+++ Happy Holidays, and a Reply to Sysdharma +++
           Friday, December 29, 2017
       I hope everyone is having a good holiday season! I've been perusing
       gopherspace today and have a reply to sysdharma@sdf, who has a new
       phlog [0] - welcome to the phlogosphere!
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Gophernicus and Scripts in Gophermaps +++
           Friday, December 15, 2017
       Gophernicus (the gopher server used at SDF) has a nice script
       feature for gophermaps. Any line that starts with '=' is assumed to
       refer to a script, and the output is sent to the client.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ The Unix Console +++
           Monday, December 11, 2017
       Jynx [0],[1] and Jandal [2] phosted on their favorite programs, and
       use of the Unix console in particular. I love hearing about how
       other people work in the console so I can try out new utilities or
       ways of getting things done.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ On Mutt and Email Servers +++
           Monday, December 04, 2017
       I read some recent phosts by jynx ([0],[1]) on email, where he
       mentions mutt and the fact that self-hosting is difficult. I've been
       using mutt and self-hosting my own domains' email for many years,
       and have had few problems with blacklisting or blocking. Here is a
       broad overview of what I do and recommend. I haven't changed this
       setup in a long time, it just runs:
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Old Books and Old Tech +++
           Saturday, November 25, 2017
       I was back in the States last week to visit friends and family. We
       generally travel the week before the US Thanksgiving, just to avoid
       huge delays at the border. Anyway, while there I was able to grab
       some boxes of books that have been in storage for a while - not all
       of them but just the ones I'm likely to re-read or that have some
       sentimental significance. Most of the others I'll be giving away,
       but I have the fantasy and scifi classics I've collected over the
       years, including Heinlein, Bradbury, Asimov and Clarke.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Weekend Update +++
           Thursday, November 02, 2017
       Finally some downtime! Work has been crazy lately, and I just
       haven't had the energy or motivation to update the ol'
       gopherhole. But I'm off for a long weekend, headed south into
       Vermont tomorrow with the family for some r&r, and I feel a bit
       rejuvenated already.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Of Cabins and Simple Living +++
           Saturday, October 21, 2017
       Jynx started off the fascinating discussion on simple living,
       asceticism, and technology use [0]:
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Old Time Radio +++
           Tuesday, October 17, 2017
       My wife and I enjoy listening to old-time radio shows (OTR), mainly
       CBS's Radio Mystery Theater (CBSRMT) [0], but also CBC's Nightfall
       [1] series. This past weekend we listened to Orson Welles' rendition
       of Dracula, from 1938 [2]. They make a nice change from TV if you
       want some entertainment for an evening.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Thoughts on Privacy +++
           Saturday, October 07, 2017
       Like many other privacy-minded geeks, I've been trying to lessen my
       public footprint and use of big-provider emails. I've had my own
       mail server for many years - In the US I ran my own server from a
       decent business-class connection with static IPs, but that all went
       away when we moved to Canada. So I migrated my mail server to
       Ramnode, where it has been ever since. But for a time during the
       move, when things were uncertain, I relied more heavily on
       gmail/yahoo mail. Now that we're settled, I've stopped use of both
       of them entirely and moved everything back to my own email server
       again. I don't consider using SDF email in this context, since I
       don't want to associate my real name with my SDF account.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Francisation +++
           Friday, October 06, 2017
       I started a conversational French class this week, what they call
       here 'francisation'. It's basically a group conversation course,
       taught by a native speaker of Quebec French - actually it's better
       than that, as the instructor speaks both English and French and did
       so from a young age. So he can explain the nuances of both languages
       and how they might translate. I'm rather jealous of his ability to
       switch freely between languages. For me, I just want my French to
       get to a basic conversational level, where I don't have to struggle
       to find words. My goal is to be in a conversation with a native
       speaker, and _not_ have them switch to English, something that
       happens a lot. I don't blame them, they see someone struggling and
       want to help, or maybe they are busy and don't want to
       wait. Sometimes they even want to practice their English.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Weekend Update +++
           Sunday, October 01, 2017
       My wife continues to recover from her concussion. She can't watch TV
       or read, so she's settled on audio books as a way to pass the
       time. Our local library doesn't participate in Overdrive, but I was
       able to get a card at the provincial library in Montreal, which
       does. We found the android app Libby which is quite usable as a
       wrapper around Overdrive. It has its own reader built-in, so my wife
       has been able to listen to audio books with her phone.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Tales of a Former Paramedic +++
           Saturday, September 30, 2017
       I've seen lots of death. I'm not proud of that fact, and sometimes I
       wish I hadn't. But it is part of me, part of my past. You may not
       want to read this if you are bothered by descriptions of death.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Bike Crash and Comments to Tomasino +++
           Sunday, September 17, 2017
       My family had a scare yesterday when my wife crashed on her mountain
       bike, going down a steep trail. She was dizzy afterwards and had no
       memory of the accident, and her friends she was riding with ended up
       calling for the mountain rescue, who did a great job packaging her
       up and getting her to an ambulance. After an ER visit and CT scan,
       she was diagnosed with a mild concussion, and has lots of bruises
       and scrapes. So she will be fine as long as she takes it easy for a
       while, and of course we're thankful as it could have been much
       worse. When we moved to Quebec she bought an upgraded helmet (MIPS),
       because she knew how much downhill biking there was here. Given that
       her injuries are not serious, I'd say the helmet worked. To anyone
       riding a bike - don't skimp on the helmet.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Citizenship Ceremony and Thoughts on Immigration +++
           Friday, September 15, 2017
       My son received his Canadian citizenship certificate this week, at a
       ceremony in Montreal. He was with about 200 others, a group
       unsurprisingly as diverse as you can imagine. The ceremony itself
       consisted of a group oath-taking, presided over by a judge, then the
       newly-minted citizens received their certificates. Finally, they
       sang the Canadian national anthem. The whole thing took about two
       hours, and was quite well-run. I imagine it has to be to keep 200
       people moving along.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Of Fairs and French +++
           Friday, September 08, 2017
       Over the Labor Day weekend we went to a local fair, the 'Brome
       Fair'. It was a bit nostalgic because when we lived in Connecticut,
       every year we also went to a local fair - you know the kind, with
       fried food, games, rides and farm animals. This was the same, but
       was even more similar since Brome is in a part of Quebec that is
       heavily anglophone. There are a few of those areas in Quebec,
       including the West Island of Montreal. A region is termed
       'anglophone' when a majority of families speak English at home as a
       first language. What we've noticed is that most young people in
       Quebec are bilingual, and talking to natives, it seems to be a
       trend. The Quebec language law has done a good job keeping French
       relevant (holding a job is impossible without at least an
       intermediate level of spoken French), but parents are increasingly
       realizing that English is important for their kids to learn.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Comments on Free Speech +++
           Saturday, August 26, 2017
       There is some good commentary on free speech and protest rights
       lately in the gopher-verse [0], [1], [2]. I thought I'd add some
       comments on the matter.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Random Gopher Updates and Replies +++
           Sunday, August 20, 2017
       There continues to be lots of new activity in gopherspace. Always
       great to see. I notice leveck.us moved his phlog to SDF [0], and is
       now using slerm. Let me know how it works for you, also note there
       is a newer version of slerm with a few bugfixes (1.8) available in
       my gopherspace [1].
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Vacation and Other Goings On +++
           Saturday, August 19, 2017
       I was on vacation this past week, it was nice to get away from work
       for a while and spend more time with my family. A full week it was -
       including my 50th birthday, a visit to a water park, some tennis,
       hiking with my wife and camping with my son.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Thoughts on Terror and Trump +++
           Tuesday, August 15, 2017
       Tomasino writes on his phlog about the recent terror attack in
       Virginia [0]. I have the same visceral reaction to these events, and
       I'm saddened to see hatred for race or political beliefs reach such
       a point that someone feels they have to kill for it.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ More Gopher Thoughts +++
           Friday, August 11, 2017
       First a quick thanks to Logout for his phlog aggregator 'bongusta'
       [0]. This is a great resource, if anyone reading wants to get their
       phlog on his list, let him know, he has a contact email on his phlog
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Trip to the Library +++
           Thursday, August 10, 2017
       I made a trip to the local library yesterday, something I'd been
       meaning to do since we moved. Libraries in general are an amazing
       but underused resource.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Books +++
           Sunday, August 06, 2017
       I mentioned previously [0] that most of our books are in storage,
       about 20 boxes. I estimate there are 300-400 books. Since they have
       been in storage for over a year, I'm beginning to think I need to
       get rid of a big chunk of them. Books I read once but will probably
       never read again, or books I never read at all.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Ham Radio +++
           Saturday, August 05, 2017
       Hobbsc's latest phlog entry [0] got me thinking about amateur radio.
       I've been a ham for nine years, I have a general license in the
       US. I never did too much with it, although I have an HF transceiver
       and at one point I had started to learn morse code [1].
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Phlogit Tutorial +++
           Sunday, July 30, 2017
       Just a quick note that I put the latest version of 'phlogit' in
       /sys/sdf/bin and checked it into RCS there, so it is available to
       all SDF users who have /sys/sdf/bin/ in their path. MetaARPA members
       can edit it.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ The Indestructable HP 15-C Calculator +++
           Saturday, July 29, 2017
       I still have an HP-15C I bought new in 1987. I don't use its
       programmable features anymore, but just as a desktop calculator
       (after getting used to RPN, I could never get the hang of 'normal'
       algebraic entry again). These are probably the slide rule of my
       generation - every computer science and engineering student had one.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Welcome to the New Phlog +++
           Saturday, July 29, 2017
       As I hinted in my last post [0], I've moved the current slerm-based
       phlog to a static one, using my phlogit script [1]. It simply
       updates a gophermap top-down with a date, title and a short blurb
       (just the first paragraph of text). I think I'll do yearly archives,
       with the current year always pointing at /phlog for the sake of
       people's bookmarks. For now, I have all of my prior years posts in
       the same format, that is 2009-2015 [2]. Along the way I converted
       some posts from my old motd blog that had never been posted on the
       gopher side.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Days of our Phlogs +++
           Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 15:46
       I've gotten some great feedback by email and bboard on how others
       like to write phlogs. Thanks to those who have replied. I've
       discovered that the UMN gopher client sometimes truncates text when
       displaying a type-1 entry (normally directories but also CGI's),
       something I never noticed as I use lynx. As I was writing and
       thinking about this, some functional goals for the phlog came to
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Help me Decide How to Phlog +++
           Monday, July 24, 2017 at 19:58
       I received a nice email today from a member of the SDF phlogging
       community. In it he noted that he enjoyed reading my phlog, but was having
       layout and spacing issues while using the SDF gopher client. I'll share some
       of my response, then I'd love to hear your thoughts about what I should
       do. Reply by comment here, or shoot me an email, or grab me on SDF jabber.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ More on Walled Gardens +++
           Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 16:15
       The discussions from Solderpunk and Jandal around walled gardens and
       what makes them good or evil are interesting. Read them and come
       back here for my thoughts, just follow the 'View Post or Comment'
       link below.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Comments on Phlogs +++
           Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 09:44
       Below are some collected thoughts on a few interesting phlog posts
       I've read recently where I felt I had something to comment on. I've
       put a link to the original post in each case so you can follow it
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Privacy +++
           Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 16:18
       The new 2600 is out, and it has a few articles talking about various
       aspects of privacy and anonymity online, which got me to thinking
       how difficult it is to opt-out from, well basically anything that
       doesn't spy on you in some way. Take gmail. While it's relatively
       easy for us geeks to simply not use it, it provides the MX records
       for a remarkable number of private, edu and business domains. Many
       more people than that have @gmail.com addresses. So you can have
       your own email server, or use SDF for email, and in the end what
       does it get you?  When you reply to or send an email to anyone using
       Google's email infrastructure, Google (and by extension, the NSA)
       gets your IP address, email address and content (because, let's face
       it, no one encrypts email). I've had my own email server for about
       15 years, and will keep it as long as practicable, but it is
       disheartening to see the hold one company has on email.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Downtime +++
           Tuesday, July 04, 2017 at 14:05
       Happy 4th of July! It's been a quiet day today. One oddity of
       working for a US-based company in Canada is that I observe US
       holidays. So unlike the rest of Canada, I have today off, and am
       spending some time reading and catching up on various creative
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Happy 150th Canada Day! +++
           Saturday, July 01, 2017 at 16:10
       We're celebrating the sesquicentennial Canada Day here up
       north. Since it's a Saturday, it kind of feels like a normal
       weekend. We're just taking it easy, doing some outstanding home
       projects and enjoying the company of family. I found this neat
       ascii-art Canadian flag, and gopherpedia has more:
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ The Value of a Canadian Citizenship +++
           Friday, June 23, 2017 at 14:15
       Yesterday my daughter received her Canadian citizenship
       certificate. Kids under 19 who are permanent residents get automatic
       citizenship, the parent who is already a citizen just has to apply
       on their behalf. If they are under 14 (which is the case with my
       daughter) they do not have to take a written test or go to an oath
       ceremony. My son, who is 16, took his citizenship test today, and
       passed. So in a couple of months he gets sworn in and given his
       certificate in a group ceremony.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Happy 30th Anniversary SDF! +++
           Friday, June 16, 2017 at 17:21
               )   )     |#    |  (   *  
           .  (      .    \___/         .
          +   .-"-.    *   /^    +  (
                /     \  )   (  .-"-.    )  +
          .  |#    | (    * /     \  (  )
              \___/   )  (  |#    |    (  '
           *   /^         )  \___/
              (    *  '  (     ^\   *  '
          .    \     , , , , , ' \       + 
                )    | | | | |    ) .
            *    . @%@%@%@%@%@%@ (    )
            (      {   happy   }  \  (   *
             ) *   { birthday! }   )    (
            (    @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@       ) '
          +      {      SDF      }  *   (
                 {  1987 - 2017  }    .    )
           jgs   {    June 16    }        (
         *      @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@    +
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ The Modern Web +++
           Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 13:44
       Solderpunk has a well thought-out commentary on the issues with web
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Gopher to Web Proxy +++
           Tuesday, May 09, 2017 at 15:51
       I recently setup the gophper proxy [0] on my SDF web page [1]. It
       has a few quirks (like not handling binary downloads all the time),
       but overall seems to work reasonably well.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Update to the Slerm Phlogging Engine +++
           Monday, May 08, 2017 at 09:58
       This is a small update fixing a bug with selector line
       endings. Basically, with my last update I mistakenly used \r\n as
       the line ending for the comment file output, resulting in odd
       formatting bugs. So now \r\n is strictly limited to direct gopher
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Settling Down in Canada +++
           Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 19:40
       I've mentioned before our intent to move to Canada. I'm a dual
       US-Canadian citizen, so at least for me it was easy. I moved last
       April to Quebec, in the process sponsoring my wife and kids for
       permanent residency. It took 16 months in total, but after much
       paperwork and stress, it is done. On January 23rd, 2017, my family
       became landed Canadian immigrants. Now begins the process of
       settling in - my wife has to trade in her US driver's license, we
       had to sign everyone up for provincial healthcare, and we are
       learning french.
 (TXT) Continued...
       +++ Other SDF Phlogs +++
           Tuesday, January 03, 2017 at 16:28
       I was pleased to see a bit more activity in gopherspace here at SDF,
       a few more phlogs I found linked from the phlogosphere page. I
       linked to them on the main page of my own gopher space, under a new
       heading 'Other SDF Users With Interesting Gopher Spaces'.
 (TXT) Continued...