(TXT) REQUEST: old-style desk microphone
 (TXT) Question: Change ANSI escape sequences in UNIX into IBM PC
 (TXT) Line: New Year
 (TXT) Request: Christmas Pics card size
 (TXT) BIG: Power Rangers [2 of 3]
 (TXT) LINE: My So-Called Life WWW Home Page #2
 (TXT) BIG: Power Rangers [3 of 3]
 (TXT) LINE: The X-Files
 (TXT) Line: Comedy/Tragedy Masks
 (TXT) LINE: The X-Files (large logo)
 (TXT) Line: Piano
 (TXT) LINE: The Simpsons
 (TXT) Answer: How do I transfer ASCII art via FTP?
 (TXT) LINE: Saturn 32.
 (TXT) Answer: How do I transfer ASCII art via FTP?
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig file needs help
 (TXT) Line: Movie/Film ASCII-Art wanted
 (TXT) Line: Christmas
 (TXT) Line: Superman's "S" Logo
 (TXT) Request: Tea set
 (TXT) Talk-line: Movie/Film ASCII-Art wanted
 (TXT) REQUEST: Birthday arts
 (TXT) Info: Welcome to rec.arts.ascii
 (TXT) Question: FTPing FIGLET
 (TXT) Question: Are there any real good FTP sites with ANSI?
 (TXT) Request: Howard Stern
 (TXT) Line: Tennis signature
 (TXT) Line-Font: Isometric-3, was: Request: Full alphabet
 (TXT) Line: Wallace and Gromit
 (TXT) Answer: How do I transfer ASCII art via FTP?
 (TXT) Talk: Zodiac Sign...ARIES
 (TXT) Request: Shakespeare
 (TXT) Answer - Where is RIP graphics format?
 (TXT) Request: Zodiac signs, Sagittarius
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.8 - 58 K)
 (TXT) Question: What is Geek Code
 (TXT) REQUEST: Oceania Flag
 (TXT) Line: Rose
 (TXT) Request: Oceania Flag
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.8 - 58 K)
 (TXT) Line: Happy New Year to everyone!
 (TXT) Request: Sig file needs help
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig file needs help
 (TXT) Line: Santa
 (TXT) REQUEST: Valentines Day...
 (TXT) Line: sig diddle
 (TXT) REQUEST: New Year Arts
 (TXT) Info: Christmas Art
 (TXT) Talk: Zodiac Sign...ARIES
 (TXT) Request: Frogs
 (TXT) Talk: Fine Ascii Art - Honeywell
 (TXT) REQUEST: Winter ASCII art (esp. snowflakes & icicles)
 (TXT) Line: My sig file
 (TXT) GIF: Winter ASCII art (esp. snowflakes & icicles)
 (TXT) LINE: Beavis & Butt-Head in ASS-kee. >>heh-heh<<
 (TXT) Line: Christmas Art
 (TXT) Line: the wiz of ID
 (TXT) Line: The Fool
 (TXT) Line: New Year Arts
 (TXT) Request: Little Mermaid
 (TXT) Line: <> o <>
 (TXT) Talk: small ascii scooter
 (TXT) Line: Wizards
 (TXT) Request: Wavy Lines, etc. Help!!!
 (TXT) Line: Champagne
 (TXT) Wizards
 (TXT) REQUEST: Totoro
 (TXT) Answer: What Geek Code is
 (TXT) Line: Aurora borealis/Northern Lights
 (TXT) REQUEST: Winter ASCII art (esp. snowflakes & icicles)
 (TXT) Big, Line: Advertisement beauty (Format: 118x79)
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Request: Zodiac Sign...ARIES
 (TXT) REQUEST: Tennis signature
 (TXT) Info: Little Mermaid
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Talk: Thanks for Little Mermaid info
 (TXT) REQUEST: The Little Rascals
 (TXT) QUESTION - Where is RIP graphics format?
 (TXT) Line: My Santa
 (TXT) GIF: Calvin & Hobbes (old ones)
 (TXT) GIF: Calvin & Hobbes (NEW ones)
 (TXT) Info: Attention Internet World readers
 (TXT) Request: Food?
 (TXT) Line: sig hunt
 (TXT) Request: Drilling Rig/Platform/Etc.
 (TXT) Talk: Is Ascii Art finished?
 (TXT) Request: Lizards and turtles !!!! =)
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: Scarecrow's Christmas Art Collection
 (TXT) Request: Baby Art
 (TXT) GIF: Thumbs Up
 (TXT) Line: A few sigs
 (TXT) Request: can someone help me with putting my name in this style?
 (TXT) request/line: Trombone
 (TXT) looking for ducks and indiana
 (TXT) Question: Where can I get ANSI Mani CD-ROM
 (TXT) REQUEST: McDonald's pics
 (TXT) Line: Felix the Cat
 (TXT) Line: Hug you
 (TXT) Request: Rose
 (TXT) Request: Rose
 (TXT) Request: computer art
 (TXT) Talk: Is Ascii Art finished?
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: *** The Star Trek ascii FAQ now WWW-able ***
 (TXT) Talk: Thanx 4 Netscape FTP pointer
 (TXT) REQUEST: Trombone
 (TXT) LINE: Heart
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII art
 (TXT) Request: Superman's "S" Logo
 (TXT) Request: Deadhead Stuff... pleez oh pleez
 (TXT) Request: Full alphabet
 (TXT) BIG: Train (long banner)
 (TXT) REQUEST: Saxophone
 (TXT) Line: Here's your Rose(s)
 (TXT) Line: Rose
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII art
 (TXT) Request: Full alphabet
 (TXT) Re: Talk: ASCII art
 (TXT) GIF: Babies
 (TXT) LINE: Heart
 (TXT) Question: How to make Figlet run
 (TXT) REQUEST: Opening screen for MUSH (something simple)
 (TXT) Line: Dragon
 (TXT) Question: How do I transfer ASCII art via FTP?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Tennis signature
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: Figlet site has changed
 (TXT) Request: Trophy Cup
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: Uncle Bob's Christmas Page
 (TXT) Line: Kris Kringle
 (TXT) 3-D: Merry Christmas
 (TXT) BIG: Power Rangers [1 of 3]
 (TXT) Line-talk: Japanese emoticons
 (TXT) Line-Talk: Pirate
 (TXT) Request: Can someone put an earing on the Pirate
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Christmas
 (TXT) Line: Crayon sig (was Request: Crayons needed)
 (TXT) Line: Micrometer
 (TXT) GIF-Repost: Space shuttle
 (TXT) Talk: Is Ascii Art finished?
 (TXT) Talk-line: XXX
 (TXT) REQUEST: Picture of Dobermann
 (TXT) Request: Movie/Film ASCII-Art wanted
 (TXT) Line: Biohazard symbol
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.8 - 58 K)
 (TXT) LINE: Pentium Joke # 3145727
 (TXT) Line: Sigs - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: Happy Holiday Card (replay)(long)
 (TXT) Line: Yule Tree of Languages
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway - I DO!
 (TXT) Info: Netscape FTP
 (TXT) Talk-line: Sig collection of recent postings
 (TXT) Font: morse.flf
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: Sigs - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: Croc (Re: REQUEST: alligator / crocodile)
 (TXT) Line: hug (Re: REQUEST: Hug)
 (TXT) Line: Star of life sig
 (TXT) Line: Pre-Valentine ASCii [100 Lines] PLEASE DON'T DISTRIBUTE!
 (TXT) REQUEST: Corvette
 (TXT) Line: My boring sigs (Re post your sigs)
 (TXT) LINE: Last batch of my sigs
 (TXT) LINE: Some better sigs (re post your sigs)
 (TXT) Re: Line: Happy Holiday Card (replay)(long)
 (TXT) Request: The ANIMANIACS...
 (TXT) Line: The ANIMANIACS...
 (TXT) Request: The ANIMANIACS...
 (TXT) Line-talk: Dimensional sig
 (TXT) Request: can someone help me with putting my name in this style?
 (TXT) Request: nfl emblems
 (TXT) Line: Login screen; Request: an Ne1 Improve on this? ;) [SlackLand]
 (TXT) Request: Christmas Bears.
 (TXT) Request: Robot from Lost In Space
 (TXT) Request: Samurai, Japanese stuff
 (TXT) Request: Toaster
 (TXT) Line: Hug
 (TXT) Line: A few sigs
 (TXT) Line: Mouse
 (TXT) Line-Repost: Palace
 (TXT) Line: BBS art
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Question: How to make color bbs art?
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway
 (TXT) Line-GIF: Various Art!
 (TXT) REQUEST: yin yang inside of sun
 (TXT) Request: small santa ascii for a kids talker
 (TXT) Line-talk: Japanese emoticons
 (TXT) REQUEST: Philip Glass
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Request: Christmas designs
 (TXT) Question: Where can I get Gif2Ascii???????
 (TXT) LINE: Hug
 (TXT) Line: xmas tree
 (TXT) Line: Signature
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Line: sig diddle
 (TXT) Answer: How you create a sig
 (TXT) Talk: Please read this message!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) LINE: Bevis
 (TXT) Line: Xmas ascii stuff
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII art
 (TXT) Line: sig diddle
 (TXT) Line-talk: A*N*A*R*C*H*Y !!!!!!
 (TXT) Line: Animals, violin
 (TXT) Request: Crayons needed
 (TXT) Request: XXX
 (TXT) Line: Dragon
 (TXT) Request: How about some Trees?
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) REQUEST: Horses and/or Fencing
 (TXT) Request: The word "HELL" surround by fire.
 (TXT) ANSi/ASCii of Spawn...
 (TXT) Line: sig diddle
 (TXT) Talk: .sig files
 (TXT) Request: Biohazard symbol
 (TXT) Talk: STOP using gif2asc !!!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Talk-line: XXX
 (TXT) Request: bon voyage
 (TXT) Request: i need a small ascii scooter
 (TXT) Request: Aladdin ascii art
 (TXT) Line: Merry Christmas
 (TXT) Talk: STOP using gif2asc !!!
 (TXT) REQUEST: ascii pics of 'human being'
 (TXT) Question: How do I edit files with ESC codes?
 (TXT) Line: Christmas Sig (Re: Post your signatures here!)
 (TXT) Info: Smiley Dictionary on WWW
 (TXT) Talk-line: Humbug
 (TXT) Line: Charlie Brown
 (TXT) Line: A few sigs
 (TXT) Line: A big hug
 (TXT) Line: MindVox Logo
 (TXT) Request: Felix the Cat
 (TXT) Info: Smiley Dictionary on Gopher
 (TXT) Request: Small Roman.flf ?
 (TXT) 3-D: Star Wars
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here
 (TXT) Talk-line: Anatomy collection; Request: Medical items
 (TXT) 3-D: Star Wars; Talk: Technique
 (TXT) Line-Talk: bicycle
 (TXT) Line-talk: Smiley Dictionary [PLEASE READ!]
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line-talk: Smiley Dictionary [PLEASE READ!]
 (TXT) Request: Totoro
 (TXT) 3-D: Star Wars; Talk: Technique
 (TXT) Line: Totoro
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Talk: 3-D Star Wars pic
 (TXT) Request: fish art
 (TXT) GIF: Tweety
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway
 (TXT) Talk: 3-D Star Wars pic
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII Xmas Card Design
 (TXT) Question: Where can I find ANSI Animations?
 (TXT) Question: How do you create a sig?
 (TXT) Request: Name in egyptian; Line: sigs
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Info: Meriday
 (TXT) Request: Santa Clause-ascii
 (TXT) Request: Name in egyptian; Line: sigs
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.8 - 58 K)
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Sig
 (TXT) Sig
 (TXT) Talk-line: Randy Ransom .plan
 (TXT) Sig
 (TXT) Talk: Happy Birthday Card
 (TXT) 3-D: face; Talk: How to view it
 (TXT) Question: How to view?
 (TXT) Request: Enterprise-B
 (TXT) Line: Happy Birthday Card
 (TXT) LINE: Diamond
 (TXT) Talk: 3-D Viewing
 (TXT) Request: Small flowers
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Request: Who can send my an ASCII-pig?
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) REQUEST: alligator / crocodile
 (TXT) REQUEST: possum
 (TXT) Request: Please Help Me out?
 (TXT) LINE: sig - Post your signature here!
 (TXT) Line: My Sigs
 (TXT) REPOST: Totorro
 (TXT) REQUEST: Flower
 (TXT) Request: Please read this message!
 (TXT) REQUEST: Violon
 (TXT) Answer: Where to find ANSI Animations
 (TXT) Request: Xmas Pics wanted !!!
 (TXT) REQUEST: The Grinch
 (TXT) Request: Mouse
 (TXT) Request: Dragon
 (TXT) Line: Enterprise-B
 (TXT) REQUEST: picture of Sam Le Pirate
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway - I DO!
 (TXT) LINE: Whales
 (TXT) REQUEST: Timon from The Lion King
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway - I DO!
 (TXT) Line-talk: Sig
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII art
 (TXT) REQUEST: possum
 (TXT) Line: Japanese emoticons
 (TXT) REQUEST: lizards!
 (TXT) Talk: possum
 (TXT) Line: Totorro
 (TXT) Request: Race Horse(s)
 (TXT) Question: Where can I get UNIX gif2ascii?
 (TXT) Request: 3D sig
 (TXT) Line: NQCBGT Official List Of Dragon Ascii Art v1.24 (1 of 2)
 (TXT) Talk: Who reads FAQs anyway
 (TXT) Line: NQCBGT Official List Of Dragon Ascii Art v1.24 (2 of 2)
 (TXT) Line:: possum
 (TXT) Line: Sig - Post your sig here
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) 3-D: face; Answer: How to view it
 (TXT) Request: Nails
 (TXT) INFO: terminal / termcap / ansi / vt-xxx / animation codes (FAQ)
 (TXT) Line: Skull
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: a sig (plus elephant attributed)
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII Xmas Card Design
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line-Talk: ascii data display on WWW
 (TXT) Line-Talk: World Wide Web - The Truth
 (TXT) 3-D: face; Question: How to view it
 (TXT) Request: Unicorns
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) request: Rich in 3D
 (TXT) Request: Small Michigan map and or a Big M
 (TXT) Line: Unicorns and more (variations on a theme)
 (TXT) Talk: Tree (HELP! :)
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!
 (TXT) Request: Sports teams
 (TXT) Line-talk: Unicorns
 (TXT) Line: sig - Post your signatures here!