(TXT) Talk-line: 2 line smilies
 (TXT) Question: Random .sig selection in mailers?
 (TXT) Request: Map of Chile
 (TXT) Talk: Newbies and Codgers
 (TXT) Info: Random .sigs in tin
 (TXT) Request: Asterix the Gaul in ASCII
 (TXT) Request: Diwali ASCII Pictures Requested
 (TXT) Info: Random .sig selection in mailers?
 (TXT) Info: ANSI Pictures
 (TXT) Question: Different sigs for different groups in tin?
 (TXT) Line: Trains
 (TXT) LINE: Yakko Warner
 (TXT) REQUEST: picture of a mushroom
 (TXT) Request: Archaeologist .sig
 (TXT) REQUEST: Happy Birthday Banner
 (TXT) Re: Question: Light-On-Dark to Dark-On-Light Converters?
 (TXT) Request: Old VW-Bully-ASCII needed!
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 (???) line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Question: What call do you make to get a random selection???
 (TXT) Answer: Ascii to Binary or Gif
 (TXT) Answer: What call do you make to get a random selection???
 (TXT) Talk: Which domain name should Bob use?
 (TXT) Request: OK soda logo
 (TXT) Answer: B'Day Pics
 (TXT) Answer: What call do you make to get a random selection???
 (TXT) Talk: Random .sig selection in mailers?
 (TXT) LINE: (ASCII) USS Defiant
 (TXT) Talk: Posting scripts
 (TXT) Request Biohazard sign
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sig-Sized Pretzel
 (TXT) REQUEST: USC Trojan Logo
 (TXT) Info: Where's the FAQ?
 (TXT) Answer: tin sig functions work in trn too?
 (TXT) REQUEST: rain, rainclouds
 (TXT) Re: Talk-line: 2 line smilies ==> one line ~v~
 (TXT) Talk-Correction-Order: Ascii to Binary or Gif
 (TXT) Line-GIF: USC Trojan Logo
 (TXT) Talk: Ascii to Binary or Gif
 (TXT) Line: Shadow
 (TXT) Talk: Which domain name should Bob use?
 (TXT) Talk: SubGenius "Bob" ASCII Parade
 (TXT) Request: ASCII movies...
 (TXT) Line: Compiled Smileys List -- Update
 (TXT) Line: Old VW-Bully-ASCII needed!
 (TXT) REQUEST Napoleon
 (TXT) Request: WANTED! Mr Horse from Ren and Stimpy
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 (???) line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Line: Test
 (TXT) Line: electronic dog sleds
 (TXT) Request: Small moon and/or pentagram
 (TXT) Request: Movie camera ASCII art
 (TXT) Request: letters JIGARSHAH in ascii
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Question: looking for listserv for ascii art
 (TXT) Line: A chain letter
 (TXT) Question: How to post a sig using nn?
 (TXT) Talk: Which domain name should Bob use?
 (TXT) Talk-line: 2 line smilies
 (TXT) Re: Talk-line: 3 & 4 line smilies (300+ lines)
 (TXT) Re: Talk-line: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Request line ascii of Marvin the Martian
 (TXT) Line: Sig modification
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sci-Fi & Fantasy ASCII Art
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.1 - 50 K)
 (TXT) Request: Kana
 (TXT) Info: Signature insertion in tin
 (TXT) LINE-TALK: 1&2 line Archive
 (TXT) REQUEST: John Paul Jones' Zep symbol; Line: Other's symbols
 (TXT) Question: Ascii to Binary or Gif
 (TXT) Talk: Which domain name should Bob use?
 (TXT) Talk: Which domain name should I use? Summary:
 (TXT) REQUEST: 3-D I love you stereogram
 (TXT) Question: tin sig functions work in trn too?
 (TXT) Talk-line: Stars (as in sky)
 (TXT) Info: Posting scripts
 (TXT) Answer: Signature probs
 (TXT) Talk: Seinfeld pics request
 (TXT) Question: 3d Art
 (TXT) Talk: Signature probs
 (TXT) Talk: Newbies and Codgers symbols
 (TXT) Line: Calvin and Hobbes
 (TXT) Request : Smurf
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Question: Which domain name should I use? Summary:
 (TXT) Talk: Signature probs
 (TXT) REQUEST: horses
 (TXT) Info: URL for the Spider's Web
 (TXT) REQUEST: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Request: Figletize "The Beta Pirate"
 (TXT) Answer: Which are ST and Amiga Figlet versions
 (TXT) REQUEST: Sig for me (neutrino)
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) REQUEST: Help me get my point across :)
 (TXT) Request: I am looking for a flower to send someone.
 (TXT) Talk: Thanks Mike
 (TXT) Info: How do I use FTP, Gopher, WWW
 (TXT) Talk: ST and Amiga Figlet versions
 (TXT) Line: mountains
 (TXT) Talk: 3d Art
 (TXT) REQUEST: Logo/Pics for new e-text journal
 (TXT) Info: Current /pub/Scarecrow/Figlet at ftp.wwa.com
 (TXT) Line: Millenium Falcon
 (TXT) Info: Current /pub/Scarecrow/Figlet at ftp.wwa.com
 (TXT) Request: Stars (as in sky) indiv. or various
 (TXT) Repost: Stars (as in sky)
 (TXT) Question: archives?
 (TXT) Talk: archives?
 (TXT) Request: 2 line smilies
 (TXT) Answer: WWW pages
 (TXT) Request: Ascii strawberries? please?
 (TXT) REQ: 3-D Saxophone
 (TXT) Request: Map of Mexico...
 (TXT) Info: ST and Amiga Figlet versions
 (TXT) Talk: ST and Amiga Figlet versions
 (TXT) Request: Weather-related piccys
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Logo/Pics for new e-text journal
 (TXT) Answer: ST and Amiga Figlet versions
 (TXT) LINE-TALK: defiant,nebula,etc...
 (TXT) Request: Signature insertion in tin
 (TXT) Question: Light-On-Dark to Dark-On-Light Converters?
 (TXT) Talk-line: 2 line smilies
 (TXT) Talk: Newbies and Codgers symbols
 (TXT) line: 2 line smilies
 (TXT) Info: STARTREK mailing list
 (TXT) Line-GIF-talk: SubGenius "Bob" ASCII Parade (500+ lines)
 (TXT) Info: Signature insertion in tin
 (TXT) TALK: Small Ascii Pics
 (TXT) Request: Houston Skyline
 (TXT) Re: Talk: BIG.MONEY.NOW! New & Improved!!!
 (TXT) Line: MAP: Haiti
 (TXT) line: Moonwave
 (TXT) 3D: Hearts
 (TXT) Line: Map of Washington
 (TXT) Line: Guitarman
 (TXT) Line: My sig
 (TXT) Line: Doom Sig.
 (TXT) REQUEST: clinton
 (TXT) Request: 3 D Art
 (TXT) Talk: 3 D Art
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (4.0 - 49 K)
 (TXT) Info: Escape sequesces
 (TXT) Re: Need help /w .sig pleeze!
 (TXT) Announnce: Reposting of animations on a.a-a.a
 (TXT) Info: Welcome to rec.arts.ascii
 (TXT) REQUEST: the moon
 (TXT) Line: Trotting Horse
 (TXT) Re: Line: Scissor and cut line
 (TXT) Request: Iranian font
 (TXT) Talk: GIF converters
 (TXT) Line: the moon
 (TXT) GIF: clinton
 (TXT) Line: Bmabi
 (TXT) LINE: RowAscii 1.2 collection (repost)
 (TXT) Talk: Bmabi
 (TXT) Request: sheep ascii image
 (TXT) TALK: RowAscii 1.2 collection
 (TXT) Talk: GIF->ASCII: Is it Art?
 (TXT) Talk: Rowan ASCII Pictures
 (TXT) REQUEST Dragon for Login Screen
 (TXT) Talk: Clans
 (TXT) Request: Marijuana leaf
 (TXT) Answer: Signature probs
 (TXT) Talk: URL for the Spider's Web
 (TXT) REQUEST: Pointer to picture of hop cones
 (TXT) Repost: 3 D Art
 (TXT) Talk-line: The Smiley Dictionary
 (TXT) Talk-line: Newbies and Codgers symbols
 (TXT) Request: Need a Grand Piano...
 (TXT) Talk-line: 1 line Ascii Art
 (TXT) Talk: Signature insertion
 (TXT) Talk: Flowers compilation
 (TXT) Talk: Signature probs
 (TXT) Line : Smurf
 (TXT) REQUEST: NY Rangers logo
 (TXT) Answer: Conversion files
 (TXT) Talk-line: Summersault
 (TXT) Talk: GIF->ASCII: Is it Art?
 (TXT) Answer: How to key in ESC[ on VAX or PC or UNIX or ...
 (TXT) Question: Conversion files
 (TXT) Line: Ascii of Cosmic Cutie....
 (TXT) Request: a BIG match
 (TXT) Request: small guitars?
 (TXT) Line: Cosmic Cutie....
 (TXT) Talk: IDs
 (TXT) Line-Talk: A Different Trek Font
 (TXT) Talk: IDs
 (TXT) Question: Ansi newsgroup?
 (TXT) Request: Dragon
 (TXT) Talk: IDs
 (TXT) Line: Scissor and cut lines (4 versions)
 (TXT) Talk: small guitars?
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Request: Repost IBIS
 (TXT) Line: Cosmic Cutie....
 (TXT) Line: Some new (I hope) Clans.
 (TXT) REQUEST: asciitools
 (TXT) Re: Talk: IDs
 (TXT) Talk: ANSI newsgroup?
 (TXT) Line: a BIG match
 (TXT) Talk: IDs
 (TXT) Talk: Is it Art?
 (TXT) Question: What is a "labeled" newsgroup?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Mighty Ducks NHL logo
 (TXT) Answer: What is a "labeled" newsgroup?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Depeche Mode "logos"
 (TXT) request: dancing bears
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Info: Disney
 (TXT) Answer: How to FTP?
 (TXT) Line: match
 (TXT) Request: Pinky and the Brain
 (TXT) Re: Question: Gif to Ascii????
 (TXT) Question: Gif to Ascii????
 (TXT) Talk: BIG.MONEY.NOW! New & Improved!!!
 (TXT) REQUEST: Wonderland char
 (TXT) Talk-line: Hooty Hoot?
 (TXT) TALK: Small Ascii Pics
 (TXT) REQUEST: pictures of Jeeps
 (TXT) Line: dancing bears
 (TXT) Line: Hearts
 (TXT) Question: ascii of dinosaurs...email me.
 (TXT) Talk: GIF->ASCII: Is it Art?
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (3.8 - 47 K)
 (TXT) Info: If you have requested art by email ...
 (TXT) REQUEST: Raindrop
 (TXT) Line: Raindrop
 (TXT) Re: Info: Mail request problem fixed
 (TXT) Info: Cow Series
 (TXT) Re: Line: Spider and/or mantis
 (TXT) Re: Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Line: Clans
 (TXT) Talk: GIF->ASCII: Is it Art?
 (TXT) Line: Raindrop
 (TXT) REQUEST: Ritual Sacrifice
 (TXT) Talk: What is Emacs?
 (TXT) request: ascii Flowers: 7 roses
 (TXT) Request for Ren and Stimpy
 (TXT) Line: TrekFont
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Question: Archives of animated ascii art?
 (TXT) TALK-LINE: wave line
 (TXT) Answer: Archives of animated ascii art
 (TXT) Info: Figlet mail server help update
 (TXT) Talk: What is Emacs?
 (TXT) Re: Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Info: How to access ASCII Art Reference
 (TXT) Question: Where to get Figlet fonts?
 (TXT) REQUEST: stars
 (TXT) ANNOUNCE: ASCII ART FAQ now in Web format
 (TXT) Line: Tiny hummingbird
 (TXT) Line: My F18 .sig
 (TXT) Talk: What is Emacs?
 (TXT) Answer: Where to get Figlet fonts
 (TXT) Line: Stars
 (TXT) Line-Talk: A Different Trek Font
 (TXT) Answer: Where gifscii is in ftp.netcom.com
 (TXT) Info: HTML editors at winftp.cica.indiana.edu
 (TXT) Question: Personal Computer World email address?
 (TXT) Talk-Line: F18 .sig
 (TXT) Request Cheetah
 (TXT) REQUEST: Donkey
 (TXT) Talk: What is Emacs?
 (TXT) LINE-TALK: Trek-Font
 (TXT) Line: 4 line high ascii art of Enterprise and Macintosh
 (TXT) Talk: GIF->ASCII: Is it Art?
 (TXT) Info: Code to use Figlet within Emacs
 (TXT) Talk: What is Emacs?
 (TXT) LINE: New .sig... I like the border <shrug>
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Emacs code
 (TXT) Talk: Emacs
 (TXT) Line: Cheque...please :D
 (TXT) Talk: Emacs
 (TXT) Line: Sidewinder
 (TXT) Talk: Emacs
 (TXT) Request: Sig Help, por favor?
 (TXT) Line: Ascii of Cosmic Cutie....
 (TXT) Request: Anyone have a picture of a monkey?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Cats or members of the feline family...
 (TXT) Talk: Emacs
 (TXT) Request: Pac-Man Font
 (TXT) Request: Tea set
 (TXT) REQUEST: fairy
 (TXT) Request: A kiss.
 (TXT) Talk-line: New .sig... I like the border <shrug>
 (TXT) Line: 4 line high ascii art of Enterprise and Macintosh
 (TXT) GIF: A kiss
 (TXT) Line: Field of smilies
 (TXT) Should IDs be put at the end? (question)
 (TXT) Line: Swan Song Logo.
 (TXT) Should IDs be put at the end? (question)
 (TXT) Line-Talk: A Different Trek Font
 (TXT) line: Birthday Cake
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Book
 (TXT) REQUEST: CHALLENGE: Formula 1 Car !!
 (TXT) GIF-TALK: A kiss
 (TXT) Talk: Should IDs be put at the end?
 (TXT) Talk: Should IDs be put at the end?
 (TXT) GIF-TALK: A kiss
 (TXT) Info: Smilies updated and on ftp.wwa.com in pub/Scarecrow/Misc
 (TXT) Talk: Flowers compilation
 (TXT) Info: Flowers now on ftp.wwa.com in pub/Scarecrow/Misc
 (TXT) Info: Hearts now on ftp.wwa.com in pub/Scarecrow/Misc
 (TXT) Talk: Should IDs be put at the end?
 (TXT) Line: 4 line high ascii art of Enterprise and Macintosh
 (TXT) (question) OK, how about IDs like this?
 (TXT) REQUEST: Wolves
 (TXT) Question: HELP -- How to key in ESC[ on VAX or PC or UNIX or ...
 (TXT) GIF: DOOM art
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (3.9 - 48 K)
 (TXT) Line: CLANS
 (TXT) Line: Formula 1 Car
 (TXT) TALK: Should IDs be put at the end?
 (TXT) Should IDs be put at the end? (question)
 (TXT) Re: (question) OK, how about IDs like this?
 (TXT) Talk-Line-GIF: BIG.MONEY.NOW! New & Improved!!!
 (TXT) Talk: Smilies updated and on ftp.wwa.com in pub/Scarecrow/Misc
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Line: Summersault
 (TXT) REQUEST: archery
 (TXT) Talk: Clans
 (TXT) Line: Figletized name
 (TXT) REQUEST: Picture of jester
 (TXT) Request: Scissors
 (TXT) Answer: What is Emacs?
 (TXT) Request: Zero Assassin conversion
 (TXT) Talk-Line: Zero Assassin conversion
 (TXT) Talk: Clans
 (TXT) Request: 4 line high ascii art of Enterprise and Macintosh
 (TXT) Info: WWW Star Trek ASCII Art Archive
 (TXT) Announce: New Figlet Server
 (TXT) Line: Scarecrow Sig Gallery
 (TXT) Line: Wasp
 (TXT) LINE: Naked Horse-Woman
 (TXT) Talk: Thank you Mike Jittlov
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Line: Spider and/or mantis
 (TXT) LINE: Spider
 (TXT) REQUEST: Piano or Musical Notes
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) follow-up to LINE: Naked Horse-Woman
 (TXT) Talk-GIF: Zero Assassin conversion
 (TXT) Talk: Logos
 (TXT) Answer: Help with mdraw.el
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Info: New Subject ID's
 (TXT) Line: The Spying at the Wall Dict. - September '94 Edition
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) request: ascii windsurfer
 (TXT) Info: HoopyWeb
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Line: 4 line high ascii art of Enterprise and Macintosh
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Talk: Should I html'ize the FAQ?
 (TXT) Info: Display of Figlet fonts
 (TXT) Request: Will somebody Figletize these?
 (TXT) Line-Talk: A Different Trek Font & New AXP Logo
 (TXT) Line: Bird
 (TXT) Request: Where is gifscii in ftp.netcom.com?
 (TXT) Info: Using a web browser to access FTP sites.
 (TXT) REQUEST: Here's a challenge for you...
 (TXT) Line: Scissors
 (TXT) Line-GIF: NQCBGT Official List Of Dragon Ascii Art v1.20 (1 of 2)
 (TXT) Line-GIF: NQCBGT Official List Of Dragon Ascii Art v1.20 (2 of 2)
 (TXT) Line: An ascii art submission
 (TXT) Talk: GIF->ASCII: Is it Art?
 (TXT) Answer: ascii ftp site?
 (TXT) Talk: Logos
 (TXT) Line: Teddy Bears
 (TXT) Talk: The Star Trek ascii FAQ [1/6]
 (TXT) Line-Talk: The Star Trek ascii FAQ [2/6]
 (TXT) Line-Talk: The Star Trek ascii FAQ [3/6]
 (TXT) Line: The Star Trek ascii FAQ [4/6]
 (TXT) GIF: The Star Trek ascii FAQ [5/6]
 (TXT) Line-Talk: The Star Trek ascii FAQ [6/6]