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       where self-links rule                |__/
       --- May 7 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) OEDILF, The, n.
       --- May 2 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) "Here We Are" Close Read Blog-o-thing
       --- May 1 --------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Power Button - Episode 384: Super Shopping Spree
       --- April 26 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Dungeon, an RPG system for Commodore 64
       --- April 24 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Anything can be a sandwich
       --- April 23 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Lost Notes: Season 4
       --- April 18 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Snail Facts! -- 15 Minute Incremental
       --- April 15 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Unsettled Tarot
       --- April 3 ------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) British Placename Mapper
       --- April 1 ------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Voyage of the Marigold
 (HTM) What Big teeth, a free RPG about minimum wage werewolves
       --- March 28 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Thousand Day Celebrations
       --- March 27 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) In The Name of the MOON
       --- March 24 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Where in the World
       --- March 22 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Movie Posters Perfected
       --- March 21 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Potassium supplementation and weight loss: My n=1 experiment
       --- March 19 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Untangling Non-Linearity: How the Linked List Changed Media and Challenged our Notion of Thought
       --- March 17 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Vancouver Needs More Housing
       --- March 16 -----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman is published!
       --- March 11 -----------------------------------------------------------
       --- March 6 ------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) XOXO 2024
       --- March 5 ------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Hey, There's Science In This
       --- March 1 ------------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) The End Of Suffering (Album)
       --- February 29 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Celeb Clock
       --- February 19 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Dodgeball Finder: Discover dodgeball leagues & events near you to make friends and stay fit
       --- February 18 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) By Sound Alone: An open-source and free novel with cargo submarines. Also a pigeon.
       --- February 14 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) 2024 Year in Books
       --- February 7 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Random Recipe Project: A YouTube Channel
       --- February 6 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) New book: 20 execution songs from Victorian London.
       --- January 30 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) TRU5T Ambassadors Kid Astronaut Program
       --- January 26 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Party Business Supreme
       --- January 19 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Partial Time Travel, and Other Thoughts on Our Media Diets
 (HTM) Ontario Barn Preservation
       --- January 2 ----------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) arcc, the Apocalypse Recovery Computing Cluster
       --- December 31 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) The Infinite 8-Bit Computer Game Character Archive
       --- December 27 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Various new translations of yet more old games
       --- December 18 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Winter Superstitions: A Choose Your Own Fate Book
       --- December 17 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Noir solo journaling game
       --- December 1 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Australian Bioacoustic Search Tool
       --- November 28 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Bottlecap Mountain - "I Guess It's Christmas" - Official Music Video
       --- November 27 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) The Taxonomy and Ecology of Demonology
       --- November 25 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Brids, Sfish and other Amals
       --- November 20 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) What Rosa Brought
       --- November 15 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Kraken Whispers - an interactive text adventure
       --- November 11 --------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) heroes wreck everything
       --- November 9 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Eldercare, Family Caretaking, and End-of-life Logistics: Stuff I Learned
       --- November 5 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Bonjour Hi - A game in the Montreal Metro
       --- November 4 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Baby's first stand-up set
       --- November 3 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Scorecard.gg
       --- October 31 ---------------------------------------------------------
 (HTM) Jabo's Annual Halloween Cartoon 2023
       "It's moist, but thanks."