Welcome to the active SDF User Gopherspace!
       Here you will find the FRESHEST SDF User gopher sites in alphabetic
       order.  Sites here have had activity in the past 5 years.  To get y
       site listed here, just type 'mkgopher' at the shell.
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2024]        taranisw  Taranis experimentations
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2024]            soft  Soft & Weird in here
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2024]           xiled  THE XILED RUMINATION CONSTRUCT
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2024]       schroeder  AOL Keyword: obsolete
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2024]         jreeves  2020
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]          gon133 
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]        dmadhatr  DMad's TechnoZen Chants
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]            ffog  ffog's cellar
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]         candide  Candide's Garden Gopher
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]           sinza  Curently Participating in OCC2024
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]         quintin 
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2024]        kilomike  Vivencias en RF
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2024]          kurisu  Rodential Thought Repository
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2024]             jdd  cyber scrapheap
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2024]             gef  reaching for eternity
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2024]    gallowsgryph  Starfield of the Skies
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2024]    kookyprelude kookyprelude
 (DIR) [18-Jul-2024]            soap 
 (DIR) [18-Jul-2024]             mnw  Squirrelling thoughts in my gopher hole
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2024]             pmc 
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2024]             agk  Where the horsemen hang their hats
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2024]            fos1  Far Out Science
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2024]         rbigelo  Plain Text is Beautiful
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2024]        netsplit 
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2024]             jns  JohnS' gopher hole
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2024]      oneofvalts  Blossom is the word.
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2024]        mcornick  Mark Cornick
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2024]        peteyboy  My Job Hunting
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2024]          ingrix  ingrix wuz here
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2024]          jmccue 
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2024]            rmsu  rmsub
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2024]          a2.4am  4am gopherspace
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2024]         lhrds13  SQL INJECTION - COMO SE PROTEGER?
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2024]             rgu  Rick Umali Gopher @ SDF
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2024]             smm  in the mad river valley of vermont
 (DIR) [08-Jul-2024]            nexy  Nexy Space
 (DIR) [08-Jul-2024]          emilio  --
 (DIR) [07-Jul-2024]          dev1ls  Dev1ls
 (DIR) [07-Jul-2024]          xuser3  My gopher site.
 (DIR) [06-Jul-2024]    liquiddreamz  LiQUiD DReaMZ
 (DIR) [04-Jul-2024]         rsdoiel  A human, wrote music, wrote prose, write software
 (DIR) [03-Jul-2024]        mortimer  Mortimer Houghton's Hideout
 (DIR) [01-Jul-2024]         canfood  Reject web3, Embrace Gopher
 (DIR) [01-Jul-2024]           chals  chalsattack gopher
 (DIR) [28-Jun-2024]             kym  kym horsell's gopher space at massbus.org
 (DIR) [27-Jun-2024]     laiyuantemp  test
 (DIR) [26-Jun-2024]          madcap 
 (DIR) [26-Jun-2024]             jxl  jxl's gopherworld
 (DIR) [24-Jun-2024]           charo  charo's room
 (DIR) [23-Jun-2024]    caketheidiot  Cake's gopherhole
 (DIR) [23-Jun-2024]        ecliptik  ecliptik's gopherhole
 (DIR) [23-Jun-2024]            luka 
 (DIR) [22-Jun-2024]           peron  Ubuntu Peronista
 (DIR) [22-Jun-2024]         gelatin  Wibbly-wobbly
 (DIR) [20-Jun-2024]             tdc  Top Dead Center
 (DIR) [19-Jun-2024]              tf  Dog Solitude
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2024]       jackalope 
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2024]         dbohdan dbohdan
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2024]       screwtape  Screwtape proposes a toast
 (DIR) [17-Jun-2024]          dctrud  dctrud's Random Road
 (DIR) [17-Jun-2024]         jebug29  Jesse's Phlog
 (DIR) [15-Jun-2024]            stug  Stug's Odd Bits
 (DIR) [14-Jun-2024]             azo  Antiauthoritaere Zelle Ost
 (DIR) [12-Jun-2024]             hky  Hengky Anwar's Gopher Space
 (DIR) [10-Jun-2024]           ihsan  ihsan's gopherhole
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2024]      kablamabam  KJ7MLY-Beau's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2024]          rldane  R.L. Dane's space on the smol web (gopher/gemini)
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2024]             mam 
 (DIR) [08-Jun-2024] niceflipper8827  my-os-adventures
 (DIR) [08-Jun-2024]     zenfloater2  Sciuridae Atheos Arbor Laudatio Quae Sedes {SAALQS}
 (DIR) [07-Jun-2024]        zoerhoff  zoerhoff's gopherhole
 (DIR) [07-Jun-2024]      peachfiend  just peachy
 (DIR) [07-Jun-2024]           zilog 
 (DIR) [06-Jun-2024]          slimes  SLIMES
 (DIR) [05-Jun-2024]            undo  Ctrl Z back to Sanity
 (DIR) [04-Jun-2024]      seanpompea  Virtual Beatnik Basement
 (DIR) [03-Jun-2024]          ksauls 
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2024]     pxplowsound  Citadel
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2024]             tmh 
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2024]      kashifshah  Kashif's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2024]          ronald  Archivo Taltozan
 (DIR) [01-Jun-2024]        bwinmill  Bumbling Bea's Burrow
 (DIR) [31-May-2024]              mt  mt gopher test
 (DIR) [31-May-2024]           spuos  The first gopher site of Spuos
 (DIR) [31-May-2024]            rach  Rach's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [31-May-2024]       flipper88  chips-geekspott
 (DIR) [29-May-2024]            nm03  A gopher hole in Tokyo, Japan
 (DIR) [27-May-2024]             gbl  gbl's gopherhole, now with more gopher
 (DIR) [26-May-2024]         slugmax  The Lonely Cabin
 (DIR) [25-May-2024]           erici  Eric Ireland's gopher site
 (DIR) [25-May-2024]         daanger  Doug Anger
 (DIR) [24-May-2024]  christyotwisty  The Luau Deck
 (DIR) [23-May-2024]      discoshrew 
 (DIR) [23-May-2024]         slyalgo  cmj
 (DIR) [22-May-2024]        jiangjun  Welcome to Jiang Jun's Gopherspace! (内容有中文)
 (DIR) [22-May-2024]            jynx  RPoD Phlog
 (DIR) [19-May-2024]          cwafro  somepage or other
 (DIR) [18-May-2024]           digop  Selamat Datang di Situs Gopher Pribadi
 (DIR) [18-May-2024]        blubrick  Pages? We don't need no steenkin' pages!
 (DIR) [17-May-2024]         choedev  choedev's awesome gopher hole
 (DIR) [16-May-2024]       codysseus  Computer <
 (DIR) [16-May-2024]           crish  welcome to the world of gopher!
 (DIR) [14-May-2024]         jsreed5  Rob's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [14-May-2024]             csh  Under Construction
 (DIR) [13-May-2024]        dazlabuk  dazlab.uk
 (DIR) [11-May-2024]        ellipsis  Ellipsis' GopherSpace
 (DIR) [11-May-2024]           teseu  Teseu
 (DIR) [10-May-2024]             evg  Evg's gopher space
 (DIR) [10-May-2024]             scm  The Home of SCM
 (DIR) [10-May-2024]         blurred 
 (DIR) [10-May-2024]          shaine  Shaine's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [08-May-2024]            mmww  MMWW's underwhelming gopherspace
 (DIR) [06-May-2024]         luddite  Image, place & self
 (DIR) [05-May-2024]     trowthegame  thoughts on media, art and life
 (DIR) [05-May-2024]     skarpheddin 
 (DIR) [03-May-2024]           tyjak  Tyjak public home space
 (DIR) [29-Apr-2024]shortfatlittlewh  When I was lost
 (DIR) [29-Apr-2024]          rlopez  Ray's SDF Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [29-Apr-2024]         uniqfox 
 (DIR) [28-Apr-2024]            nw8l  Ham Radio and Retro Tech
 (DIR) [28-Apr-2024]             jss jss
 (DIR) [27-Apr-2024]             klu  chaotic thoughts
 (DIR) [26-Apr-2024]        allyfaye  Simple Words
 (DIR) [26-Apr-2024]       mutoshack  MutoShack's Spruce Forest
 (DIR) [25-Apr-2024]     benfordslaw  benny's gopher hole
 (DIR) [25-Apr-2024]           pseen  pseen's hangout
 (DIR) [23-Apr-2024]       syneryder  SyneRyder on Gopher
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2024]   legendofretro  Cameron's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [17-Apr-2024]            hedy  hedy@sdf.org
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2024]          van.ly 
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2024]           saaah 
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2024]   netpassport89  GopherJunk20
 (DIR) [12-Apr-2024]           anthk 
 (DIR) [12-Apr-2024]          sorbee  G for Gopher
 (DIR) [11-Apr-2024]            mole  Il buco del Mole
 (DIR) [09-Apr-2024]            yuno 
 (DIR) [09-Apr-2024]         lauzeta  lauzone
 (DIR) [08-Apr-2024]          otacon  Otacon's Techy Gopherhole
 (DIR) [07-Apr-2024]           denyr  Denyr's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [07-Apr-2024]          neural  Test Gopher
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2024]          fuddel 
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2024]            t1ny  Tiny's Hole
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2024]               j 
 (DIR) [03-Apr-2024]       ralfwause  The SysOps tale
 (DIR) [03-Apr-2024]          bonbon  Back in Time
 (DIR) [03-Apr-2024]            yeti  Himalaya
 (DIR) [02-Apr-2024]       barrow139 
 (DIR) [02-Apr-2024]           marty  Marty's Haus
 (DIR) [31-Mar-2024]  barneymatthews 
 (DIR) [31-Mar-2024]        mcsuper5 
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2024]           peter  P's Gopher site
 (DIR) [29-Mar-2024]          redsun  Misc. Thoughts and Ramblings
 (DIR) [28-Mar-2024]someonesomewhere  SOMEONE SOMEWHERE
 (DIR) [28-Mar-2024]       zeroidiot 
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2024]            otto 
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2024]        pizzapal  My Documents
 (DIR) [24-Mar-2024]        zaphod42  Just another gopherhole
 (DIR) [23-Mar-2024]             sac 
 (DIR) [23-Mar-2024]        icemanfr 
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2024]             gzj 
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2024]         spetiya  Sean Petiya @ GOPHER
 (DIR) [21-Mar-2024]  darreninthenet 
 (DIR) [21-Mar-2024]         nisanth  re-learning gopher and its value
 (DIR) [20-Mar-2024]        oldfolio  Gopherspace of an Antiquary
 (DIR) [20-Mar-2024]              pz 
 (DIR) [20-Mar-2024]        mcalhoun  MCalhoun's gopher space (whatever that is)
 (DIR) [18-Mar-2024]          iclunk  The ASCII Getaway
 (DIR) [18-Mar-2024]             vls  vlsimpson
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2024]           joelz joelz
 (DIR) [13-Mar-2024]            wyan  random wyan gopher site
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2024]              cy  CYBER and MORE!
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2024]            munk 
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2024]         tregast 
 (DIR) [11-Mar-2024]   fluffydogbite  Hissing Cattop's gopherspace
 (DIR) [11-Mar-2024]        retreaux  Retreaux's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [11-Mar-2024]            seru  not funny
 (DIR) [09-Mar-2024]     grantlemons  grantlemons
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2024]       dalahorse dalahorse
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2024]       happyamos  HappyAmos
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2024]           lumia  Lumia Aya
 (DIR) [07-Mar-2024]        opolcina 
 (DIR) [07-Mar-2024]             dra  dra's gopherhole
 (DIR) [06-Mar-2024]        dotemacs 
 (DIR) [01-Mar-2024]          solo88 
 (DIR) [28-Feb-2024]           thac0  The Pedantic DM
 (DIR) [27-Feb-2024]            yune  Yune's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Feb-2024]         jrsharp  jrsharp@sdf:70
 (DIR) [27-Feb-2024]           d1337  Ramblings on retro computing, radio, hacking, and more
 (DIR) [22-Feb-2024]             f6k  f6k's lair in the digital meadow
 (DIR) [20-Feb-2024]            mlot  MLot's UnderGround Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2024]          vulakh  The Vulakh Family
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2024]           djhsu  djhsu gopherspace
 (DIR) [18-Feb-2024]        antitech  A N T I T E C H
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2024]      ladywillow  The Willowness on Gopher
 (DIR) [16-Feb-2024]           dmack  Hello!
 (DIR) [16-Feb-2024]          blippy  blippy
 (DIR) [15-Feb-2024]           louis  louis is also on gopher
 (DIR) [15-Feb-2024]       stinkh0rn  --the stinkh0rn gopherhole lounge--
 (DIR) [14-Feb-2024]        toastboy 
 (DIR) [13-Feb-2024]          gerben 
 (DIR) [13-Feb-2024]            cppa  Mi espacio Gopher
 (DIR) [11-Feb-2024]        nicolagi  Nic's Notebook
 (DIR) [11-Feb-2024]          dighib 
 (DIR) [10-Feb-2024]           diggy 
 (DIR) [08-Feb-2024]            beni 
 (DIR) [05-Feb-2024]            jupy  jupy's spot~
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2024]            nueh  exobrain
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2024]             scn  SCN
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2024]          bjones 
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2024]    crazy1112345 
 (DIR) [03-Feb-2024]          ldbeth  (LAMBDA (G) (LAMBDA (H) ((F (G G)) H)))
 (DIR) [03-Feb-2024]        flamenco  Pierwsza moja strona gophera
 (DIR) [02-Feb-2024]              ba 
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2024]        largorob  Welcome!
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2024]       witsquash  Reading Watching and Thinking
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2024]             rfx [01-Feb-2024] witsquash Reading Watching and Thinking
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2024]         pr0cy0n  Raccoon City
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2024]           users  simsy's madness in a gopherhole
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2024]    mrrobinhood5  MrRobinhood5
 (DIR) [29-Jan-2024]    omegapaladin  OmegaPaladin's GopherHole - The Skydock
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2024]       crperkins  WHERE THERE IS A $HELL THERE IS A WAY
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2024]        agdarkus 
 (DIR) [27-Jan-2024]         rawjr13  Memory Lane
 (DIR) [26-Jan-2024]          gilgal  Gilbert Galvin
 (DIR) [25-Jan-2024]         muirrum  muirrum
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2024]             lib  reasonable ways to fuck up making a waffle
 (DIR) [22-Jan-2024]        drelcott  The Elcottica
 (DIR) [21-Jan-2024]          antonr  PD5ANT HAM radio and Electronics
 (DIR) [20-Jan-2024]        lang8664 
 (DIR) [20-Jan-2024]             rio  Richard's gopherhole
 (DIR) [18-Jan-2024]           jlawr  jlawr - linguistics, technology, music
 (DIR) [16-Jan-2024]             ati  ad astra
 (DIR) [15-Jan-2024]            oevl  A Life On The Net
 (DIR) [13-Jan-2024]     mydeardiary  My Dear Diary
 (DIR) [12-Jan-2024]      psychotron 
 (DIR) [08-Jan-2024]         wdowner  Fire Marshal's Gopherhole from Northern Utah
 (DIR) [06-Jan-2024]        monpetit  monpetit's gopherhole
 (DIR) [06-Jan-2024]          takeda  takeda
 (DIR) [05-Jan-2024]            odie  things I made (and things other people made)
 (DIR) [05-Jan-2024]          flonlo  QVODLIBET
 (DIR) [04-Jan-2024]          teasel 
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2024]          bbsing  bbsing
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2024]         archaic  Interstitial Ephemera
 (DIR) [02-Jan-2024]          gorpub  Goretti Publications
 (DIR) [02-Jan-2024]            qiqi  Qiqi X 1423 Project
 (DIR) [02-Jan-2024]             bdd  Berk D. Demir
 (DIR) [01-Jan-2024]         edihwar  E-Gopher-Hole
 (DIR) [01-Jan-2024]             mjd 
 (DIR) [31-Dec-2023]      lofi4track  All low-tech sciences
 (DIR) [29-Dec-2023]       darksnake  The Snake Pit
 (DIR) [29-Dec-2023]        rellwood  rellwood's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [28-Dec-2023]      maxbarroso  Apenas um teste para meu verdadeiro cyberproject
 (DIR) [23-Dec-2023]          sumomo  Small Persocom for The Small Web
 (DIR) [21-Dec-2023]           rjcks  Richard's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [19-Dec-2023]           she12  go4she12!
 (DIR) [19-Dec-2023]         inermis  Inermis Gopher Space
 (DIR) [17-Dec-2023]    joshboyle317  joshgopher
 (DIR) [17-Dec-2023]              hp  gohperspace
 (DIR) [16-Dec-2023]              ja  gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/ja/
 (DIR) [13-Dec-2023]          scrape  Scrape's Underground
 (DIR) [12-Dec-2023]       amrowsell  amr's gopher place
 (DIR) [11-Dec-2023]           kadin 
 (DIR) [10-Dec-2023]        sparcipx  The Backroad to Civilization
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2023]             gvv  Expirimenting in Gemini Space
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2023]         imrowan  Music for Misanthropes
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2023]         mkd4del  Marked for Delete
 (DIR) [30-Nov-2023]            rg19 
 (DIR) [29-Nov-2023]         danielo  danielo (el gopherspace)
 (DIR) [29-Nov-2023]      jackl0phty  Gerald L. Hevener Jr.'s ( aka Jackl0phty ) Recipes
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2023]            dunn  dunn on gopher
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2023]          kq4mii 
 (DIR) [26-Nov-2023]    dronecatcher 
 (DIR) [25-Nov-2023]        julianbr 
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2023]        peterguo  a Gopherhole in Shanghai, China
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2023]         chanman 
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2023]         stopher  looking through a portal
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2023]        ambelujo 
 (DIR) [19-Nov-2023]           kalle  Nerd from Finland
 (DIR) [18-Nov-2023]            cosm  yet another gopherhole
 (DIR) [18-Nov-2023]             kyo 
 (DIR) [18-Nov-2023]        stevenix 
 (DIR) [16-Nov-2023]         renato3  Renato's vintage computing hole (Atari/Apple/C
 (DIR) [15-Nov-2023]           tetra  El gopher de tetra
 (DIR) [15-Nov-2023]          xvetrd  xvetrd is not an ancronym
 (DIR) [15-Nov-2023]          abaffa 
 (DIR) [13-Nov-2023]              r0  Ruari's Gopher hole
 (DIR) [11-Nov-2023]        blizzard  BADGER'S LAIR
 (DIR) [10-Nov-2023]            nc6j  Welcome to the machine
 (DIR) [10-Nov-2023]            jrwr 
 (DIR) [05-Nov-2023]         mherman mherman
 (DIR) [04-Nov-2023]         ipxfong 
 (DIR) [02-Nov-2023]          ve3mal  VE3MAL in a Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [01-Nov-2023]       mlukowicz  Matt Lukowicz's GopherSpace
 (DIR) [31-Oct-2023]      gschardong 
 (DIR) [31-Oct-2023]          chrisb  Chrisb Gopherspace
 (DIR) [29-Oct-2023]          wxboss  wxboss' Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [28-Oct-2023]        signaryk 
 (DIR) [28-Oct-2023]            b7jl 
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2023]         bwilson  Brian's gopher pages
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2023]            cere  o caminho
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2023]          macedo 
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2023]          seabre 
 (DIR) [26-Oct-2023]             mdh  Digital Mark
 (DIR) [25-Oct-2023]         locko24  Locko's Second Little Place
 (DIR) [25-Oct-2023]             pez  Pez's gopherhole
 (DIR) [24-Oct-2023]        oldernow  oldernow
 (DIR) [23-Oct-2023]          gnemmi  gnemmi delusions
 (DIR) [20-Oct-2023]        randaner  Hi, I'm randaner
 (DIR) [20-Oct-2023]   goodkinghenry 
 (DIR) [17-Oct-2023]     darquedante  I'm bacIt is great to be baclkk on SDF again!
 (DIR) [17-Oct-2023]          aescul 
 (DIR) [11-Oct-2023]      reptile105  european_hacker_alliance
 (DIR) [10-Oct-2023]       dr.zander  Dr Zander's Centaurian Sunset Cantina
 (DIR) [10-Oct-2023]         glehvok  GLEHVOK'S GOPHERHOLE
 (DIR) [08-Oct-2023]         jeremij  Jeremy's GopherSpace
 (DIR) [06-Oct-2023]            coyo  Coyo's gopher hole, which smells like a coyote den.
 (DIR) [05-Oct-2023]      gingernate  Gingernate
 (DIR) [04-Oct-2023]      unheimlich  Time to give this a shot :)
 (DIR) [04-Oct-2023]        kvin0mil kvin0mil
 (DIR) [01-Oct-2023]             skj  SKJ
 (DIR) [01-Oct-2023]       szczezuja  Szczezuja's gopherhole
 (DIR) [01-Oct-2023]      ubuntupunk  Level 9 Storm
 (DIR) [30-Sep-2023]            mala  mala's gopherhole
 (DIR) [30-Sep-2023]             unk 
 (DIR) [27-Sep-2023]        marsipan  sweet and sticky socket-swimming upstream
 (DIR) [26-Sep-2023]             ice 
 (DIR) [25-Sep-2023]       snowcrash  Snowcrash's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [24-Sep-2023]        speakxj7 speakxj7
 (DIR) [24-Sep-2023]          stecla  Come back to the REAL internet!
 (DIR) [24-Sep-2023]   northfarthing  The Northfarthing
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2023]      fisicowill  Meus Escritos
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2023]             cel  cel's cool gopher space
 (DIR) [20-Sep-2023]       srandista  Srandista's phlog
 (DIR) [17-Sep-2023]       crimsonre  crimsonRE Miscellenea...
 (DIR) [09-Sep-2023]          kd5njr  Crazy Uncle Scott's Gravity Well
 (DIR) [09-Sep-2023]        snowdusk  snowdusk underground
 (DIR) [08-Sep-2023]          wetdog  Wet Dog Gopher Towne
 (DIR) [06-Sep-2023]      cynosphere  Cynthia's gopherhole
 (DIR) [06-Sep-2023]          yeehaw  yeehaw's gopher hole
 (DIR) [05-Sep-2023]          fabius  FABIUS
 (DIR) [03-Sep-2023]           locko  Locko's Little Gopherspace
 (DIR) [02-Sep-2023]         sirthus  ChrisGopher's Chill Mound
 (DIR) [01-Sep-2023]       coraspect  The Official Coraspect GOPHER
 (DIR) [31-Aug-2023]         cstroie  CS Gopherspace
 (DIR) [30-Aug-2023]        janek345  janek down the gopherhole
 (DIR) [30-Aug-2023]          roddie  roddie.digital
 (DIR) [29-Aug-2023]          hs0ucy  hs0ucy's gopherspace
 (DIR) [29-Aug-2023]        vagrantc 
 (DIR) [26-Aug-2023]          echo67 
 (DIR) [20-Aug-2023]       calvinlin  Calvin's gopher at sdf
 (DIR) [17-Aug-2023]      burgertron  BurgerSpace (TM)
 (DIR) [15-Aug-2023]        aisenian  gopherblog
 (DIR) [13-Aug-2023]           morus  szczaw
 (DIR) [12-Aug-2023]        kinosian  Ruby Witch's Chatterbox
 (DIR) [12-Aug-2023]        s.kaplan  SK's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [11-Aug-2023]             ios  IOS stuff
 (DIR) [07-Aug-2023]          edqwer  Edqwer's gopher site
 (DIR) [06-Aug-2023]        wallmann  blog
 (DIR) [05-Aug-2023]         cdlopez 
 (DIR) [04-Aug-2023]             cmt  Catie's gopherhole
 (DIR) [03-Aug-2023]          lohang  LohanG was here :)
 (DIR) [03-Aug-2023]       zerosenki 
 (DIR) [31-Jul-2023]           sudoz  milongas de poyo
 (DIR) [30-Jul-2023]     borough8773  Hello There!
 (DIR) [29-Jul-2023]  harolddebruijn  My Ghopherspace, Harold de Bruijn
 (DIR) [28-Jul-2023]          clpo13 clpo13
 (DIR) [28-Jul-2023]           mhcat  MH Cat Dances with Gophers
 (DIR) [27-Jul-2023]    purplefrenzy  Purple Frenzy's Lost Corner
 (DIR) [25-Jul-2023]          sixhit  SixHit's Title test
 (DIR) [24-Jul-2023]      lonlazarus  The Neon Forest
 (DIR) [24-Jul-2023]       pragmatic pragmatic
 (DIR) [23-Jul-2023]             sqw 
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2023]          maxime  Maxime's gopher space space space
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2023]             cas  cas' gopherhole
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2023]        hellohex 
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2023]             lcd  Lcd's place for his gopher
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2023]             emp  emp's thing
 (DIR) [18-Jul-2023]      mounderfod 
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2023]             elb 
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2023]        mtillman  m..n
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2023]          oevans  I hope these words bring you comfort
 (DIR) [13-Jul-2023]        nutilius  Old Computer Challenge
 (DIR) [13-Jul-2023]       bzhbzhbzh 
 (DIR) [12-Jul-2023]            hrto 
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2023]             kpb  Old Computer Challenge: life on one core and half a gig
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2023]       crystepsi  crystepsi
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2023]             is1  My GOPHER site
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2023]         lachman  A Gopher Burrow
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2023]             smj  gopher site
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2023]             jtn  experimentation with Gemini
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2023]          epl692  epl692's hole
 (DIR) [06-Jul-2023]      al.chemist  ALCHIES E-ROOM
 (DIR) [06-Jul-2023]         mxschll mxschll
 (DIR) [05-Jul-2023]          klaatu  Nerd blog.
 (DIR) [04-Jul-2023]        docrobot  Snapshots from the Shadowlands
 (DIR) [02-Jul-2023]         eridian 
 (DIR) [01-Jul-2023]            barf  barf space
 (DIR) [30-Jun-2023]          nielsd  Niels Dettenbach
 (DIR) [29-Jun-2023]        jgrenier jgrenier
 (DIR) [25-Jun-2023]            m15o  The Midnight Pub
 (DIR) [25-Jun-2023]        holorose  fragments of a hologram rose gopherhole
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2023]            xnwn  xnwn
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2023]          pthfdr  ~pthfdr
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2023]        kurtgeis  The Digital Nexialist
 (DIR) [20-Jun-2023]        freehelp  destruídos venceremos
 (DIR) [20-Jun-2023]      chancellor  Chancellor's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2023]         ayanami  Enemy of the world.
 (DIR) [17-Jun-2023]       userfxnet  userfx@sdf
 (DIR) [14-Jun-2023]          zgasma 
 (DIR) [14-Jun-2023]         egghead egghead
 (DIR) [13-Jun-2023]              wx  whitex
 (DIR) [13-Jun-2023]           cside  cside
 (DIR) [12-Jun-2023]       cgeek5467  Whiskey Fixes Everything
 (DIR) [11-Jun-2023]           yaels 
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2023]          mmeta4  under deconstruction...
 (DIR) [06-Jun-2023]       identity2  Identity2
 (DIR) [06-Jun-2023]         skellat  Honeypot
 (DIR) [05-Jun-2023]           jirka  Jirka's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [04-Jun-2023]       midfavila  Mid Favila's Homepage
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2023]            hz37  Hens Zimmerman Audio
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2023]            neff 
 (DIR) [31-May-2023]          jasmaz jasmaz
 (DIR) [31-May-2023]          taxman  Taxman on Gemini
 (DIR) [27-May-2023]        slothrop  Just a random distribution of Stars...
 (DIR) [25-May-2023]        marcuson  Iain Thoughts on Gaming, Computing, and More
 (DIR) [21-May-2023]          joshp1  Joshp1's gopher site
 (DIR) [20-May-2023]        saralain  Laintech
 (DIR) [19-May-2023]             axs 
 (DIR) [17-May-2023]           sneas  Sneas's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [17-May-2023]          eskill  eSkillington's Manor
 (DIR) [15-May-2023]          durtal 
 (DIR) [15-May-2023]         mlsmith  Mike's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [14-May-2023]          kypath  Restoring passenger train service
 (DIR) [13-May-2023]            roly roly
 (DIR) [12-May-2023]        geoputty  geoputty gopher hole
 (DIR) [11-May-2023]            yanz  Some thoughts, code and life
 (DIR) [08-May-2023] bleedingturnips  Bleeding Turnips
 (DIR) [08-May-2023]           kimek  kimek
 (DIR) [08-May-2023] undertowchicago  Undertow's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [08-May-2023]        unixl0rd  unixl0rd's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [07-May-2023]      devhackvps  CodegameErr's VPS
 (DIR) [06-May-2023]          dluciv  Dmitry V. Luciv's gopherspace
 (DIR) [06-May-2023]             tfw 
 (DIR) [05-May-2023]   datalinkdroid  Torah Toolbox
 (DIR) [04-May-2023]       katsuragi  Conservative forces
 (DIR) [04-May-2023]     kernelpanic 
 (DIR) [03-May-2023]        creichle  XNet stub
 (DIR) [03-May-2023]      sessapinae  Syl Anagistic Emanations
 (DIR) [03-May-2023]            bunz  bunztopia - the home of bunz
 (DIR) [02-May-2023]       caraesten  Against Entropy
 (DIR) [02-May-2023]       goxonline  GoXonLine
 (DIR) [30-Apr-2023] garfieldenjoyer 
 (DIR) [21-Apr-2023]          ice303  Lost in the Silver Box
 (DIR) [18-Apr-2023]           nickn  Nick's gopherhole
 (DIR) [18-Apr-2023]   experiment789  So, this is it, the title
 (DIR) [16-Apr-2023]          aiwein  nothing in particular
 (DIR) [16-Apr-2023]       devasussy 
 (DIR) [15-Apr-2023]             rtc 
 (DIR) [12-Apr-2023]           dylan  Wandering star
 (DIR) [12-Apr-2023]          maclsd  maclsd was here
 (DIR) [11-Apr-2023]         praetor  Praetor's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [10-Apr-2023]      veilwalker  veilwalker
 (DIR) [10-Apr-2023]           usagi  Time travelling bunny
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2023]     melancholia  melan tree
 (DIR) [05-Apr-2023]        mgingras 
 (DIR) [05-Apr-2023]        mechidan  Things Not of Your Concern
 (DIR) [02-Apr-2023]         mercury  The Ramblings of a Management Consultant
 (DIR) [01-Apr-2023]    onerandomguy  a
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2023]        ralphart  The World of Ralph
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2023]         mrsavar mrsavar
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2023]        bainstor 
 (DIR) [28-Mar-2023]     marzhmallow  aao
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2023]        rhumbles  RhumbleDome
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2023]             asm  Anton McClure's gopher hole
 (DIR) [23-Mar-2023]        ccardoso  Cristian Cardoso
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2023]       seashells  I put a seashell to my ear.
 (DIR) [20-Mar-2023]         atdt604  ATDT604' Gopher hole
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2023]          goolse 
 (DIR) [16-Mar-2023]    spacelight42  spacelight42
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2023]            miku  miku world of clouds
 (DIR) [10-Mar-2023]         alberto  sólo un poco aquí
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2023]      sillylaird 
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2023]     hickory2521  test
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2023]         alberti  Albatross's Anachronism
 (DIR) [07-Mar-2023]             elw  Ted's place
 (DIR) [06-Mar-2023]          krales  Spring and Fall by Gerard Manley Hopkins
 (DIR) [05-Mar-2023]        alexlehm 
 (DIR) [05-Mar-2023]         lykaina 
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2023]           cegiy  a sdf gh
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2023]       asciibene  ASCII <> BENEFACTOR
 (DIR) [28-Feb-2023]        pbernicc  NO CARRIER
 (DIR) [26-Feb-2023]       ianremsen  ian
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2023]        cris0899  cris0899's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2023]          pengan  The Last Chinese Gopher
 (DIR) [23-Feb-2023]         wignyan  WIGNYAN
 (DIR) [20-Feb-2023]       developer  Developer's gopher site
 (DIR) [20-Feb-2023]          i18nde  ASvBI
 (DIR) [18-Feb-2023]         jerryxu  Jerry Xu's GOPHER
 (DIR) [18-Feb-2023]           g0dub  G0DUB's gopherspace for amateur radio and emergency communic
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2023]           saads 
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2023]           guofu  guofu's tinker shack
 (DIR) [16-Feb-2023]        kickmule  modemrunner
 (DIR) [14-Feb-2023]        zhivoder  Zhivoder's Homepage
 (DIR) [14-Feb-2023]          yvonne  collectext eds
 (DIR) [12-Feb-2023]        lemonaid  LemonaidStand
 (DIR) [11-Feb-2023]          steeby  Steeby's Phlog
 (DIR) [10-Feb-2023]        trampith trampith
 (DIR) [08-Feb-2023]         gerlick  gerlick speaks
 (DIR) [05-Feb-2023]       theorytoe  ~theorytoe's hellhole
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2023]          remino 
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2023]             kdr  the hole of the gopher
 (DIR) [30-Jan-2023]   mrpieceofwork  Am I diging a hole here?
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2023]              rp  R.A.Pavlov's Gopher
 (DIR) [27-Jan-2023]         maudefi  Maudefi's Shop & Garage
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2023]            dank  dank
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2023]       jstoddard  Jeremiah's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2023]           markc 
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2023]             srw  SRW
 (DIR) [22-Jan-2023]           shmak  shmak's drawers
 (DIR) [21-Jan-2023]          iceman  Iceblog 1.0
 (DIR) [19-Jan-2023]      blackthorn 
 (DIR) [19-Jan-2023]      superteece  Musings of SuperTeece
 (DIR) [19-Jan-2023]       rmenes379  The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus
 (DIR) [18-Jan-2023]        myrmidon 
 (DIR) [10-Jan-2023]          mstine  Matt Stine's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2023]             tg0  tg0's gopherspace (stub)
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2023]        rickygee  SALTCAKED SMOKESTACKS
 (DIR) [07-Jan-2023]     mixta.glass  I am Procrastinating
 (DIR) [04-Jan-2023]           adamd  Adamds Gopher Space
 (DIR) [01-Jan-2023]            oak3 
 (DIR) [31-Dec-2022]        gcremeri  A Gopherhole in Sao Paulo - Brazil
 (DIR) [31-Dec-2022]          wiseme  happy
 (DIR) [28-Dec-2022]             jgw 
 (DIR) [25-Dec-2022]           jjlin 
 (DIR) [23-Dec-2022]         yehudah  Yehudah's fun house
 (DIR) [20-Dec-2022]           gbnet  Gary's Gopher
 (DIR) [18-Dec-2022]         philipp  philipps gopher
 (DIR) [18-Dec-2022]             jmv jmv
 (DIR) [17-Dec-2022]  alhassanaraouf 
 (DIR) [16-Dec-2022]          madoka  Madoka小窝
 (DIR) [16-Dec-2022]            udob 
 (DIR) [13-Dec-2022]      mnordmeyer 
 (DIR) [11-Dec-2022]      kaospctech  KAOSPCTECH
 (DIR) [10-Dec-2022]    motherhucker  The Motherhucker
 (DIR) [10-Dec-2022]        pkotrcka  Just because plaintext is easier
 (DIR) [10-Dec-2022]        depingus  WE ARE SENTIENT TOGETHER
 (DIR) [09-Dec-2022]           brxce  Brxce's Burrow
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2022]             asl  alexa'a area
 (DIR) [06-Dec-2022]             apa  Adam's Gopher Space!
 (DIR) [06-Dec-2022]             b86  b86 on sdf
 (DIR) [06-Dec-2022]        anthonyg  Anthony's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [05-Dec-2022]        altamont  a dot in space
 (DIR) [04-Dec-2022]       prokyonid  Updated sometimes!
 (DIR) [04-Dec-2022]     lokotejones  Do nothing which is of no use.
 (DIR) [02-Dec-2022]           hanzo  Still Alive.
 (DIR) [01-Dec-2022]           tevin tevin
 (DIR) [01-Dec-2022]            gbtv  xijinping
 (DIR) [30-Nov-2022]         dexters  dexter's cool stuff
 (DIR) [29-Nov-2022]        fhtoledo  fhtoledo Playground gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2022]          kiiwii  Kiiwii's Hellhole (Gopher Edition)
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2022]            k405 k405
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2022]        soloroad  That gopher won't leave its hole
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2022]              io  io
 (DIR) [26-Nov-2022]          rszasz 
 (DIR) [26-Nov-2022]            capo  capo's gopher space
 (DIR) [25-Nov-2022]    davidemitoli  Just Another Gopherhole
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2022]           iroll  GOPHER TEST
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2022]          parrot 
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2022]        navybear  NavyBear's GOPHERSPACE
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2022]      atomicvoid 
 (DIR) [21-Nov-2022]         sixfour  Gopher Hole 64
 (DIR) [21-Nov-2022]            enet  eNet's website :: This.My.Life
 (DIR) [20-Nov-2022]             mue  Sensoholiqs Gopherspace
 (DIR) [20-Nov-2022]        dirtyrig  making|everything|pipe
 (DIR) [19-Nov-2022]        quailman  Quailman's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [17-Nov-2022]            wlsn 
 (DIR) [17-Nov-2022] vulpiness0irina 
 (DIR) [16-Nov-2022]            dkub  Musings and Data
 (DIR) [15-Nov-2022]         farixco  Flying through the waves
 (DIR) [14-Nov-2022]          pirish  Patricks Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [14-Nov-2022]         jimbob1 
 (DIR) [13-Nov-2022]       panicking  panicking gopher stuff's
 (DIR) [13-Nov-2022]           edlin  apparatus.shiksha
 (DIR) [11-Nov-2022]       wambotron  Gopherholistic
 (DIR) [10-Nov-2022]           thigg  platz
 (DIR) [09-Nov-2022]             fjc fjc
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2022]       ewpratten  Evan's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2022]           miken  SQL Education
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2022]            cmuz  cmuz's phlog
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2022]          melton  Bits & Bytes
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2022]         liangzi  Hum Ma Ma Hum Ni Svaha
 (DIR) [06-Nov-2022]           marcv  Marc's phlog
 (DIR) [05-Nov-2022]      lindgrenj6  THE lindgrenj6 gopherspace!
 (DIR) [03-Nov-2022]           twylo  T W Y L O S P A C E
 (DIR) [03-Nov-2022]            vfts 
 (DIR) [01-Nov-2022]  djangogreen084  Django's Page
 (DIR) [31-Oct-2022]       celadevra  The Periphery Review of Contemporary Life
 (DIR) [30-Oct-2022]      zdll311911 
 (DIR) [29-Oct-2022]          kieren  Kieren Nicolas Lovell Blog
 (DIR) [28-Oct-2022]            purl 
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2022]     electristan  The Oldest House
 (DIR) [25-Oct-2022]        albatros  Mi espacio personal para jugar
 (DIR) [22-Oct-2022]        drusalan 
 (DIR) [19-Oct-2022]        inpefess  Boris Shminke's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [19-Oct-2022]           suhas  suhas's gopher page
 (DIR) [18-Oct-2022]        tinsmith  Generally Regarded As Safe
 (DIR) [14-Oct-2022]             sdl  fivetoedsloth's dirty little gopher hole
 (DIR) [13-Oct-2022]     notflookish  hi
 (DIR) [10-Oct-2022]  james.harrison  James' gopher site
 (DIR) [10-Oct-2022]       khuzaymah  Just my random thought, nevermind...
 (DIR) [07-Oct-2022]           s1gyn  S1gyn's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [03-Oct-2022]     helpdeskdan  helpdeskdan's world
 (DIR) [30-Sep-2022]      mi.4707100 
 (DIR) [29-Sep-2022]        vkredxyz  vkredxyz' dimension portal
 (DIR) [27-Sep-2022]          gatton  Health and Retro and Linux and...
 (DIR) [24-Sep-2022]           ogait 
 (DIR) [20-Sep-2022]      zerouncool zerouncool
 (DIR) [20-Sep-2022]   punchinglikes  punchinglikes' little gopherhole
 (DIR) [19-Sep-2022]            jimw 
 (DIR) [18-Sep-2022]          kc4zvw  much deeper than Alice's rabbit hole
 (DIR) [15-Sep-2022]      drummyfish 
 (DIR) [15-Sep-2022]           a5c11 
 (DIR) [14-Sep-2022]          kaasen  kaasen's Gopher hole at SDF
 (DIR) [13-Sep-2022]           x2180  x2180's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [11-Sep-2022]    gophernotify  Gopher Mail and Notify
 (DIR) [11-Sep-2022]             xiu  xiu@sdf
 (DIR) [10-Sep-2022]         sbrillo  sbrillo's gopherhole
 (DIR) [09-Sep-2022]           celli  Celli's Gopher Space
 (DIR) [08-Sep-2022]            atyh  thinking before i speak
 (DIR) [07-Sep-2022]           uzume  Uzume
 (DIR) [06-Sep-2022]          tweedy  Edmund Tweedy Flanigan - Academic Gopherspace
 (DIR) [06-Sep-2022]            dani 
 (DIR) [04-Sep-2022]   s.shillinglaw 
 (DIR) [04-Sep-2022]        nekomilk  NEKOMILK'S SHIT!!!
 (DIR) [03-Sep-2022]         jbeshay 
 (DIR) [03-Sep-2022]          tatara  tatara gopher hole
 (DIR) [03-Sep-2022]             dnm 
 (DIR) [02-Sep-2022]           stian  Stian's Gopher hole
 (DIR) [02-Sep-2022]         iyzsong 
 (DIR) [01-Sep-2022]             zio  Zio's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [30-Aug-2022]    poisonpotato  nothing
 (DIR) [30-Aug-2022]            bgls bgls
 (DIR) [29-Aug-2022]        mrzed007  test
 (DIR) [29-Aug-2022]   realtimdunbar realtimdunbar
 (DIR) [28-Aug-2022]summeringpaintin  house painter
 (DIR) [27-Aug-2022]       sorcxisto  The Trailhead
 (DIR) [25-Aug-2022]           kyler  kyler
 (DIR) [25-Aug-2022]         jcolson 
 (DIR) [25-Aug-2022]           vidak  Germination Systems
 (DIR) [24-Aug-2022]           ioktl  DOTPLANS // MUSINGS
 (DIR) [23-Aug-2022]         albeert  The Owl In The Jar
 (DIR) [19-Aug-2022]       mulischaf  Mulischaf
 (DIR) [18-Aug-2022]       mputerba1 
 (DIR) [18-Aug-2022]          jecxjo  Jecxjo's Gopher Hole of stuff
 (DIR) [15-Aug-2022]       ckerepair 
 (DIR) [14-Aug-2022]         debianz  debianz gopherspace
 (DIR) [13-Aug-2022]            xsrp 
 (DIR) [09-Aug-2022]       grimmgork  lil gopherspace
 (DIR) [05-Aug-2022]            rahl  rahl's gopherhole of curiosity
 (DIR) [02-Aug-2022]miradamultipolar  Mirada Multipolar
 (DIR) [01-Aug-2022]             zot  the walls in the mall are totally totally tall
 (DIR) [31-Jul-2022]         guabara 
 (DIR) [30-Jul-2022]      bbommarito 
 (DIR) [26-Jul-2022]             skk  Port 70
 (DIR) [26-Jul-2022]            cowl  underground academic
 (DIR) [25-Jul-2022]         amanita  LTE Gateway using wireguard, openwrt and an old smartphone
 (DIR) [25-Jul-2022]        diviniti  Dark Diviniti - phlog and resources
 (DIR) [25-Jul-2022]        outbound 
 (DIR) [23-Jul-2022]       trdaisuke  trdaisuke's text records
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2022]              lx 
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2022]          jaysen  gopherspace of a plain, conservative quaker
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2022]             dqk  dqk@sdf.org
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2022]           kecap  qweasd
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2022]        tfurrows  Jozhaus on SDF
 (DIR) [12-Jul-2022]        marzanna  marzanna's gopher hole
 (DIR) [12-Jul-2022]       cmicallef  Gopherhole test
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2022]             ptb ptb
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2022]             stu  Stu
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2022]   thetruemayhem  De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2022] kaospctech.1993  A place from outter space filled with a feeble taste
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2022]            wnxr 
 (DIR) [02-Jul-2022]         joshcom 
 (DIR) [01-Jul-2022]     tylermneher  tylermneher@SDF Gopherspace
 (DIR) [30-Jun-2022]          utsuho 
 (DIR) [29-Jun-2022]         iiogama  iiogama's playing underground
 (DIR) [28-Jun-2022]    aeggenberger  aeggenberger's cool gopher site
 (DIR) [25-Jun-2022]         perlfan  this is no longer a test
 (DIR) [25-Jun-2022] thrittingsloats  Just some experimentation
 (DIR) [24-Jun-2022]          yeyezi  yeyezi
 (DIR) [23-Jun-2022]          vmp32k  Welcome to my gopherspace :3
 (DIR) [23-Jun-2022]         grizzly  Grizzly's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2022]          eirian  eirian's gopherspace
 (DIR) [17-Jun-2022]         occasus  occasus's gopherhole
 (DIR) [13-Jun-2022]         thalass  An attempt at a Gemini Capsule
 (DIR) [12-Jun-2022]          salmon  Hello World
 (DIR) [12-Jun-2022]         lantian  Lan Tian @ SDF
 (DIR) [07-Jun-2022]         karnath  useless area
 (DIR) [06-Jun-2022]  digitalluddite  the digital luddite speaks
 (DIR) [06-Jun-2022]         purtual  Purtual's gopher site
 (DIR) [05-Jun-2022]          kd4wov  KD4WOV's Gopherspace and Random Thoughts
 (DIR) [04-Jun-2022]       launchpad  Launchpad's Site
 (DIR) [03-Jun-2022]        onnyyonn 
 (DIR) [01-Jun-2022]             oms  oms space
 (DIR) [30-May-2022]            jrac  A peppermint castle
 (DIR) [29-May-2022]     widgetotaku  Gopher It
 (DIR) [28-May-2022]         brandan  WOOHOO! It's a gopher!
 (DIR) [26-May-2022]           hobby 
 (DIR) [25-May-2022]          fernan 
 (DIR) [25-May-2022]         perikoi 
 (DIR) [21-May-2022]          smokey 
 (DIR) [18-May-2022]      atebyagrue  atebyagrue
 (DIR) [18-May-2022]           peebo 
 (DIR) [17-May-2022]         psistwu  Psistwu's Gemspace
 (DIR) [14-May-2022]         yashiro 
 (DIR) [13-May-2022]          achaks  Oum
 (DIR) [11-May-2022]        wchanley  Ward's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [11-May-2022]        jgstratt 
 (DIR) [10-May-2022]     misterdizzy  Mister Dizzy's Tower
 (DIR) [10-May-2022]           arman 
 (DIR) [08-May-2022]          xentoo  Adventures of xentoo in Gopherspace
 (DIR) [03-May-2022]           kosti  kosti's realm
 (DIR) [03-May-2022]             spk  7 Songs Music
 (DIR) [03-May-2022]        baruchel  baruchel's gopherspace
 (DIR) [25-Apr-2022]            nuxi 
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2022]       thedaemon  thedaemons.space
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2022]     glassnerves  GlassNerves gopher hole.
 (DIR) [20-Apr-2022]           xlark 
 (DIR) [20-Apr-2022] ghostintheshell  the stream
 (DIR) [19-Apr-2022]          bradan 
 (DIR) [18-Apr-2022]           kypan  KYP
 (DIR) [18-Apr-2022]         seleuco  Espacio personal gopher de Manuel Jiménez Friaza
 (DIR) [15-Apr-2022]           hazza  hazza's gopherhole
 (DIR) [15-Apr-2022]    thimbleforth  Thimbleforth @ SDF
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2022]            hbag [15-Apr-2022] thimbleforth Thimbleforth @ SDF
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2022]         rdevine  Rumley's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [10-Apr-2022]          dziban  Dzibania
 (DIR) [08-Apr-2022]         mebious  Mebious' Gopherspace
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2022]             bud  :. > budlog < .:
 (DIR) [02-Apr-2022]          rfmpie  rfmpie's gopher hole
 (DIR) [01-Apr-2022]        roidujeu  roidujeu's burrow
 (DIR) [31-Mar-2022]           jbuss  Jason's Playground
 (DIR) [29-Mar-2022]      cuteascii1  vanilla_cherry gopher site
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2022]          blootr  blootr's traash
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2022]     commonraven  the croak
 (DIR) [26-Mar-2022]             moj  MindOfJoe
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2022]           okflo  OKFLOs home
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2022]          ermest  ErMest's shitty website
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2022]       nonsensor  Mike's Hole
 (DIR) [20-Mar-2022]      greencolin  Greencolin
 (DIR) [20-Mar-2022]           akdas  ArSaSixNine
 (DIR) [19-Mar-2022]             cat  21st century jet boy machine
 (DIR) [16-Mar-2022]        benbrown  benbrown
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2022]           krisp  test
 (DIR) [09-Mar-2022]       antiphase  Antiphase's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2022]        haakonda  Capybara Project
 (DIR) [07-Mar-2022]            l03s 
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2022]          bluuee  Marmota
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2022]            pabs 
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2022]       oitofelix  Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix)
 (DIR) [28-Feb-2022]      soupytwist  SoupyTwist9600's Gopher Thingummy
 (DIR) [28-Feb-2022]          w.cook [28-Feb-2022] soupytwist SoupyTwist9600's Gopher Thingummy
 (DIR) [26-Feb-2022]        e0h4yce5  e0h4yce5's gopher hole
 (DIR) [23-Feb-2022]    eschscholzia  Eschscholzia: The Golden Poppy
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2022]            jool  joolhaus
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2022]          xavavu  | chava's gopher hole
 (DIR) [16-Feb-2022]            mnml  is your conscience at rest
 (DIR) [15-Feb-2022]  retroburrowers  The Retroboro
 (DIR) [15-Feb-2022]        markwdev  Unimportant thoughts.
 (DIR) [14-Feb-2022]       cristians  CristianS
 (DIR) [14-Feb-2022]          lainon 
 (DIR) [13-Feb-2022]   michaelmoreno 
 (DIR) [13-Feb-2022]        lynx7os5  Journey Down a Gopher Hole.
 (DIR) [10-Feb-2022]        blueskye 
 (DIR) [09-Feb-2022]             c5n 
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2022]          asdolo  Asdolo's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [29-Jan-2022]             ryp 
 (DIR) [27-Jan-2022]      rockorager  rockorager's gopherspace
 (DIR) [26-Jan-2022]         lex2008  Lex-2008 gopherhole
 (DIR) [25-Jan-2022]         vivi266  Vivi's Gopher Zone
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2022]          tech10  Tech's hole
 (DIR) [22-Jan-2022]         michael  test
 (DIR) [20-Jan-2022]          gamb0l  post.next -> NULL
 (DIR) [18-Jan-2022]      chartreuse  The Chartreuse Gopherspace
 (DIR) [16-Jan-2022]         asavage 
 (DIR) [13-Jan-2022]        webpilot  parkcity
 (DIR) [13-Jan-2022]              op 
 (DIR) [13-Jan-2022]         jnoen23  Organization Space
 (DIR) [12-Jan-2022]  syntacticsugar syntacticsugar
 (DIR) [11-Jan-2022]     boonspender  testing
 (DIR) [11-Jan-2022]       henrycase  RANDOM NOISE
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2022]           every  every@ma.sdf.org
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2022]         unrznbl 
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2022]             cam  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
 (DIR) [30-Dec-2021]           megob 
 (DIR) [28-Dec-2021]           ewerd  E-werd's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [23-Dec-2021]        hiveface  Confused Unix
 (DIR) [22-Dec-2021]           flook 
 (DIR) [16-Dec-2021]         sanjuro  Sanjuro's Recipes and Sundry
 (DIR) [15-Dec-2021]          hafner  hafner
 (DIR) [14-Dec-2021]        nixfloyd  nixfloyd's gopherhole
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2021]       fourwinds  fourwinds
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2021]         marcuse  marcuse's gopher hole
 (DIR) [04-Dec-2021]             pwr pwr
 (DIR) [28-Nov-2021]             ajk  misc thoughts and doodles
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2021]           leomd 
 (DIR) [21-Nov-2021]          afcady  Out Loud
 (DIR) [21-Nov-2021]         bandali 
 (DIR) [19-Nov-2021]            tmc7  test
 (DIR) [19-Nov-2021]          jubilo  Chaotic Snark
 (DIR) [14-Nov-2021]        gutirres  Cheers from Brazil!
 (DIR) [13-Nov-2021]      loopdreams  box three spool five
 (DIR) [11-Nov-2021]              kd  Dan's space
 (DIR) [08-Nov-2021]      tbgosalvez  Brian's Stuff: directory
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2021]      wingstroke 
 (DIR) [06-Nov-2021]      littlejohn  littlejohn's cabin
 (DIR) [04-Nov-2021]        slegrand  Kosh2501 Ramblings/Music/etc.
 (DIR) [03-Nov-2021]           kudut  35000 Kenneth Udut's organized by Dewey Decimal (AI decided)
 (DIR) [03-Nov-2021]        julienxx  Julien's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [29-Oct-2021]          sezuan  sezuan's gopher exploration
 (DIR) [28-Oct-2021]        shangril  Shang-Lin's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2021]     brenden2008  Brenden2008's Gopher
 (DIR) [23-Oct-2021]          andrei  Andrei's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [22-Oct-2021]       ratfactor  RGB: Ratfactor's Gopher Burrow
 (DIR) [21-Oct-2021]         segafan 
 (DIR) [19-Oct-2021]   squishthatcat 
 (DIR) [15-Oct-2021]           nydel  nydel's phlog
 (DIR) [15-Oct-2021]         polecat 
 (DIR) [15-Oct-2021]             dox  Dox' Gopher Site
 (DIR) [14-Oct-2021]          norris  norris' gopherspace
 (DIR) [11-Oct-2021]         debajit 
 (DIR) [11-Oct-2021]         mutyola  MUTYOLA'S GOPHER SPACE
 (DIR) [10-Oct-2021]         fdduran  Would you like some Gopher to order?
 (DIR) [09-Oct-2021]             sdk  sdk's gopherhole at sdf.org
 (DIR) [09-Oct-2021]         zomgreg  This is a test title.
 (DIR) [08-Oct-2021]           lnlsn 
 (DIR) [08-Oct-2021]             dsp  dsp's gopher hole
 (DIR) [08-Oct-2021]            xylo 
 (DIR) [08-Oct-2021]          ecelis  ecelis @ gopherspace
 (DIR) [07-Oct-2021]  notasdigitales  Las Notas Digitales
 (DIR) [07-Oct-2021]    nevoaesombra  Nevoa e Sombra
 (DIR) [06-Oct-2021]             wvs  Civilized, Ordered, Advanced.
 (DIR) [06-Oct-2021]     majormajors  M
 (DIR) [05-Oct-2021]           jkalb  Jim Kalb's gopherspace
 (DIR) [05-Oct-2021]           pnppl  Testing, testing, 1 2 3...
 (DIR) [04-Oct-2021]         amedesu  Amedesu
 (DIR) [03-Oct-2021]            crvs  /dev/null
 (DIR) [03-Oct-2021]              ax 
 (DIR) [01-Oct-2021]underthemoonspel 
 (DIR) [01-Oct-2021]             edw 
 (DIR) [29-Sep-2021]        meanless  Mean Less Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [27-Sep-2021]   billchenchina 
 (DIR) [27-Sep-2021]             otr  Old Time Radio Shows From This Day In History..Made Fresh Da
 (DIR) [27-Sep-2021]           masha 
 (DIR) [25-Sep-2021]           lykso 
 (DIR) [25-Sep-2021]        xzero445  A Mask's Quiet Place
 (DIR) [24-Sep-2021]  welmingtonfred 
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2021]   eduardoolirio  Phlog do Eduardo Olirio
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2021]          nickca  Nicholas the Large's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2021]             pfr  pfr is short for pfeiffer
 (DIR) [22-Sep-2021]         xstefen  idfkopher
 (DIR) [22-Sep-2021]        snuggles 
 (DIR) [17-Sep-2021]             aki  aki's gopher space
 (DIR) [15-Sep-2021]            zuul 
 (DIR) [12-Sep-2021]        sononemo 
 (DIR) [09-Sep-2021]        lvturner  The advenutres of a fly farmer
 (DIR) [09-Sep-2021]    markus.mayer 
 (DIR) [05-Sep-2021]             jpt  A space for gophers, groundhogs and other rodents
 (DIR) [02-Sep-2021]         gruncle  Gruncle's gopher hole
 (DIR) [02-Sep-2021]     kommentgaia  Small Internet HUN
 (DIR) [31-Aug-2021]           cdinu  Vintage is not nostalgia
 (DIR) [29-Aug-2021]          tabako  BUZINIZ
 (DIR) [22-Aug-2021]          markov 
 (DIR) [22-Aug-2021]         grawlix 
 (DIR) [21-Aug-2021]      jimholcomb  BelongaJim
 (DIR) [20-Aug-2021]            benj  Ideas & Sugarcane!
 (DIR) [20-Aug-2021]             jdb  Josh Boyd
 (DIR) [15-Aug-2021]            onat  my gopherspace
 (DIR) [14-Aug-2021]     rockedsocks  (insert witty statement)
 (DIR) [14-Aug-2021]           johnm  johnm's gopherspace
 (DIR) [11-Aug-2021]        bullkang  Welcome!
 (DIR) [08-Aug-2021]            xinu  Tryin' to figure this hole thing out.
 (DIR) [06-Aug-2021]        wlanroot 
 (DIR) [05-Aug-2021]         hisacro  Distorted_Pleasures
 (DIR) [27-Jul-2021]             qrn  Matthew in Gopherspace
 (DIR) [17-Jul-2021]           pat36 
 (DIR) [16-Jul-2021]          rowank  Keiran's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2021]          mortis 
 (DIR) [14-Jul-2021]         thedude  The dude's site, another nook on the internet
 (DIR) [13-Jul-2021]    etmooneyha21  Pigeon Hole
 (DIR) [13-Jul-2021]     rodolphoeck 
 (DIR) [11-Jul-2021]      pomijivost  lust and temporality in prague
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2021]     mode7heaven  something here
 (DIR) [10-Jul-2021]             ntr 
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2021]       danielcft  @danielcft 's personal gopher site
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2021]      nomadicexo 
 (DIR) [08-Jul-2021]       cobradile  Cobra!'s Gopherspace
 (DIR) [08-Jul-2021]             mtw  This is test
 (DIR) [07-Jul-2021]            t53d 
 (DIR) [05-Jul-2021]            amox  amox' space in web 0.2
 (DIR) [05-Jul-2021]       clinquant 
 (DIR) [04-Jul-2021]     anesthetica  anesthetica's gopherspace
 (DIR) [02-Jul-2021]             pdt  pdt@sdf.org
 (DIR) [28-Jun-2021]        frrobert  Fr. Robert's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [27-Jun-2021]             trn  trn
 (DIR) [26-Jun-2021]            oper  oper
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2021]            hobo  hobo's hole under the bridge
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2021]        nelliott  welcome to nelliott's site
 (DIR) [17-Jun-2021]        brainman  Braden's Gopher Outpost
 (DIR) [16-Jun-2021]     bigdaddy123  BigDaddy's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [15-Jun-2021]         kristof  kristof's tiny Gopherspace
 (DIR) [15-Jun-2021]          freach 
 (DIR) [13-Jun-2021]          okay19  okay19's Retro Gopher Space
 (DIR) [12-Jun-2021]           rimas rimas
 (DIR) [11-Jun-2021]           aiden  Aiden's Blog
 (DIR) [10-Jun-2021]          france  PPP
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2021]        neosloth 
 (DIR) [07-Jun-2021]        parodper  PARODPER
 (DIR) [05-Jun-2021]             leo  leo's cave
 (DIR) [04-Jun-2021]        serverlc 
 (DIR) [28-May-2021]    benda.family  hello world
 (DIR) [28-May-2021]   multiplemiggs  MIGGS'S GOPHER HOLE
 (DIR) [27-May-2021]          konfou  konfou's gopherspace
 (DIR) [26-May-2021]        noah2605  hi
 (DIR) [24-May-2021]           phiax  phiax
 (DIR) [24-May-2021]          woland  A journal from the lunatic asylum (aka the United States)
 (DIR) [23-May-2021]          waffle  Hmmm...
 (DIR) [23-May-2021]     queenslight  Trenton Matthews - Underground!
 (DIR) [22-May-2021]       c0lzia123 
 (DIR) [18-May-2021] somebody123cool  My Tech Phlog
 (DIR) [18-May-2021]        amedrado  amedrado's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [18-May-2021]       jackiezed  Jackie's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [14-May-2021]          vhhg13 
 (DIR) [14-May-2021]              jy 
 (DIR) [12-May-2021]           wells 
 (DIR) [09-May-2021]      beachelect 
 (DIR) [07-May-2021]       sysdharma  sysdharma's gopherhole
 (DIR) [07-May-2021]        gaptooth 
 (DIR) [06-May-2021]        agrotera  N-e--w A---m--a-z--0-n---s
 (DIR) [04-May-2021]            mofo  In the Beginning Was the Command Line
 (DIR) [03-May-2021]             poo 
 (DIR) [02-May-2021]       alenkovna  Alenkov is not the best place to eat glass apples.
 (DIR) [01-May-2021]            pitz  Pitz's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [30-Apr-2021]             jan  jan || Jan || JAN - SDF Gopher Home
 (DIR) [30-Apr-2021]             xyz  ru_gopher
 (DIR) [29-Apr-2021]             fsf  fsf@sdf
 (DIR) [27-Apr-2021]         oott123  你好哦
 (DIR) [27-Apr-2021]        aceseiki  Zero Senki's hole in the ground
 (DIR) [26-Apr-2021]          bsugar 
 (DIR) [25-Apr-2021]       dethroned  circlesofshell
 (DIR) [25-Apr-2021]      uberphreak  Yesternet. Move along, nothing to see here.
 (DIR) [24-Apr-2021]              su  bekti's GopherSite
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2021]       sansmouse  sansmouse's first gopher hole
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2021]       robert588  Welcome to here.
 (DIR) [21-Apr-2021]         lugotto  The Linux User Group in Gottolengo (BS) - Italy.
 (DIR) [19-Apr-2021]         djbrine  DjBRINE1 personal gopher hole
 (DIR) [19-Apr-2021]           arf20  arf20's hole
 (DIR) [19-Apr-2021]         leofitz  leo creator of gligs
 (DIR) [18-Apr-2021]     vidjatobsta  VideoToaster's Gopherserver
 (DIR) [17-Apr-2021]            cuan  The Doghouse
 (DIR) [17-Apr-2021]        kabir317  Gopher Hole Test 2021
 (DIR) [17-Apr-2021]          badong 
 (DIR) [17-Apr-2021]            kg0j  KG0J gopher
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2021]         gorplop  gorplop's gopherspace
 (DIR) [12-Apr-2021]         mstoney  Scratchpad
 (DIR) [12-Apr-2021]           amsel  test gopher
 (DIR) [10-Apr-2021]             rwv  RWV
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2021]           jasan  Crypto Minimalism (no just kidding)
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2021]             hai  Hai says Hi to you.
 (DIR) [02-Apr-2021]              ds  Dustin's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2021]          datluu  datluu_website
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2021]       paulie420  2o fOr beeRS gOPHERsPACE
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2021]        roll1961  Panicked Zebra
 (DIR) [26-Mar-2021]      adamos9898  test
 (DIR) [26-Mar-2021]          dthrak  Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
 (DIR) [25-Mar-2021]               r  r's hole
 (DIR) [25-Mar-2021]   cosmicbandito 
 (DIR) [24-Mar-2021]        circiter 
 (DIR) [23-Mar-2021]      septatonic  my little space
 (DIR) [22-Mar-2021]           zcray zcray
 (DIR) [21-Mar-2021]         hohokam  Hohokam's Gopher Space
 (DIR) [19-Mar-2021]          nepsis  There be Dragons
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2021]        overload 
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2021]            byzt 
 (DIR) [16-Mar-2021]       nsaunders 
 (DIR) [14-Mar-2021]            mi5o  Midnight Gophing
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2021]         fraggle 
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2021]      mancifbier  Mancifbier's rants about computers and software
 (DIR) [11-Mar-2021]            a1ex  a1ex gopher test 1
 (DIR) [11-Mar-2021]       donandres  Andy's Gopher Spot
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2021]         sysfuck  SYSFUCK LABS
 (DIR) [07-Mar-2021]       snugglezz  The Vanishing Cabinet
 (DIR) [06-Mar-2021]         keydelk  Keith's little GOPHERhole
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2021]           basho  basho's gopherhole
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2021]             cge  A miscellany of mostly useless documents.
 (DIR) [03-Mar-2021]      coinzstarz  MY GOPHER
 (DIR) [01-Mar-2021]   lucaspuntillo  lucaspuntillo's gopherhole
 (DIR) [01-Mar-2021]         krinkel  the basement
 (DIR) [28-Feb-2021]         license  excess in recovery
 (DIR) [27-Feb-2021]             jjs  Joey Stanford's Gopher
 (DIR) [26-Feb-2021]         krinkle  krinkle's genuine water
 (DIR) [26-Feb-2021]        fschloma  Frank's Gopherspace (established February 26th, 2021)
 (DIR) [26-Feb-2021]           jovan  Jovan's Gopher Page
 (DIR) [25-Feb-2021]     trissypissy 
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2021]    gloriousbees  The Bee Zone
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2021]    waynewallace  My Gopherspace
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2021]        poorchop 
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2021]             v4n  popos
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2021]             ayb  ayb's gopher hole - WIP
 (DIR) [19-Feb-2021]         trickle 
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2021]              lm 
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2021]     abracadabra  Psyderman
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2021]        drsleepy  drsleepy gopher space
 (DIR) [16-Feb-2021]       davidavid davidavid
 (DIR) [12-Feb-2021]             mrv  MrV's Domain
 (DIR) [11-Feb-2021]           folha 
 (DIR) [11-Feb-2021]        demented  demented
 (DIR) [09-Feb-2021]        yardbird  To Be Or Not To Bop
 (DIR) [09-Feb-2021]         portred  portred's cellar
 (DIR) [05-Feb-2021]       jeanguyot  Thoughts about Renaissance Music
 (DIR) [05-Feb-2021]           m4sh1 
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2021]          dexter  Dexter's gopherhole
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2021]        sinkhole 
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2021]          squall  Squall's gopherthingie, I'm back!
 (DIR) [30-Jan-2021]           marth  Backyard
 (DIR) [29-Jan-2021]          test11  Testsite
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2021]          vorvox  freedom club
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2021]     unixware213  UNIXWARE213
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2021]         dentonj  Slackware Linux Security
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2021]      lawtonsack  Lawton's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [20-Jan-2021]       nathanael 
 (DIR) [20-Jan-2021]        rollie73  RollieSpace
 (DIR) [19-Jan-2021]           hunor 
 (DIR) [17-Jan-2021]           qw145  qw145
 (DIR) [14-Jan-2021]            impo  impo's home pod
 (DIR) [11-Jan-2021]         runtime  runtime error
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2021]     callimachus  Callimachus g-log
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2021]          lomwin  The Rabbit Hole
 (DIR) [08-Jan-2021]        burrhole  Enter the Void
 (DIR) [06-Jan-2021]    alexlourinha  Ravensoul
 (DIR) [05-Jan-2021]             ki9  Keith's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [04-Jan-2021]           rannu 
 (DIR) [02-Jan-2021]            r11i  R11i GopherSPACE
 (DIR) [02-Jan-2021]           jfcha 
 (DIR) [01-Jan-2021]            skec 
 (DIR) [31-Dec-2020]          hr7xt8 
 (DIR) [31-Dec-2020]           venom  Venom's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [28-Dec-2020]         barryjb  Barry's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [23-Dec-2020]       kitsuneko  UNKNOWN SPACES
 (DIR) [22-Dec-2020]              eq  MKHOMEPG Didn't work, but MKGOPHER did
 (DIR) [21-Dec-2020]            geri  Geri's Space
 (DIR) [21-Dec-2020]     alvanchpmun  Astig Mod
 (DIR) [14-Dec-2020]       dokoissho 
 (DIR) [14-Dec-2020]     got2liv4him  Dale's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [14-Dec-2020]         cmpuser 
 (DIR) [11-Dec-2020]          armysr  Dan's Gopherhhole
 (DIR) [09-Dec-2020]       botayhard  botayhard
 (DIR) [06-Dec-2020]             cjj  Thoughts of CJJ
 (DIR) [03-Dec-2020]      magicspell  Magicspell's Gopher thing
 (DIR) [03-Dec-2020]           dhall  This is Democracy Manifest
 (DIR) [02-Dec-2020]          ranvir  ranvir's webpage
 (DIR) [01-Dec-2020]             ick 
 (DIR) [30-Nov-2020]          johnmw  Welcome to John's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2020]       babyshark  It's ok
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2020]           kisom  wntrmute via sdf
 (DIR) [25-Nov-2020]        keentech  Above us, only sky...
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2020]          sotolf  Sotolf's gopherhole
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2020]           speed  SPEED
 (DIR) [24-Nov-2020]          bommel  bommels gopher hole
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2020]         rnelson 
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2020]      cyanocitta  cyanocitta
 (DIR) [22-Nov-2020]   keepontruckin  Keepontruckin
 (DIR) [19-Nov-2020]        miaotony  Meow Here~
 (DIR) [19-Nov-2020]   testuser18471 
 (DIR) [11-Nov-2020]          lindus  Inescapably Human
 (DIR) [10-Nov-2020]        krowemoh 
 (DIR) [10-Nov-2020]        gitar123 gitar123
 (DIR) [08-Nov-2020]        cumbayah 
 (DIR) [05-Nov-2020]       asnowmang [08-Nov-2020] cumbayah
 (DIR) [04-Nov-2020]          chizra  Chizra's gopherhole
 (DIR) [04-Nov-2020]          julius  Untimely Meditations
 (DIR) [03-Nov-2020] ubuntuperonista 
 (DIR) [30-Oct-2020]           bipin  a place for space fgophers
 (DIR) [30-Oct-2020]     harryhaller  Harry Haller's Phlog
 (DIR) [29-Oct-2020]        ahmed617  bitcoin society is bad ahmeds hell location
 (DIR) [24-Oct-2020]            miwk  miwk
 (DIR) [21-Oct-2020]  spaceshipearth  Max's GopherHole
 (DIR) [20-Oct-2020]          korkut 
 (DIR) [19-Oct-2020]          anthk1  anthk1's hole
 (DIR) [19-Oct-2020]        ballagyr  CyberCity-707 Gopher Site
 (DIR) [18-Oct-2020]          bagaag  Bagaag's personal Gopher directory
 (DIR) [16-Oct-2020]             iaa  It's gopherlicious <3
 (DIR) [13-Oct-2020]        neurohax  The Neurohacker Quarterly
 (DIR) [10-Oct-2020]       randynose 
 (DIR) [09-Oct-2020]    techexorcist  tech_exorcist's gopherhole
 (DIR) [09-Oct-2020]       oroboroso  _.-< 0rOb0rOs0 >-._
 (DIR) [06-Oct-2020]  mohamedasalah1  Hello
 (DIR) [05-Oct-2020]          kc8cie  KC8CIE's Random Stuff
 (DIR) [05-Oct-2020]          than0s  than0sgophersite
 (DIR) [02-Oct-2020]            rudi 
 (DIR) [30-Sep-2020]           sekva  SekvaC
 (DIR) [29-Sep-2020]      didaskalos  obsquirrial
 (DIR) [27-Sep-2020]            smrl  smrl
 (DIR) [26-Sep-2020]          traxex  traxex
 (DIR) [25-Sep-2020]       localhost  Localhosts Secure Gopher space
 (DIR) [25-Sep-2020]      europeurop  Europ Europ fanclub
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2020]        josephgl  look, joseph's gophering
 (DIR) [22-Sep-2020]            pdah  Gopherhole X-Treme!
 (DIR) [19-Sep-2020]          rfeany  Nostalgia. Tinkering. Rambling.
 (DIR) [16-Sep-2020]              wd  Wesley Deal's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [16-Sep-2020]           int19  Int19's Ephemery Warehouse
 (DIR) [15-Sep-2020]        unixbocx  Unixbocx
 (DIR) [11-Sep-2020]         jingram  Jim's SDF Gopherhole
 (DIR) [11-Sep-2020]godofhyperdeath3  Randomify
 (DIR) [06-Sep-2020]        campfire  minor.report
 (DIR) [05-Sep-2020]           cloud [06-Sep-2020] campfire minor.report
 (DIR) [04-Sep-2020]             bml  bml
 (DIR) [02-Sep-2020]             igk  Göktuğ's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [01-Sep-2020]   michaelfm1211  Michael's Gopher
 (DIR) [01-Sep-2020]         bglopez bglopez
 (DIR) [31-Aug-2020]         xdefrag xdefrag
 (DIR) [31-Aug-2020]     trafficcone  alloca's blog
 (DIR) [28-Aug-2020]      adolfodias  -
 (DIR) [25-Aug-2020]         goyakla  Goyakla's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [25-Aug-2020]           foxxy 
 (DIR) [25-Aug-2020]            noar  Take me to the boats.
 (DIR) [24-Aug-2020]          mouse7 
 (DIR) [24-Aug-2020]              mk 
 (DIR) [23-Aug-2020]         tphreak  This is my Gopher Space, Welcome!
 (DIR) [23-Aug-2020]           citra  GoFur
 (DIR) [22-Aug-2020]           cpc26 
 (DIR) [21-Aug-2020]           abbub  Nozin' Aroun'
 (DIR) [19-Aug-2020]          expdev  Expdev's Ramblings
 (DIR) [17-Aug-2020]     elomyfriend  E'lo's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [14-Aug-2020]          kd9dhl  KD9DHL's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [12-Aug-2020]         bradmac  Thoughts of a middle aged Australian male
 (DIR) [11-Aug-2020]           unagi  unagi's gopherhole
 (DIR) [09-Aug-2020]             emv  Edward Vielmetti's gopher
 (DIR) [08-Aug-2020]    oneeightzero  OEZ Phlog
 (DIR) [07-Aug-2020]            mggm  The Old Reliable
 (DIR) [05-Aug-2020]         jackbrs 
 (DIR) [05-Aug-2020]          bobgee  My Gopher Notebook
 (DIR) [04-Aug-2020]           rusty  Rhizomatix Blog
 (DIR) [04-Aug-2020]          croose  Lonely in Gopherspace
 (DIR) [03-Aug-2020]            ksaj 
 (DIR) [02-Aug-2020]           weiwu 
 (DIR) [02-Aug-2020]        johnplum 
 (DIR) [02-Aug-2020]         rust2go  zzzzzz
 (DIR) [29-Jul-2020]    pratamawocky  Pratama Gopher Site untuk Testing Je
 (DIR) [28-Jul-2020]           volta  Strange ramblings of a boy lost in gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Jul-2020]             mon 
 (DIR) [22-Jul-2020]            rico 
 (DIR) [21-Jul-2020]          harryg  harry's gopherspace
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2020]          morton  Morton's NOFAP
 (DIR) [20-Jul-2020]        sincarne  sincarne@sdf.org
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2020]         freyxco  Frey's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [19-Jul-2020]     gameboyorin  Freys's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [18-Jul-2020]          walnut  working title
 (DIR) [18-Jul-2020]            pool  GOpher
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2020]        mellence  Mellence's Gopher Goodness
 (DIR) [12-Jul-2020]          nan0id  nevermind...
 (DIR) [06-Jul-2020]           canto  gopher it!
 (DIR) [05-Jul-2020]         jchenry 
 (DIR) [03-Jul-2020]          kvothe  gopherhole // phlog // mindmap
 (DIR) [03-Jul-2020]            acts  acts' gopherspace
 (DIR) [01-Jul-2020]         r0bobox  r0bobox's gopher
 (DIR) [01-Jul-2020]         liebach  Super Dimensional Gopherhole
 (DIR) [29-Jun-2020]        hcssmith  Hallam's Projects
 (DIR) [28-Jun-2020]   kierennicolas  Welcome to Kieren's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Jun-2020]    segfaultline  Segfaultline: Welcome to the Phault
 (DIR) [26-Jun-2020]            jnyc  Jared.nyc
 (DIR) [24-Jun-2020]        tomasino  Tomasino's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [22-Jun-2020]        djringjr  Morse Code Archives and Info
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2020]         oddbxll  Oddland
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2020]    technomancer  По ту строну глаз цвета хаки. Зап
 (DIR) [18-Jun-2020]         unabart  Bash Bartzilla!
 (DIR) [16-Jun-2020]         flewkey  flewkey
 (DIR) [14-Jun-2020]  simonelombardo  Simone Mario Lombardo's Gopher Space!
 (DIR) [11-Jun-2020]         guibaux  Torquato's Phlog
 (DIR) [11-Jun-2020]            ynac  The Butcher Papers: Gopher Edition
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2020]         haydenh  a boring pointer to my main gopherspace
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2020]            argv  Ankit R Gadiya
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2020]  destroyerdan22  DestroyerDan
 (DIR) [08-Jun-2020]           dwala 
 (DIR) [07-Jun-2020]       evensense  bs lc 045448
 (DIR) [06-Jun-2020]         xeccg85  Yet Another Gopher Hole in TN
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2020]      cacheerror  cacheerror gopherspace
 (DIR) [01-Jun-2020]          maleza  Maleza's gopherhole
 (DIR) [28-May-2020]          meafns  wow lets test gopher
 (DIR) [27-May-2020]             pyr  HC SVNT DRACONES
 (DIR) [27-May-2020]        stegozor  Yet another random gopher hole
 (DIR) [26-May-2020]        evoisard 
 (DIR) [26-May-2020]          solaki  This and That
 (DIR) [26-May-2020]         moldrok  Matti's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [25-May-2020]        tgampper  Terry Gampper's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [24-May-2020]          shufei  Shufei's Bumblebee Groundhive
 (DIR) [23-May-2020]         jl37198 
 (DIR) [22-May-2020]  krishnaqakovid  Krishna
 (DIR) [21-May-2020]        halligan  Hacking with Halligan
 (DIR) [21-May-2020]      mebious404  mebious gopherspace
 (DIR) [15-May-2020]              fp  My personal gopherhole
 (DIR) [15-May-2020]         fernweh fernweh
 (DIR) [13-May-2020]    prof.raymond  Educating at 56Kbps
 (DIR) [12-May-2020]         srgupta srgupta
 (DIR) [11-May-2020]       wilinskey  Ranks of the Operators
 (DIR) [10-May-2020]              gc  Gianluca Campanella
 (DIR) [08-May-2020]      citizen428  citizen428.gopher
 (DIR) [07-May-2020]            deku  legitimate gopher
 (DIR) [07-May-2020]      sprtcrnbry  Sprtcrnbry's Gopher Space
 (DIR) [06-May-2020]    fallingknife  FallingKnife's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [06-May-2020]            rond  Espaco gopher de Rond (pt-br)
 (DIR) [06-May-2020]      philmacfly  GophmacFLy
 (DIR) [04-May-2020]   messy.penguin  original.recipe.internet
 (DIR) [04-May-2020]         vinikon  Vik Thor - gopherhole
 (DIR) [04-May-2020]             jr0  James' gopherhole phlog
 (DIR) [30-Apr-2020]           senri  Senri Software
 (DIR) [29-Apr-2020]    humbertocsjr  Phlog do Humberto
 (DIR) [28-Apr-2020]           gabek  Gabe's Phlog
 (DIR) [28-Apr-2020]         cmccabe  More Questions than Answers
 (DIR) [27-Apr-2020]        vs4vijay  Vizay Soni
 (DIR) [27-Apr-2020]        ketmorco  Inside My Mind
 (DIR) [26-Apr-2020]          ingwer 
 (DIR) [24-Apr-2020]           jared  Ramblings
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2020]          buhbuh  `; echo 1;#
 (DIR) [21-Apr-2020]        tvqqaama  Orange Juice
 (DIR) [18-Apr-2020]     jean.pierre 
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2020]    linuxonboard  LinuxOnboard's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [13-Apr-2020]    parnikkapore  Parnikkapore's test gopherhole
 (DIR) [11-Apr-2020]           clctc 
 (DIR) [09-Apr-2020]         katolaz  KatolaZ' gopher hole
 (DIR) [08-Apr-2020]           tocka  funkytown
 (DIR) [07-Apr-2020]             srm  Steve's Gopher Space
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2020]      hollylotor  Holly Lotor's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [05-Apr-2020]          xentor  Xentor Nederlander's gopherhole
 (DIR) [05-Apr-2020]         prakash  Prakash Karunanithi Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2020]             aro  unnamed gopherhole
 (DIR) [01-Apr-2020]    spectralflux  Spectralflux's Gopher-pit
 (DIR) [31-Mar-2020]      dylan10210  D's SDF Gopherhole
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2020]             aev  Making and optimizing software
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2020]        graphmed  Negative feedback
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2020]        disnocen  disnocen's gopherspace
 (DIR) [26-Mar-2020]       a1h4g8l8r  ROSEMARIE OSBORN'S GOPHERSPACE
 (DIR) [25-Mar-2020]       datamogul 
 (DIR) [24-Mar-2020]        zer0tyan  zer0tyan
 (DIR) [24-Mar-2020]        evildawg  MyEpicGeek
 (DIR) [21-Mar-2020]       joeserver 
 (DIR) [19-Mar-2020]          cr15pr  CRISPR (/ˈkrɪspər/)
 (DIR) [18-Mar-2020]            niko  the barrens
 (DIR) [18-Mar-2020] asciibenefactor  ASCII ## BENEFACTOR
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2020]        calcifer 
 (DIR) [16-Mar-2020]         gamliel  Gamliel Fishkin
 (DIR) [15-Mar-2020]           bluak 
 (DIR) [13-Mar-2020]       ryevortex 
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2020]       emperorty  emperorty's random files
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2020]       simsyland  the lady who knew too much and wrote too little
 (DIR) [10-Mar-2020]             nor 
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2020]              an  Asoziales Netzwerk on Gopher
 (DIR) [08-Mar-2020]          horusr  somethingsomethinf
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2020]          masodo  InfinitelyRemote (SDF Auxiliary)
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2020]     zhangjunphy  Not A Knot
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2020]          handyc  This site is an experimental gopher project.
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2020]             mhj  World Shaking Revolution
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2020]            kotp  Gopher Hole for KOTP
 (DIR) [29-Feb-2020]        moussoko  All I Know: I do not Know
 (DIR) [28-Feb-2020]     athrunnailo  Tom's Gopher Blog
 (DIR) [25-Feb-2020]          concon  CoNCoN
 (DIR) [25-Feb-2020]       benmicwal  BENMICWAL'S GOPHER SITE
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2020]        rothfuss 
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2020]         blingcr  Ted's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [24-Feb-2020]    rustypoetics  RUSTY POETICS
 (DIR) [17-Feb-2020]         lypanov  lypanov
 (DIR) [13-Feb-2020]          alpena 
 (DIR) [12-Feb-2020]          iprosk  Down the Gopherhole
 (DIR) [10-Feb-2020]          cdmnky  cd-space
 (DIR) [08-Feb-2020]          bitrot  bitrot - cursed data
 (DIR) [03-Feb-2020]         clemens  Michael Clemens
 (DIR) [02-Feb-2020]              ku 
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2020]          godeke  A return to simplicity
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2020]        antarcti  antarcti from .ca
 (DIR) [30-Jan-2020]           yargo  # Yargo // HB9KNS #
 (DIR) [30-Jan-2020]           aokai  new guy, just lovin' it.
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2020]technotheologist  Technotheologist in Love
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2020]        dbucklin  Text Obsessed
 (DIR) [27-Jan-2020]            kito  X
 (DIR) [26-Jan-2020]           onito 
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2020]         kali4ya  Trying this shit out!
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2020]      unclejonno  Techno-Minimalism
 (DIR) [21-Jan-2020]         pirgooo  pirgooo
 (DIR) [19-Jan-2020]      honeycombb  bry's hut
 (DIR) [17-Jan-2020]        junkyjim  JunkyJim's Pit of Infinite Despair
 (DIR) [12-Jan-2020]             lel 
 (DIR) [11-Jan-2020]          shakya  Mental Monk
 (DIR) [10-Jan-2020]    scorpion1761  scorpion in the hole
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2020]          hobbsc  cyclopean computation
 (DIR) [07-Jan-2020]   erosdiscordia  erosdiscordia
 (DIR) [04-Jan-2020]         nexthem 
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2020]          launch  Betsy Vesper's Beef Trust
 (DIR) [02-Jan-2020]          output 
 (DIR) [31-Dec-2019]             rak  RAK's gopherspace
 (DIR) [30-Dec-2019] homemadesteam58  Homemadesteam58's GopherSpace
 (DIR) [27-Dec-2019]      enigmaunix  Enigmatico's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [26-Dec-2019]             sjc  Steven Jay Cohen
 (DIR) [25-Dec-2019]             meh 
 (DIR) [25-Dec-2019]      johngodlee  John L. Godlee
 (DIR) [25-Dec-2019]       fevermind 
 (DIR) [20-Dec-2019]           annna  AnNnA's gOpHeRsPaCe Of DoOm!1!1!1!1
 (DIR) [18-Dec-2019]       maisonpop 
 (DIR) [14-Dec-2019]        xxzozaxx  BAGH
 (DIR) [11-Dec-2019]              xt 
 (DIR) [11-Dec-2019]         nynergy  Continuum
 (DIR) [07-Dec-2019]       superstar 
 (DIR) [05-Dec-2019]          spinfz  Blefuscu
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2019]           helix  helix
 (DIR) [27-Nov-2019]            esrh 
 (DIR) [17-Nov-2019]           irnex  Infrarednex Gopher Site
 (DIR) [15-Nov-2019]       lbonanomi  lbonanomi
 (DIR) [12-Nov-2019]        tallship  A hammer in my hand.
 (DIR) [12-Nov-2019]      donotshake 
 (DIR) [12-Nov-2019]         rbmills 
 (DIR) [09-Nov-2019]            uafr  Wolfgang Becker
 (DIR) [08-Nov-2019]        dalkmann  Bernhard Dalkmann's Gopherspace - The Doctor is in.
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2019]       soundmin7  My Soundmin7 Gopher Page
 (DIR) [07-Nov-2019]      dopantlion 
 (DIR) [05-Nov-2019]    gnostiquette  angie's site
 (DIR) [05-Nov-2019]        drskrzyk  Dr. Otto Skrzyk - CEO of Skrzyk Labs
 (DIR) [04-Nov-2019]          br.iot br.iot
 (DIR) [02-Nov-2019]             ddc  Drunken Dogcow
 (DIR) [01-Nov-2019]        mhembree  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 (DIR) [28-Oct-2019]      blktshrt79  ghetto plastic spoon phlog
 (DIR) [27-Oct-2019]          lucina 
 (DIR) [23-Oct-2019]        mirmidon  El Hormiguero de Mirmidon
 (DIR) [22-Oct-2019]          fenris 
 (DIR) [22-Oct-2019]            m68k  
 (DIR) [18-Oct-2019]         k1l0b1t 
 (DIR) [18-Oct-2019]       ajroach42 
 (DIR) [11-Oct-2019]     chicagotiug  Chicago TI-99/4A Users Group
 (DIR) [06-Oct-2019]      typewriter  Another short-lived interest?
 (DIR) [05-Oct-2019]      braixenirl  BraixenIRL's old gopherspace
 (DIR) [01-Oct-2019]            lord  LORD CHINCHILLA
 (DIR) [30-Sep-2019]         jbbdude 
 (DIR) [30-Sep-2019]        chupawan  chupawan's blog
 (DIR) [26-Sep-2019]           jakeg  jake g.'s digital basement
 (DIR) [26-Sep-2019]      spaceboy99 
 (DIR) [24-Sep-2019]        mstinson 
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2019]              cm 
 (DIR) [23-Sep-2019]         mathk1d  ... one should dash forward and with joy.
 (DIR) [20-Sep-2019]          mrjoey 
 (DIR) [18-Sep-2019]        bjbishop  Bryan's gopher site
 (DIR) [14-Sep-2019]            gnsk  gnsk gopher
 (DIR) [11-Sep-2019]            jan6  nothing sane comes this way
 (DIR) [08-Sep-2019]         techmaz  Techmaz's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [06-Sep-2019]          flageo  Gopher, opher, pher, her
 (DIR) [04-Sep-2019]        nordvark  nordvark.com
 (DIR) [31-Aug-2019]  scientistninja  Beyond the stars!, A blog by a Hacking God.
 (DIR) [27-Aug-2019]             nmh  T3X.ORG
 (DIR) [23-Aug-2019]           vcfmw  SDF @ VCFMW 14
 (DIR) [22-Aug-2019]       saarullik  Andrei's gopher space
 (DIR) [22-Aug-2019]         bopfrog  Bopfrog's gopher filespace
 (DIR) [21-Aug-2019]           marsh  marsh gopher
 (DIR) [15-Aug-2019]         altered  altered
 (DIR) [14-Aug-2019]           staxx  Staxx for days
 (DIR) [10-Aug-2019]        hardmous  DJ hardmous
 (DIR) [05-Aug-2019]       rjtatwork  RJTatWork Gopher Space
 (DIR) [02-Aug-2019]         samalex  Sam's Gopherspace
 (DIR) [31-Jul-2019]       win8linux  win8linux's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [31-Jul-2019]             qaf  qaf (queer as f...)
 (DIR) [27-Jul-2019]    michaelgraaf  The next little big thing
 (DIR) [27-Jul-2019]          lothar lothar
 (DIR) [26-Jul-2019]            cmrn  cam
 (DIR) [26-Jul-2019]       floatvoid  the void shed
 (DIR) [24-Jul-2019]         cseiter  cseiter Gopherspace
 (DIR) [24-Jul-2019]    cthulhupunk0  cthulhupunk0Space
 (DIR) [24-Jul-2019]           slnix  slnix
 (DIR) [23-Jul-2019]        wjdurkin  The GeoPhlogicist
 (DIR) [18-Jul-2019]            dlom  dlom's gopherspace
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2019]        ljdcodes  Sharing my codes
 (DIR) [15-Jul-2019]        amcclure  Anton McClure's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [14-Jul-2019]         verkaro  Verkaro
 (DIR) [12-Jul-2019]            x7cc  0x7cc
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2019]      disposable 
 (DIR) [09-Jul-2019]   captainnemo69  CAPTAINNEMO
 (DIR) [07-Jul-2019]       bfgaughan  Sic mundus creatus est
 (DIR) [07-Jul-2019]           erkin  Moved to suika.erkin.party
 (DIR) [03-Jul-2019]     swiftearmor  Swiftearmors Gophersite
 (DIR) [28-Jun-2019]          oddtor  My Home Space
 (DIR) [28-Jun-2019]             cim  cim's secret gopherspace
 (DIR) [27-Jun-2019]           akean  akean's experiment
 (DIR) [24-Jun-2019]             jur  Juro gopherspace
 (DIR) [23-Jun-2019]          chshbh 
 (DIR) [21-Jun-2019]       nocarrier 
 (DIR) [17-Jun-2019]          wrench  a wrench in the works
 (DIR) [15-Jun-2019]        xmanmonk  What the...?
 (DIR) [14-Jun-2019]        champlij  The Jimmy James
 (DIR) [10-Jun-2019]         trnslts trnslts
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2019]       mushmouth  mushmouth gopherspace
 (DIR) [09-Jun-2019]           vt100  Vinh's Gopher Page
 (DIR) [08-Jun-2019]            saba 
 (DIR) [04-Jun-2019]       cyberpunk  Welcome to the Cyber Corporation, Cyberpunks
 (DIR) [03-Jun-2019]           mosst  mosst's |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| dirt mound
 (DIR) [03-Jun-2019]     tokyogringo  Tokyo Gringo: The Man and The Journey
 (DIR) [03-Jun-2019]     muttman1357 
 (DIR) [02-Jun-2019]           btate  Hawaii Software Solutions
 (DIR) [01-Jun-2019]            june  BIG CARP FISHING IN 2008
 (DIR) [31-May-2019]  lesliesrussell  Infinite Regurgitation
 (DIR) [28-May-2019]        zelbrium zelbrium
 (DIR) [20-May-2019]      ontheocean  on the ocean
 (DIR) [20-May-2019]        myst32yt  The Toy Gopher Page
 (DIR) [19-May-2019]             zod [20-May-2019] myst32yt The Toy Gopher Page
 (DIR) [17-May-2019]       icediver3 
 (DIR) [16-May-2019]          milky9  Cyberspace and Witchcraft
 (DIR) [13-May-2019]         grisly1  Grisly; something horrible, or not?
 (DIR) [09-May-2019]          lerxst  lerxst gopher
 (DIR) [08-May-2019]        pacbilly  PacBilly's Domain
 (DIR) [03-May-2019]          isis07  un gopher francais
 (DIR) [29-Apr-2019]         madhaha 
 (DIR) [28-Apr-2019]       cesionaut  indistinguishable
 (DIR) [27-Apr-2019]      hairylarry 
 (DIR) [25-Apr-2019]   thecakeflavor  this is my space
 (DIR) [23-Apr-2019]            thse 
 (DIR) [22-Apr-2019]         saibato 
 (DIR) [21-Apr-2019]         planetx  Placeholder
 (DIR) [19-Apr-2019]      acresearch  Logging my research
 (DIR) [16-Apr-2019]       mlemsgevl  Mlem's Hub
 (DIR) [16-Apr-2019]         gnstaxo  Gustavo
 (DIR) [14-Apr-2019]      astroplant  THE HOLE OF GOPHER
 (DIR) [13-Apr-2019]          sander  Sander's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [11-Apr-2019]       servergod  you're the man now dog
 (DIR) [11-Apr-2019]           azure  A Predator of Information
 (DIR) [10-Apr-2019]            sbrk  I'm all right. Nobody worry about me.
 (DIR) [09-Apr-2019]           spelk  spelkhole
 (DIR) [09-Apr-2019]         systems  Systemshole
 (DIR) [09-Apr-2019]          ayoshi  Paradigm Shift for the medicine from Japan
 (DIR) [07-Apr-2019]           fripp  Fripp's corner
 (DIR) [07-Apr-2019]            stfd 
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2019]            acsk  Action's Gopherstation
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2019]    saltedhashes  TEST GOPHER PAGE
 (DIR) [06-Apr-2019]   softwaresucks  Startpage v1.0
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2019]         mcrable  And now...
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2019]    starkweather  Starkweather's Stuff
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2019]             npa  npa's site
 (DIR) [04-Apr-2019]        hjohnson  The Cyclone Matrix / Johnson Protocol
 (DIR) [03-Apr-2019]         kaction  Bye, world!
 (DIR) [01-Apr-2019]        jeschust  the state that I am in
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2019]             itf  itf's public stuff
 (DIR) [30-Mar-2019]   offdutypirate offdutypirate
 (DIR) [29-Mar-2019]      ransondrew  RansonDrew's Hole
 (DIR) [28-Mar-2019]         dolpher  dolpher thinks!
 (DIR) [27-Mar-2019]         qwerty7  qwerty7's little slice of SDF
 (DIR) [25-Mar-2019]       tiwesdaeg  Testing 1 2 4
 (DIR) [21-Mar-2019]           swld0  ANOTACIONES FINALES
 (DIR) [19-Mar-2019]           jelle  Jelle's gopherspace
 (DIR) [19-Mar-2019]        payphone payphone
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2019]          ratter  rat hole
 (DIR) [17-Mar-2019]          dirtyv  <-- has no clue what they're doing
 (DIR) [15-Mar-2019]         jboverf  Justin's Software Phlog
 (DIR) [15-Mar-2019]      aarontyree  Bucktooth Billy
 (DIR) [15-Mar-2019]       agntsmart  Agnt Smart in Gopherspace
 (DIR) [12-Mar-2019]            limn  LimnSpace
 (DIR) [10-Mar-2019]           jocko  jocko's gopher hole
 (DIR) [09-Mar-2019]       digdeeper 
 (DIR) [06-Mar-2019]           freon  beneath the wired
 (DIR) [04-Mar-2019]          kahiru  kahiru's phlog
 (DIR) [03-Mar-2019]            disc  my name is disc
 (DIR) [03-Mar-2019]        jewlives  is this thing on?
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2019]     pussyslayer  lair of the pussyslayer
 (DIR) [02-Mar-2019]        discdfec  errorspace
 (DIR) [27-Feb-2019]          spid3r  sirspid3r
 (DIR) [27-Feb-2019]     userhicks11  Hicks
 (DIR) [26-Feb-2019]          g.love  Organized Chaos Rebooted
 (DIR) [25-Feb-2019]         zwansch  Zwansch's gopherhole
 (DIR) [23-Feb-2019]    authoritimmy  Authoritimmy's SDF Gopher Site
 (DIR) [22-Feb-2019]         stream2  Stream Two's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [12-Feb-2019]     starbreaker  Matthew Graybosch on Gopher
 (DIR) [05-Feb-2019]     seventysnap  70-snap! Simplified Space
 (DIR) [04-Feb-2019]        bsd4life  People, Places, and Things
 (DIR) [03-Feb-2019]         junkman  My gopher
 (DIR) [01-Feb-2019]             lro  lro's phlog
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2019]          vext01  Vext01's Gopher Site
 (DIR) [31-Jan-2019]     cipherstone  CIPHERSTONE'S SPACE
 (DIR) [30-Jan-2019]            marg 
 (DIR) [30-Jan-2019]             yal  FreeBSD gopher site
 (DIR) [29-Jan-2019]         valter4  valter4's gophersite
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2019]          seanzo 
 (DIR) [28-Jan-2019]         jleedev  Adverb's Actions
 (DIR) [27-Jan-2019]         henrikj 
 (DIR) [26-Jan-2019]        justinle  Justin's Gopherhole
 (DIR) [26-Jan-2019]        zontargs  zontargs' gopher bunker
 (DIR) [25-Jan-2019]    cloudyisland  8sync's Cloudy Island
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2019]         jsalens  jjsalens Gopher
 (DIR) [24-Jan-2019]           ulcer  noobs! ------v
 (DIR) [23-Jan-2019]     notyourcode  Not Your Code
 (DIR) [15-Jan-2019]           pvinc  Private phlog and Aleph-cross sancutary
 (DIR) [15-Jan-2019]         siobhan  Terminus
 (DIR) [13-Jan-2019]           utf8x  UTF's NetHole
 (DIR) [12-Jan-2019]      blackhawk7  Black Hawk 7 by MJA
 (DIR) [11-Jan-2019]             m3m 
 (DIR) [11-Jan-2019]          hitoro 
 (DIR) [09-Jan-2019]            vera  Vera's space
 (DIR) [08-Jan-2019]           sloum  dim light from distant stars
 (DIR) [04-Jan-2019]      sshifflett  An Arbitrary Gopher Hole
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2019]             idf  IDF's gopher hole
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2019]       morehuman 
 (DIR) [03-Jan-2019]           nullz  ..::nullNETZ::..
 (DIR) [01-Jan-2019]            till