Exposing My Socks to the World
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 (TXT) Nintendo, Sony, E3, etc...
 (TXT) Wii more entertaining than Japanese television, 'stealing' viewers
 (TXT) E3 in slightly lethargic swing
 (TXT) 28% of people with internet access play games when bored.
 (TXT) The Video Game Industry hires more than just programmers and artists
 (TXT) Competitive Gaming's poster child headlines E for All
 (TXT) EA President forgets to use PR filter
 (TXT) US Army features violent game in recruitment tournament
 (TXT) Alleged Video Game Channel to cover Video Game Expo
 (TXT) "Gifted" rhetorician posits that computer games aren't really games.
 (TXT) New Halo 3 screen shot... is not news.
 (TXT) A series of unfortunate events
 (TXT) Rare
 (TXT) Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer at E3,
 (TXT) The year of the gamer
 (TXT) Pre-3
 (TXT) People who play games the most, buy the most games
 (TXT) Independence Day
 (TXT) Wii demand outpaces supply seven months in
 (TXT) Video games more like Rock 'n' Roll than film?
 (TXT) Atari hemmorhaging money
 (TXT) Pokémon through the eyes of a 10 year old
 (TXT) Shoddy review from equally shoddy website is factually incorrect
 (TXT) Stylesheets, they are a changin'
 (TXT) Edge magazine votes, Cloud fans roiling
 (TXT) Ubisoft is having a bad summer
 (TXT) Final Fantasy Cash Cow edition
 (TXT) Crunch time examined
 (TXT) Canada Day
 (TXT) Code Monkeys
 (TXT) Shoddy game pulled for offensive content.
 (TXT) Game review scoring methods are flawed
 (TXT) So you want to be a games journalist?
 (TXT) Consumers do not know what their purchases are capable of
 (TXT) Addiction to gaming FTL
 (TXT) Some movies make terrible games
 (TXT) Educational Games not as fun as Non-Educational Games
 (TXT) Konami releasing peripheral doomed to failure
 (TXT) People spending more money on video games than on music
 (TXT) Video Game Channel to air show about video games
 (TXT) Moral responsibility in addictive game design
 (TXT) Red vs. Blue series ending
 (TXT) Console FPS controller that emulates mouse and keyboard.
 (TXT) Planet Puzzle League
 (TXT) It's easier to create a clone of a clone of a good game than something original
 (TXT) About me
 (TXT) What is this thing anyway?
 (TXT) Wii controller teaches violence
 (TXT) Gaming Addiction Not Like Substance Addiction
 (TXT) "The world has enough bad color snapshots of Buckingham Palace"
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