   / /____  ____ _____ ___ 
        / __/ / / __  / _ \ / __/ _ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \
       / /_/ / / /_/ /  __// /_/  __/ /_/ / / / / / /
       \__/_/_/\__,_/\___(_)__/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/ 
       welcome to tilde.team!
       a digital community for
       socializing, learning, and making cool stuff
       tilde.team is a pubnix: a shared system that provides an inclusive,
       non-commercial space to teach and share
       tilde.team is a founding member of the
 (DIR) tildeverse
       which is a collaborative effort among several tilde servers
 (DIR) wiki
       join the team today!
 (HTM) signup for a tilde.team account
       here's a list of our esteemed users:
       if you aren't appearing on this list, change your base gophermap
 (DIR) ~abbub
 (DIR) ~aewens
 (DIR) ~ahriman
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 (DIR) ~amedrado
 (DIR) ~andrew
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 (DIR) ~barrow
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 (DIR) ~bee
 (DIR) ~ben
 (DIR) ~biglysmalls
 (DIR) ~blumenkiste
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 (DIR) ~brendantcc
 (DIR) ~cadmium
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 (DIR) ~cdmnky
 (DIR) ~celeste
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 (DIR) ~christyotwisty
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 (DIR) ~t89a4f2
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 (DIR) ~thatblockypenguin
 (DIR) ~thebrow
 (DIR) ~thekingofbandit
 (DIR) ~thisisjaymehta
 (DIR) ~tiwesdaeg
 (DIR) ~tomasino
 (DIR) ~tomi
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 (DIR) ~ubergeek
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 (DIR) ~x51
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 (DIR) ~xr753
 (DIR) ~xyz
 (DIR) ~yashiro
 (DIR) ~zach
 (DIR) ~ziad87
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