(TXT) Request: Need surfer sig
 (TXT) Talk: ANSI
 (TXT) 3-D: Pigs
 (TXT) Request: Teddy Bear
 (TXT) Request: Horses
 (TXT) LINE: The Spying at the Wall Dict. - April '95 Edition
 (TXT) Talk: Dog chasing bird animation
 (TXT) Question-line: Who did my fish??
 (TXT) Line: crown
 (TXT) Request: world sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: Barracuda
 (TXT) Question: Formatted output to ascii files?
 (TXT) Answer: How to save Figlet to a file?
 (TXT) Talk: Dog chasing bird animation
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Line: Japanese cat
 (TXT) Request: Smileys
 (TXT) Line: Stork
 (TXT) request: manatee art
 (TXT) Request: The Crow
 (TXT) Request: A FOX!
 (TXT) Line: 'Thank You' Art
 (TXT) Info: gif2ascii converter site
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) GIF/LINE-TALK: A dog named Hogan
 (TXT) Info: ASCIIPaint for Mac
 (TXT) Line: Champagne
 (TXT) Software: ASCIIPaint 1.0B4 for Mac [sit.hqx]
 (TXT) Answer-Line: 'Welcome to My World' Sig
 (TXT) Request: caduceus
 (TXT) Request: Smilies
 (TXT) Question: What is GIF??
 (TXT) Request: I need a sig
 (TXT) Request: Surprise for a succsessful lady: THE TIME HAS COME!
 (TXT) Talk: Errors in Figlet fonts
 (TXT) Request: Sea shells (Something never seen in ASCII art?)
 (TXT) Line: Three new pics
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) INFO: Entity reference for ASCII in HTML (escape codes)
 (TXT) Line: First Efforts
 (TXT) REQUEST: Cap & Gown
 (TXT) Line/Answer: Sea shells
 (TXT) Request: "KWYJ" .sig
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Line: Oyster and a pearl
 (TXT) Request: Vampire Art
 (TXT) Request: 'Caco' sig
 (TXT) Line: My sig...
 (TXT) Talk: Dog chasing bird (chase.vt.uu)
 (TXT) Talk: texts -> ascii?
 (TXT) REQUEST: A Scuba Diver
 (TXT) REQUEST: New way for this FAQ's art...
 (TXT) Request: Yoda
 (TXT) Talk: crew boat II, the sequel
 (TXT) Request: "Spam"
 (TXT) line: Moose
 (TXT) Line: one of those first attemts.
 (TXT) Line: Hearts, sig-sized
 (TXT) REQUEST: Bugs Bunny and/or carrot
 (TXT) Request - Einstein (sp?)
 (TXT) line: mouse with balloon
 (TXT) GIF: intel inside/outside
 (TXT) Line: peace symbol
 (TXT) Color: ascii dos prompts
 (TXT) Line: Panda (New Art!)
 (TXT) Line: World map
 (TXT) Line: Mouse
 (TXT) Question: How do you view these animations?
 (TXT) Line-talk: ascii-notes
 (TXT) Question: Help!! How to view and make animations?
 (TXT) Gif: Saturn (well, kinda..)
 (TXT) LINE-GIF: "Spam"
 (TXT) line: some .sign from my personal collection
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Flames
 (TXT) Talk: Microsoft Window
 (TXT) Answer-Line: 'Welcome to My World' Sig
 (TXT) line-talk: crew boat II, the sequel
 (TXT) request: orang-utangs/gorillas
 (TXT) Request: I need a sig with a guitar
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Flames
 (TXT) gif: einstein
 (TXT) Talk-line: stolen sigs
 (TXT) REQUEST: Dogs/Dalmatians!
 (TXT) Announce: free access to ascii art ftp
 (TXT) REQUEST: Bob Dobbs & Bill the Cat
 (TXT) Talk: Errors in Figlet fonts
 (TXT) Request: Ascii-windsurf
 (TXT) Request: Calvin & Hobbes...
 (TXT) REQUEST: Bowling Pictures.
 (TXT) line: world maps (animation sequence, 700+ lines)
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII into HTML
 (TXT) Request: Mario Bros
 (TXT) line-talk: crew boat II, the sequel
 (TXT) LINE: ASCII Art Virus
 (TXT) GIF: Mouth
 (TXT) Question: Where can I fond irregular ascii characters?
 (TXT) line: Shamrock
 (TXT) Line: Smilies
 (TXT) Line: My sig...
 (TXT) Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) The Key To Organizing Your Health Records
 (TXT) Request: Metallica Logo
 (TXT) line-talk: Shamrock
 (TXT) Question: How to save Figlet to a file?
 (TXT) REQUEST: computer for sig
 (TXT) Line: Sig; Request: post your sig
 (TXT) Line: Unicorns
 (TXT) Request: Sailing Ships; Line: Castle
 (TXT) REQUEST: Mog the moogle
 (TXT) REQUEST: pig art.
 (TXT) Answer: How to save Figlet to a file
 (TXT) Line: Not single line art
 (TXT) Line: One-line art
 (TXT) Line: Pinball Machine (new)
 (TXT) Answer: How to save Figlet to a file
 (TXT) REQUEST: Combat Boots or Ballet Slippers
 (TXT) Line: One-line afterthought
 (TXT) Line: Single line art
 (TXT) Answer: How to save Figlet to a file?
 (TXT) Talk-line: Worm fun
 (TXT) Talk: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) Request: Large mosquito
 (TXT) Talk-line: Bob Dobbs
 (TXT) Question: Decoding figlet
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: Great Britain and Ireland
 (TXT) Request: Help with .plan animation
 (TXT) REQUEST: Program to convert ASCII pix
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Who does this art?? I do!
 (TXT) REQUEST: The Crow Symbol
 (TXT) Line: bell
 (TXT) Request: manatee art
 (TXT) Question: Any ansi sites out there?
 (TXT) Question: Is there a FAQ for AnSi
 (TXT) Line: Spruce Moose
 (TXT) LINE: cards
 (TXT) Line: Saxophone
 (TXT) Line: Sig (post your .sig)
 (TXT) Talk: ANSI
 (TXT) GIF: the OK hand
 (TXT) REQUEST: Wedding picture
 (TXT) REQUEST: eggs and chickens
 (TXT) Talk: Microsoft Window
 (TXT) Request: Water art
 (TXT) Talk: Microsoft Window
 (TXT) Color: ascii dos prompts
 (TXT) Line-talk: 'Welcome to My World' Sig
 (TXT) Answer: Where to fond irregular ascii characters
 (TXT) Answer: Where can I fond irregular ascii characters?
 (TXT) line-talk: Moose
 (TXT) line-talk: Moose
 (TXT) Talk: world maps (animation sequence, 700+ lines)
 (TXT) line-talk: crew boat II, the sequel
 (TXT) talk: Moose
 (TXT) Talk: texts -> ascii? (reply)
 (TXT) Talk: texts -> ascii?
 (TXT) Talk: texts -> ascii?
 (TXT) Talk: world maps (animation sequence)
 (TXT) REQUEST: Bowling
 (TXT) Talk: Microsoft Window
 (TXT) Talk-line: stolen sigs
 (TXT) Question: view ascii fonts....how?
 (TXT) Request: Metallica Logo
 (TXT) REQUEST: Dragons and other mythical creations needed
 (TXT) Line: Dogs
 (TXT) Line: Insects
 (TXT) line: floor tile
 (TXT) line; tile2
 (TXT) Line: Metallica Logo
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.9 - 58 K)
 (TXT) Talk: The FAQ
 (TXT) 3-D: Magic Eye ascii picture
 (TXT) 3-D: Another pic
 (TXT) 3-D: One more pic
 (TXT) Question: Figlet sites???
 (TXT) line: sinking ship
 (TXT) line: little dog
 (TXT) Line: Smilies
 (TXT) Line: Glabes
 (TXT) Software: bill the cat DOS prompt [billcat.bat] (1/1)
 (TXT) Line: Snake
 (TXT) REQUEST: small armadillo
 (TXT) Line: Q:?
 (TXT) Request: manatee art
 (TXT) line-talk: crew boat II, the sequel
 (TXT) Request: bell
 (TXT) Talk: Line Printer ASCII Art
 (TXT) Request: Yellow Jacket
 (TXT) LINE-TALK: Mother's Day Art (was REQUEST: Mother's day art)
 (TXT) REQUEST: country-related art!
 (TXT) LINE-TALK: Sigs and stuff
 (TXT) Line: New art by me
 (TXT) line: cactuses/desert
 (TXT) line: first attempt at ascii
 (TXT) REQUEST: 21st birthday pic
 (TXT) GIF-REQUEST: Help diddling converted GIF
 (TXT) Request: Cat....
 (TXT) Line: Birthday Bunnies
 (TXT) Talk: Viewing ascii art? REALLY @%$!*%$ FRUSTRATING!
 (TXT) Info: WWW ascii-site
 (TXT) Line: Elegant Bunnies
 (TXT) Request: Any birds ?
 (TXT) Line-Talk: This sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Flames
 (TXT) Line: Cat
 (TXT) Line-talk: Whazzit returns......?
 (TXT) Talk: Viewing ascii art? REALLY @%$!*%$ FRUSTRATING!
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Birthday Bunnies on the Town
 (TXT) REQUEST: crown (small)
 (TXT) Line-talk: Flames
 (TXT) Talk: Viewing ascii art? REALLY @%$!*%$ FRUSTRATING!
 (TXT) request: Gif2ascii sites
 (TXT) GIF: OK hand
 (TXT) Request: Need of art for program
 (TXT) Line: Party Bunnies Revisited
 (TXT) Line: Swords Swords Swords (350 lines)
 (TXT) GIF: Donald Duck!!!!!!
 (TXT) line: kermit the frog
 (TXT) Question: How do you convert gifs to ascii
 (TXT) Line: .Sig
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Flames (diddle)
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sea shells
 (TXT) line: bbs art
 (TXT) Line-talk: Whazzit returns......?
 (TXT) Talk: That would be
 (TXT) Talk: Catalyst's email; Line: Fuzzy bunnies
 (TXT) Line-talk: Flames
 (TXT) GIF-REQUEST: Oops! Sorry about that ...
 (TXT) line: crew boat II, the sequel
 (TXT) GIF: a dog named Hogan
 (TXT) Talk: "cat'd a dog"; Request: Help with sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: My version of ascii-notes
 (TXT) Talk: Surprise for a successful lady
 (TXT) Request: Looking for some WOLF-asci...
 (TXT) Line: Skull
 (TXT) Request: 'Thank You' Art
 (TXT) GIF: Star Wars Collection
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Scarecrow sig lettering in Figlet fonts
 (TXT) Line: Flames
 (TXT) Request: Yoda
 (TXT) Talk: Could someone do my name for my sig?
 (TXT) Request: Bubsy Bobcat
 (TXT) Question: Where to find RIPscript art?
 (TXT) Line: Flames
 (TXT) Request: monkey
 (TXT) Answer-GIF: What it is (from Star Wars Collection)
 (TXT) Request: Would really appreciate a nice sig !!!
 (TXT) Line-talk: Chessboard
 (TXT) REQUEST: Mother's Day Art
 (TXT) Question: Banner programs
 (TXT) Request: Vampire
 (TXT) Request: Yoda
 (TXT) REQUEST: Picnic art
 (TXT) Line-talk: Whazzit returns......?
 (TXT) Question: Where to find RIPscript art?
 (TXT) Request: Microsoft Window
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Request: Yoda
 (TXT) Question: What is this? (from Star Wars Collection)
 (TXT) Request: The Earth
 (TXT) Request: Alice in wonderland Art
 (TXT) Request: Send art to a friend; Line: Examples
 (TXT) Line: Chess board
 (TXT) Line-talk: Whazzit returns......?
 (TXT) Question: pics -> ascii?
 (TXT) Line-talk: Flames
 (TXT) line: Le tour eiffel
 (TXT) line: Snoopy
 (TXT) Line: horses
 (TXT) Line: guitars
 (TXT) GIF: Sleeping Beauty
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Here's my .sig!
 (TXT) Question: gif to ascii conversion
 (TXT) Request: Bubsy Bobcat
 (TXT) Answer: What it is (from Star Wars Collection)
 (TXT) Line-talk: Chess pieces
 (TXT) REQUEST: Kilroy
 (TXT) LINE-TALK: Sigs and stuff
 (TXT) Info: Alice in wonderland Art
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Alice in wonderland Art
 (TXT) Request: Cats
 (TXT) Line: Cute Kittens
 (TXT) REQUEST: Greek Flag -- ASCII
 (TXT) Request: Sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: Dogs, specifically Dalmatians!
 (TXT) request: snoppy?
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Line-repost: Cats
 (TXT) Request: Has any one got the SUN.
 (TXT) Info: Perl Sig rotator
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Star Wars Collection 2.0
 (TXT) request: animaniacs.
 (TXT) Line: Smurf (diddled)
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Talk: Further responses
 (TXT) Line-talk: Whazzit returns......?
 (TXT) Line: Panda Sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: URGENT! Help on New Born Baby Stuff!
 (TXT) Line: Sigs [1 of 3 - 23 K]
 (TXT) Line: Sigs [2 of 3 - 37 K]
 (TXT) Line: Sigs [3 of 3 - 47 K]
 (TXT) Request: ascii rhino
 (TXT) Talk: Further questions
 (TXT) Request: Horses
 (TXT) Line: Smilies
 (TXT) 3-D: Fish; Line: Lions
 (TXT) REQUEST: KINGFISH ascii artwork
 (TXT) Questions: How to make animations?
 (TXT) Request: A small ascii pooh bear please
 (TXT) Request: Flounder from "Little Mermaid"
 (TXT) Line: Chessboard
 (TXT) Request: gopher
 (TXT) Request: lynx
 (TXT) Request: Help a programmer...
 (TXT) Question: How to make and use a sig
 (TXT) Question: Where is this GIF2ASCII convertor
 (TXT) Request: Teddy and Panda
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Talk: Sad and lonely
 (TXT) request: need a cool sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: Pinetree/pinecone?
 (TXT) Line: TVs (was "Help a programmer")
 (TXT) Line: Pandas
 (TXT) Request: Salamander using hairdrier!
 (TXT) Talk: Star Wars Collection
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Letters used in Scarecrow's .sigs
 (TXT) Request: BBS LOGO Wanted!!
 (TXT) Request: needa yoda
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Animals (2000+ lines long)
 (TXT) Question: Any GIF sites?
 (TXT) Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) GIF-LINE: Winnie the Pooh Collection
 (TXT) Question: How to use a .sig longer than 4 lines?
 (TXT) Animation: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Line: More >TmB< ASCii graffix
 (TXT) Line: Good Luck
 (TXT) Line: BBS screen (with castle)
 (TXT) TALK: Thanks, and ...
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Request: Calvvin and Hobbes
 (TXT) Info: How to use a .sig longer than 4 lines?
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1995 Easter Eggs
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Line: Hour glass
 (TXT) line: misc new
 (TXT) Line: Lion King Ascii!!! (BIG 1521 Lines)
 (TXT) LINE: MY SIG !! Will appreciate comments...
 (TXT) TALK-LINE: Lines...
 (TXT) Request: Could someone do my name for my sig?
 (TXT) Line-talk: Cat
 (TXT) TALK-LINE: Lines...
 (TXT) GIF-Line: Lady N the Tramp
 (TXT) Talk-line: .Sig Help Needed
 (TXT) Talk: .sigs longer than 4 lines?
 (TXT) 3-D: sig :-)
 (TXT) Info: How to use a .sig longer than 4 lines?
 (TXT) line-big: butterly
 (TXT) Request: Artists for Corporate Artwork
 (TXT) Request: Friendly Mosquito
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass
 (TXT) Request: Hi :) I hope you can help me with my sig :)
 (TXT) Request: Butterfly or Sesame St
 (TXT) Line: Cubs, fish, teddy bear
 (TXT) Line: Billiards sig
 (TXT) Line-talk: Hour glass sig
 (TXT) Line: Cool .plan and .project
 (TXT) Talk: Response
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Line: My .sigs ... (260 lines)
 (TXT) REQUEST: URGENT! Help on New Born Baby Stuff!
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig diddle
 (TXT) Talk: 3D, ASCII games/animations?
 (TXT) Request: Spot (the dog)
 (TXT) Talk: Ansi art
 (TXT) Line: TV logos: CBS eye, fX cube, SFC planet
 (TXT) Line: Coca-Cola bottle
 (TXT) GIF: Dino
 (TXT) GIF: Tweety's Granny
 (TXT) Info: Undo ansi damage (maybe)
 (TXT) Line: Snoopy
 (TXT) Line: Butterfly
 (TXT) GIF: Spike
 (TXT) GIF: Calvin
 (TXT) Info: Animations posted in a.a-a.a
 (TXT) Line: My 1st sig!
 (TXT) Line: Sig diddle
 (TXT) Question: any GIF to ascii converter for MAC?
 (TXT) Request: Marvin the Mershin
 (TXT) 3D: 1995 Easter Eggs
 (TXT) Line: Dot (from Animaniacs) diddle
 (TXT) Line: Sig-sized Lips
 (TXT) REQUEST: Animated Christmas graphics
 (TXT) LINE: NIN ART... Can you help it out?
 (TXT) TALK-LINE: Lines...
 (TXT) Line: Smurf (diddled)
 (TXT) Request: Winnie the Pooh Sigs
 (TXT) TALK-LINE: Lines...
 (TXT) Line: Spider