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       community weblog
       --- May 9 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) In AI, it's easy to argue about philosophical questions over-much
       --- May 8 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) How King's College Added 438 Solar Panels to a 500-Year-Old Chapel
 (HTM) The Seinfeld Roundtable
 (HTM) "The noise of being online was becoming almost too much for even me."
 (HTM) Steve Albini, musician and producer has died
 (HTM) You are what ate you?
 (HTM) Purple Reign
 (HTM) Is Cooking Classist?  New video from Hoots
 (HTM) "...we are headed for major societal disruption within the next 5 years"
 (HTM) Teaching others how to speak, a voice falls silent
 (HTM) You are what you eat?
 (HTM) North Yorkshire Council to phase out apostrophe use on street signs
 (HTM) "spaghettification is just 12.8 seconds away"
 (HTM) There is no European Google, Tesla or Facebook
       --- May 7 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) "a permanent cessation of military and hostile operations"
 (HTM) The Chair
 (HTM) The Sun Is Down, The Battery's Up
 (HTM) Monocycle Mayhem!!!
 (HTM) Koala briefly runs through a triathlon
 (HTM) Save the Whales -- All-Cetacean division
 (HTM) Gm•(t)-p3-itn
 (HTM) Neom - The Line - The Rise and Fall of Saudi Arabia
 (HTM) The rise of the job-search bots
 (HTM) Ancient Polished Granite Chambers In India With No Explanation
 (HTM) France reclaims the title for World's Longest Baguette
 (HTM) A fateful exit interview
 (HTM) That inequality lies at the heart of what we call "data colonialism"
       --- May 6 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Yoink
 (HTM) Rare oceanic phenomenon brought on by heavy rainfall
 (HTM) Mirror Mirror On The Ball
 (HTM) administrators aim to create a more politically quietist university
 (HTM) "Greatest stuntwoman who ever lived" Jeannie Epper passes at 83
 (HTM) Tom Driveimpossiblyquicklyer
 (HTM) The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Martha and the Vandellas and so many more
 (HTM) Your 80s childhood sucked
 (HTM) Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
 (HTM) Home of the Free (Thread)
 (HTM) Just who in the hell is Ray Suzuki?
       --- May 5 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Renters get to join in on the solar boom
 (HTM) Good Shepherd
 (HTM) Send not to know for whom the bell tolls (but in this case.......)
 (HTM) Finding Lillian
 (HTM) Quoth the Pingu:
 (HTM) Best printer 2024 for printing printers who love to print in 2024
 (HTM) Spuds for the Spud God
 (HTM) "I am not an artifact"
 (HTM) The most significant hip hop feud in decades
 (HTM) A careful analyst of the textured nature of historical repetition
       --- May 4 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Tasmanian devil tooth found during archaeological dig North of Perth
       "It's moist, but thanks."