*          .     *            .
       Visiblink's      .            †   .
                     .                      .
        ____  _     _
       |  _ \| |__ | | ___   __ _   *
       | |_) | '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |       .
       |  __/| | | | | (_) | (_| |  .    .
       |_|   |_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |     .
          *          .              *      .
                    .    .
       "There aren't any spectators
       on the Small Internet,
       only participants."
                 - spring, "The Small Internet"
 (DIR) << Back to Visiblink's Gopher Hole
 (DIR) My server
 (TXT) July 13, 2024 Unfederated Email Guide
 (TXT) August 27, 2023 Fire Update / The Typosphere
 (TXT) August 23, 2023 Rain
 (TXT) August 22, 2023 A Bit of a Reprieve / Typewriter!
 (TXT) August 21, 2023 The Local Blame Game / Makeshift Scrubber / I Want a Typewriter!
 (TXT) August 20, 2023 Fire Update
 (TXT) August 19, 2023 Everything's on fire / No XMPP, no Robbie Robertson
 (TXT) August 13, 2023 Browsing Gemini with Lynx at portal.mozz.us
 (TXT) August 3, 2023 Rebuilding my gopher server
 (TXT) June 27, 2023 Lemmy and Planet Smolnet
 (TXT) June 5, 2023 Cooking Experience: thrig.me's Pizza Crust
 (TXT) April 13, 2023 Logout goes LEET
 (TXT) December 28, 2022 Xmas Road Trip Report
 (TXT) October 23, 2022 Turning Legitimate Criticism into "Alternative Facts"
 (TXT) September 30, 2022 Last-Minute ROOPHLOCH
 (TXT) August 8, 2022 More Shortwave and an Orchard Ladder
 (IMG) August 8, 2022 Orchard Ladder Image
 (TXT) August 3, 2022 Shortwave
 (TXT) August 1, 2022 One Liner
 (TXT) July 31, 2022 People, Insects, and a Tiny Python Script Launcher
 (TXT) July 29, 2022 Antenna - A Python Player for Radio Streams
 (TXT) July 12, 2022 Miscellany and Batch File Dialog Boxes
 (TXT) January 26, 2022 allintext:
 (TXT) August 14, 2021 Through the Woods to Grandma's House
 (TXT) August 13, 2021 Rsync and FTP are amazing. Still.
 (TXT) August 12, 2021 GOTO, CALL, and the Mysterious Colon
 (TXT) August 11, 2021 Batch File Syntax, Gopher Chat, and Gemini for the TLS-Challenged
 (TXT) August 6, 2021 An Unfederated Email Server and Vintage Tech
 (TXT) July 31, 2021 No Comment(s)
 (TXT) July 19, 2021 Re: Plugd, "Overwhelmed," or Email Triage
 (TXT) July 16, 2021 Ghost Town
 (TXT) July 16, 2021 Maintainer's Remorse
 (TXT) July 12, 2021 A Lost and Obscure Phlog
 (TXT) July 12, 2021 On Paragraphs
 (TXT) July 11, 2021 Finger and Gophermaps | Some Stuff I've Stumbled Across
 (TXT) July 10, 2021 Flogs | Re: Solene, "Obsolete in the IT Crossfire"
 (TXT) July 9, 2021 FingerFeed for Micro-Blogging
 (TXT) July 4, 2021 New COVID Protocol in B.C. | Miscellany
 (TXT) June 28, 2021 Heatwave | Sino-bites | Cut-Copy-Paste (Re: Jirka) - Corrected
 (TXT) June 17, 2021 Re: techwing, "Text-Only vs. GUI"
 (TXT) June 14, 2021 The smolnet meta tag proposal
 (TXT) June 9, 2021 The Lava Rock Barbecue | Sky-High Lumber Prices
 (TXT) March 29, 2021 Comments on the phlogosphere
 (TXT) February 22, 2021 Batch files | This 'n that
 (TXT) February 15, 2021 Measuring for Drywall Openings, re: tfurrows
 (TXT) February 14, 2021 Installing Drywall, re: tfurrows
 (TXT) February 10, 2021 Thirty-four years on the shelf
 (TXT) February 10, 2021 Getting outside | looking for self-hosted microblogging software
 (TXT) February 1, 2021 XMPP and Robbie Robertson
 (TXT) January 18, 2021 Python3 Pygopherd!
 (TXT) January 17, 2021 GeGoBi Setup on Debian Buster
 (TXT) January 13, 2021 The Impending Resurrection of Pygopherd
 (TXT) January 12, 2021 Cycle-mania!
 (TXT) December 31, 2020 Emma Goldman, Servers, ThinkPad L440 Configuration
 (TXT) November 13, 2020 Congrats
 (TXT) November 1, 2020 Greasemonkey Scripts: Terminalize and Extra!
 (TXT) October 22, 2020 The Tyranny of Choice
 (TXT) August 22, 2020 "1979"
 (TXT) May 30, 2020 Pho, Projects, and the Unpublish(ed/able) Thing
 (TXT) May 25, 2020 Gardening on the Straight and Narrow | sxmo for the Pinephone
 (TXT) May 19, 2020 Unison is a console-based file synchronization tool
 (TXT) May 16, 2020 CTRL-G in lynx
 (TXT) May 16, 2020 Newsbeuter is a console-based rss reader and podcatcher
 (TXT) May 14, 2020 Console Programs
 (TXT) May 12, 2020 The Head Tax and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program
 (TXT) May 11, 2020 Mundane Drivel!
 (TXT) May 10, 2020 The Floating World | Exploring Gopherspace | TLS-by-proxy?
 (TXT) April 30, 2020 Great Apps: Ghost Commander
 (TXT) April 29, 2020 Almost a Revolution
 (TXT) April 17, 2020 Let's Encrypt without Port 80
 (TXT) April 14, 2020 The XMPP server is up
 (TXT) April 13, 2020 Re: Logout on Alternative Mobile OSes / XMPP-in-Progress
 (TXT) April 11, 2020 XMPP and Web Server Shutdown
 (TXT) March 13, 2020 SARS and the Preventable Pandemic
 (TXT) January 27, 2020 Offline-ism and Server Migration
 (TXT) November 30, 2019 epr: a CLI EPUB reader
 (TXT) November 15, 2019 Javascript
 (TXT) November 11, 2019 Agnes MacPhail's Peace Department Proposal
 (TXT) November 5, 2019 That Life-Change Funk (Re: Jynx)
 (TXT) November 3, 2019 The Links2 Browser
 (TXT) September 21, 2019 "I'm going to look through all your stuff when you're not here."
 (TXT) September 18, 2019 LifeDrive Flashing and the rest of the Iceberg
 (TXT) September 8, 2019 ThinkPad L440 setup for Debian LXDE
 (TXT) September 3, 2019 ROOPHLOCHing on trust
 (TXT) September 2, 2019 ROOPHLOCHing Miscellany
 (TXT) August 24, 2019 Retro VOIP (Re: Slugmax)
 (TXT) August 23, 2019 Unnecessary Consumption, Bad Karma, and eBay
 (TXT) August 12, 2019 Weekend Vacation
 (TXT) August 8, 2019 iPhone Cliques
 (TXT) August 1, 2019 Re: dgold | @me@fediverse
 (TXT) July 31, 2019 Re: Jynx | Camping Gear
 (TXT) July 30, 2019 It's a phlog entry without a central topic
 (TXT) July 20, 2019 On the Plumb Line
 (TXT) July 18, 2019 Trivial Errata
 (TXT) July 5, 2019 Tomasino, Personal Mythology, and M*A*S*H
 (TXT) July 2, 2019 Asbestos Disposal WTF Moment | Tech Obsessions | Server Update
 (TXT) June 21, 2019 Home 'Cloud' Server Setup Notes
 (TXT) June 20, 2019 Rain and Drunk Gardening
 (TXT) June 17, 2019 Gopher++/Web-
 (TXT) June 14, 2019 Re: cmccabe and the non-commercial web, or, on K.Mandla
 (TXT) June 13, 2019 Pocket Gopher Restyled Update | Renovations and Asbestos
 (TXT) June 12, 2019 The Gopher Conversation | Pocket Gopher Restyled
 (TXT) June 9, 2019 XMPP Carbons (Redux) and Mobile Optimization
 (TXT) June 7, 2019 XMPP Message Carbons, the Circumlunar Interwebs, Rust, and More Pacific Coast Explorers
 (TXT) June 1, 2019 Rambling Remarks about the Small 'Net and Phone Zombies
 (TXT) May 30, 2019 The LXer Mirror, Museums, and shizaru
 (TXT) May 25, 2019 Adventures in Maui!
 (TXT) April 13, 2019 Book: The Adventures of John Rodgers Jewitt
 (TXT) April 11, 2019 On BBSes, Forums, and Interaction
 (TXT) March 31, 2019 Tomasino's Questions
 (TXT) March 14, 2019 Pinephone
 (TXT) March 10, 2019 15 Minutes
 (TXT) February 24, 2019 Offline Sync
 (TXT) February 23, 2019 Grrr... Nextcloud
 (TXT) February 11, 2019 Responses re: BlackBerries (cmccabe, solderpunk) and the Wheel of Time (snowcrash)
 (TXT) January 28, 2019 Responses re: Phlog Revisions (Jynx, zlg, Yargo) and Decentralization (cdmnky)
 (TXT) January 24, 2019 On the Question of Phlog Revisions
 (TXT) January 23, 2019 Miscellaneous Commentary
 (TXT) January 21, 2019 One-Line Manifesto
 (TXT) January 20, 2019 Of nature, nurture, and dinosaurs
 (TXT) January 18, 2019 The Democratization of Discrimination, Redux
 (TXT) January 17, 2019 The Democratization of Discrimination
 (TXT) January 15, 2019 Knowledge and Innovation (re: tfurrows)
 (TXT) January 14, 2019 Responses, Pi Zeroes, and Galactica
 (TXT) January 9, 2019 The Darkness Matters
 (TXT) January 6, 2019 Plain-text PIM, Handheld Linux Devices, and Decentralized Networking
 (TXT) January 2, 2019 Rogue Thoughts about Disconnecting and Satisfaction
 (TXT) January 1, 2019 Preconfigured VMs, OpenVZ Upgrading, and a Book with No Name
 (TXT) December 30, 2018 The XMPP server is up!
 (TXT) December 28, 2018 XMPP
 (TXT) December 21, 2018
 (TXT) December 15, 2018
 (TXT) December 14, 2018
 (TXT) December 10, 2018
 (TXT) November 30, 2018
 (TXT) November 25, 2018
 (TXT) November 20, 2018(2)
 (TXT) November 20, 2018
 (TXT) November 19, 2018
 (TXT) November 16, 2018
 (TXT) November 15, 2018
 (TXT) November 12, 2018
 (TXT) November 11, 2018
 (TXT) November 9, 2018
 (TXT) November 8, 2018
 (TXT) November 7, 2018
 (TXT) November 6, 2018
       Hosting courtesy of solderpunk / circumlunar.space