       Scarlett, a happy /home body who likes cooking, cleaning, and coding.
 (DIR) About ROYGBYTE...
       IRC: roygbyte on libera.chat
       Email: 06ajooxkj@mozmail.com
 (DIR) git
 (DIR) June 30, 2024: 9:15PM
 (DIR) June 4, 2024: Looking at code like letters in a book
 (DIR) June 2, 2024: Weekend cooking recap and other musings
 (DIR) May 20, 2024: Stigmata movie book report
 (DIR) May 4, 2024: Why jump when you know to land is inevitable?
 (DIR) April 28, 2024: Learning MIDI with the Novation Launchpad
 (DIR) April 26, 2024: Itemizing my domestic dreams
 (DIR) April 19, 2024: Attempts against unnecessary garbage collection
 (DIR) April 14, 2024: When groups compete against themselves
 (DIR) April 3, 2024: Iterative success in a multi-threaded world
 (DIR) March 26, 2024: Making friends with ed(1)
 (DIR) March 19, 2024: Towards a better job: so far, in the way, and next steps
 (DIR) March 7, 2024: ROYGBYTE's 9 commands for a good life
 (DIR) March 1, 2024: Draw comic in case of existential emergency
 (DIR) February 11, 2024: Programming myself for a better life
 (DIR) January 4, 2023: Shifting into better keyboard ergonomics
 (DIR) January 1, 2024: What I did on vacation
 (DIR) December 22, 2023: What I liked about 2023
 (DIR) October 19, 2023: Whatever you do, don't reboot
 (DIR) August 5, 2023: Nostalgic fan mail
 (DIR) July 21, 2023: On fixing an iPhone
 (DIR) July 3, 2023: Old Computer Challenge
 (DIR) June 25, 2023: Life of a used Duncan kiln
 (DIR) June 7, 2023: Computer user in training
 (DIR) June 5, 2023: Towards a toilet stool
 (DIR) May 31, 2023: Nature is a great healer
 (DIR) December 1-6, 2022: Advent of Code
 (DIR) July 19, 2022: Switch cases in Lua
 (DIR) June 6, 2022: Can you write software using online code tests?
 (DIR) April 29, 2022: On turning over unturned stones
 (DIR) April 21, 2022: A note on fertility and MtF HRT
 (DIR) April 6, 2022: How I develop plugins for KOReader
 (DIR) July 3, 2024: See the trees for the forest
 (DIR) September 7, 2023: Is it the movie or is it the real
 (DIR) June 5, 2023: Reflecting on reflections
 (DIR) May 22, 2023: Cleaning up after a heart break
 (DIR) March 26, 2023: This comic is terrible
 (DIR) February 22, 2023: Mirror mirror
 (DIR) January 30, 2023: Drawing on moods for self-regulation
 (DIR) March 12, 2023: There's always somewhere I'd rather be
 (DIR) January 3, 2023: You probably thought this comic was about you
 (DIR) December 10, 2022: Positivity is a chore
 (DIR) November 24, 2022: Mono, poly, whatever
 (DIR) November 10, 2022: Drawing in my day job
 (DIR) November 8, 2022: Reaching in
 (DIR) October 23, 2022: Question everything?
 (DIR) October 18, 2022: There is hope for humanity
 (DIR) September 30, 2022: It's thought bubbles all the way down
 (DIR) September 20, 2022: Snack and movement
 (DIR) August 15, 2022: On comics and code
 (DIR) March 28, 2017: Daily Sketchbag
 (DIR) git workflow patterns
 (DIR) org-download-yank fix for "Not a URL" error
 (DIR) Ploopy Trackball Nano on-the-fly DPI adjustments
 (DIR) Various ed(1) commands
 (DIR) Python packaging and distribution using Hatch 1.9
 (DIR) Use surf without a welding helmet
 (DIR) Finding PPD file of a HP LaserJet 5100
 (DIR) Fixing tmux not running shell commands
 (DIR) Switching between TV and laptop display
 (DIR) How to invoke zzz without sudo
 (DIR) Launching an internet search query with i3 and dmenu
 (DIR) Halfway towards RSS article excerpts with ox-rss.el
 (DIR) Add syntax highlighting to an org-publish-project
 (DIR) ASCII art: Various illustrations in ASCII
 (DIR) Alexa Paper: A roadmap to the day with entertainment along the way
 (DIR) Bookdarts: Export KOReader highlights to gopher
       bookburrow: Library Genisis gopher front-end
 (DIR) CatPoi: Swing-y bits that light up and twirl around
 (DIR) crossword.koplugin: KOReader plugin for solving NYT crosswords
 (DIR) Digital primaries: Themes for urxvt and rofi
 (DIR) Mailbox: Connected mailbox
 (DIR) Millennial Phone Book: Collecting Twitter's #newnumber
 (DIR) monochwome.el: Emacs theme to regress you to an amber world
       ox-gopher: gopher backend for org-mode publishing
 (DIR) Persistence of Vision Machine: Duchampian ready-made
       postreich: Encrypted-ish mailboxes over gopher
 (DIR) QUZ: Study companion for Canada's amateur radio license exam
 (DIR) Scrolllines: Font made entirely of scroll bars
       I am building my own tiny curriculum for getting better at
       understanding computers and networking. These pages are works in
 (DIR) NET-101
 (DIR) LRN-101
 (DIR) April 23, 2024
 (DIR) April 19, 2024
 (DIR) April 18, 2024
 (DIR) April 16-17, 2024
 (DIR) April 15, 2024
 (DIR) April 11, 2024
 (DIR) Full Sour Pickles
 (DIR) How I make vegetable stock for soups and stews
 (DIR) How to cook mac and Cheese
 (DIR) How to cook kimchi
 (DIR) How to cook hot chocolate
 (DIR) Book highlights...
 (DIR) Books I've read...
       Currently reading:
       - TCP/IP Illustrated: Volume 1
       - On a Sunbeam by Tilly Walden
       - Petite Soeur, Mon Amour by Joyce Carol Oates
       On hold:
       - Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman by Thomas Hardy
       - Computer Networks: A Systems Approach by Larry Peterson and Bruce
       - How Computers Really Work by Matthew Justice
       Links around the gophersphere.
       This gopherhole was built on Void Linux in Emacs using org-mode. It is
       hosted by OpenBSD Amsterdam.