[HN Gopher] Archive (2021-01-13) - Page 1
 (DIR) An Unlikely Database Migration
       172 points by ifcologne (89 comments)
 (DIR) Berlin car sharing startup Miles demands EUR13k from customer wh...
       41 points by camillomiller (25 comments)
 (DIR) WRT54G History: The Router That Accidentally Went Open Source
       454 points by uptown (214 comments)
 (DIR) Superconducting Microprocessors? Turns Out They're Ultra-Efficient
       212 points by f00zz (151 comments)
 (DIR) BeagleV - An affordable RISC-V computer designed to run Linux
       452 points by pathompong (218 comments)
 (DIR) FTC Settlement with Fertility-Tracking App for Facebook/Google S...
       85 points by averysmallbird (28 comments)
 (DIR) A rabbit hole full of Lisp
       107 points by mpereira (18 comments)
 (DIR) McDonald's Theory on How Best to Rescue Conversations
       69 points by omalya890 (32 comments)
 (DIR) Response to "WireGuard: great protocol, but skip the Mac app"
       839 points by motiejus (345 comments)
 (DIR) BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a princip...
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) How AWS is helping to secure internet routing
       42 points by mcbain (16 comments)
 (DIR) Why I've Changed My Mind on Bitcoin
       12 points by davefreiburger (3 comments)
 (DIR) Bitcoin: Magic Internet Money
       23 points by Bostonian (12 comments)
 (DIR) FTC settlement with Ever orders data and AI deleted after face r...
       38 points by randomwalker (4 comments)
 (DIR) Qualcomm to Acquire Nuvia: A CPU Magnitude Shift
       136 points by pella (36 comments)
 (DIR) The Art of Whaling: Illustrations from the Logbooks of Nantucket...
       40 points by vo2maxer (14 comments)
 (DIR) Dropbox to cut 11% of its global workforce
       347 points by champagnepapi (528 comments)
 (DIR) TimeTagger: Open-Source Time Tracker
       137 points by wilsonjohn (85 comments)
 (DIR) Why lasers are so brilliantly useful
       108 points by prostoalex (51 comments)
 (DIR) Workaholism Leads to Mental and Physical Health Problems
       318 points by rustoo (165 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2021-01-13 23:01 UTC)