This directory contains subdirectories for the various interactive 
       authoring systems. Usually they not only contain the development sy
       but also a run time system or interpreter that must be used to run 
       finished (compiled) games.
       66 Subdirectories:
 (DIR) aas
 (DIR) adl
 (DIR) adms
 (DIR) adrift
 (DIR) advbuilder
 (DIR) adven80
 (DIR) advent
 (DIR) adventura
 (DIR) advsim
 (DIR) advsys
 (DIR) agi
 (DIR) agifg
 (DIR) agt
 (DIR) aiee
 (DIR) alan
 (DIR) alan3
 (DIR) amigaventure
 (DIR) archetype
 (DIR) aventuro
 (DIR) bags
 (DIR) blorb
 (DIR) caecho
 (DIR) cat
 (DIR) caw
 (DIR) cpp
 (DIR) cutra
 (DIR) dap
 (DIR) debuggers
 (DIR) drool
 (DIR) editors
 (DIR) figment
 (DIR) gac
 (DIR) gags
 (DIR) gamescape
 (DIR) general-discussion
 (DIR) ginas
 (DIR) glk
 (DIR) glulx
 (DIR) gtac
 (DIR) hugo
 (DIR) iage
 (DIR) instead
 (DIR) jacl
 (DIR) lads
 (DIR) mdl
 (DIR) mechanique
 (DIR) nemlin
 (DIR) nmp
 (DIR) oasys
 (DIR) paws
 (DIR) prometeo
 (DIR) quest
 (DIR) questmaker
 (DIR) quill
 (DIR) ramus
 (DIR) rexx-adventure
 (DIR) sintac
 (DIR) skc
 (DIR) superglus
 (DIR) tads2
 (DIR) tads3
 (DIR) tag
 (DIR) textopia
 (DIR) twine
 (DIR) txa
 (DIR) worldbuilder
       1 item:
 (TXT) RAIF-POOL.announce
       Jacob Solomon Weinstein announces "raif POOL",
       a universal language/compiler/runtime/interpreter that can
       read, write, and run everything you can think of -
       AI-complete, of course.
       Just don't believe it; it was an April fool's joke in 1996.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
       This mirror is a public service of