The Wandering Geek
       Comments: thinknix _at_ unixlore _dot_ net
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 (TXT) [2024-06-14] Comments on the Death of Email
 (TXT) [2024-05-19] Using Discourse-Based Forums with Niche Browsers
 (TXT) [2024-02-19] Cloud Storage
 (TXT) [2024-02-04] Response to on the State of Gopher
 (TXT) [2024-01-26] Disable Firefox's Helpful Download Blocker
 (TXT) [2023-12-06] Gopher Archive Sites
 (TXT) [2023-11-24] Trisquel GNU/Linux on the Old Laptop
 (TXT) [2023-10-28] Comments on Debian - Looking Back
 (TXT) [2023-09-02] Comments on Gopher Engagement
 (TXT) [2023-07-09] Katolaz's Ed Tutorial and Some More Tips
 (TXT) [2023-07-06] Email Blocked Again
 (TXT) [2023-06-25] Simplicity and Debian Lenny
 (TXT) [2023-05-10] Email and a Few Gopher Sites
 (TXT) [2023-04-24] Postfix SASL Configuration
 (TXT) [2023-04-02] Debian Lenny
 (TXT) [2023-03-26] Fedora Deprecates Legacy BIOS Installs
 (TXT) [2023-03-02] Forced Password Changes...Really?
 (TXT) [2023-02-27] Trisquel 11 on a New Desktop
 (TXT) [2022-12-30] Laptop Refresh
 (TXT) [2022-11-15] Transparent Encryption for Emacs with Ccrypt
 (TXT) [2022-08-16] Gopher Server Down
 (TXT) [2022-04-10] Red Hat Private Tmp
 (TXT) [2022-03-07] New Gopher Search Engine Named 'Quarry' from
 (TXT) [2022-02-23] Gopher Simplicity and Community
 (TXT) [2021-12-10] How to Disable Updates in Firefox
 (TXT) [2021-06-26] Replies on Gopher Annoyances
 (TXT) [2021-04-17] Gopher Annoyances
 (TXT) [2020-11-06] The Right to Internet and Email
 (TXT) [2020-09-10] Comments on Gopher Design
 (TXT) [2020-08-25] Email Posting Styles and Blacklist Update
 (TXT) [2020-07-01] Mail Server Blacklist Woes
 (TXT) [2020-06-22] Fedora Proposal to Remove Unmaintained Packages
 (TXT) [2020-06-19] Historical Blog Posts on Linux/FLOSS
 (TXT) [2020-06-18] Linux Consulting Nostalgia
 (TXT) [2020-06-12] Radio Shack & Old Tech Recycling
 (TXT) [2020-06-05] Musings on Gopher Purity
 (TXT) [2020-05-31] Comments on Unencrypted Gopher
 (TXT) [2020-05-26] Observation on Teaching
 (TXT) [2020-05-04] Amateur Radio License
 (TXT) [2020-04-07] Private Email Servers are a Dying Breed
 (TXT) [2020-04-03] Work in the Pandemic
 (TXT) [2020-03-18] Cutting the Cord
 (TXT) [2020-03-02] Motsognir vs. Gophernicus Gopher Servers
 (TXT) [2020-02-24] Does Gopher Really Need TLS Encryption?
 (TXT) [2020-02-20] Training Irony
 (TXT) [2020-02-12] Dynamic MOTD on Ubuntu. Wtf?
 (TXT) [2020-01-12] Bill Watterson Quote on TV
 (TXT) [2020-01-07] Welcome to my Gopher Log
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