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 (TXT) 1994-06-15 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 1994-06-16 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 1994-06-22 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 1994-06-24 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 1994-06-25 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 1994-06-28 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 1994-06-30 5 things to know about the Feds biggest interest rate incre
 (TXT) 2014-02-03 00-17-22 Meet Phronima, the barrel-riding parasite that ins
 (TXT) 2016-12-14 21-33-52 Quand Yves Coppens racontait Lascaux, « joli table
 (TXT) 2016-12-14 21-33-52 Quand Yves Coppens racontait Lascaux-« joli tablea
 (TXT) 2017-03-15 21-31-51 Contraception et avortement, des enjeux du masculi
 (TXT) 2017-07-23 20-25-11 Lyme-amenager son jardin pour se proteger des piqu
 (TXT) 2018-03-07 10-35-26 Cerita orang Banjar menjadi leluhur orang Madagask
 (TXT) 2018-03-29 09-49-07 Kulit kita adalah organ tubuh paling penting dan p
 (TXT) 2018-05-16 10-26-05 Should I kill spiders in my home An entomologist e
 (TXT) 2018-05-25 12-51-37 The forgotten history of Memorial Day
 (TXT) 2018-06-03 19-33-14 Parole dentomologiste-laissez la vie sauve aux ara
 (TXT) 2018-07-10 13-23-48 How to oust a Tory leader-the rules explained
 (TXT) 2018-08-28 09-04-19 Pertumbuhan ekonomi selama 20 tahun hanya dinikmat
 (TXT) 2018-11-14 20-46-08 La sonde spatiale BepiColombo a la decouverte de M
 (TXT) 2019-01-09 20-45-06 Le secret de lhibernation des tortues-respirer par
 (TXT) 2019-01-25 05-05-12 Akan terlihat seperti apakah bekerja pada tahun 20
 (TXT) 2019-06-04 23-09-00 Cleo-« Pourquoi il y a le rechauffement climatique
 (TXT) 2019-06-10 03-32-34 Institut des hautes etudes pour la science et la t
 (TXT) 2019-06-11 14-11-19 June 12 is now Democracy Day in Nigeria. Why it ma
 (TXT) 2019-06-25 19-47-54 Sinspirer de larchitecture traditionnelle pour fai
 (TXT) 2019-06-27 21-07-40 Lesquels de nos organes sont les plus menaces par 
 (TXT) 2019-09-22 17-57-23 Lembryon humain est-il une personne 
 (TXT) 2019-10-16 04-02-02 Pemenang Nobel Ekonomi 2019 dan solusi mereka bagi
 (TXT) 2019-11-14 19-36-38 Avoir une vie sexuelle active quand on vieillit se
 (TXT) 2019-12-05 18-08-25 La pornographie modifierait le cerveau… Decouvrez 
 (TXT) 2020-01-16 14-08-21 Leau petillante est-elle bonne pour la sante 
 (TXT) 2020-03-02 06-44-36 Pentingnya riset tentang keseharian anak muda dala
 (TXT) 2020-03-03 02-40-34 Yang perlu Indonesia lakukan untuk mengurangi juml
 (TXT) 2020-03-05 03-11-13 Riset temukan dua cara jitu yang dipakai masyaraka
 (TXT) 2020-03-06 06-05-02 Jakarta-menuju kota yang (warganya) tahan banjir
 (TXT) 2020-03-09 07-42-54 Yang tidak kalah penting dari isu kepulangan simpa
 (TXT) 2020-03-10 13-36-10 Why a rise in court cases is bad for democracy in 
 (TXT) 2020-04-28 19-33-50 Ecole darchitecture de La Reunion, antenne de lENS
 (TXT) 2020-06-01 17-20-38 Linfluence de la Lune est-elle reelle ou imaginair
 (TXT) 2020-07-13 14-38-55 Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Res
 (TXT) 2020-07-23 19-52-43 Contre la montee des eaux, les digues ne suffiront
 (TXT) 2020-07-30 03-34-55 Apa yang membuat orang menjadi preman
 (TXT) 2020-08-19 18-29-02 Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cite (ASPC) on The Convers
 (TXT) 2020-08-25 06-20-12 Tiga cara politikus menjarah hutan Indonesia-kebij
 (TXT) 2020-08-27 18-49-40 Le Tour de France est-il toujours interessant a su
 (TXT) 2020-09-01 05-57-14 Sembilan mitos tentang pengembangan petani kopi kh
 (TXT) 2020-09-11 02-55-06 Antara pola asuh otoritatif dan otoriter-mana yang
 (TXT) 2020-09-18 10-17-37 The Conversation Africa is on WhatsApp
 (TXT) 2020-11-05 07-59-22 Curious Kids-mengapa bulu mata atas lebih panjang 
 (TXT) 2020-11-12 21-56-11 13 Novembre et traumatisme-« La memoire collective
 (TXT) 2020-11-19 14-40-43 Nigeria is not a failed state, but it has not deli
 (TXT) 2021-03-01 18-12-49 Images de science-Sinspirer des cactus pour recolt
 (TXT) 2021-03-02 17-52-39 Diotime-« Comment le corps obeit quand le cerveau 
 (TXT) 2021-05-02 16-20-30 Vaccins a ARN-quelle protection contre les nouveau
 (TXT) 2021-05-04 15-57-26 Les etirements augmentent notre tolerance a la dou
 (TXT) 2021-05-10 14-46-31 American University Kogod School of Business on Th
 (TXT) 2021-05-18 17-29-16 Origine de la Covid-19-lhypothese de laccident de 
 (TXT) 2021-05-31 09-01-17 Curious Kids-berapa lama waktu tidur yang baik
 (TXT) 2021-06-14 13-31-32 La justice sociale-langle mort de la revolution de
 (TXT) 2021-06-15 15-09-00 Comment le confinement a affecte le langage des en
 (TXT) 2021-06-15 18-26-11 Consommer local, verdir la ville ou recuperer les 
 (TXT) 2021-06-16 15-21-39 Voici comment nous avons decouvert un nouveau crus
 (TXT) 2021-06-17 14-27-58 Les racines-tres anciennes-du racisme anti-Noir da
 (TXT) 2021-06-18 16-54-42 Fête de la musique-pourquoi la musique nous emeut-
 (TXT) 2021-06-18 16-54-42 Philosophie-pourquoi la musique nous emeut-elle au
 (TXT) 2021-06-18 17-17-14 Huit façons de gerer lanxiete corporelle post-conf
 (TXT) 2021-06-20 17-00-19 Quand Cristiano Ronaldo interroge notre surconsomm
 (TXT) 2021-06-21 13-50-03 Quatre pistes pour reinventer le tourisme post-pan
 (TXT) 2021-06-21 16-24-56 Sclerose laterale amyotrophique-quelles pistes the
 (TXT) 2021-06-22 13-46-14 De minuscules residus de plastique menacent les hu
 (TXT) 2021-06-23 13-07-43 Quel est le secret des villes qui sillustrent a le
 (TXT) 2021-06-23 20-01-03 C-32-moderniser la Loi sur les langues officielles
 (TXT) 2021-06-25 13-58-22 Quels types doublis sont les plus lies a la maladi
 (TXT) 2021-06-28 13-21-46 Quatre conditions pour offrir de la formation a di
 (TXT) 2021-06-28 19-53-49 Lenergie fossile, cette drogue dont nous narrivons
 (TXT) 2021-06-29 02-36-07 Misteri Gunung Samalas-erupsi gunung api yang meng
 (TXT) 2021-07-06 17-25-11 The Conversation Junior-le rendez-vous des enfants
 (TXT) 2021-07-15 11-00-29 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology on The Co
 (TXT) 2021-08-05 17-37-56 Chaud, froid ou epice-que boire ou manger quand il
 (TXT) 2021-08-05 17-37-56 Chaud, froid ou epice-que boire ou manger quand la
 (TXT) 2021-08-12 13-05-05 TDAH chez ladulte-le difficile diagnostic-et la vi
 (TXT) 2021-08-23 12-05-42 Why Teslas Autopilot crashes spurred the feds to i
 (TXT) 2021-09-01 23-18-07 Defining when human life begins is not a question 
 (TXT) 2021-09-07 15-19-50 Les nombreux avantages dapprendre les arts du cirq
 (TXT) 2021-09-28 13-09-34 R. Kelly was aided by a network of complicity-comm
 (TXT) 2021-09-29 12-40-09 Listen to our podcast-Dont Call Me Resilient-Seaso
 (TXT) 2021-09-29 15-00-22 National University of Ireland Galway on The Conve
 (TXT) 2021-10-06 05-38-41 Pengendalian polusi udara di Jakarta harus dilakuk
 (TXT) 2021-10-06 06-43-23 Australia and New Zealand School of Government (AN
 (TXT) 2021-10-10 16-44-17 Eric Zemmour-une histoire française
 (TXT) 2021-10-14 17-17-52 Avec son adaptation de « Dune-, Villeneuve invente
 (TXT) 2021-10-21 13-38-50 Pass rates for school leavers in South Africa are 
 (TXT) 2021-10-26 18-28-24 Images de science-lire les secrets des ouragans
 (TXT) 2021-10-29 09-24-05 Avec le rechauffement climatique, lêtre humain va 
 (TXT) 2021-11-03 12-28-07 How crosses and mementos help some Marines remembe
 (TXT) 2021-11-15 20-44-40 Crise migratoire entre la Bielorussie et lUE-tragi
 (TXT) 2021-11-28 23-05-30 Omicron-comment ce nouveau variant du SARS-CoV-2 a
 (TXT) 2021-12-08 20-54-47 Pour bien manger, manger « simple-
 (TXT) 2021-12-13 14-48-51 Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (UQTR) on Th
 (TXT) 2021-12-30 17-03-06 Le meme-un objet politique
 (TXT) 2022-01-06 11-37-35 mRNA vaccines, asteroid missions and collaborative
 (TXT) 2022-01-06 15-17-56 Omicron-ceux qui ont reçu une 3ᵉ dose peuvent dorm
 (TXT) 2022-01-07 21-56-29 USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journal
 (TXT) 2022-01-10 19-55-34 La carte la plus precise de la Voie Lactee senrich
 (TXT) 2022-01-20 11-35-54 The science of sugar-why were hardwired to love it
 (TXT) 2022-01-21 06-45-44 Membongkar fenomena klitih di kota pelajar-benarka
 (TXT) 2022-01-23 08-56-46 Cape Peninsula University of Technology on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-01-25 13-28-14 How 5G puts airplanes at risk-an electrical engine
 (TXT) 2022-01-27 12-05-52 Chinas plans for Xinjiang, and what it means for t
 (TXT) 2022-01-30 19-08-37 Normes de qualite de lair-quels benefices pour la 
 (TXT) 2022-01-31 19-07-26 Stylos ou claviers-quels outils choisir pour prend
 (TXT) 2022-02-03 14-56-52 Wordle-how a simple game of letters became part of
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 (TXT) 2022-02-07 20-18-36 Un premier atlas mondial pour estimer les volumes 
 (TXT) 2022-02-10 12-19-56 If Russia invades Ukraine, what could happen to na
 (TXT) 2022-02-12 01-02-21 Riset-dua alasan mengapa pengaruh NU dan Muhammadi
 (TXT) 2022-02-14 13-36-58 Extra virgin olive oil-why its healthier than othe
 (TXT) 2022-02-15 12-25-27 Cod supergenes reveal how they are evolving in res
 (TXT) 2022-02-15 13-03-16 COVID-China is developing its own mRNA vaccine-and
 (TXT) 2022-02-15 13-42-12 Alzheimers disease linked to circadian rhythm-new 
 (TXT) 2022-02-15 14-59-00 Dont watch Pam and Tommy-the series turns someones
 (TXT) 2022-02-15 15-56-02 Leadership-dans la tête de visionnaires inspirants
 (TXT) 2022-02-15 18-41-20 Swabbing floors to detect COVID-19 could be a usef
 (TXT) 2022-02-16 17-37-07 Prince Andrew-where settlement money will come fro
 (TXT) 2022-02-16 22-53-27 Declassement, manque de reconnaissance… ces enseig
 (TXT) 2022-02-17 09-01-15 Pakar Menjawab-Mengapa investor harus memiliki per
 (TXT) 2022-02-17 10-47-28 COVID may have made us less materialistic-new rese
 (TXT) 2022-02-17 12-14-59 Fermented food-why eating sauerkraut helps your gu
 (TXT) 2022-02-17 12-59-50 Sahel security-what a wave of military coups means
 (TXT) 2022-02-17 13-52-32 Five things to consider before getting a feline co
 (TXT) 2022-02-20 17-26-50 « France peripherique-, abstention et vote RN-une 
 (TXT) 2022-02-20 17-49-10 Cuando tenemos que elegir entre cuidar del planeta
 (TXT) 2022-02-21 16-37-45 Guerra y desencanto en Stefan Zweig
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 (TXT) 2022-02-22 14-54-41+01-00Robots et humains. Une conversion ecologique
 (TXT) 2022-02-22 14-54-41-01-00Robots et humains. Une conversion ecologique
 (TXT) 2022-02-23 22-28-34 Quian Quiroga-Deberiamos dedicar mas tiempo a esta
 (TXT) 2022-02-24 08-30-26 Bagaimana mengajari anak-anak tentang perubahan ik
 (TXT) 2022-02-24 16-57-08 Nuclear fusion record broken-what will it take to 
 (TXT) 2022-02-26 11-14-11 Job-education mismatch-mengurai akar fenomena sala
 (TXT) 2022-02-27 08-33-18 Nigerias plastic pollution is harming the environm
 (TXT) 2022-03-01 15-20-52 Universite du Quebec en Outaouais (UQO) on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-03-02 05-16-36 Sawit mendukung satwa liar Logika keliru naskah ak
 (TXT) 2022-03-02 09-15-12 Riset-bagaimana Muslim memahami identitas gender y
 (TXT) 2022-03-02 10-18-34 Pandemi memasuki tahun ketiga-mengapa layanan tele
 (TXT) 2022-03-03 09-19-04 Kinerja UMKM tersungkur karena pandemi, digitalisa
 (TXT) 2022-03-04 04-58-22 Curious Kids-apakah manusia bisa hidup di luar ang
 (TXT) 2022-03-04 07-44-47 Tanah vulkanik Indonesia mengandung zat berbahaya,
 (TXT) 2022-03-04 11-43-12 Alasan mengapa sanksi ekonomi dan kecaman dunia te
 (TXT) 2022-03-04 13-13-01 Interpol red notice-what it means and why South Af
 (TXT) 2022-03-06 03-43-15 Dekolonisasi sains-pentingnya memerdekakan ilmu pe
 (TXT) 2022-03-07 06-18-15 Curious Kids-Mengapa bintang berkelap-kelip
 (TXT) 2022-03-07 15-01-21 Ukrainian and Russian-how similar are the two lang
 (TXT) 2022-03-08 05-33-54 Bukan lagi bidang laki-laki-kiprah ilmuwan perempu
 (TXT) 2022-03-08 09-38-30 Risiko banjir impor menghantui pengusaha lokal den
 (TXT) 2022-03-09 00-57-07 Eksploitasi buruh perempuan di tengah gemerlap bis
 (TXT) 2022-03-09 05-45-54 Riset terbaru-selain perairan, mikroplastik turut 
 (TXT) 2022-03-09 17-45-16 Chuck Palahniuk-La buena literatura de ficcion lle
 (TXT) 2022-03-09 18-09-49 Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice Universi
 (TXT) 2022-03-10 02-21-29 Pakar Menjawab-ini dampak ekonomi yang mungkin dir
 (TXT) 2022-03-10 04-01-21 Perang dan Pandemi-bagaimana dunia bisa cegah waba
 (TXT) 2022-03-10 04-02-25 4 ahli ungkap bagaimana pandemi COVID-19 mendorong
 (TXT) 2022-03-10 10-58-41 The trauma of life in limbo for refugees and asylu
 (TXT) 2022-03-10 20-34-16 LUkraine peut-elle adherer rapidement a lUE 
 (TXT) 2022-03-11 02-22-07 Riset baru-risiko terkena COVID-19 parah bisa dike
 (TXT) 2022-03-11 09-21-36 Pakar menjawab-misteri Supersemar, kronologi yang 
 (TXT) 2022-03-11 13-19-52 Indiana University School of Medicine on The Conve
 (TXT) 2022-03-12 05-43-49 Tiga alasan mengapa penundaan pemilu 2024 harus di
 (TXT) 2022-03-13 21-02-45 Cuaderno Covid-19-Dos anos de pandemia a traves de
 (TXT) 2022-03-14 09-28-41 Ingin lebih bahagia, lebih sehat, dan hemat Memasa
 (TXT) 2022-03-15 06-31-41 Curious Kid-mengapa tulang manusia bukan tulang ra
 (TXT) 2022-03-15 23-19-19 Turning supermarkets into public utilities could b
 (TXT) 2022-03-16 08-41-54 Semua orang menyeberang jalan, tapi kenapa keselam
 (TXT) 2022-03-16 10-27-55+01-00Explorer les formes du visible. Lectures croi
 (TXT) 2022-03-16 12-07-24 Dark empaths-how dangerous are psychopaths and nar
 (TXT) 2022-03-16 21-04-09 Vieillissement demographique de la France-a quoi s
 (TXT) 2022-03-17 05-11-29 Bank Tanah lembaga baru yang mubazir dan mengancam
 (TXT) 2022-03-17 08-49-43 Jaring pengaman yang berlubang-lemahnya jaminan so
 (TXT) 2022-03-17 13-46-03 Individual climate action-the free and instant way
 (TXT) 2022-03-17 14-06-08 The history and evolution of Ukrainian national id
 (TXT) 2022-03-18 09-42-17 Apa itu flexing dan bagaimana mengatasinya-belajar
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 (TXT) 2022-03-20 20-56-55 Why has New Zealand welcomed Ukrainians fleeing wa
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 (TXT) 2022-03-22 04-39-44 Most COVID patients in NZs Omicron outbreak are va
 (TXT) 2022-03-23 06-58-33 South African court rules that clean air is a cons
 (TXT) 2022-03-23 19-07-01 Australian Institute of Marine Science on The Conv
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 (TXT) 2022-03-24 06-46-45 Mengurai sisi gelap mobil listrik-dari tambang nik
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 (TXT) 2022-03-25 03-50-50 5 must-read books about Russia and Ukraine-our exp
 (TXT) 2022-03-25 05-03-04 Pakar menjawab-mengapa pelanggaran HAM berat masa 
 (TXT) 2022-03-28 18-32-38 Le vote « jeune-existe-t-il 
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 (TXT) 2022-03-29 14-52-39 Ukraine war-Ordinary Belarusians are also being vi
 (TXT) 2022-03-30 03-11-49 Still coughing after COVID Heres why it happens an
 (TXT) 2022-03-30 11-36-04 Bagaimana perang hantu vs kiai mewarnai film horor
 (TXT) 2022-03-30 18-29-53 The Conversation, los publicos de la pandemia y lo
 (TXT) 2022-03-31 08-26-37 The Aboriginal Tent Embassy at 50-the history of a
 (TXT) 2022-04-01 03-15-12 TikTok adalah alat baru politikus untuk memenangka
 (TXT) 2022-04-03 16-13-46 En ville, les ecoles « nature-sont-elles possibles
 (TXT) 2022-04-03 16-14-11 La redevance, rempart pour le service public ou to
 (TXT) 2022-04-04 13-33-48 Institut national de la recherche scientifique (IN
 (TXT) 2022-04-04 19-28-53 Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC) on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-04-06 18-44-53 What is going on in Pakistan And why has the US be
 (TXT) 2022-04-07 10-19-16 Could lead makeup really kill you A scientist recr
 (TXT) 2022-04-07 18-01-21 Researchers identified over 5,500 new viruses in t
 (TXT) 2022-04-08 04-21-57 Pakar Menjawab-Apakah harga Pertamax harus naik
 (TXT) 2022-04-08 06-30-21 Bagaimana Indonesia dapat melebarkan pengaruh lewa
 (TXT) 2022-04-10 18-49-55 Las carreras de carros, el mayor espectaculo de Ro
 (TXT) 2022-04-11 07-58-31 International Institute for Management Development
 (TXT) 2022-04-12 02-18-43 Curious Kids-Apa yang tumbuhan lakukan sepanjang h
 (TXT) 2022-04-12 02-28-50 Curious Kids-Energi terbuat dari apa
 (TXT) 2022-04-12 07-44-18 Lada hitam-sehat atau tidak
 (TXT) 2022-04-13 02-34-16 University of the Sunshine Coast on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-04-13 14-04-40 Cannabis-how it affects our cognition and psycholo
 (TXT) 2022-04-14 01-55-39 Pakar Menjawab-Apa yang akan terjadi ketika harga 
 (TXT) 2022-04-14 10-10-55 Pakar Menjawab-UU TPKS sudah sah! Apa yang patut d
 (TXT) 2022-04-14 12-15-48 Jackie Robinson was a radical-dont listen to the s
 (TXT) 2022-04-14 12-16-27 Why do peace talks fail A negotiation expert answe
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 (TXT) 2022-04-14 18-22-12 Les elections legislatives servent-elles vraiment 
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 (TXT) 2022-04-14 18-37-34 Les mysteres du sirop derable-tout est dans la sev
 (TXT) 2022-04-16 09-09-17 Maraknya TNI terlibat kriminal dan terkena depresi
 (TXT) 2022-04-18 03-43-41 Memecah tabu, melindungi anak dari kekerasan seksu
 (TXT) 2022-04-18 12-28-44 Is Ukrainian a language or a dialect That depends 
 (TXT) 2022-04-19 15-54-55 Prevenir le cancer en sinteressant a la gestion de
 (TXT) 2022-04-19 16-39-17 Agence française de developpement (AFD) on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-04-20 02-33-36 3 alasan mengapa Anda justru stres ketika mencoba 
 (TXT) 2022-04-20 08-23-37 Curious Kids-Bagaimana kecoak selamat dari asteroi
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 (TXT) 2022-04-20 15-45-52+01-00Capturing feeling and experience in research 
 (TXT) 2022-04-21 03-49-40 Curious Kids-Apa hal terpenting yang dibutuhkan se
 (TXT) 2022-04-21 10-39-50 Memperingati Hari Kartini-Perempuan Papua masih me
 (TXT) 2022-04-21 18-03-37 PSB Paris School of Business on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-04-22 03-26-16 Curious Kids-mengapa Februari lebih pendek dibandi
 (TXT) 2022-04-22 08-23-52 Harga-harga barang naik serentak-apa kabar ekonomi
 (TXT) 2022-04-22 11-05-30 Apakah pandemi meruntuhkan minat baca siswa Berbag
 (TXT) 2022-04-22 13-09-48 Pakar Menjawab-korban begal Amaq Sinta bersalah at
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 (TXT) 2022-04-25 03-55-35 Jatuh-bangun warga pulau timah menolak tambang-ber
 (TXT) 2022-04-25 07-17-32 Peningkatan aktivitas pertanian terkait dengan ken
 (TXT) 2022-04-25 10-45-51 University of the West of Scotland on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-04-25 13-07-39 University of the Free State on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-04-25 14-13-55 Percer les secrets du sirop derable, une molecule 
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 (TXT) 2022-04-26 16-44-31 Como se aprovecha un maltratador de la dependencia
 (TXT) 2022-04-27 02-38-53 Riset baru-Tumbuh di kota dapat mengurangi kemampu
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 (TXT) 2022-04-28 06-20-51 Pakar Menjawab-Elon Musk membeli Twitter, apa yang
 (TXT) 2022-04-28 12-38-04 Mengapa banyak pakar di Indonesia cenderung pro-Ru
 (TXT) 2022-04-28 14-40-21 Les changements climatiques modifient le rythme sa
 (TXT) 2022-04-29 01-21-02 Rich Brian, NIKI, dan 88Rising di panggung Coachel
 (TXT) 2022-05-03 13-00-51 En ville, les grands arbres sont indispensables
 (TXT) 2022-05-03 13-09-39 American University School of International Servic
 (TXT) 2022-05-03 17-53-33 Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (UQAC) on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-05-03 18-38-27 Ademe (Agence de la transition ecologique) on The 
 (TXT) 2022-05-04 00-03-07 Abortion right guaranteed by Roe will be replaced 
 (TXT) 2022-05-04 15-19-46 Port du masque au Quebec-une « prudence-tant polit
 (TXT) 2022-05-04 18-41-19 Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-05-05 12-41-34 What would it mean to codify Roe into law-and is t
 (TXT) 2022-05-05 13-08-58 Les fondations philanthropiques sont riches, mais 
 (TXT) 2022-05-05 16-30-46 Kaliningrad-Russias unsinkable aircraft carrier de
 (TXT) 2022-05-07 14-53-26 Absennya guru dan buruknya manajemen beasiswa di P
 (TXT) 2022-05-08 16-55-46 Repenser la democratie scolaire-une cle pour dynam
 (TXT) 2022-05-08 17-00-36 Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) on The C
 (TXT) 2022-05-09 07-32-20 Sakit kepala-tiga tips dari ahli saraf tentang car
 (TXT) 2022-05-09 12-05-35 University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-05-09 14-18-31 Enseignement virtuel-la technologie ne doit pas pr
 (TXT) 2022-05-09 14-18-31 Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue (UQA
 (TXT) 2022-05-10 06-16-59 Hepatitis akut misterius mewabah-pahami gejala, si
 (TXT) 2022-05-10 13-49-06 Chinas COVID crisis and the dilemma facing its lea
 (TXT) 2022-05-10 13-57-41 Quel regard portent les etudiants en comptabilite 
 (TXT) 2022-05-10 18-00-18 Rapports du GIEC-il faut cesser de rechauffer la p
 (TXT) 2022-05-11 12-48-01 Elections au Liban-est-ce la fin pour les dirigean
 (TXT) 2022-05-11 17-42-13 USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
 (TXT) 2022-05-11 19-55-22 Why the budget should treat public health like tra
 (TXT) 2022-05-12 01-58-26 Removing GST on food is back in the news, proving 
 (TXT) 2022-05-12 12-16-12 These strategies and life hacks can help anyone wi
 (TXT) 2022-05-12 20-00-34 The arts helped us through the pandemic-NZs budget
 (TXT) 2022-05-12 20-01-34 What the next Australian government must do to sav
 (TXT) 2022-05-13 04-16-46 Penerbangan dibuka lagi, seberapa besar risikonya 
 (TXT) 2022-05-13 12-13-48 Abortion funds are in the spotlight with the end o
 (TXT) 2022-05-14 07-08-10 Laki-laki juga rentan jadi korban kekerasan seksua
 (TXT) 2022-05-14 08-04-42 Kenyas fuel crisis-how the countrys subsidy system
 (TXT) 2022-05-15 16-00-16 Pollution de lair-diviser par trois la mortalite t
 (TXT) 2022-05-15 20-15-58 Hes Australias 31st prime minister. So who is Anth
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 01-15-39 The cost of living crisis means bolder budget deci
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 12-15-25 Abortion-The story of suffering and death behind I
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 12-17-03 Just how accurate are rapid antigen tests Two test
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 12-17-37 Online data could be used against people seeking a
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 14-55-26 African Population and Health Research Center on T
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 15-46-03 Proteger et cultiver les tourbieres pour limiter l
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 17-57-40 Climate change is now on the menu at seafood resta
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 18-30-04 How media reports of clashes mislead Americans abo
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 19-59-26 How NZ could become a world leader in decarbonisat
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 22-34-22 Collapse of negotiations with care workers shows l
 (TXT) 2022-05-16 23-17-19 The Russian invasion of Ukraine made everyone nerv
 (TXT) 2022-05-17 01-23-54 Will the budget be another missed opportunity to g
 (TXT) 2022-05-17 01-52-15 Praktik disinformasi telah berkembang dari operasi
 (TXT) 2022-05-17 13-21-49 Et si nos oreilles pouvaient remplacer les piles e
 (TXT) 2022-05-17 13-44-24 Acceptabilite sociale-il faut repenser la gouverna
 (TXT) 2022-05-17 19-07-53 Air of compromise-NZs Emissions Reduction Plan rev
 (TXT) 2022-05-17 19-41-37 Why Turkey isnt on board with Finland, Sweden join
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 00-46-51 Prompt and accurate information is vital in a pand
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 02-14-30 Analisis-petani terus dicekoki pestisida sintetis 
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 07-55-01 Revenge Tourism-Apa dampak terburuknya jika terjad
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 08-50-19 Ribuan sapi terinfeksi penyakit mulut dan kuku-men
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 10-36-29 RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences on
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 12-14-45 Bad news for the 2022 hurricane season-The Loop Cu
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 14-04-56 Elections au Bresil-quels defis pour Lula face a J
 (TXT) 2022-05-18 17-15-50 Instituto de Salud Carlos III on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 05-06-52 A budget for the squeezed middle-but will it be th
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 06-15-47 Pakar Menjawab-kenali heat islands, pemicu panas m
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 06-43-28 Pakar Menjawab-apakah penyakit mulut dan kuku hewa
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 10-42-30 Deddy Corbuzier menghapus video podcast dengan Rag
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 10-42-30 Deddy Corbuzier menghapus video podcast dengan Rag
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 11-51-00 Psychedelics-how they act on the brain to relieve 
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 12-23-07 Restoring the Great Lakes-After 50 years of US-Can
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 12-23-38 CBT DBT Psychodynamic What type of therapy is righ
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 14-29-56 La reponse a la pandemie, une occasion manquee de 
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 15-02-33 Les vagues de chaleur extrême menacent la fertilit
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 19-27-56 Graduate Institute-Institut de hautes etudes inter
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 19-28-59 Universite Paris Nanterre-Universite Paris Lumiere
 (TXT) 2022-05-19 23-22-06 Russias blockade could cause mass famine beyond Uk
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 01-30-09 Labours fourth well-being budget still comes up sh
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 02-51-59 Ahli virus jelaskan bagaimana varian COVID-19 baru
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 02-52-01 Apa kata ahli tentang mindfulness
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 03-01-20 4 alasan mengapa mengatakan do your research untuk
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 05-10-08 Jangan salahkan aplikasi kencan atas kelamnya kisa
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 11-09-51 Wagatha Christie-what the Vardy v Rooney case can 
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 11-40-39 Five tips for young people dealing with long COVID
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 12-21-33 After initial silence, the Biden administration is
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 12-43-49 What is monkeypox A microbiologist explains whats 
 (TXT) 2022-05-20 13-19-55 Epidemie de variole du singe-ce quon doit savoir
 (TXT) 2022-05-22 16-02-21 La confiance politique exige la reconnaissance du 
 (TXT) 2022-05-22 16-07-19 Legislatives 2022-zoom sur ces deputes qui ne se r
 (TXT) 2022-05-22 16-37-36 Variole du singe-« Cette circulation de la maladie
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 00-30-23 Alcohol marketing has crossed borders and entered 
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 04-17-23 The election showed Australias huge appetite for s
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 09-56-36 AC Milan Serie A win carries lessons in team build
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 10-51-06 David Bowie and the birth of environmentalism-50 y
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 12-08-49 Monkeypox Q&A-how do you catch it and what are the
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 12-24-32 Impending demise of Roe v. Wade puts a spotlight o
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 12-26-57 Heard v. Depp trial was not just a media spectacle
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 15-50-44 What happened to the AstraZeneca vaccine Now rare 
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 19-56-25 Lutter contre la triche dans lenseignement superie
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 19-57-44 Into the ocean twilight zone-how new technology is
 (TXT) 2022-05-23 23-50-03 New Zealand must get over its obsession with big c
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 01-56-17 Dont believe the backlash-the benefits of NZ inves
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 03-51-59 Nasib Indonesia-titik panas ancaman populasi satwa
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 04-49-45 All Creatures Great and Small at 50-why these stor
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 07-38-34 Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit (EOCRU) on T
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 07-38-34 Pakar Menjawab-apakah kebijakan bebas masker di lu
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 07-39-45 Kemenangan AC Milan di Liga Serie A tunjukkan bahw
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 08-28-00 Curious Kids-Mengapa air mata keluar ketika kita m
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 08-28-02 Curious Kids-Apakah ahli gunung berapi (vulkanolog
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 08-28-10 Curious Kids-Bagaimana kita bisa tahu kalau kita t
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 12-28-12 University of California, San Francisco on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 12-28-12 What is a medication, or medical, abortion 5 quest
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 12-28-53 The big exodus of Ukrainian refugees isnt an accid
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 13-31-16 La flambee dhepatite chez les enfants serait-elle 
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 18-00-52 Institut national des langues et civilisations ori
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 18-00-55 Institut National dEtudes Demographiques (INED) on
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 18-16-35 The future of fishing and fish-and the health of t
 (TXT) 2022-05-24 18-29-08 New Zealand has just joined an overtly anti-China 
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 00-29-17 Whose identity are we preserving in Aucklands spec
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 05-28-41 Apa itu cacar monyet Ahli mikrobiologi menjelaskan
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 12-52-35 What we know about mass school shootings in the US
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 12-54-54 Foreign companies exiting Russia echo the pressure
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 12-55-05 Replacement theory isnt new-3 things to know about
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 13-35-45 Des modeles masculins pour developper lenvie de li
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 15-40-24 Four reasons SUVs are less safe and worse for the 
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 16-01-10 Ce que lon sait des tueries dans les ecoles aux Et
 (TXT) 2022-05-25 21-40-58 University of California, Los Angeles on The Conve
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 01-04-28 How did ancient moa survive the ice age-and what c
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 01-17-24 How the NRA evolved from backing a 1934 ban on mac
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 10-47-48 India and Pakistans heatwave is a sign of worse to
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 13-57-42 Inegalites de genre-les contradictions de la loi 2
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 17-06-26 Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de laliment
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 18-49-52 Managing fish stocks shared by nations must focus 
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 18-57-14 I-site Universite Lille Nord Europe (ULNE) on The 
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 21-16-06 Why gun control laws dont pass Congress, despite m
 (TXT) 2022-05-26 22-27-34 6 charts show key role firearms makers play in Ame
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 03-07-52 On your back Side Face-down Mice show how we sleep
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 06-38-54 Menjelaskan popularitas Harry Styles-mantan anggot
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 06-38-55 Turning Red-kita tidak bisa bahagia selamanya, tap
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 07-18-19 Dua kunci sukses dongkrak mobil listrik-perbanyak 
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 07-19-57 UN peacekeeping in Africa is working better than y
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 07-28-36 RI kirim nota diplomatik terkait penolakan Abdul S
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 10-09-12 Epidemiologi, ekonomi, dan persepsi publik-tiga je
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 12-29-35 Yes, Muslims are portrayed negatively in American 
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 12-29-48 Desegregating schools requires more than giving pa
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 12-33-01 American University School of Public Affairs on Th
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 12-33-01 Students are often segregated within the same scho
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 12-33-33 Nasal COVID-19 vaccines help the body prepare for 
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 12-46-43 Somalias new president Hassan Sheikh-his strengths
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 13-00-01 Lemahnya sistem pendanaan riset di Indonesia semak
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 13-08-00 Royal Holloway University of London on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 13-27-24 Locean nest pas un monde silencieux
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 13-27-24 Universite du Quebec a Rimouski (UQAR) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 13-39-48 Pourquoi les hommes ont-ils plus dorgasmes que les
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 13-47-00 US shootings-Norway and Finland have similar level
 (TXT) 2022-05-27 15-17-11 The sonnenrad used in shooters manifestos-a spirit
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 02-55-23 Maraknya generasi sandwich-refleksi perlunya refor
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 08-23-43 Marine life in a South African bay is full of chem
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 08-26-05 What coltan mining in the DRC costs people and the
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 09-50-03 Entre les disciplines-Colloque du 8 au 10 juin 202
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 14-43-58 Cigarette ads were banned decades ago. Lets do the
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 15-32-24 Institut catholique de Lille (ICL) on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 15-34-51 Centre national detudes spatiales (CNES) on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 17-11-23 Tak hanya produktivitas riset, kesejahteraan mahas
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 17-58-19 Tienes novia Por que nunca debemos hacerle esta pr
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 18-04-09 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 19-54-24 11,000 litres of water to make one litre of milk N
 (TXT) 2022-05-29 19-55-55 Chinas population is about to shrink for the first
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 02-06-42 Program pengungkapan pajak sukarela bukan sekadar 
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 03-59-50 Belum kena COVID Bisa jadi Anda hanya sedang berun
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 07-06-21 African countries need tighter controls to curb gr
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 09-38-48 Kapan kita layak meng-cancel seseorang maupun kary
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 11-19-05 Sunscreen-new natural antioxidant ingredient could
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 12-25-05 Curious Kids-how did people talk in the Stone Age
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 12-27-31 If plastic comes from oil and gas, which come orig
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 13-25-20 Queen Mary University of London on The Conversatio
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 13-54-38 On dispose des outils necessaires pour garantir un
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 14-10-56 What US re-entry into Somalia means for the Horn o
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 14-11-31 Ghanas debt-the pros and cons of borrowing abroad 
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 14-13-26 How Kenyas patriotic choral music has been used to
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 14-14-35 What it will take for South Africas ailing power u
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 14-15-11 Cannabis policy changes in Africa are welcome. But
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 15-12-44 More long-term care beds in Ontario wont help with
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 15-12-49 Addressing childhood anxiety as early as kindergar
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 15-12-51 Western countries demand Russia follows internatio
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 16-02-08 Elections in Brazil-Lula faces many challenges run
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 17-41-33 Montes vecinales-asi aprovechan algunos pueblos lo
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 18-40-43 Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 18-43-02 Jusqua quand pourrons-nous depasser les limites pl
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 18-44-05 Lavortement dans les series, miroir de nos contrad
 (TXT) 2022-05-30 20-21-54 Why stress-related illness is so hard to diagnose,
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 02-16-09 Stinky seaweed is clogging Caribbean beaches-but a
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 04-09-23 Riset-paparan iklan elektrik di media sosial terbu
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 04-19-17 Bagaimana memberitahu atasan tentang trauma yang m
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 06-46-55 Duet energi surya dan baterai berbasis air bisa ja
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 07-31-33 Riset-belajar dari Kota Bogor dan Depok, ada pelua
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 12-10-04 College of the Holy Cross on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 12-10-25 University of Maryland, Baltimore County on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 12-14-10 The University of Texas at Austin College of Liber
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-32-29 ANC policy papers touch on key issues facing agric
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-32-54 Political debates in Kenya-are they useful or empt
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-33-29 Heres how much learning South African children los
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-34-30 Power demand in Ghana has dipped after every crisi
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-34-56 Hotter Kalahari desert may stop hornbills breeding
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-42-39 Voici pourquoi les eleves du primaire et du second
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-58-02 Les etudes de marche sont essentielles a la reussi
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-58-23 The folly of the work-life balance
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-58-24 3 ways Vladimir Putins war in Ukraine is affecting
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-59-20 Calls for ethical oil are pushing Canada to become
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-59-26 Pakar Menjawab-Apakah Pancasila hanya pemikiran So
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 13-59-36 After Ontarios COVID-19 school closures, a respons
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 14-03-35 Weight loss advice from GPs really can help people
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 14-06-16 Why the Apple and Google app store monopoly could 
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 15-07-47 Somalias election raises more questions than answe
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 15-50-25 Why Ontarios Right to Read Inquiry needs to broade
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-47-00 Dara la nueva selectividad menos miedo
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-50-01 La otra pandemia-secuelas de la covid-19 en la sal
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-52-03 Interactoma humano-el facebook de las moleculas
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-54-37 La atmosfera, un reactor quimico con su propio sis
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-55-36 Bowie y el nacimiento del ecologismo-como Ziggy St
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-57-14 Las singularidades del sistema de voto frances
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 17-59-05 Si no procrastinas, viviras mas anos
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-01-13 Lo que nos cuenta la arqueologia de las guerras ca
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-02-01 Las claves del Holocausto en la Wannseekonferenz
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-22-09 Como hacer vinos mucho mas longevos
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-51-50 Ukraine diaries-our ethnographic correspondent doc
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-52-26 Pauline-« Pourquoi lessence des voitures et des av
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-54-51 « Urbanisme circulaire - idees reçues et angles mo
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-56-24 Economie circulaire-comment transformer les modele
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-56-25 Le passage a la vente en vrac oblige les distribut
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-57-09 Presidentielle-quand dautres modes de scrutin favo
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-58-03 Quand lart devient une prise de guerre-le cas des 
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-59-05 Institut de recherche pour le developpement (IRD) 
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-59-05 « Global Africa - une nouvelle revue pour un conce
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-59-09 Le metier de diplomate aujourdhui
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 18-59-47 Grand age et dependances-quelles alternatives a lE
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 19-00-22 Ecole des hautes etudes en sante publique (EHESP) 
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 19-00-22 Les universites chinoises vont-elles quitter les c
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 19-04-07 Resurgent COVID-19, flu and other viruses are push
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 20-12-35 The first-ever First Nations anthology of speculat
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 20-12-40 Toss aside those high heels-how Jurassic Worlds Cl
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 20-12-49 Labors promised universities accord could be a tur
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 21-23-52 Firearm stocks spike after mass shootings as inves
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 23-08-06 In the animal kingdom, mating calls and pheromones
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 23-14-11 Meet the worlds largest plant-a single seagrass cl
 (TXT) 2022-05-31 23-27-08 Why is it so cold right now And how long will it l
 (TXT) 2022-06 A life course approach to menopause-what it is and why it is i
 (TXT) 2022-06 A. Victoria de Andres Fernandez
 (TXT) 2022-06 ARC College of Experts Job at Australian Research Council in A
 (TXT) 2022-06 AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) de The Conversat
 (TXT) 2022-06 AWBR Conference
 (TXT) 2022-06 AXA Fonds pour la Recherche on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06 Academic Administrator Job at University of Melbourne in Parkv
 (TXT) 2022-06 Academic Lead (Work Integrated Learning) Job at Charles Sturt 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Administrative Officer (Indigenous only role) Job at Universit
 (TXT) 2022-06 Advances In Data Science Conference 2022
 (TXT) 2022-06 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) de La Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-06 Alfath Bagus Panuntun El Nur Indonesia
 (TXT) 2022-06 Allan J Myers Lecturer in Classics (Latin Language and Literat
 (TXT) 2022-06 Associate Professor (A or B)-Medical Program, Professionalism 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Black Atlantic Exhibit
 (TXT) 2022-06 Business Development Associate Job at University of Melbourne 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) on The Conver
 (TXT) 2022-06 Centre Administrator-Graeme Clark Institute Job at University 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Chair of Discipline (Science) and ProfessorAssociate Professor
 (TXT) 2022-06 Chief Operating Officer Job at University of the Sunshine Coas
 (TXT) 2022-06 Clinic Manager, Young Stroke Service Job at The Florey Institu
 (TXT) 2022-06 Clinical Education Strategy & Risk Project Officer Job at Univ
 (TXT) 2022-06 Communications Program Lead Job at University of Melbourne in 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Conference « Disruptive Technologies and Sustainability-les 4 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Conversations on Urban Ageing and Structural Racism
 (TXT) 2022-06 Cybersecurity Governance Analyst Job at University of Melbourn
 (TXT) 2022-06 Dean, Learning and Teaching Innovation Job at Charles Sturt Un
 (TXT) 2022-06 Decolonising Africa-Europe relations with…
 (TXT) 2022-06 Degree Show
 (TXT) 2022-06 Department Support Officer (Administration) Job at University 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Disciplinary perspectives on archiving qualitative data
 (TXT) 2022-06 Donors to The Conversation U.S. on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06 Dr Jessica E.M. van der Wal
 (TXT) 2022-06 EDUCECRANS 2022-Ecrans, attention et education aujourdhui
 (TXT) 2022-06 Educational Designer-Faculty of Engineering Job at Monash Univ
 (TXT) 2022-06 Ethique de la recherche, integrite et responsabilites scientif
 (TXT) 2022-06 Ethique et gouvernance internationale de la recherche. Les ens
 (TXT) 2022-06 Exploring Global Problems Podcasts
 (TXT) 2022-06 Federal University of Ndufu-Alike Ikwo on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06 Folk Music, Migration and Bangladeshi Heritage in the North-We
 (TXT) 2022-06 Fonds du Canada pour les periodiques de La Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06 Ford Foundation di The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06 Greater Manchester Festival of Libraries 2022
 (TXT) 2022-06 Griffith University Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-Phase 1 Job a
 (TXT) 2022-06 Hay Festival 2022
 (TXT) 2022-06 Head of Programs Job at Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership
 (TXT) 2022-06 Health Economist Job at Australian National University in Canb
 (TXT) 2022-06 Humans In The Loop-The Future of Design and Digital Manufactur
 (TXT) 2022-06 I remember-a short course in writing from memory
 (TXT) 2022-06 ICBA 2022
 (TXT) 2022-06 Industrial Officer Job at National Tertiary Education Union in
 (TXT) 2022-06 Inegalites et changements environnementaux dans la region du M
 (TXT) 2022-06 Insights AnalystAssociate Location-Sydney Melbourne Job at Pau
 (TXT) 2022-06 Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) de The Conve
 (TXT) 2022-06 Jessica E.M. van der Wal
 (TXT) 2022-06 Jose Maria Herranz de la Casa
 (TXT) 2022-06 Josue Martinez de la Puente
 (TXT) 2022-06 LEurope des Savoirs
 (TXT) 2022-06 Learning and Teaching SpecialistSenior Lecturer Job at Univers
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer (Level B) Job at Griffith University in Brisbane, Aus
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer Senior Lecturer Associate Professor Professor in Scie
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer Senior Lecturer Associate Professor Professor in Scie
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer Senior Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Health Research 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer Senior Lecturer, Emerging Technologies Job at Deakin 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer Senior Lecturer, Software Engineering Job at Deakin U
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer in Music (Interactive Composition)-Two Positions Job 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lecturer-Primary Care Job at University of Melbourne in Parkvi
 (TXT) 2022-06 LecturerSenior Lecturer (Research-path) in Law Job at Auckland
 (TXT) 2022-06 LecturerSenior Lecturer in Marketing Job at Monash University 
 (TXT) 2022-06 LecturerSenior LecturerAssociate Professor in Equine Surgery J
 (TXT) 2022-06 Linfolettre de La Conversation Canada
 (TXT) 2022-06 Lorena Bezerra de Souza Matos
 (TXT) 2022-06 Maids in movement-Unionising domestic workers in India
 (TXT) 2022-06 Manager, Griffith Honours College Job at Griffith University i
 (TXT) 2022-06 Manager, Strategic Planning Job at Walter and Eliza Hall Insti
 (TXT) 2022-06 Manoel Bittencourt
 (TXT) 2022-06 Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation on The Conversatio
 (TXT) 2022-06 Maria del Carmen de Arriba Perez
 (TXT) 2022-06 Maria do Cebreiro Rabade Villar
 (TXT) 2022-06 Migrant Voices Takeover the Rylands
 (TXT) 2022-06 Ministere de lEnseignement superieur, de la Recherche et de lI
 (TXT) 2022-06 Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06 Multiple Academic Positions in Management and Marketing Job at
 (TXT) 2022-06 Museums memorialising the slave trade and...
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 (TXT) 2022-06 Nicole Y.K. Li-Jessen
 (TXT) 2022-06 Outreach Programs Coordinator Job at University of Melbourne i
 (TXT) 2022-06 Partnership Development Manager Job at University of Melbourne
 (TXT) 2022-06 PhD Research Awards in Basic Medical Research Job at Childrens
 (TXT) 2022-06 PhD Scholar-Disability and Mental Health Outcomes Job at Unive
 (TXT) 2022-06 Postdoctoral Positions in Transcriptional Regulation Job at Wa
 (TXT) 2022-06 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Job at Swinburne University of Te
 (TXT) 2022-06 PrincipalSnr. Principal Research Fellow-Identified Job at Char
 (TXT) 2022-06 Pro Vice-Chancellor, Indigenous Job at University of Canberra 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Professor Associate Professor, School of Law Job at Western Sy
 (TXT) 2022-06 Professor of Social Work Job at Western Sydney University in A
 (TXT) 2022-06 Project Officer-Clinical Education Strategy & Risk Job at Univ
 (TXT) 2022-06 Public Money, Monetary Privacy-Preserving Civil Liberties in t
 (TXT) 2022-06 Race et Culture-Questionnements philosophiques
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Administration Officer Job at University of Melbourne
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Associate-Social Psychology Job at The University of 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Fellow, Authentication Technologies Job at Deakin Uni
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Fellowships (six positions available) Job at State Li
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Governance Senior Officer (Conflict of Interest) Job 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Outputs Officer Job at University of Melbourne in Par
 (TXT) 2022-06 Research Postdoctoral Fellow Cyber Security (CRC) Job at Charl
 (TXT) 2022-06 School and Community Liaison Officer Job at University of Melb
 (TXT) 2022-06 Senior Lecturer in Education (multiple positions) Job at South
 (TXT) 2022-06 Senior Lecturer, Cyber Security Job at Deakin University in Bu
 (TXT) 2022-06 Senior Lecturer, HRM andor People Analytics Job at RMIT Univer
 (TXT) 2022-06 Socio-economic inequality in health
 (TXT) 2022-06 Student Recruitment Officer (MLS) Job at University of Melbour
 (TXT) 2022-06 Team Leader, Curriculum and Teaching Support Job at University
 (TXT) 2022-06 Team Leader, Resident Acquisition and Retention Job at Univers
 (TXT) 2022-06 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06 The David and Lucile Packard Foundation di The Conversation
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 (TXT) 2022-06 The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council on The Con
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 (TXT) 2022-06 Union Industrial Organiser Job at National Tertiary Education 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Union Organiser Job at National Tertiary Education Union in Ho
 (TXT) 2022-06 Union Organiser Job at National Tertiary Education Union in Sy
 (TXT) 2022-06 Union de Editoriales Universitarias Espanolas on The Conversat
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 (TXT) 2022-06 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
 (TXT) 2022-06 University of Essex
 (TXT) 2022-06 Urban education in the land of the Trojan Horse-Lessons and Re
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 (TXT) 2022-06 Veterinarian in Critical Care Job at University of Melbourne i
 (TXT) 2022-06 Vice Chancellor Research Fellowship Vice Chancellor Senior Res
 (TXT) 2022-06 Victoria University Human Research Ethics Committee Member Job
 (TXT) 2022-06 WCLA Administrator (Casual) Job at University of Melbourne in 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Webinaire Les femmes actrices invisibles du monde de la drogue
 (TXT) 2022-06 Webinaire en ligne Terroir et Authenticite-Mythe ou Realite 
 (TXT) 2022-06 Webinar Registration
 (TXT) 2022-06 Webinar-The prosecution of corruption in municipalities with A
 (TXT) 2022-06 Whitworth Art Gallery
 (TXT) 2022-06 Why social ecologies matter-thinking about conflict-related se
 (TXT) 2022-06 Wits University
 (TXT) 2022-06 Wo+Mens Leadership Conference 2022
 (TXT) 2022-06 Women, the environment and sustainability
 (TXT) 2022-06 ‎Politics with Michelle Grattan on Apple Podcasts
 (TXT) 2022-06 ‎The Conversation Weekly on Apple Podcasts
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 00-50-40 Why are my hands and feet always cold And when sho
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 08-13-27 Australia has more women in cabinet than ever befo
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 08-38-19 Tribute to renowned South African economist Franci
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 12-14-37 Masked cancer drug stealthily trains immune system
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 12-14-37 University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 12-44-03 What are digital twins A pair of computer modeling
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 14-14-57 TikTok is more than just a frivolous app for lip-s
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 14-14-57 TikTok is more than just a frivolous app for lip-s
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 14-48-55 Islamic State-how western European states are fail
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-03-11 Disparities in global empathy-why some refugees ar
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-04-27 Zimbabwes 2023 elections-how to judge candidates s
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-05-51 Kenyas push for affordable housing is creating opp
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-07-15 South Africas hunger problem is turning into a maj
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-07-43 Enforcing competition would ease food price hikes 
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-17-06 Panic, horror and chaos-what went wrong at the Cha
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-28-42 Sejarah Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI)-dari p
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-33-15 COVID vaccines for children under five-what parent
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 15-50-08 Video game worlds are often devoid of children-her
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-10-43 How Elizabethan law once protected the poor from t
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-50-02 El valor del espanol para los inmigrantes-un eleme
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-52-39 Que hay que tener en cuenta para evaluar a un doce
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-52-46 Cuanto se aprende resolviendo problemas
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-54-57 « Il faut ecouter la science-, certes. Mais avons-
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-59-13 Asi desvelo la ciencia el origen de la vida
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 16-59-13 Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Cataluny
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 17-03-37 Por que los mayores no tramitan la declaracion de 
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 17-05-05 Cuando Stalin photoshopeaba a sus opositores
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 19-24-28 As-tu un amoureux ou une amoureuse Pourquoi il fau
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 (TXT) 2022-06-01 19-29-17 What is Quebecs Bill 32 on academic freedom, and w
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 19-29-18 Inhaled vaccine for COVID-19-The pandemic accelera
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 19-29-19 To prevent disasters like Lac-Megantic, private in
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 20-12-47 Why big university surpluses underscore the need t
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 20-14-31 How the 2022 federal election may finally signal a
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 20-14-44 Can you be overweight and healthy
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 20-15-19 Tired of hearing men talk to men about music This 
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 20-15-23 Top Gun-Maverick is a film obsessed with its forme
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 20-50-33 Will the bicycle help us address pressing social i
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 23-46-43 Heres a scheme Labor should ditch in its bid to bo
 (TXT) 2022-06-01 23-54-09 Catcalls, homophobia and racism-we studied why peo
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 01-52-03 Why do I need to pee more in the cold
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 02-52-02 Riset-upah layak dapat berantas kemiskinan, tingka
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 02-57-26 Will things be better for LGBTIQ+ people under Lab
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 03-04-24 Pascaletusan Gunung Kelud, kualitas tanah di kawas
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 04-29-18 Should Australia introduce menstrual leave Yes, bu
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 06-23-04 National reconciliation centre to help lead nation
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 06-50-43 Politics with Michelle Grattan-Tony Burke advocate
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 06-58-28 Pakar Menjawab-pekerja muda Indonesia di SpaceX da
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 07-07-25 Pahit manis hubungan UMKM dan ojek online-antara b
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 07-14-58 Online abuse against women is rife, but some women
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 07-58-48 4 reasons our gas and electricity prices are sudde
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 09-03-32 African Champions League at a crossroads after bit
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 11-47-06 Grattan on Friday-Albanese government mugged by ga
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-12-50 Should we protect nature for its own sake For its 
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-14-38 Listening to young people could help reduce pandem
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-15-31 Supreme Court allows states to use unlawfully gerr
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-16-00 5 ways to reduce school shootings
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-16-36 Teachers often struggle to address mass traumatic 
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-17-20 Future COVID-19 booster shots will likely need fre
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 12-32-34 Maladie dAlzheimer-avons-nous tout faux sur ses ca
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 14-12-57 Unvaccinated South Africans told us why they weren
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 14-17-00 Nigerian property crime could be reduced if neighb
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 14-18-54 South Africas economy has taken some heavy body bl
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 14-18-54 University of the Western Cape on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 14-19-42 People will continue to die of rabies if Kenya doe
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 14-48-10 Regulating online hate will have unintended, but p
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 17-40-23 Les seniors aussi se preoccupent de la planete
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 17-45-50 Le surfeur, lautre vigie des plages françaises
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 17-47-03 « La meilleure version de moi-même-, une serie gri
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 18-39-41 Somos lo que compramos Esto es lo que debe incluir
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 18-42-54 De las relaciones superficiales a las intimas-asi 
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 18-43-03 Como alcanzar el mayor potencial de aprendizaje en
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 18-52-52 Imprisoned citizens face barriers to voting in Ont
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 19-04-07 Y si el tiempo no existiera
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 19-06-50 50 years after Napalm Girl, myths distort the real
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 19-06-50 American University School of Communication on The
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-18-02 Could Australias new independent and Green MPs be 
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-18-18 The University of Western Australia on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-18-36 Teachers stress isnt just an individual thing-its 
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-18-46 This Australian grasshopper gave up sex 250,000 ye
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-26-17 What would King Charles mean for the monarchy, Aus
 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-26-38 Herd immunity was sold as the path out of the pand
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 20-43-44 Texas school shooting-How assault-style rifles and
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 (TXT) 2022-06-02 22-01-27 Has lowering the drinking age caused more crime De
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 00-30-11 Our business schools have a blindspot thats hinder
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 01-28-00 How to complain about aged care and get the result
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 01-29-34 To meet the Chinese challenge in the Pacific, NZ n
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 01-54-13 Ontario election-Doug Fords victory shows hes not 
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 01-54-15 The Ontario election campaign produced some surpri
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 02-17-38 What does China want in the Pacific Diplomatic all
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 03-33-17 Emergency departments are clogged and patients are
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 (TXT) 2022-06-03 04-49-17 Australia finally has a dedicated minister for cyb
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 05-05-43 Australias energy crisis-3 ways the Albanese gover
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 05-29-18 VIDEO-Gas crisis gives Labor its first big test
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 (TXT) 2022-06-03 07-49-51 Curious Kids-Mengapa banyak aturan dalam hidup kit
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 07-49-52 Binghamton University, State University of New Yor
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 07-49-52 Curious Kids-Bagaimana kunci dibuat dan bekerja
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 07-49-54 Sidang Johnny Depp-Amber Heard menunjukkan bahaya 
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 (TXT) 2022-06-03 09-08-45 The ultra-polluting Scarborough-Pluto gas project 
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 10-32-24 Ramai ulasan negatif Sungai Aare, bukti lemahnya e
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 11-46-30 Afecta la nota de la EBAU al indice de abandono un
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 11-47-46 La inteligencia artificial predice el exito de los
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 11-47-46 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya on The Conversatio
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 11-50-46 Por que estan aumentando los casos de la enfermeda
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-10-24 Martyrs Day-how life in Uganda today mirrors the d
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-14-27 Warning signs can be detected sooner through unive
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-14-47 US moves to rename Army bases honoring Confederate
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-15-08 Giving refugees money instead of stuff can lead to
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-16-23 Can Bionic Reading make you a speed reader Not so 
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-17-15 What makes smoky, charred barbecue taste so good T
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-17-46 Bed bugs biggest impact may be on mental health af
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-17-46 Bedbugs biggest impact may be on mental health aft
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-20-19 Genetic paparazzi are right around the corner, and
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-20-41 Change wont appear overnight in many states if the
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 12-37-50 La loi 96 ne changera rien a la dynamique linguist
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 (TXT) 2022-06-03 15-32-58 AgroParisTech-quand de futurs ingenieurs racontent
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 15-33-02 Les partisans de leco-responsabilite sont-ils des 
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 16-15-27 How Indian American spelling bee dominance may fue
 (TXT) 2022-06-03 18-31-31 A root cause of flooding in Accra-developers clogg
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 07-20-17 The award-winning African documentary project that
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 07-20-34 COVID left South African pupils far behind in math
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 07-20-50 Nigeria has just hiked interest rates-why its the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 10-49-04 View from The Hill-Ten women in shadow cabinet, an
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-22-00 We still need a vaccine patent waiver, but not the
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-22-14 D-Day-The politics involved in how war should be m
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-22-26 Curious Kids-Why does it matter if Pluto is a plan
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-22-39 Monkeypox FAQ-How is it transmitted Where did it c
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-22-46 Ontario can close students access and opportunity 
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-22-50 Listening to asthma and COPD-An AI-powered wearabl
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 12-48-45 The left could be poised to take power in Colombia
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-13-57 Ukraine diaries-art in the face of the war
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-19-23 Dans les Caraibes, des microalgues qui engendrent 
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-20-03 Energie-comment vont evoluer les batteries lithium
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-20-51 Guerre en Ukraine et destruction de lenvironnement
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-21-32 RSA-le non-recours a lallocation, un probleme bien
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-22-05 Comment lexperience du pouvoir change lindividu
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-24-25 Le massacre de Tadamon-une enquête secrete de cher
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-26-57 Punaises de lit-bien connaître leurs effets physiq
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-31-25 Universite Paris-Est Creteil Val de Marne (UPEC) o
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 16-52-15 Fondation Maison des Sciences de lHomme (FMSH) on 
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-14-56 Este es nuestro barrio-acciones artisticas que ens
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-14-56 Universitat de les Illes Balears on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-16-16 Como dejar de depender de las importaciones de com
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-17-46 Que supone ahora para la OTAN la entrada de las an
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-17-57 Mutilacion genital femenina-la lacra que no cesa
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-19-57 Adquirir liderazgo autentico para romper el techo 
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 17-21-44 Que leian las mujeres de Europa y America en el si
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 20-01-15 A century-old double standard-like Labor leaders b
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 20-01-16 Louisa Lims outstanding portrait of a dispossessed
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 20-01-50 Get out and go fungal-why its a bumper time to spo
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 20-02-06 You no longer need surgery to be diagnosed with en
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 20-02-12 The inequity of Job-ready Graduates for students m
 (TXT) 2022-06-05 20-02-56 Young Australian voters helped swing the election-
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 01-13-15 When is a condition chronic and when is it a disab
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 02-28-44 Data Bicara-Perempuan takut ambil risiko di pasar 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 02-28-44 Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 03-57-43 Our new environment super-department sounds great 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 04-06-53 Were told AI neural networks learn the way humans 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 04-Pengemudi online ditekan, pemerintah membiarkan-persaing
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 05-03-31 Running Up That Hill-How Stranger Things and TikTo
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 05-05-58 Set in a 19th century Australian leper colony, Ele
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 05-13-05 How the art of Daniel Boyd turns over the apple ca
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 05-17-54 Marcos junior is the latest beneficiary of bloodli
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 05-59-22 Australia has overshot three planetary boundaries 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 06-39-51 Ukhti sekaligus Army-negosiasi unik antara agama d
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 06-58-34 Its great Albanese is in Indonesia, but Australia 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 07-51-35 Seberapa besar modal Indonesia mengatasi krisis li
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 08-16-57 Why is lettuce so expensive Costs have shot up, an
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 09-29-39 Inside a reintegration camp for Colombias ex-guerr
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-23-48 Ronald Reagans Westminster speech-why it is still 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-26-26 Technology is alienating people-and its not just t
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-49-49 There are historical and psychological reasons why
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-50-13 Tallying the dead is one thing, giving them names 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-50-23 Russian artists grapple with the same dilemma as t
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-50-32 Therapy on the go-Mildly depressed or simply stres
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-50-45 The US is importing baby formula to help end suppl
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-50-54 Why are so many big tech whistleblowers women Here
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-51-02 Dark matter-should we be so sure it exists Heres h
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-51-07 Why does the Moon look close some nights and far a
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-51-18 23 of US colleges and universities lack student gr
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 12-51-28 Making room for wildlife-4 essential reads
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 13-07-08 Ukraine war-the US and UK missile systems which wi
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 13-55-46 Ce que lepilepsie nous enseigne sur la diversite e
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 13-55-46 University of Ottawa on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 14-47-05 Why it isnt always your fault when you cant rememb
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 14-59-52 How great white sharks outsmarted the massive mega
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-04-04 COVID vaccines for children-uptake in the UK is sl
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-05-57 HIV control approaches may not work for TB-lessons
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-06-19 Artist Richard Mudarikis vision for a Zimbabwean c
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-06-32 Somalias election was different-why thats not nece
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-06-49 Fruit bats-the winged conservationists reforesting
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-07-04 Queen Elizabeth II-a reign that saw the end of the
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-45-23+02-00Faculte de droit de lUSMB
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-52-15 Boris Johnson no-confidence vote-what happens next
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 15-52-15 Boris Johnson wins no-confidence vote-but the marg
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-29-09 Masyarakat harus paham, Kedutaan Inggris berhak me
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-29-09 Masyarakat harus paham, Kedutaan Inggris berhak me
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-49-33 El mito de lo frances definio la identidad de Amer
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-52-05 Clinicas juridicas, motores de cambio y compromiso
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-53-28 Podemos lograr una educacion en linea verdaderamen
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-56-23 Las mujeres afganas retroceden 20 anos sin que la 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 16-58-06 El cambio climatico, la sobrepesca y la covid-19 a
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 17-00-48 Que es la economia social
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 17-02-42 Por que son tan comunes los abortos espontaneos
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 17-05-08 Como eran los perros en la prehistoria
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 17-06-58 Taxis verticales-Merece la pena privatizar el ciel
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-01-22 Here are the terrible costs of Vladimir Putins end
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-01-26 Online Streaming Act claims to level the playing f
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-23-38 Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS) on The Conve
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-23-38 Novel in-ear technology could allow chewing to rep
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-23-42 Long-standing systems for sustainable farming coul
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-40-43 Conservatoire national des arts et metiers (CNAM) 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-40-43 Monkeypox-This is an entirely new spread of the di
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-40-46 Bob Dylan, ou le parcours dun entrepreneur-ne
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-40-47 Lidentite ukrainienne-mais quen disent les Ukraini
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-41-06 Physique des particules-la nouvelle masse du boson
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-41-16 Hierarchie dans le cockpit-comprendre la prise de 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-41-20 Comment associer citoyens et experts aux decisions
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-41-38 Comment surveille-t-on les microalgues toxiques 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-41-38 Comment surveille-t-on les microalgues toxiques 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-42-05 Orthographe-la dictee ne suffit pas a evaluer le n
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-42-20 Sanctions commerciales contre la Russie-ou en est 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-42-21 A quel prix devriez-vous acheter vos vins Demandez
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-42-21 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-42-21 Haute ecole specialisee de Suisse occidentale (HES
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-43-18 Anticolonialisme, droits des femmes-les trajectoir
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 19-43-18 Anticolonialisme, droits des femmes-trajectoires m
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-01-25 Do AI systems really have their own secret languag
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-01-26 Where has the joy of working in Australian univers
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-01-39 Memo RBA-we ought to live with inflation, more of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-01-46 Accidental Napalm turns 50-the generation-defining
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-01-57 Whats taking the biggest toll on our mental health
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-02-08 A huge Atlantic ocean current is slowing down. If 
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-02-15 A new book argues Julian Assange is being tortured
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 20-03-43 Collectivism-not individualism-is the path to redu
 (TXT) 2022-06-06 21-27-51 Boris Johnson-what the result of the confidence vo
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 02-30-11 Why did people start eating Egyptian mummies The w
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 03-18-32 Bagaimana kinerja perusahaan Indonesia dalam mener
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 03-30-43 More than 100 Australian kids have had multisystem
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 03-50-01 Riset-COVID bergejala parah berdampak kognitif yan
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 05-53-35 Beyond boats, beef and Bali-Albaneses unfinished b
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 05-59-22 Expect the RBA to go easy on interest rate hikes f
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 06-02-22 Yes, women might feel the cold more than men. Here
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 06-58-50 Word from The Hill-Warm smiles in Indonesia, but c
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 07-08-16 Que significa el resultado del voto de confianza p
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 07-10-41 The housing game has changed-interest rate hikes h
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 07-10-41 The housing game has changed-why interest rate hik
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 10-54-32 ADHD-why it can make it harder to keep eating habi
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 11-39-17 Menjawab ketidakjelasan agenda dekolonisasi ilmiah
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-31-51 Ice world-Antarcticas riskiest glacier is under as
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-32-01 Global arms industry getting shakeup by war in Ukr
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-32-12 School mental health resources critical to ensurin
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-32-24 Changes are coming to school meals nationwide-an e
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-32-52 What is ectopic pregnancy A reproductive health ex
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-33-06 As one of Vladimir Putins closest advisers on Ukra
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 12-33-17 Biden throws US solar industry a lifeline with tar
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 13-31-40 How a public hearing is different from an investig
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 13-39-30 Britains first wetland super reserve offers boost 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 13-45-33 La formation en ligne ouverte a tous pour favorise
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 13-47-31 Il faut quon parle de la maniere dont on parle des
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 13-47-31 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 14-01-42 Fiction about abortion confronts the complicated h
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 14-01-43 Making video games can help support addiction reco
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 14-01-44 New prehistoric plant discovery highlights the une
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 14-15-32 Gig economy-ride-hailing and takeaway app firms ma
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 14-15-32 Gig economy-ride-hailing and takeaway firms may no
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-22-29 For more equitable and sustainable fisheries, wome
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-32-43 Legendary Mike Mzileni captured South Africas hist
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-33-01 Four novelists, one ocean-how Indian Ocean literat
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-33-13 Seagrass meadows-getting to know these unsung hero
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-33-29 Worms in the seas of southern Africa-were on a jou
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-33-42 Alien species are moving across oceans faster-clim
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 15-33-54 Theres violence every election season in Nigeria-w
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 16-03-56 Russian roulette in Ukraine-Is Vladimir Putin powe
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 17-15-10 I correctly predicted the vote on Boris Johnsons l
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-15-55 Images de science-lenvironnement des cellules dera
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-17-17 Trouble bipolaire et Covid-le double effet benefiq
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-17-26 Le sport au secours de la politique de la ville 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-01 Bonnes feuilles-« Entrer en guerre au Mali-
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-01 Ecole normale superieure (ENS)-PSL on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-01 Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne on The Conver
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-11 Comment les grandes entreprises prennent-elles en 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-20 Lutte contre lhomophobie et la transphobie-le role
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-26 « Top Chef-, lemission qui eleve les plaisirs sens
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-18-46 Mixite scolaire-que peuvent apporter les cours de 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-25-24 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (C
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-25-24 El capricho de un rey trajo a Espana los falsos ca
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-28-54 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-28-54 Medicamento de marca o generico-cual es mejor
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-29-10 Las celulas del sistema inmune reescriben su propi
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-29-50 Trastorno limite de la personalidad-como tratarlo 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-32-27 Las ventajas de aprender musica tocando para otros
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-33-54 Por que los deportes de riesgo son tan atractivos 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-37-18 Por que son tan importantes el antes y el despues 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-39-14 Los neumaticos abandonados que amenazan los oceano
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-41-21 Del mozo de bacin al repostero de camas-estos eran
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-41-21 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 18-51-56 What triggers the trigger laws that could ban abor
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 19-00-30 Cannabis for therapeutic use is still out of reach
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 19-01-35 Judy Garland at 100-more than just a star, Garland
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 20-03-07 Fixing the aged care crisis wont be easy, with jus
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 20-03-18 This mosquito species from Papua New Guinea was lo
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 20-03-26 New Education Minister Jason Clare can fix the tea
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 20-03-31 Ways of Seeing at 50-an icy blast of a book about 
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 20-03-44 Shifting seasons-using Indigenous knowledge and we
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 20-03-55 Need to renew your passport The weird history of A
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 21-18-08 Ending child hunger and food insecurity needs to b
 (TXT) 2022-06-07 23-15-52 Hidden costs, manipulation, forced continuity-repo
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 00-54-42 Anything & Everything gives us a glance into the l
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 01-09-44 Remote learning was even tougher for migrant paren
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 01-19-41 New rules for crypto assets will protect consumers
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 01-38-42 Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 01-38-42 Whats Japanese for ruck Turning rugbys technical t
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 01-59-55 Riset-84% proyek restorasi karang Indonesia tak te
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 02-00-16 First periods can come as a shock. 5 ways to suppo
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 03-19-36 Do people drive differently in the rain Heres what
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 04-19-02 Primaries are getting more crowded with candidates
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 05-38-52 Buy now, pay later-Apple will now lend you money t
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 07-16-35 Training local leaders in mediation can reduce vio
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 07-23-47 Wabah cacar monyet kian meluas-bagaimana kesiapan 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 08-53-47 Conservatoire national des arts et metiers (CNAM) 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 09-38-58 Parkinsons disease-bad dreams could be an early wa
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 10-02-50 COVID-six ways long-term smell loss can affect you
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 11-46-42 Australian Energy Market Operator to have power to
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 12-32-43 Why cant you remember being born, learning to walk
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 12-33-09 How your race, class and gender influence your dre
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 12-33-31 No, Latinos dont actually have less heart disease-
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 12-33-51 US tragedies from guns have often-but not always-s
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 13-55-59 Cost of living crisis-what research says about the
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 13-56-49 South Africa is in search of a fairer electoral sy
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 13-57-17 How nanotechnology can revive Nigerias textile ind
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 13-57-22 Corsets and waist trainers-how celebrities and inf
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 13-57-35 Robert Sobukwe-equal status in the pantheon of Sou
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 13-58-18 The Fourth Industrial Revolution-a seductive idea 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 14-45-07 Other frontlines-Third-country nationals fleeing t
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 14-48-24 Diamond mines are not a girls best friend-Podcast
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 14-50-54 Senzo Meyiwa trial casts spotlight on language use
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 14-50-54 University of the Western Cape on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 15-40-11 What struggling businesses can do to weather the e
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 15-51-17 Ukraine-international pressure needs to be on Mosc
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 16-41-53 Conservative Party-who are the rebels and why do t
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 16-47-07 Conservation science still rests on how animals ca
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-07-51 La prevention est le moyen le plus efficace de red
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-07-51 University of Ottawa on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-13-02 Por que los triunfos de los deportistas tambien so
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-13-07 Tomamos peores decisiones con el frigorifico a reb
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-13-12 Que hay detras de la escasez de leche de formula p
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-17-06 La educacion primaria necesita especialistas de ar
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-17-11 Cuales deberian ser las habilidades de los futuros
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-19-18 Hacia una planificacion aeroportuaria resiliente y
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-20-59 Cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde el Big Bang
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-20-59 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-24-01 La influencia cientifica y politica del creador de
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-24-06 La solucion no es recoger el plastico del mar, es 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-24-06 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-26-56 La moda de lujo llego tarde a las redes sociales
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-34-00 Cycle de leau-estimer pour la premiere fois le deb
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-34-07 Carence en fer-comment y remedier par son alimenta
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-34-07 Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC) on The C
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-46-31 Elections legislatives aux Antilles-quels enjeux l
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-46-54 Temoignage-Comment construire de nouvelles pedagog
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-47-44 Numerique et agroecologie font-ils bon menage Le c
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-48-02 La « folie-de Vladimir Poutine-un mauvais proces 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-53-32 Bonnes feuilles-« Lindustrie de la musique change 
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 17-53-32 Universite Paris-Est Creteil Val de Marne (UPEC) o
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 18-40-23 Depp v. Heard verdict is a turning point in discus
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 18-40-24 Small green spaces can help keep cities cool durin
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 19-14-49 Conservative Supreme Court justices disagree about
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 19-31-07 Did the assault weapons ban of 1994 bring down mas
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-20-00 How Australias expanding environmental movement is
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-20-11 As women decide Australias new leaders, what is go
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-20-18 The Red Witch-how communist writer, intellectual a
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-20-46 Food sequencing really can help your glucose level
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-20-50 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial at 40-a deep meditation
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-20-55 Local efforts have cut plastic waste on Australias
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-21-00 Womens probability of being in poverty more than d
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 20-21-08 Sussan Ley says she is listening to women who reje
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 21-05-06 How Haitian migrants are treated shows the ties be
 (TXT) 2022-06-08 21-30-58 Challenging the whiteness of queer organizations
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 01-17-12 How did the polls perform in the 2022 election Bet
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 01-30-46 3 key measures in the suite of new reforms to deal
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 02-13-13 Kids on the autism spectrum experience more bullyi
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 02-26-29 Mengapa ambisi pariwisata Indonesia minim suara wa
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 02-36-58 Why do students with disability go to special scho
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 03-06-08 Profesionalisme tanpa keadilan upah-Watak Orde Bar
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 03-06-08 Profesionalisme tanpa keadilan upah-Watak orde bar
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 03-06-11 Data Bicara-30 tahun restorasi karang Indonesia, p
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 03-39-24 NASA to launch 3 rockets from Northern Territory i
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 03-46-03 Fennel looking a bit feeble Growing enough veggies
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 04-30-16 Curious Kids-Mengapa kita merasa gatal ketika digi
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 04-30-17 Riset baru-stres bisa membuat kita lebih disukai o
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 04-30-18 Curious Kids-Mengapa laba-laba punya hingga 8 mata
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 04-58-34 Theres convincing evidence the pill can cause depr
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 06-17-01 The ABCs plan to axe its librarians will damage it
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 08-28-46 Lhumanite nest pas une simple juxtaposition de tri
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 08-45-29 Nigerias university strikes-winners, losers and wa
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 10-08-15 Grattan on Friday-If the Albanese government did w
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 10-33-00 Pandemi ubah pola makan-konsumsi garam berlebihan 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 11-06-41 Boris Johnson never took full control of the Tory 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-10-38 Food prices-how countries are using the global cri
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-18-24 When will I be able to upload my brain to a comput
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-33-31 Super Moustache-how a Venezuelan cartoon turned in
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-41-01 ADHD-Medication alone doesnt improve classroom lea
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-41-46 Jurassic World scientists still havent learned tha
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-41-56 People overestimate groups they find threatening-w
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-42-15 Migration to the US is on the rise again-but its u
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-42-33 Nations are pledging to create ocean preserves-how
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-43-13 USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-43-13 What is committed warming A climate scientist expl
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-43-13 What is committed warming A climate scientist expl
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 12-43-46 Imposing penalties can deter rule breakers-but the
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 13-09-53 Variole du singe-comment se transmet-elle Dou vien
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 13-21-46 Hybrid working post-COVID-how young professionals 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 13-43-37 Ukraine-Russian attitudes to Ukrainians can help t
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 13-55-02 What Lesotho can teach Eswatini and South Africa a
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 13-55-19 Drama that shaped Ngũgĩs writing and activism come
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 13-58-49 The tactics Tory rebels could use to derail Boris 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 14-12-57 Central Americas caravan of mothers-Personal grief
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 14-13-05 Adapting to life with COVID-19-Lessons our own imm
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 14-22-01 Why a new eurozone crisis now looks a distinct pos
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 15-36-40 How the Nazis tried to erase a Czech village-and B
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 15-36-40 How the Nazis tried to obliterate a Czech village-
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 15-40-16 Ukraine-British POWs sentenced to death after show
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 16-00-10 Most companies buying renewable energy certificate
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-35-38 Ukraine Recap-POWs death sentence-a return of the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-46-01 Regardless of seditious conspiracy charges outcome
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-52-30 Newly discovered fast radio burst challenges what 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-53-11 Como llegaron los primeros electrodomesticos a los
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-55-10 Mejorar contenidos en Wikipedia es un desafio conj
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-55-13 Aprender a ensenar ensenando-la formacion activa d
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-57-39 Thin-skinned blue line-Police fight against defund
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-59-24 Son las prisiones espanolas como las de las series
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 17-59-29 Que se ha hecho en la legislatura recien terminada
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-03-00 Breve guia para comer de manera saludable durante 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-03-00 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-03-05 Por que no podemos recordar cuando nacimos o cuand
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-03-17 Que es mas irresistible, un pastel de chocolate o 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-03-17 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-05-07 Que factores influyen en el crecimiento economico
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-06-37 El aumento del nivel del mar acelera la erosion en
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-11-51 De que hablamos cuando hablamos de trabajo infanti
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-31-09 Blaming evil for mass violence isnt as simple as i
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 18-31-09 Blaming evil-a philosophical paradox, unpacked
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 19-01-38 Targeted wastewater surveillance has a history of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-05-53 Australias Reserve Bank has got a lot right, but t
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-05-54 With 9 Broadway musicals currently on Australian s
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-10-16 Friday essay-scary tales for scary times
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-10-26 65,000-year-old stone Swiss Army knives show early
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-10-33 Only 0.34% of year 12s study Indonesian. Here are 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-10-41 Mental distress is rising, especially for low-inco
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-10-46 If the opposition wants a mature discussion about 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 20-44-08 Gender pay gap-Its roughly half-a-million dollars 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-10-53 Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC) on The C
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-11-13 Les defis que le vol acrobatique impose aux corps 
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-11-27 Scientifiquement, le HPI nexiste pas
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-11-27 Scientifiquement, les HPI nexistent pas
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-11-44 Du chapeau conique a la kippa, le couvre-chef dans
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-12-18 Jouer a « faire semblant-aide-t-il les enfants a g
 (TXT) 2022-06-09 22-12-31 Legislatives-trois strategies tres inegales pour u
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 00-22-17 As winter bites, NZ urgently needs a COVID action 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 02-12-29 First Nations people shouldnt have to wait for a r
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 03-21-24 Edtech is treating students like products. Heres h
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 03-44-55 One of Australias tiniest mammals is heading for e
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 03-45-08 University of the Sunshine Coast on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 03-45-08 Virtual child sexual abuse material depicts fictit
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 03-52-21 Jan. 6 hearing gives primetime exposure to violent
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 04-40-37 Does paying for tax advice save money Only if your
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 04-53-08 Pablo Picasso was not a lone genius creator-he was
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-35-22 Geraldine Brookss Horse is a richly detailed exami
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-37-02 Transparency reports from tech giants are vague on
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-39-03 The Nationals suddenly find themselves with a new 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-41-25 Riset-stres bisa membuat kita lebih egois
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-41-26 Bagaimana memelihara anjing dan kucing dapat memba
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-41-31 Eating fish has been linked to an increase in mela
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 06-43-12 Everyone loves Bandit from Bluey-but is he a lovab
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 08-05-38 Cerita anak-anak mantan mujahidin di Poso-trauma k
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 09-38-21 Behind the scenes of Westminster-how government wh
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 09-55-04 Los casos de sarampion no paran de crecer en todo 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 10-13-17 Pro-kontra pengunduran diri CPNS-Refleksi perlunya
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 10-44-15 Nine vegetables that are healthier for you when co
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 11-03-12 Why you should travel solo this summer
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 11-37-30 Pakar Menjawab-saat peringkat kampus jegal impian 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-01-34 Paula Rego-why the Portuguse artists work remains 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-27-00 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-27-00 How Ivorian cyber-scammers help us to understand t
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-27-00 Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-29-55 Sepsis still kills 1 in 5 people worldwide-two ICU
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-29-55 University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-30-11 Decades after special education law and key ruling
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-30-36 What is chronic wasting disease A wildlife scienti
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-30-50 Biden just declared heat pumps and solar panels es
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-31-18 What grassroots humanitarians eager to travel to U
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 12-31-55 Give this AI a few words of description and it pro
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-09-41 Dans la tête dun chauffeur Uber-seul face a lui-mê
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-09-41 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-16-26 Buy now pay later-how to protect consumers without
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-39-03 Plan to slash smoking in England is backed by the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-45-41 Sierra Bermeja arde de nuevo-por que esta region m
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-54-13 Is intermittent fasting actually good for weight l
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-57-05 Worlds protected natural areas too small and isola
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 14-59-31 Sustainable investment-want a green place to start
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 15-10-50 Why opting out of opioids can be dangerous in the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 15-21-47 Why a play about Irelands native language finds ne
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 15-59-16 New right-to-buy scheme could trap people in pover
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 16-08-36 Ukraine conflict-how both sides are breaking the l
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 16-48-51 « Smile to pay - le systeme de paiement par reconn
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 16-48-52 La reconnaissance faciale, du deverrouillage de te
 (TXT) 2022-06-10 20-11-55 Inflation hits fresh 40-year high, pushing Fed to 
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 09-05-07 Retracing Belgiums dark past in the Congo, and att
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 09-05-35 Nigeria has failed to marry its rich cultural dive
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 09-11-38 Money is breaking democracy in Nigeria
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-27 Yall are coming at this like were racists-How Surv
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-29 Why New Zealand is right to call out Canada on its
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-32 Cats that are allowed to roam can spread diseases 
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-35 Living water-Northern Indigenous communities use a
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-37 Move over unicorn lattes, theres a new Instagram t
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-42 The ocean is not a quiet place
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 12-11-42 Universite du Quebec a Rimouski (UQAR) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-32-09 Asi afecta el cannabis a nuestra mente, segun nuev
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-32-54 Flexivegetarianismo-la dieta para consumir carne y
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-32-54 Universitat de les Illes Balears on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-35-11 El dilema del sexting entre adolescentes-por que s
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-38-16 La camara del fin del mundo-que es y por que puede
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-39-39 Materias primas criticas para la transicion verde-
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-41-12 Antonio Perez Olea, un compositor a la vanguardia 
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-42-13 Catastrophes majeures-utiliser des satellites pour
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-42-13 Centre national detudes spatiales (CNES) on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-43-10 Remorquer les icebergs de lAntarctique Ce quen dit
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-43-16 Los porques del deterioro de las relaciones entre 
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-43-33 Equilibre de vie, sens, ethique… Les nouvelles cle
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-44-34 Poutine sur lUkraine, Xi Jinping sur Taiwan-deux d
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 18-44-34 Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne on The Conver
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 19-36-06 Why Muslim countries are quick at condemning defam
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 19-40-24 En el conflicto con Espana, Argelia tiene el derec
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 19-40-24 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 23-03-08 Australian frogs are dying en masse again, and we 
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 23-05-39 All these people with lived experience are not bei
 (TXT) 2022-06-12 23-09-04 Hawkes special skill was levelling with the Austra
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 04-36-41 Dominasi hantu perempuan dalam film horor Indonesi
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 04-41-56 Every teacher needs to be a literacy teacher-but t
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 04-45-00 What matters is hope, freedom and saying who you a
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 05-38-39 Para ilmuwan sedang bikin vaksin universal untuk b
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 06-53-08 1ᵉʳ tour des legislatives-entre desinterêt elector
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 07-05-43 Perubahan iklim bisa ciptakan gelombang massal pen
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 07-32-54 Riset-kelompok separatisme dominasi aksi kekerasan
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 07-59-37 Cannabis tourism-how a new travel trend is taking 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 08-02-02 Gaia-El Google Maps de la Via Lactea publica los e
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 11-56-38 Ukraine war-why popular resistance is a big proble
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 11-59-56 French parliamentary elections continue to redraw 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-00-59 Gaia mission-five insights astronomers could glean
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-29-32 Immigrants are only 3.5% of people worldwide-and t
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-30-21 Could steam-powered cars decrease the CO2 in the a
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-30-38 Alcohol is becoming more common in sexual assault 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-30-53 Grassroots mojo and 4 other reasons Starbucks work
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-31-29 There is no one religious view on abortion-A schol
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-53-06 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (C
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 12-53-06 Donar sangre-un habito saludable ademas de altruis
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-14-33 Building muscle-slowing down the tempo of your wor
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-21-10 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-21-58 Russias rouble is now stronger than before the war
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-29-32 Molecular research could help Nigeria solve a host
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-30-04 Rising food prices hit poor people the hardest-a c
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-30-19 We attached tracking devices to West Africas green
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-30-35 Twitter town square-what Elon Musk could learn fro
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-37-16 The discovery of a new phallic carving in Roman no
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 13-44-36 Grenfell Tower-the difficult task of creating a fi
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 14-10-43 Hybrid immunity-a combination of vaccination and p
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 14-18-46 Bagaimana chat box Zoom muncul sebagai ruang alter
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 14-18-48 Generation invisible-psikologi jelaskan mengapa ba
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 15-03-25 Why freemium software has no place in our classroo
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 15-03-35 New USB-C charger rule shows how EU regulators mak
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 15-42-00 Johnny Depp v Amber Heard-what to understand about
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 17-49-54 Asi se recupera nuestro cerebro del dano producido
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 17-51-43 El cloro de las piscinas nos protege de enfermedad
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 17-54-57 La revolucion de 1934 en la vineta-La balada del n
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 17-56-03 El viaje intercultural del vocabulario de la salud
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 17-57-49 Afecta la educacion bilingue al desarrollo de la l
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 18-01-13 Podemos alimentar a los peces de acuicultura con i
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 18-03-03 Son los pastores masai una amenaza para la fauna s
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 18-16-22 Show trial of foreign fighters in Donetsk breaks w
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-12-58 Depuis les annees 1950, les emissions culinaires f
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-12-58 Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-03 Quelles seraient les consequences dune hausse du s
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-09 Pourquoi autoriser le melange des langues a lecole
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-15 Les defis de linnovation dans le domaine des energ
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-18 Boris Johnson envers et contre tous
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-28 Legislatives, lelection de la rupture 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-35 Violences sexuelles-quand les femmes journalistes 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-13-39 Le lourd impact de lepidemie de Covid sur la sante
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-28-04 From dada to Darth Vader-why the way we name fathe
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 19-45-36 Lacceleration de la disparition de la forêt amazon
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-02-40 What Albanese needs to build a new industrial rela
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-03-05 Macbeth by William Shakespeare-a timeless explorat
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-03-32 Online and in-person exams both have problems-that
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-03-40 Everything has gone-a world-first study looks at w
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-04-02 The explosive history of the 2,000-year-old Pompei
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-04-08 We know heatwaves kill animals. But new research s
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-04-13 How should an Australian centre for disease contro
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-36-13 Keeping injured voices hush-hush-Why professional 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-36-15 With Marcos Jr.s election, Filipinos need to brace
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-36-17 Food giants reap enormous profits during times of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-13 20-36-45 Can we time travel A theoretical physicist provide
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 01-59-22 Uncovering the stories my family forgot, about a p
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 02-07-02 Salahkah mencuri dari perusahaan besar Seorang fil
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 03-00-09 Its been called the worst job in politics. Can Pet
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 03-42-28 Its time to come clean on Lismores future. People 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 03-55-46 Indonesia perlu perkuat diversifikasi pangan lokal
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 04-57-36 ACT Senate result-Pocock defeats Liberals in first
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 05-50-44 A Google software engineer believes an AI has beco
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 06-05-02 Australia already has a UK-style windfall profits 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 06-29-55 Comic anticlimax in Nat Randall and Anna Breckons 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 07-49-53 Word from The Hill-Bowen says bumpy time ahead for
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 10-52-06 Facial recognition technology-how its being used i
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 10-57-14 Justin Bieber-what is Ramsay Hunt syndrome, the co
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 11-40-15 La mejor dieta para sobrevivir al calor
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 11-40-55 Jurassic World Dominion-a palaeontologist on what 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 11-53-24 After years of breaking the rules, Boris Johnson m
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-28-40 Patriarchy and purity culture combine to silence w
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-29-07 Where the witches were men-A historian explains wh
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-29-27 When all else fails to explain American violence, 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-29-42 Russians with diverse media diet more likely to op
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-29-56 Elder abuse comes in many forms-appropriate Adult 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-30-08 Tumblrs enduring appeal reveals the potency of the
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-30-22 EU law would require Big Tech to do more to combat
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-30-35 Fertilizer prices are soaring-and thats an opportu
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-30-47 Satellites zoom in on cities hottest neighborhoods
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 12-30-47 Satellites zoom in on cities hottest neighborhoods
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 13-03-51 Northern Ireland protocol explainer-why the UK gov
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 13-28-39 Smoking age-heres what effect raising it to 21 cou
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 13-29-55 Les tournesols ont des motifs imperceptibles qui a
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 13-46-58 We taught an AI to impersonate Shakespeare and Osc
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 13-52-23 Avian flu has jumped from chickens to wild birds a
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-14-58 Five books to read while in the Derbyshire country
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-30-00 Summit of the Americas-Bidens attempt to unite the
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-35-32 Electric vehicles in South Africa-how to avoid mak
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-37-53 Air pollution in fast-growing African cities prese
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-38-09 South Africas estuaries face a growing threat from
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-38-09 University of the Western Cape on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 14-53-40 Batir des ponts entre savoirs scientifiques et sav
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 15-07-40 Older lesbians are the keepers of a rich history o
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 15-07-42 The witch treatment-What Dr. Stranges Wanda tells 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 15-35-53 Four ways you can design social media posts to com
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 15-57-57 Five of the worlds tiniest robots
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 15-59-09 Grenfell Tower anniversary-how a quilt in the maki
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 16-35-35 Grenfell Tower-finally, the worst type of cladding
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-15-08 Como afrontar el aumento de casos de conducta anti
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-16-09 Por que es pertinente una revision feminista del t
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-16-09 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-18-13 La guerra en Ucrania puede provocar mas hambre en 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-18-58 Retos virales peligrosos que ponen en peligro a lo
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-20-58 Es legitimo mentir Las multiples versiones del eng
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-22-47 La razon por la que algunos insectos beben lagrima
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-25-34 Carmen Laforet-de Nada a la plenitud
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 17-29-06 El tipo de bosque determina la abundancia de mosqu
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 18-25-18 American University School of Communication on The
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 18-25-18 Woodward and Bernstein didnt bring down a presiden
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 19-05-03 NZ men get sick or injured more and die sooner tha
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 19-47-33 Social assistance cuts are contributing to high ra
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 19-51-29 Curious Kids-why do frilled sharks look more like 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 19-58-00 We want to be part of that movement-residents embr
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 19-58-45 Ethereal, evocative, and inventive-why the music o
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 19-59-50 Has COVID affected your sleep Heres how viruses ca
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 20-00-18 Battered by 9 years of Coalition government, the A
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 20-40-58 5 things to know about the Feds interest rate incr
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-23-08 Comment les Illuminati sont devenus synonymes de c
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-23-11 Le risque de secheresse sera fort cet ete 2022
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-23-17 Comprendre la « crise du blaspheme-qui oppose les 
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-23-45 Agence française de developpement (AFD) on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-23-45 Les conductrices Uber en Argentine face aux inegal
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-23-52 Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC) on The C
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-24-29 Pouvoir dachat-le bouclier tarifaire, un soutien d
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-27-15 Variole et variole du singe-quelles similitudes, q
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 22-36-30 Crise ecologique-ces eleves ingenieurs qui veulent
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 23-06-06 Canadians trust in the news media hits a new low
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 23-21-00 Prairie songbirds are affected by unpredictable no
 (TXT) 2022-06-14 23-21-24 Climate change the issue on which Australians do n
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 00-56-51 A major new law aims to improve the health of all 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 01-38-18 Fair Work Commission gives a 5.2%-$40 a week-incre
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 03-16-47 What did COVID do to my feet How to fit back into 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 03-30-05 I couldnt see a future-what ex-automotive workers 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 04-30-44 Selain peningkatan suhu bumi, perubahan iklim juga
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 04-43-53 ACT releases Australian-first draft law to protect
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 04-44-30 Mengapa ada begitu banyak sub-varian Omicron baru,
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 05-14-50 If youre renting, chances are your home is cold. W
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 05-46-47 Cybersecurity in the Pacific-how island nations ar
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 07-07-57 Bunnings, Kmart and The Good Guys say they use fac
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 07-07-57 University of the Sunshine Coast on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 07-34-00 Kunjungan pertama PM Anthony Albanese-Australia ha
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 08-47-41 Australias National Electricity Market was just su
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 10-45-26 Period delay tablets can help you temporarily skip
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 10-52-09 This 5.2% decision on the minimum wage could shift
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 10-52-09 This 5.2% decision on the minimum wage could shift
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 10-54-08 EU taking legal action against UK over Northern Ir
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 11-05-09 The last two recessions hit young people hardest-h
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 11-47-19 Galleries continue to erase women artists in their
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 11-54-54 The inside story of Recovery-how the worlds larges
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-25-51 Legal fights persist over policies that require te
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-26-05 Trouble paying bills can take a heavy toll on fath
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-26-20 How we describe the metaverse makes a difference-t
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-26-32 The James Webb Space Telescope is finally ready to
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-26-49 Privacy isnt in the Constitution-but its everywher
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-27-03 Trump-endorsed candidates would generally win even
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-27-03 University of Maryland, Baltimore County on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-27-18 International courts prosecuting leaders like Puti
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-27-46 Social stress can speed up immune system aging-new
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 12-38-59 Monkeypox is a DNA virus unlike coronavirus-heres 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 13-08-36 La confiance des Canadiens envers les medias a son
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 13-20-45 South Africas epochal 1976 uprisings shouldnt be r
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 13-22-06 Whistleblowers in South Africa have some protectio
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 13-22-13 Ghanas Fourth Republic has been the best the count
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 13-22-27 Why its crucial to safeguard the ancient practice 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-03-24 Ukraine and Poland-why the countries fell out in t
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-05-55 Lestuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent est a bout de 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-12-51 Board games-how playing them online can bring gran
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-27-06 Inflation-how experts pick goods to track price ch
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-27-06 UK inflation-how experts pick goods to track price
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-55-41 Moms in Proteomics aims to bring together a commun
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-55-41 Moms in Protoemics aims to bring together a commun
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-55-45 Why you shouldnt be afraid of critical race theory
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 14-59-28 Canada shouldnt be smug about gun violence-its a g
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 15-29-33 Ukraine-most people refuse to compromise on territ
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 16-09-23 Is Googles LaMDA conscious A philosophers view
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 16-41-52 Rwanda deportations-what is the European Court of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-39-25 Las seis razones por las que cuesta tanto encontra
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-39-30 Extracto de setas chinas para combatir una temible
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-44-24 Llego la vida a la Tierra desde el espacio Posible
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-46-55 Sirven las peliculas infantiles para educar en igu
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-47-00 Diez reglas sencillas para pasarlo bien jugando co
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-49-10 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-49-10 Trigos mas eficientes para evitar las perdidas de 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 17-51-06 Auge y caida de los NFT
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-07-43 Milenial, centenial, coronial, cuarentenial y pand
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-09-46 Leer Rebecca con los ojos de la nueva mujer
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-13-06 Universite du Quebec a Rimouski (UQAR) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-13-06 Why the St. Lawrence estuary is running out of bre
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-21-12 High fossil fuel prices are good for the planet-he
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-15 Les piscines publiques, une fabrique a citoyens
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-16 David Cronenberg, maître du « body horror-
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-22 Institut de recherche pour le developpement (IRD) 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-22 Quantifying the effects of Bolsonaros dismal manag
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-30 Parodie de justice en « DNR - quand les separatist
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-45 Malgre les sanctions, la monnaie russe est aujourd
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-25-59 Une nouvelle famille de materiaux pour la producti
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-26-15 Ecran solaire-un nouvel antioxydant naturel pourra
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-26-36 Fed et BCE-deux rythmes mais une même strategie co
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-27-31 Temoignage-Des jurys tires au sort pour mieux recr
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-28-19 Face au rechauffement climatique, passer de leco-a
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-28-19 I-site Universite Lille Nord Europe (ULNE) on The 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-29-04 Avec le conflit Russie-Ukraine, le renouveau des n
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 18-29-04 Graduate Institute-Institut de hautes etudes inter
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 19-19-03 Juneteenth celebrates just one of the United State
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 19-47-40 Privacy violations undermine the trustworthiness o
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 19-48-33 How mindfulness and dance can stimulate a part of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-00-38 A clinical psychiatrist reveals how Indian women i
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-00-52 Greyhound racing-despite waning public support, go
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-01-00 How we invented unemployment-and why were outgrowi
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-01-25 Governments usually win a second term. But could t
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-01-34 Which flu shot should I choose And what are cell-b
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-01-56 Time in hospital sets back tens of thousands of ch
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 20-02-52 5 charts on Australian well-being, and the surpris
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 21-03-47 Building bridges between scientific and Indigenous
 (TXT) 2022-06-15 21-03-47 Institut national de la recherche scientifique (IN
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 00-04-38 First Nations mothers are more likely to die durin
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 01-27-03 The teal independents want to hold government to a
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 01-58-13 Reshuffle kabinet-Sarat unsur politik, tiga pakar 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 02-04-19 A new Treaty Authority between First Peoples and t
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 02-18-59 Mengapa pamer konten satwa liar di media sosial me
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 02-24-51 Who really gets fired over social media posts We s
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 03-51-00 Separuh wajah Justin Bieber lumpuh karena sindrom 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 04-37-39 Did a giant radio telescope in China just discover
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 05-10-13 Goodbye Internet Explorer. You wont be missed (but
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 05-17-45 5 policy decisions from recent history that led to
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 05-44-22 Reshuffle kabinet-eks Panglima TNI jadi Menteri AT
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 05-58-56 Want a solution for the energy crisis gripping Aus
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 07-37-50 An extra 60,600 Australians found work in May. Her
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 10-12-09 Keir Starmer-what Labour leader could learn from N
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 10-23-25 Childrens mental health and the digital world-how 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 11-32-44 Londons Olympic legacy-research reveals why £2.2 b
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-06-11 Ukraine war-five issues that could help kickstart 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-07-50 Eco-friendly tech comes with its own environmental
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-12-55 Grattan on Friday-Everything, it seems, is conspir
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 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-24-54 Coastal gentrification in Puerto Rico is displacin
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-25-06 Babies dont come with instruction manuals, so here
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-25-19 How math and language can combine to map the globe
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-32-22 Lightyears same-sex kiss-the controversy that led 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-34-46 How refugees leading city walking tours helps incr
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-42-26 The cheaper we build our buildings, the more they 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 12-42-27 How Iceberg Alley got its name and why it may be u
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-28-53 Petrol prices are rising, but fuel duty cuts arent
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-29-45 Hello Commander-new pop song aims to steer Iranian
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-33-12 Socially isolated people have differently wired br
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-49-33 How the travel industry uses your sense of smell t
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-50-13 China to adopt genetically modified maize and soy-
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-50-33 How climate change, overfishing and COVID drove ir
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-50-47 Nigeria must improve health services for mothers a
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 13-51-07 What the 100-year-old Makerere University in Ugand
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 14-09-00 Densifier la ville Oui, mais de maniere verte et s
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 14-09-38 Far-right extremists keep co-opting Norse symbolis
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 (TXT) 2022-06-16 14-54-01 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit-Is inclusive objectifi
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 15-58-37 Restoring native predators can control invasive sp
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-17-32 Prueba de fuego para el megacohete que volvera a l
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-20-12 6 ways fathers can share love and connection with 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-22-07 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-23-08 Las olas de calor del siglo XXI-cerca de 50 grados
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-34-42 El compromiso civico en el curriculo de historia
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-37-03 Nacer con hidrocefalia congenita puede acarrear pr
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-40-12 Lorca y Falla-centenario de un encuentro con el ca
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-44-52 Que es lo que hace que nos enganchemos a TikTok
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-50-00 Fernando Galan-uno de los olvidados pioneros de la
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 16-55-45 Watergate-cuando el periodismo salvo la democracia
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 17-24-58 Your past is my present-how Volodymyr Zelenskyy us
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 18-09-26 Whats at stake as Colombians choose between Trump-
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 18-19-07 Olas de calor-el futuro es ahora
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 18-39-25 A celebrated AI has learned a new trick-How to do 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 18-39-44 Rencana penghapusan tenaga honorer pada 2023-bagai
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-06-39 Jesus earthly dad, St. Joseph-often overlooked-is 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-52-59 Keen to retrofit your home to lower its carbon foo
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-53-31 Australia isnt experiencing the great resignation 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-53-40 After years of COVID, fires and floods, kids well-
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-54-08 How climate change is turning remote Indigenous ho
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-54-15 Watergate at 50-the burglary that launched a thous
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-54-25 New Zealand should celebrate its remarkable prehis
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-54-31 This critically endangered marsupial survived a bu
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-54-35 Climate-fuelled wave patterns pose an erosion risk
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 19-54-44 Moral ambiguity and the representation of genocide
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-08-30 Ya que celebramos Bloomsday, por que no celebramos
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-30-41 Strip searches are ineffective, unnecessary and ta
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-41-33 Le centre attrape-tout dEmmanuel Macron
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-41-39 Se debrouiller face a une precarite qui nen finit 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-41-46 Judith, figure biblique de la « veuve noire-
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-41-55 Recomposition de lAssemblee-une occasion pour mieu
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-42-07 Pourra-t-on faire pousser des plantes sur la Lune 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-42-15 Les insectes seront-ils reellement la nourriture d
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-42-29 Le port darmes aux Etats-Unis, entre droit et devo
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-42-34 « Ville fleurie-, « station touristique-… bien plu
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-44-25 Could the blockchain restore consumer trust and fo
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-48-43 When health care goes wrong-Its time for transpare
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-48-49 Drivers of self-driving cars can rely too much on 
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 20-57-35 La rougeole est en augmentation dans le monde-pour
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 23-29-11 Curious Kids-apa itu NFT-dan kenapa sangat mahal
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 23-29-12 Encanto Disney menunjukkan adanya penyembuhan dari
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 23-29-13 Bagaimana puisi dapat membantu menyebarkan sains k
 (TXT) 2022-06-16 23-29-14 Riset baru-tidur penting untuk otak dan jiwa manus
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 00-05-20 FatBlaster Max has just been banned. Why Heres eve
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 00-39-46 In the new Disney Pixar movie Lightyear, time gets
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 01-14-15 Politics with Michelle Grattan-Tony Wood on the un
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 01-29-21 More diversity can help solve twin problems of ear
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 02-20-08 More funds for aged care wont make it future-proof
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 02-29-43 Marles shifts tone on China at defence summit-but 
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 03-08-38 VIDEO-Albanese holds his first National Cabinet
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 03-44-57 Mengapa Anda tidak harus percaya riset yang mengkl
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 03-52-49 A $15 billion promise of universal access to presc
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 05-15-59 Whats a grid, anyway Making sense of the complex b
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 06-37-51 NSWs biggest coal mine to close in 2030. Now what 
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 06-55-05 Hospital funding deal sets a tight deadline for re
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 07-09-38 Bagaimana perusahaan energi fossil membajak konsep
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 07-46-35 Curious Kids-Apa yang dimimpikan orang buta saat m
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 08-20-51 Didominasi Arab Saudi, Indonesia perlu usulkan pem
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 08-57-19 Universite Paris-Est Creteil Val de Marne (UPEC) o
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 09-02-33 Archie Battersbee-how the court reached its conclu
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 10-18-02 We dont know whether most medical treatments work,
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 11-38-53 British farmers are being offered a lump sum payme
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-33-23 What is Afrofuturism An English professor explains
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-33-45 How do drugs know where to go in the body A pharma
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-34-07 Whats a bear market An economist explains
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-34-37 People couldnt look away from the Johnny Depp and 
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-35-08 The Jan. 6 hearings are tailor-made for social med
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-35-38 Decades of research document the detrimental healt
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-35-38 University of California, San Francisco on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-40-29 Cricket-what happens when an elite player like Eng
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 12-50-42 The latest Bank of England rate rise wont do much 
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 13-01-23 Pacific islands-an unexpected new dimension to pow
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 13-02-40 Whos at risk of being kidnapped in Nigeria
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 13-33-11 Ukraine war-Russias military campaign hindered by 
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 13-35-57 Pourquoi fait-il froid la nuit dans les deserts ch
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 13-55-59 Why Putins policy towards Ukraine has strong paral
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 14-00-28 Wiccan celebration of summer solstice is a reminde
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 14-17-32 Is a major recession unavoidable Three economists 
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 14-17-32 Queen Mary University of London on The Conversatio
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 14-20-16 The history of Southern Baptists shows they have n
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 14-53-51 Go glammas! How older people are turning to TikTok
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 16-51-04 Champions sportifs-anticiper pour mieux performer
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 16-51-04 Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS) on The Conve
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 17-58-26 Jan. 6 committee hearings show what went right, no
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 17-58-53 Mike Pences actions on Jan. 6 were wholly unremark
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 18-38-51 At last, COVID-19 shots for little kids-5 essentia
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 18-38-51 University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-17 23-00-28 More Senate results-Hanson wins easily, but Labor 
 (TXT) 2022-06-18 08-19-26 UK government orders the extradition of Julian Ass
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 08-02-24 Why Commonwealth summit in Kigali wont be the rela
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 08-02-53 The air in South African Highveld cities smells fo
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 08-03-05 Whats driving the surge in South Africas fuel pric
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 08-04-17 How Patrice Lumumbas assassination drove student a
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 12-04-31 Age and education key demographics in governments 
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 12-50-48 Decriminalizing hard drugs in B.C. follows decades
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 12-50-49 The Toronto police apology for its treatment of ra
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 12-50-53 3 challenges facing the Ontario NDP as it tries to
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 12-50-59 Ontario must commit to affordable housing for all,
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 12-51-09 The Amazon rainforest is disappearing quickly-and 
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-26-51 Las ventajas de crecer con Internet-adolescentes y
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-29-42 El beso lesbico de Lightyear-la primera representa
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-32-24 En el siglo XVIII no estaba bien visto estar sola
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-35-25 Por que los humanos perdimos la cola
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-38-53 Por que no es lo mismo una ola de calor en Bilbao 
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-39-39 Como convertir millones de toneladas de residuos e
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-44-03 Universitat de les Illes Balears on The Conversati
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-44-03 Veganismo y suplementos de vitamina B12-por que ha
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 18-45-29 Deberian recetarse sesiones de musica y baile
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 19-52-39 In the Solomon Islands, Wong takes first tentative
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 19-53-09 Frankenstein-how Mary Shelleys sci-fi classic offe
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 19-53-24 First, COVID hit disadvantaged communities harder.
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 19-53-33 How are PhD students meant to survive on two-third
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 19-53-40 Insurance firms can skim your online data to price
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 19-53-47 A new farming proposal to reduce carbon emissions 
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 22-16-35 Lo que los resultados electorales en Andalucia sug
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 22-18-55 Un PP con mayoria absoluta en Andalucia esquiva go
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-35-38 3,5 millions de refugies ukrainiens sur son sol-co
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-35-39 La planification ecologique existe deja en France…
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-35-39 Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne on The Conver
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-36-39 Entreprises familiales-plus de flexibilite mais pl
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-36-41 « Je suis accro au travail, mais je me soigne ! - 
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-36-52 A laube dun retour sur la Lune avec les missions A
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-37-05 Reprise de lepidemie de COVID-pourquoi les variant
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-37-05 Reprise de lepidemie de Covid-pourquoi les variant
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-38-56 Quand les ministres perdent larbitrage electoral
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-38-57 La vie politique bouleversee par un scrutin inatte
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-38-57 Legislatives-La vie politique bouleversee par un s
 (TXT) 2022-06-19 23-38-57 Legislatives-la vie politique bouleversee par un s
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 01-26-59 Swapping stamp duty for land tax would push down h
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 01-35-41 A New Pacific Reset Why NZ must prioritise climate
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 03-47-33 Australia has a once in a lifetime opportunity to 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 03-54-14 Riset-belajar dari pandemi, saatnya telekonseling 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 03-54-14 Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 03-59-53 Religious women set up some of Australias first sc
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 03-59-53 The University of Western Australia on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 04-53-25 Changes in the jet stream are steering autumn rain
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 05-13-56 Why can you still get influenza if youve had a flu
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 05-37-33 Supporting women with mental ill-health in pregnan
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 06-03-32 Should Australian governments nationalise the elec
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 07-03-04 Today is not my day-how Russias journalists, write
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 07-23-56 Albanese government mobilises diplomacy and aid in
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 08-17-24 PayLater bantu fasilitasi transaksi tapi picu peri
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 09-37-18 Blue light-what we do and dont know about the dama
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 09-56-48 Francia-la politica da un vuelco por un voto inesp
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 10-29-12 Greenwashing-how ads get you to think brands are g
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 10-51-31 Online dating fatigue-why some people are turning 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 11-47-34 Black death-how we solved the centuries-old myster
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 12-00-01 How certainty helps immigrants integrate and contr
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 12-00-01 How to help immigrants feel more at home and contr
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 12-15-11 Commonwealth leaders gather in Rwanda as UK refuge
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 12-29-50 Millions of years ago, the megalodon ruled the oce
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 13-02-32 Seisme aux elections legislatives-les leçons a tir
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 13-27-37 Parliamentary elections shock Frances political or
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 13-31-11 Tiverton and Honiton byelection-rural communities 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-07-18 How the Ukraine war is benefiting Russian insurers
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-08-16 La neutralite de lInde face a linvasion russe en U
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-08-16 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-11-41 Why care home staff in the UK are at breaking poin
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-14-07 BTS take a break-worlds biggest K-pop group is cau
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-27-55 Whats in a name Why giving monkeypox a new one is 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-28-23 Sex workers in Nigeria deserve fair treatment from
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-28-32 West African borders have got firmer with EU help-
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-28-41 Africas smaller cities are usually overlooked-they
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 14-59-39 UN sustainable development goals failing to have m
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 15-08-50 How the slow-burning housing crisis is driving hun
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 15-09-01 Why critical race theory should inform schools
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 15-09-03 Online sessions with therapy dogs can help student
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-41-40 Ontarios child-care agreement is poised to fail lo
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-41-45 Peer review-Can this critical step in the publicat
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-41-45 University of Ottawa on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-50-11 El impacto de las medidas de Argelia sobre la econ
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-55-38 El componente social de la sequia
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-55-41 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (C
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 17-55-41 La biodiversidad de hace 450 anos-lo que habia y l
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 18-02-03 Recetas para desenamorarse-deseo, imaginacion y ne
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 18-02-05 Que hace un pescado impreso en ese papel
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 18-05-06 Tomar o no tomar cafe Usted decide
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 18-08-18 El nuevo tablero andaluz-un cambio que se venia pr
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 18-08-18 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia on T
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 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-16-53 Faut-il simplement interdire les neonicotinoides p
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-21-23 Des orchestres scolaires pour lier musique et enga
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-22-40 Macron et lUkraine-la fin dun proces en « russophi
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-32-07 Shovel-ready but not shovel-worthy-how COVID-19 in
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-55-25 In an energy crisis, every watt counts. So yes, tu
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-55-47 Growing up in a disadvantaged neighbourhood can ch
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-55-59 Is Migaloo … dead As climate change transforms the
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-55-59 Is Migaloo… dead As climate change transforms the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-57-02 The RBAs pre-COVID failure to cut interest rates f
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-57-36 Greatest transformation of early education in a ge
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-57-46 Timber shortages look set to delay home building i
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-58-17 Getting onto the wait list is a battle in itself-i
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-58-43 Australia should not overstate the threat of China
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 19-58-56 No justifications, excuses or box-ticking-the art 
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 20-24-44 Newcomers to Canada are supportive of Indigenous P
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 20-24-44 Newcomers to Canada support Indigenous Peoples and
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 20-36-02 El colombiano Gustavo Petro incrementa el poder de
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 20-43-52 Conversar puede transformar el mundo
 (TXT) 2022-06-20 23-32-09 The worlds affluent must start eating local food t
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 01-06-53 At Ngununggula, the Southern Highlands new regiona
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 01-22-29 Final Senate results-Labor, the Greens and David P
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 01-35-37 Plagiarism, John Hughes The Dogs and the ethical r
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 02-16-16 How the early childhood learning and care system w
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 02-38-27 Bet youre on the list-how criticising smart weapon
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 02-57-04 Where do all the mosquitoes go in the winter
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 03-06-38 A flurry of attention, then collective forgetfulne
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 03-07-11 Why including coal in a new capacity mechanism wil
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 03-11-24 Not a relationship-why the legal language of child
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 03-13-17 Mengapa penting persiapan menyusui sebelum bayi la
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 05-51-29 Does Australia need interim submarines to tide it 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 07-55-47 Word from The Hill-On interest rates, people smugg
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 07-55-47 Word from The Hill-On the economy, people smuggler
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 10-03-34 Por que no viajamos ya todos en coches electricos
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 10-12-45 Do optimists really live longer Heres what the res
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 10-36-48 Why the Lady of Heaven film is dividing Muslim opi
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 10-42-29 La odisea de aprender enfermeria en un campamento 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-47-15 Scams and cryptocurrency can go hand in hand-heres
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-48-00 Does hardening schools make students safer
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-48-35 Finlands and Swedens pursuit of NATO membership is
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-48-35 USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-48-59 Kids neighborhoods can affect their developing bra
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-49-35 Heres how to meet Bidens 2030 climate goals and dr
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-50-00 What are PFAS, and why is the EPA warning about th
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-51-18 Starving civilians is an ancient military tactic, 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 11-56-04 Train strike-UK governments plan to replace strike
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 12-13-06 How monkeypox epidemic is likely to play out-in fo
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 12-47-52 Eye movements could be the missing link in our und
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 12-54-56 Northern Ireland protocol row could damage good fa
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 13-20-05 Americans gave a near-record $485 billion to chari
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 13-32-09 Love Island and eBay-how the reality show could mo
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 13-38-53 Love Island-what the show can teach young people a
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 13-40-42 From AIs to an unhappy elephant, the legal questio
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 13-46-50 For schools, accepting student mobile phone use ma
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 14-02-45 What itll take for the Guptas to face corruption c
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 14-06-29 Ukraine war-fears that Belarus might invade on Rus
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 14-13-29 No time for complacency-Somalias unfolding famine 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 14-13-42 Vigilantism in South Africa carries historical imp
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 14-13-54 Want to run for office in Kenya Heres how much itl
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 14-14-03 UK work visa for elite graduates is exclusive and 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 15-14-06 Why Russia demonizes Ukrainian diasporas
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 15-14-19 Pride Toronto 2022-This party should be a riot
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 15-14-41 Comedy should punch up, not kick down
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 15-14-42 Parental rights lobby puts trans and queer kids at
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 15-14-44 Canadas first video game union shows that labour o
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-11-31 5 years and 50 million views of news by New Zealan
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-12-58 Matariki falls during a quiet retail season-but bu
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-19-55 Joseph-« Pourquoi habite-t-on dans des maisons et 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-20-10 Images de science-dou viennent les orgues basaltiq
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-20-46 Les echinococcoses, des maladies parasitaires en e
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-21-11 Ce que les dessins denfants nous disent de la soci
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-21-37 Le paradoxal passage a leconomie de la blockchain 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-21-46 Institut de recherche pour le developpement (IRD) 
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-21-54 Climat-les cinq enjeux incontournables de la plani
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-22-24 Energies fossiles-le desinvestissement naffecte pa
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-22-31 Tout le monde naime pas le sexe-comment lasexualit
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-25-57 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) on T
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-26-16 Universite Paris Nanterre-Universite Paris Lumiere
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-55-06 The national electricity market is a failed 1990s 
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-55-37 Why does everyone seem to have food intolerances t
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-55-46 From ScoMo to Albo-how a new cast of characters po
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-57-53 University of Notre Dame Australia on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-57-56 To give schools real choice about secular school c
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 19-58-02 After decades of loss, the worlds largest mangrove
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 21-42-49 Como cambia nuestro cerebro la practica musical
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 (TXT) 2022-06-21 21-45-41 Dime como miras y te dire como procesas las palabr
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 21-47-21 Por que Netflix lanza Stranger Things en dos parte
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 21-49-50 Se pueden acortar los tiempos para desarrollar una
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 21-54-13 Si, por favor, versionen los clasicos
 (TXT) 2022-06-21 21-56-01 Es realmente necesaria una mencion expresa al anti
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 00-44-31 How does this keep happening After so many child p
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 01-07-52 As Netball Australia eyes betting sponsorship, wom
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 01-46-32 Has US-style politicisation of the courts come to 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 01-56-20 State funds for students at religious schools Supr
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 02-00-37 How digital tech can help people with asthma manag
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 03-11-36 Grape growers are adapting to climate shifts early
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 03-49-21 Krisis harga BBM bisa jadi peluang emas menggenjot
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 04-02-39 Brands are leaning on recycled clothes to meet sus
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 04-42-40 Riset-makin banyak generasi muda Kristiani menggun
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 07-31-05 The school Cat Stevens built-how Conservative poli
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 08-19-12 Dengan pengetahuan yang mumpuni, apakah semua ilmu
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 09-36-37 Celibacy-its surprising evolutionary advantages-ne
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 10-04-15 Psychologists have traditionally focused on the pa
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 10-04-15 RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences on
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 10-12-23 Head of Foreign Affairs Kathryn Campbell ousted in
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 10-12-31 Plus minus perpanjangan cuti melahirkan, hati-hati
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 11-22-47 How Octavia E. Butler mined her boundless curiosit
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 11-30-15 How to get cars out of cities-podcast
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-07-23 Pandemics impacts on how people live and work may 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-07-52 Ukraines foreign legion may be new, but the idea i
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-08-18 Predictable and consistent parental behavior is ke
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-11-56 What is curtailment An electricity market expert e
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-12-48 Teacher burnout hits record high-5 essential reads
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-12-48 University of Notre Dame Australia on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-35-23 What is a heat dome An atmospheric scientist expla
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-57-18 Borgen is back-what the series gets right (and wro
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 12-59-02 How teachers supported children and parents throug
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 13-00-08 Before chickens became food for people, they were 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 13-01-15 Citizen science volunteers are almost entirely whi
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 13-22-16 Leider a duvet, un canard de mer qui contribue a s
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 13-22-16 Why the social democratic SNP needs some fresh thi
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 13-36-33 Crypto crash-market volatility is testing investor
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 13-51-43 Vegan cheese-what you should know
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-39-19 The common eider sea duck contributes to its own c
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-39-47 How to combat the unethical and costly use of deep
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-39-47 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-52-24 Widows in Nigeria are sometimes treated badly-cult
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-52-43 The African Unions Panel of the Wise-an unfulfille
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-52-55 Triple punch of shocks threatens to upend debt sus
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-53-07 At what point is a disease deemed to be a global t
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 14-53-15 How Nairobi police failures let people get away wi
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 15-07-00 The Midwich Cuckoos-what the latest remake tells u
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 15-42-44 US Capitol attack-how the public reaction to the J
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-14-45 Estan aumentado las infecciones virales o solo las
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-14-50 Gafas de sol-no es por estetica, es por salud
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-18-18 Los fractales son mucho mas que una coliflor
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-20-47 Por que se abusa de la palabra libertad en politic
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-26-24 Tormentas de fuego-que hacer frente a los incendio
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-26-29 Reactivar el mundo rural, clave para prevenir los 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-26-36 La sardina-beneficios para la salud y el medio amb
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-26-41 How theatre on the Prairies can imagine an equitab
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-26-41 Tres razones para no tirar las colillas al suelo
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-27-15 Rewriting the rule books-ensuring gender equity in
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-28-45 La motivacion es energia para el cerebro de los do
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 17-31-12 Cuando las emperatrices romanas hicieron propagand
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 18-12-15 Was there anything real about Elvis Presley
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 19-01-27 Metaphors matter-Why changing the name monkeypox m
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-02-29 Russias Ukraine invasion wont be over soon-and Put
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-03-04 COVID deaths are now barely mentioned in the media
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-03-13 4 ways to understand why Australia is so cold righ
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-03-29 Why capping food prices wont work-and will actuall
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-03-36 Baz Luhrmanns Elvis is super-spangly, explosive, n
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-03-42 Female finance leaders outperform their male peers
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-03-51 Our current methods of food production are unsusta
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 20-23-53 LIV Golf-Sportwashing vs. the commercial value of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-04-33 Apres le bouleversement des legislatives, quelle p
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-04-44 A La Clusaz, des pistes existent pour dejouer lart
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-04-57 Notes du bac manipulees-une eternelle polemique 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-05-12 Leconomie italienne est aussi malade de ses elites
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-05-28 Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-05-28 Renaissance militaire allemande-laugmentation des 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-05-34 Pieds froids, mains glacees-faut-il sen inquieter 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-05-40 Retrouver lidentite des migrants disparus grace a 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 21-08-25 Quest-ce qui nous rend accros a TikTok 
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 23-23-57 Women are at greater risk of stroke, the more misc
 (TXT) 2022-06-22 23-28-23 Why was the Brittany Higgins trial delayed, and wh
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 00-32-03 Poster Bercinta 3 ronde dalam unjuk rasa, wujud pe
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 01-32-30 How Rising festival brought us dance in times of p
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 02-37-51 New Zealand needs a new gang strategy-political co
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 02-41-16 Politics with Michelle Grattan-Greg Barns on the b
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 02-55-08 Australia just flew its own vomit comet. Its a big
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 03-16-59 Why this new climate case against the high-polluti
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 03-39-15 Young womens memoirs of migration, dispossession a
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 03-47-27 Akibat sanksi Barat, mata uang Rusia justru makin 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 04-45-06 Mengapa negara-negara mayoritas Muslim cepat meres
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 04-45-06 Mengapa negara-negara mayoritas Muslim cepat meres
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 09-39-29 Por que estamos cada vez mas deprimidos
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-07-24 Diamorphine shortage could be more than just a pro
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-09-23 Grattan on Friday-Anthony Albanese has a lot on th
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-18-10 Ukraine war-as the conflict at sea intensifies, Ru
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-47-17 Look at 3 enduring stories Americans tell about gu
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-47-38 Abortion and bioethics-Principles to guide U.S. ab
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-48-19 Demolishing schools after a mass shooting reflects
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-48-54 What is BPA and why is it in so many plastic produ
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-49-22 Federal gas tax holiday-Biden says it will provide
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-49-46 Yes, fireworks prices are skyrocketing, but there 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-50-16 Red flag laws saved 7,300 Americans from gun death
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-50-39 Only about 1 in 5 engineering degrees go to women
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 11-50-39 University of Maryland, Baltimore County on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 12-48-15 How Kenyas degree requirement for top political po
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 13-18-59 Les francophones sanglicisent-ils vraiment au Queb
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 13-41-36 Ukraine war-all eyes on Lithuania as sanctions clo
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 13-48-29 Queen Mary University of London on The Conversatio
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 13-48-29 Why UK approach to replacing the Human Rights Act 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-13-31 Trop, cest comme pas assez-combien dheures devons-
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-13-54 Will closing the boyfriend loophole in gun legisla
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-13-54 Would closing the boyfriend loophole in gun legisl
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-22-16 Cosmic dust from Venus is inspiring new air pollut
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-27-56 Nigerian historian and thinker Toyin Falola on dec
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-28-34 Gardeners in South Africa may hesitate to use grey
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-28-34 University of the Western Cape on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-28-38 Firms from rich countries are taking factories hom
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-29-00 Kinyafranglais-how Rwanda became a melting pot of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-46-57 Curious Kids-what is cosmic microwave background r
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-47-05 Rising prices-why the global drive to keep food ch
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-49-18 Rail strikes-words used to describe unions misrepr
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-50-35 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-50-35 Why Uber drivers arent unionizing in Quebec
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 14-50-47 Discrimination can make smaller communities unappe
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 15-02-57 Evolutionary tree of life-modern science is showin
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 15-04-28 What trade unions do and what joining one means
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 15-21-43 Five ways the pandemic has affected routine medica
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 16-33-48 Poliovirus in London sewage-what you need to know
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-00-44 Ukraine Recap-why a small Russian exclave is sudde
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-05-20 Implican los resultados en Andalucia un cambio de 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-08-33 Viruela del mono-informar sin discriminar para pro
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-13-25 Cuantos arcos tiene la Puerta de Alcala La memoria
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-13-25 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-16-00 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (C
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-16-00 Las modas estan perjudicando la calidad de vida de
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-16-06 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-16-06 Por que moja el agua La fisica de fluidos inunda n
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-17-44 Criptoactivos, de la especulacion a la inversion
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-21-48 Como fomentar la comunicacion cara a cara entre lo
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-21-53 Relatos de vida de profesorado LGTBIQ+ en la forma
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-21-53 Relatos de vida de profesorado LGTBIQ-en la formac
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-23-28 Se parecen los gimnasios actuales a los de la Anti
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 17-39-11 The Supreme Court tends to save the biggest ruling
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-00-48 Alleged political interference in the N.S. mass sh
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-01-02 Wolf culls change hunting habits and help caribou 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-07-10 Friday essay-if growing US-China rivalry leads to 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-07-22 Beyond GDP-Jim Chalmers historic moment to build a
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-09 We asked the public about being lonely during lock
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-17 The clean energy revolution isnt just a techno-fix
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-22 Compassion in health care reduces health inequalit
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-22 Compassion in health care reduces health inequalit
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-24 We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to t
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-33 When RAT-testing for COVID, should you also swab y
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-44 Relax, its just a ringlight for kids. Toys like th
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-08-55 Art, freedom and drag invasions-the history of New
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-09-26 How young Black African Australians use social med
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-17-28 La dose ne fait pas toujours le poison-certaines s
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-17-43 Le RN, de lenracinement a letablissement-lexemple 
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-18-15 Dossier-Comment les enfants deviennent lecteurs
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-18-28 En entreprise, qui lon connaît compte davantage qu
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-19-08 Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC) on The C
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-20-20 Lincroyable statistique des premiers chiffres
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-21-00 Larrivee de la gauche au pouvoir en Colombie-la fi
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-21-00 Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 20-22-48 « 1984-de George Orwell-quel miroir pour la Russie
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 21-28-28 Supreme Court sweeps aside New Yorks limits on car
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 21-29-32 How powerful sounds of protest amplify resistance-
 (TXT) 2022-06-23 23-07-40 Apa yang dikatakan penelitian tentang kebiasaan or
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 00-50-38 Boycotts in sport may not advance human rights. Bu
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 01-27-48 Wisata ganja-Tren baru yang tengah mendunia
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 01-36-37 How Operation Phoenix exported violence from Austr
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 01-54-47 How effective is mindfulness for treating mental i
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 02-08-12 Riset-mayoritas sertifikat energi terbarukan tak e
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 02-09-24 The Albanese government has committed to enshrinin
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 02-49-51 VIDEO-Federal government brings COVID back onto th
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 03-07-27 Our flood predictions are getting worse as the cli
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 03-07-27 The University of Western Australia on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 06-12-58 Riset ungkap masalah struktural yang hambat kemaju
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 07-28-37 Volveremos a vacunarnos de la viruela
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 08-34-10 Nigerias latest lithium find-some key questions an
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 08-48-43 Pride Month-mengapa kelompok LGBTQ belum bebas dar
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 09-18-45 Se esta adaptando el virus de la viruela del mono 
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 10-53-34 Polio-were developing a safer vaccine that uses no
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 10-55-23 The untold story of Canadas journalism startups
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 10-57-15 The Conversation Canada turns 5-Why we love our jo
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-02-29 Our fifth anniversary-Readers weigh in
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-16-42 Ramaphosa scandal looks set to intensify the ANCs 
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-43-44 Girls mental health has been affected more than bo
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-51-22 Wealth of nations-Why some are rich, others are po
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-51-48 Helping Afghanistan after earthquake will be hard-
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-52-20 How do painkillers actually kill pain From ibuprof
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-53-00 Googles powerful AI spotlights a human cognitive g
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-53-00 The University of Texas at Austin College of Liber
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-53-22 Misinformation will be rampant when it comes to CO
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-53-22 University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-54-10 5 tips for parents of new kindergartners who are y
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 11-58-30 Ukraine war-Nato summit to meet in a world reorder
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 12-02-21 Workers rights-how a landmark UN decision on safet
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 12-02-22 Five billion people cant afford surgery-a team of 
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 12-27-35 Curious Kids-mengapa hiu berjumbai lebih mirip ula
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 12-27-36 Bisakah hukum fisika menyangkal Tuhan
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 13-10-32 Wakefield and Tiverton and Honiton byelections-eve
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 14-35-38 Supreme Court overturns Roe, upends 50 years of ab
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 14-36-02 University of California, San Francisco on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 14-36-02 What the Supreme Courts ruling on abortion means f
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 14-48-42 Roe overturned-What you need to know about the Sup
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 14-50-55 State courts from Oregon to Georgia will now decid
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 14-59-38 Film review-falling in love with Cabo Verdean sing
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-04-43 Roe v Wade overturned-what abortion access and rep
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-07-19 Fin du droit a lavortement aux Etats-Unis-moins de
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-20-07 Roe v. Wade overturned-Will more Americans travel 
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-26-00 Shopping-the cost of living crisis is hitting peop
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-37-44 Monkeypox may not mutate as fast as coronaviruses,
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-39-23 US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade-but for abo
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 15-40-24 Las claves sobre la decision del Supremo de EE. UU
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 16-04-13 Roe v Wade-men benefit from abortion rights too-an
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 16-55-45 Americas religious communities are divided over th
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 18-02-25 African lakes emit far less greenhouse gases than 
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 18-02-25 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-24 18-55-20 A revolutionary ruling-and not just for abortion-A
 (TXT) 2022-06-25 13-43-43 First bipartisan gun control bill in a generation 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 00-11-02 Monkeypox is not a global emergency for now, says 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 01-29-47 Riset baru-pengendalian narkoba di Indonesia merug
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 01-29-47 Riset baru-pengendalian narkotika di Indonesia mer
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 08-09-50 Male voices dominated South African COVID reportin
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 08-10-54 Is eastern Africas drought the worst in recent his
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 08-25-02 Homosexuality and Africa-a philosophers perspectiv
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 08-25-02 Is being gay un-African A philosophers perspective
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 08-30-25 The mathematics of human behaviour-how my new mode
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 11-33-14 The end of Roe-what now for the women of America
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-11-49 How obituaries helped people grieve during the pan
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-11-51 Canadas trust divide is growing, and that could sp
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-11-54 Air Canada flight reductions-FAQs about the chaos 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-11-54 Cancelled flights, disrupted vacations, frayed tem
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-11-57 Microplastics may pose a greater threat to the bas
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-11-57 Microplastics might be entering marine food webs f
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-12-00 Amid a red-hot summer job market, teenaged workers
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 12-12-03 Roe v. Wade-Canada can respond to U.S. bans by imp
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 13-06-05 Lemahnya regulasi iklan e-cigarette di platform Me
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-05-04 Microbiota-como funciona y como afecta a nuestra s
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-06-05 Lactancia materna-el primer aparato de ortodoncia
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-10-17 2 279 nobles titulados en Espana-tienen derechos e
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-11-46 Como la experiencia del poder cambia al individuo
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-15-03 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (C
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-15-03 Por que los portales de los edificios estan mas fr
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-22-49 Como comunicar una subida de precios
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-25-38 Los estudiantes saben buscar en internet, pero sab
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-48-46 Orthographe-pourquoi le niveau baisse-t-il 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-48-50 Lineluctable retour des foules ou les leçons du St
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-48-52 Deux nouvelles limites planetaires franchies en 20
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-48-59 Kaliningrad au cœur de la confrontation Russie-OTA
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-49-05 Les recettes classiques contre linflation ne peuve
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-49-10 Entreprises familiales-comme Bernard Arnault, les 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-49-16 Covid-19-comment le coronavirus sintroduit dans no
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-57-06 Profits push up prices too, so why is the RBA gove
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-57-22 How to save $50 off your food bill and still eat t
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-58-08 Should the census ask about race Its not a simple 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-58-24 Young non-smokers in NZ are taking up vaping more 
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-58-32 Read the room, Premier. Performance pay for teache
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-58-41 Paul Daleys Jesustown-a novel of lurid, postcoloni
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-58-47 How Japanese avant-garde ceramicists have tested t
 (TXT) 2022-06-26 19-58-55 Part-time work holds women back from executive pos
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 00-54-28 Cutting crossbench MPs staffing would be a setback
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 01-22-52 Labor promised to fix Australias big water problem
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 02-32-16 Facial recognition is on the rise-but the law is l
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 03-46-41 The Bible says nothing about abortion. So being an
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 03-47-10 Physio dry needling and acupuncture-whats the diff
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 03-59-56 Some see NZs invite to the NATO summit as a reward
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 05-03-34 Australia is one of few countries that doesnt pay 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 05-36-36 The literary life of Frank Moorhouse, a giant of A
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 07-05-11 Drought increases rural suicide, and climate chang
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 07-54-25 Menurut riset, Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung belum 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 08-15-41 The public cost of private schools-rising fees and
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 09-07-14 RUU KIA-Cuti ayah patut didukung untuk mewujudkan 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 09-07-48 Ojek online bisa dimanfaatkan untuk memangkas polu
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 10-22-43 Why Wales should rebrand as the land of dragons an
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-16-41 Unions fight to secure better pay and conditions f
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-23-32 I watched hundreds of flat-Earth videos to learn h
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-24-39 Should you get a COVID-19 booster shot now or wait
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-25-01 How many ice ages has the Earth had, and could hum
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-25-23 Business schools get a bad rap-but a closer look s
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-25-53 Social Security benefits play key role in preventi
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-29-27 Five ways you can get involved in fighting for wom
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 12-46-14 COVID reinfections could be more severe for some-b
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 13-06-02 What it really meant to be punk in Britain
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 13-41-54 En construction, mieux vaut preconiser le bois pou
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 13-41-54 Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (UQAC) on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 13-56-46 Struggling with positive thinking Research shows g
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 13-57-39 Ukraine and Moldova gain EU candidate status but f
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 14-01-49 Plastic pollution in Nigeria is poorly studied but
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 14-02-04 Dealing with unruly behaviour among schoolchildren
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 14-02-24 Kenya and South Africa offer insights into digital
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 14-02-24 Kenya and South Africa offer insights into digital
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 14-20-26 Human disruption to Earths freshwater cycle has ex
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 15-35-07 England appoints first ever womens health ambassad
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 15-35-41 Are the kids alright Why Canada must urgently step
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 15-35-45 5 ways to support childrens early literacy skills 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 15-35-48 Market research is essential for entrepreneurs who
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 15-35-48 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) on The Conv
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-01-23 En Afrique francophone, les historiens face au gra
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-02-50 Apple, Lego, Playmobil… comment des marques sauven
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-03-00 La hausse des taux dinterêt va-t-elle deboucher su
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-03-00 Universite Paris Nanterre-Universite Paris Lumiere
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-03-37 Face a la « culture charrette-, les architectes ar
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-05-31 Agence française de developpement (AFD) on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-05-31 Genre et climat-decryptage de la rhetorique des ac
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-06-11 LFI-du pari a la mutation 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-08-46 Chronique en mer-rentrer avec 15 kilos de roches o
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 16-08-46 Ecole normale superieure (ENS)-PSL on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-15-50 The dangers of big data extend to farming
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-15-52 Ethno-racial minorities in Canada have less access
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-15-52 Ethno-racial minorities in Canada have less access
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-17-39 Los seis ejes de la cumbre de la OTAN en Madrid
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-18-37 Kaliningrado, en el centro del enfrentamiento entr
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-19-37 La valla de Melilla-flanco sur y muerte sin derech
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-25-58 Les preocupa a los jovenes el descubrimiento de su
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-29-39 Estamos cada vez mas adaptados al calor
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-29-39 Instituto de Salud Carlos III on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-31-59 El cambio climatico esta robando el color a las av
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-33-54 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-33-54 Si la salud es una sola, por que la ensenamos por 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 17-40-59 La genialidad de Manuel Puig
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 18-42-03 Prevention is better than cure when it comes to hi
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-50-26 Australians are more millennial, multilingual and 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-50-31 No religion is Australias second-largest religious
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-50-31 The University of Western Australia on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-50-56 We need to brace for a tsunami of long COVID. But 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-51-02 Research shows tropical cyclones have decreased al
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-51-10 Wittgenstein tried to solve all the problems of ph
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-51-15 Drones and DNA tracking-we show how these high-tec
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-51-23 What does equity in schools look like And how is i
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 19-51-30 Light-Works from the Tates Collection honours the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 21-07-55 Maria del Monte, el pinkwashing y la comunicacion 
 (TXT) 2022-06-27 22-26-44 Why the Supreme Courts football decision is a game
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 01-18-54 Pendewi-tololan perempuan dan Pancasila-sama-sama 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 01-36-48 It was the beginning of feminism-how higher educat
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 01-43-35 Moral injury-what happens when exhausted health wo
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 01-43-35 Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 01-50-13 Yet again, the census shows women are doing more h
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 01-55-59 The Northern Territory is about to ease alcohol re
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 02-00-42 Men have pelvic floors too-and can benefit when th
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 02-10-52 Final 2022 election results-Coalition routed in ci
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 02-49-01 Shifting from chaplains to secular student welfare
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 04-54-18 Post Roe, women in America are right to be concern
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 05-02-04 Selain menambah ketegangan, Pakta AUKUS bisa perbu
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 05-05-11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population h
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 05-13-27 Meet 5 remarkably old animals, from a Greenland sh
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 05-24-31 The 2021 Australian census in 8 charts
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 10-43-34 Five things you can do to help you have a more pos
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-56-49 Male judges are more likely to hire women as clerk
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-57-04 Anti-abortion pregnancy centers will likely outlas
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-57-04 University of Maryland, Baltimore County on The Co
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-57-18 The Episcopal saint whose journey for social justi
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-57-43 Feeding insects to cattle could make meat and milk
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-58-21 Intensifying heat waves threaten South Asias strug
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 11-59-31 Donating to help women get abortions is a First Am
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 12-04-21 Influencer is now a popular career choice for youn
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 12-06-06 Australians favour more defence spending in Lowy p
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 12-11-17 The impact of Christian purity culture is still be
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 13-25-34 Le Canada doit respecter et reconnaître les droits
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 13-25-34 University of Ottawa on The Conversation
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 13-38-56 Roe v Wade-the religious right has long influenced
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 14-26-10 How the self-proclaimed Queen of Canada is causing
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 14-26-10 How the self-proclaimed queen of Canada is causing
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 14-26-15 Indigenous-led supportive housing can be transform
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 14-41-14 Redundancy-what to know about your rights when an 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 15-00-10 Long COVID-female sex, older age and existing heal
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 15-04-18 Cooking with dirty fuels affects womens mental hea
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 15-04-53 What it would take to set up an African drug disco
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 15-05-11 How Nigeria can turn its huge cashew waste into va
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 15-05-27 The art of bribery-a closeup look at how traffic o
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 16-03-30 Canada needs to invest more money into science inn
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 16-03-34 Life after a stroke-Family and friends provide nea
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-01-49 Comment elaborer des politiques rationnelles et tr
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-01-53 Avec la hausse des taux, les marches semblent se r
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-02-11 Institut National dEtudes Demographiques (INED) on
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-02-11 Les allocations etudiantes au Danemark, un modele 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-02-42 Bonnes feuilles-« La Fabrique contemporaine des te
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-04-13 Manifestations, greves-vers un troisieme tour soci
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-04-13 Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC) on The C
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-04-49 Institut de recherche pour le developpement (IRD) 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-04-49 Radiologie-pourquoi lIA na (toujours) pas remplace
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-06-13 Camille-« Pourquoi notre nez devient rouge quand o
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-06-23 Laustralopitheque Lucy ne fut pas la seule passion
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-06-44 Une IA championne de bridge
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-30-54 Voici pourquoi cest le chaos dans les aeroports du
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-49-34 Aun no sabemos si las plantas podran adaptarse al 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-50-49 Gas natural-solucion para Europa o desarrollo para
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-53-33 Oportunidades y riesgos de la transicion hacia una
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-56-16 El estres academico se ceba sobre todo en los estu
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 17-59-00 La OTAN y el dilema de seguridad
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 18-00-12 Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) on T
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 18-00-12 La llegada de la izquierda al poder en Colombia-el
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 18-00-12 Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 18-01-48 Se merece Paret una exposicion en el Museo del Pra
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 18-04-55 Dolor e incomprension-la doble carga que soportan 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-10-20 A $400-a-week shortfall-people in their 40s face a
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-53-21 Jan. 6 hearings are only the tip of the iceberg wh
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-54-42 Census data shows were more culturally diverse tha
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-56-02 By naming Pennhurst, Stranger Things uses disabili
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-57-21 Is 5 senior ministers quitting Victorias Andrews g
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-58-33 This giant kangaroo once roamed New Guinea-descend
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-58-53 Big beautiful females and familiar dystopias-new g
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 19-59-00 What is heteropessimism, and why do men and women 
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 20-27-13 Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice Universi
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 20-27-13 Why Roe v. Wades demise-unlike gay rights or Ukrai
 (TXT) 2022-06-28 20-48-32 Annulation de larrêt Roe-ce que vous devez savoir 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 00-56-31 Does Labor have total control in Western Australia
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 00-56-48 The iPhone turns 15-a look at the past (and future
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 02-59-54 Riset-pandemi COVID-19 akibatkan anak-anak Indones
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 03-35-28 1970s-style stagflation now playing on central ban
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 03-36-23 Word from The Hill-Parliamentary newbies inspect t
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 03-42-16 Curious Kids-Bagaimana orang pada Zaman Batu berbi
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 03-42-18 Curious Kids-Mengapa penting mendefinisikan Pluto 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 03-42-21 Curious Kids-apa yang akan terjadi jika seseorang 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 05-42-35 How can we reverse the vaping crisis among young A
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 06-47-53 Menteri Perdagangan absen dari agenda penting WTO 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 07-09-53 Hak-hak pekerja-Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 08-30-37 The University of Western Australia on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 08-30-37 Whats driving Ubers historic agreement with the TW
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 09-39-33 Death literacy-why its important to talk about dyi
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 09-49-09 Four ways to stop thinking the worst will happen w
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 10-28-12 Cognitive immobility-when youre mentally trapped i
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 10-28-12 Royal Holloway University of London on The Convers
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 11-23-18 Trophy hunting will not save Africas lions-so the 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-04-48 Many drugs cant withstand stomach acid-a new deliv
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-05-04 The FDA and Juul are fighting over a vape ban, but
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-05-17 An online life coaching program for female physici
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-05-30 Whats cellulitis A dermatologist explains
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-05-44 A growing number of women give birth at Catholic h
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-06-07 5 drawbacks to following your passion
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-06-29 Russias antisemitism aimed at Ukraines Zelenskyy i
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-06-45 American gun culture is based on frontier mytholog
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-07-07 Putins propaganda is rooted in Russian history-and
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-11-35 This Canada Day, settler Canadians should think ab
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 12-11-37 O Canada-Why I no longer stand for the national an
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 13-14-42 Le Saint-Laurent touristique, entre imaginaire et 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 13-19-01 Scottish independence-what has changed since the l
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 13-19-01 University of the West of Scotland on The Conversa
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 13-26-55 Climate crisis-even temporarily overshooting 2°C w
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-15-20 The tide of the COVID pandemic is going out-but th
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-15-57 Women are still less likely to aspire to leadershi
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-34-42 Media literacy education in South Africa can help 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-34-56 Gain a child, lose a tooth-old saying holds true f
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-35-42 Five actions to prepare African countries better f
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-36-01 The right to die-unpacking an ethical dilemma in S
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 14-36-15 How the music of an ancient rock painting was brou
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 15-09-36 Sadarkah kita bahwa implementasi KB timpang gender
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 15-27-09 The St. Lawrence River tourism industry-Caught bet
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 15-31-10 Hope from despair-how young people are taking acti
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 16-22-10 Hong Kongs handover 25 years on-why human rights e
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-25-36 Estan contentos los peces de piscifactoria
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-25-36 Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) on The Con
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-28-21 Rather than focus on the speculative rights of sen
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-29-00 Por que no funciona la evaluacion del desempeno y 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-32-17 Son utiles los ejercicios de memorizacion en la es
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-32-26 Como garantizar busquedas efectivas y criticas en 
 (TXT) 2022-06-29 17-32-26 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya on The Conversatio
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 (TXT) 2022-06-29 19-56-30 Schools will now be required to support well-being
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