(DIR) petergarner.net gopher root
        -- Cyber(space), Technical and Internet related ---------------------
 (BIN) Failing the Fix: Grading laptop and cell phone companies on the fixability of their products (2024)
 (BIN) The Evolution of Lisp (1993)
 (BIN) Microsoft: Carbon-aware computing: Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint associated with software in execution
 (BIN) Digitally enhanced brochure for the 1984 Apple Mac 128k computer
 (BIN) Android 101: prepared for the US Court
 (BIN) International Standards for Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters: Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework and 2023 update to the Common Reporting Standard
 (BIN) NCTC Report: Terrorist and Militant Attacks on Electricity Infrastructure Continue at High Rate
 (BIN) The attack against Danish, critical infrastructure
 (BIN) The Specops Weak Password Report 2023
        -- Reports by CCDH: Center for Countering Digital Hate - 
        -- a controversial Think Tank. All opinions their own.
 (BIN) CCDH: Why platforms must act on twelve leading online anti-vaxxers
 (BIN) CCDH: How ten fringe publishers fuel 69% of digital climate change denial
 (BIN) CCDH: TikTok pushes harmful content promoting eating disorders and self-harm into users' feeds
 (BIN) CCDH: How big tech powers and profits from David Icke's lies and hate, and why it must stop"
 (BIN) CCDH: How Google profits by cleaning Big Oil's reputation
 (BIN) CCDH: How Google profits from anti-choice ads distorting searches for reproductive healthcare 
 (BIN) CCDH: How Iran's press TV uses social media to promote anti-Jewish hatred
 (BIN) CCDH: Submission to the White House Sept 2022
 (BIN) CCDH: How Twitter makes millions from anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric
 (BIN) CCDH: Report prepared for UK Parliament Public Bill Committee, Online Safety Bill
 (BIN) Cyber threat report: UK Charity Sector (NCSC)
 (TXT) Kevin Mitnick's statement to the US Senate: Cyber Attack: Is the Government Safe?
 (BIN) Thoughts on child safety on commodity platforms
 (BIN) SECURING PRIVACY - Privacy International on End-to-End Encryption
 (BIN) Draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022
 (BIN) Tandy M100 service manual
 (BIN) Escalation Risks of Intelligence Loss from Countercyber Operations in Crisis
 (BIN) Soviet Computer Software and Applications in the 1980s
 (BIN) Australian High Court rules against Google: hyperlinking is not publishing
 (BIN) Sensitive Court Procedures Following SolarWinds Breach
 (BIN) The Surreal Case of a C.I.A Hacker's Revenge
 (BIN) Cyber Intelligence - Danchev Memoir
 (BIN) Those Unspoken Thoughts: A study of censorship and media freedom in Manipur, India
 (BIN) A taxonomy of internet shutdowns the technologies behind network interference
 (BIN) Privacy International's report "Personal data and competition: Mapping perspectives, identifying challenges and enhancing engagement for competition regulators and civil society"
 (BIN) Extended Analysis of “How Child Welfare Workers Reduce Racial Disparities in Algorithmic Decisions”
 (BIN) FBI: Ransomware Attacks on Agricultural Cooperatives Potentially Timed to Critical Seasons
 (BIN) Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure Alert AA22-110A
 (BIN) Lapsus$, Okta and the Health Sector
 (TXT) Apple's whitelist of auto-completable domains in iOS  (JSON format)
 (TXT) So, you want to be a Darkweb Drug Lord...
 (BIN) The Microft Password Guide
 (BIN) THE 2022 WEAK PASSWORD REPORT: An annual investigative look at the state of passwords. Specops.
 (BIN) What Data Do The Google Dialer and Messages Apps On Android Send to Google?
 (BIN) A Researcher’s Guide to Some Legal Risks of Security Research October 2020
 (BIN) St Louis Post-Dispatch publishes report re Missouri Governor Mike Parson's vow to prosecute a journalist for reporting a "security flaw" in a state website
 (BIN) 2014: Xerox scanners/photocopiers randomly alter numbers in scanned documents (German language)
 (BIN) This World of Ours: James Mickens, Usenix August 2012
 (BIN) Does Transparency in Moderation Really Matter: User Behavior After Content Removal Explanations on Reddit
 (BIN) 2022/02/03 1408 Coll vs. Google Ruling on disclosure of legal funding arrangements
 (BIN) Wearing Many Hats: the Rise of the Professional Security Hacker: Goerzen, Coleman
 (BIN) "The Unix Time-sharing System" the 1978 BSTJ update of the 1974 C. ACM article by Richie and Ken Thompson originally describing Unix
 (BIN) "The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System": an account of developments during 1968-1973
 (BIN) "A Stream Input/Output System" from AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, 1984
 (BIN) "Variable-size Arrays in C" a proposal of Richie's that appeared in Journal of C Language Translation, but is not the approach adopted for the 1999 ISO C standard
 (BIN) "Recent Changes to C": from the 7th Edition manual
 (BIN) The version of the C Reference Manual that came with 6th Edition Unix (May 1975), in the second volume entitled "Documents for Use With the Unix Time-sharing System"
 (BIN) "Interprocess Communication in the Ninth Edition Unix System" with D. L. Presotto, from Software-Practice and Experience June 1990
 (BIN) OPT/Israel: Six Palestinian human rights defenders hacked with NSO Group’s Pegasus Spyware
 (BIN) Bugs in our Pockets: The Risks of Client-Side Scanning
 (BIN) Virtual Worlds, Real People: Human Rights in the Metaverse
 (BIN) Re: Google Digital Advertising Antitrust Litigation (2nd Complaint) - Jury Trial Demanded
 (BIN) CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF THE DRONE AT BARD COLLEGE: The Drone Database - March 2020 update
 (BIN) Advisoryreport on the Surveillance Legislation Amendment-IdentifyandDisrupt-Bill 2020.pdf
        -- Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies walked out 950 pages of Google
           internal documents to the Department of Justice anti trust 
           division detailing Google's extensive censorship project.
           This project is called "Machine Learning Fairness", which has 
           already corrupted Google Search, YouTube and News products. 
           This, along with various black lists and secret page rank scores
           is being used by Google to manipulate public opinion according 
           to a hidden agenda. Enjoy! 
 (BIN) AI-with-the-best fairness presentation 
 (BIN) Algorithmic Discrimination from an Environmental Psychology Perspective Stress-Inducing Differential Treatment 
 (BIN) Allegations of Algorithmic Bias Investigation and Meta-Analysis 
 (BIN) Attorney-Client Privileged_ Cloud DEI 2018 Planning 
 (BIN) BUSINESS Multicultural capacity framework - Robbins 2014 - rev. 4-11-17 
 (BIN) Comms doc Fairness in machine learning 
 (BIN) Deck for participants- 2016-08 Serving Under-Represented Users in Recommenders with Focused Learning 
 (BIN) DeepMind MTV -  Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Grow 
 (BIN) Definition of Algorithmic Unfairness - PRIVILEGED 
 (BIN) Expanding Collaboration for News Quality 
 (BIN) Fair is not the default (go fair-not-default)
 (BIN) Feeding WebSpam manual actions to News (Design Doc) 
 (BIN) Fwd  Fake News-letter 11 27 -  Efforts to combat spread of (mis/dis)information - Google Groups 
 (BIN) go-ml-fairness 
 (BIN) Metrics and Measurements for Algorithmic Fairness in Machine Learning - Privileged 
 (BIN) ML Fairness 
 (BIN) ML Fairness-resources 
 (BIN) Page level domain restrction 2017_10_02 US Las-Vegas Attack Deadliest Us Mass Shooting Trend Index 
 (BIN) Privileged Confidential - ML Fairness Communication Best Practices 
 (BIN) Realtime Boost - DesignDoc 
 (BIN) RealtimeBoost Events DesignDoc 
 (BIN) Realtime Events - preso 
 (BIN) RMI Diversity Summit - Blaise 15m version (yes really) 
 (BIN) Search - Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) - Grow 
 (BIN) Seeds of Change- Root causes of algorithmic unfairness, and a path forward 
 (BIN) Sojourn - people 
 (BIN) The data on diversity - December 1, 2015 
 (BIN) Training Global Google efforts to address Fake News - 2016 Q4 
 (BIN) Twiddler Quick Start Guide - Superroot 
 (BIN) Unconscious Bias Cheat Sheet (for Perf) - Google Docs 
 (BIN) Unconscious Bias @ Work (Self Study Video) - Grow 
 (BIN) YouTube controversial query blacklist
 (HTM) Google Leaks: Censorship Exposed: Zach Vorhies' Site
        -- A fine collection of Technically-oriented PDFs (Papers, Specs,
        -- Decks, Manuals, etc) compiled by Trent Nelson and dehain.
        -- Visit the full collection at https://github.com/tpn/pdfs
 (DIR) The TPN Technical PDF Collection
 (BIN) United States of America v Joseph James O’Connor Case No.3:21-mj-70812 MAG
 (BIN) Divsion of local government and school accountability: Watervliet School IT Report
 (BIN) Divsion of local government and school accountability: Westhill Central School IT Report
 (BIN) Facebook's Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior Report June 2021 
 (BIN) John McAfee - died today - Wikipedia as at 2012-06-24
 (BIN) Pretty Good Phone Privacy: Schmitt, Raghavan
 (BIN) Privacy Implications of Accelerometer Data: Kröger, Raschke, Bhuiyan
 (BIN) The Commodore 64 Home Companion
 (BIN) An Introduction to Ray-Tracing - Morgan Kauffman
 (BIN) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity v0.6.6
 (BIN) Apple: A Day in the Life of Your Data
 (BIN) Cease and Desist letter from NPCC to Paul Moore re Cyberalarm software
 (BIN) Taylor et al. vs Google Case 5:20-cv-07956
 (BIN) Prio: Private, Robust, and Scalable Computation of Aggregate Statistics
 (BIN) International Statement: End-To-End Encryption and Public Safety, OPA, DOJ
 (BIN) Reform Think Tank-Resilient public services in an age of cyber threats
 (BIN) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India: Highlights of subscription data 20200731
 (BIN) Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2020 September (30Mb)
 (BIN) Competition document:Unmanned Air Systems in Urban Environments (MOD)
 (BIN) CISA - Chinese Ministry of State Security-Affiliated Cyber Threat Actor Activity
 (BIN) Multilateral Mutual Assistance & Cooperation Framework for Competition Authorities MOU
 (BIN) A Guide to the IBM 3033 Processor, AP and MP Complex
 (BIN) Linux Productivity Tools (Ketan M, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
 (BIN) Technical,Legal Review of the Stopp Corona App by the Austrian Red Cross
 (BIN) Terbium Labs: Data: The Business World's Most Vulnerable Commodity
 (BIN) Do Cookie Banners Respect my Choice - Matte,Bielova,Santos
 (BIN) Root DNSSEC KSK Ceremony 403
 (BIN) Snowden's Permanent Record - Chinese CN edition with underlined redactions
 (BIN) Investigation into the Use of Data-analytics in Political Campaigns: final 20181105
 (BIN) Description of 1,027,871 images from 50,000unique hotels around the world dataset
 (BIN) Rollback an apt-get upgrade if something goes wrong on Debian / Ubuntu Linux
 (BIN) Internet accessible devices; obscenity filtering (State of Arizona)
 (BIN) Security and Privacy in Computer Systems (Willis H Ware Apri 1967)
 (BIN) Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Weapon Systems
 (BIN) Defendent Apple Inc's Motion To Dismiss Plaintiffs' 2nd Amended Complaint (battery/slowdown)
 (BIN) The Cyber Security Body Of Knowledge v1.0
 (BIN) Google Report: The Hunt for 3ve
 (BIN) Ofcom: UK Communications Market Report 2018
 (BIN) Robust Website Fingerprinting Through the Cache Occupancy Channel
 (BIN) UK’s Critical National Infrastructure Third Report of Session 2017–19
 (BIN) ATM logic attacks: scenarios
 (BIN) Audit of the acute kidney injury detection system known as Streams Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
 (BIN) Apple T2 Security Chip Security Overview October 2018
 (BIN) Consultation on revised assessment arrangements for GCSE computer science
 (BIN) After the Reboot - Computing Education in UK Schools
 (BIN) Self-encrypting deception: weaknesses in the encryption of solid state drives
 (BIN) The Case for the Web - a proposed charter for Netizens
 (BIN) Taamneh vs Twitter
 (BIN) China Telecom's BGP Hijacking
 (BIN) Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security Oct 2018
 (BIN) onsumer_Guidance_for_Smart_Devices_in_the_Home_Oct_2018
 (BIN) Mapping of IoT: Security Recommendations,Guidance,Standards Oct 2018
 (BIN) Insight Intelligent Technology Index 2018
 (BIN) The Stroz Report
 (BIN) Google vs Levandowski: engineer went to Uber
 (BIN) Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment
 (BIN) City_of_Philadelphia_Comments_to_Draft
 (BIN) Migrating an old Mac Mini work environment to a Raspberry Pi
 (BIN) Yet Another Wireless Access Project (YARWAP): Billy Nomad
 (BIN) Machine Learning Algorithms and Police Decision-Making: Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Challenges
 (BIN) OpenEMR v5.0.1.3 - Vulnerability Report - Project Insecurity - insecurity.sh
 (BIN) The MSB 2018 Virus Situation as of 3oth July 2018 by Eric Wyatt
 (BIN) Open Rights Group: Age Verification Briefing 08/2018
 (BIN) Under The Hoodie - pentesting 2018 report
 (BIN) Teach 'em to Phish - Privacy International report
 (BIN) Are your cookies telling your fortune: analysis of weak cookie secrets and OSINT
 (BIN) Stuxnet: (how to) kill a centrifuge
 (BIN) The AWK Programming Language (1988)
         Related to British Board of Film Censors (BBFC) in their role as
         Managers of the UK Government Age Verification System for adult
 (BIN) BBFC: Draft Guidance on Age-verification Arrangements and Draft Guidance on Ancillary Service Providers
 (BIN) BBFC: UPDATED Draft Guidance On Age Verification Arrangements, Draft Guidance On Ancillary Service Providers
 (BIN) BBFC: Guidance on Age-verification Arrangements Submitted to the Secretary of State pursuant to section 25 of the Digital Economy Act 2017
 (BIN) BBFC: Memorandum of understanding between the ICO and BBFC
 (BIN) BBFC: Memorandum of understanding between the IWF and BBFC
        Speakers notes from the Defcon 25 conference in Las Vegas
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: 0ctane Untrustworthy Hardware
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Alvaro Munoz JSON attacks
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Andrew Robbins and Will Schroeder An Ace Up The Sleeve
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Artem Kondratenko Cisco Catalyst Exploitation
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Ayoul3 Dealing the Perfect Hand Shuffling memory blocks on zOS
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Caleb Madrigal IOT Hacking With SDR
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Chris Thompson MS Just Gave The Blue Teams Tactical Nukes
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Christopher Domas Breaking The x86 ISA
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Cincvolflt Inside The Meet Desai Attack
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Damien Cauquil Weaponizing the BBC MicroBit
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Daniel Bohannon and Lee Holmes Revoke Obfuscation
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Datko and Quartier Breaking Bitcoin Hardware Wallets
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Dhia Mahjoub and Thomas Mathew Malicious CDNs Identifying Zbot Domains en Masse
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Foofus Secret Tools Learning About Gov Surveillance Software
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Gabriel Ryan Advanced Wireless Attacks Against Enterprise Networks Course Guide
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Gabriel Ryan Advanced Wireless Attacks Against Enterprise Networks Lab Setup Guide
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Gabriel Ryan Advanced Wireless Attacks Against Enterprise Networks
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Gerald Steere and Sean Metcalf Hacking the Cloud
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Gil Cohen Call The Plumber You Have A Leak In Your (named) Pipe
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Hanno Boeck Abusing Certificate Transparency Logs
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Haoqi Shan and Jian Yuan Man in the NFC
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Hernandez Richards MacDonald Evoy Tracking Spies in the Skies
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Hyrum Anderson Evading Next Gen AV Using AI
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Ilja van Sprundel BSD Kern Vulns
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Inbar and Eden Story of Early Israeli Hacking Community
 (BIN) DEFCON 25: Jesse Michael and Mickey Shkatov Driving Down the Rabbit Hole
 (BIN) Baloch: Bypassing Browser Security Policies For Fun And Profit
 (BIN) The State of Surveillance in 2018 - BigBrotherWatch
 (BIN) ICANN: WHOIS, GDPR Article 29 working party memo
 (BIN) ICANN: Proposed temporary spec of gTLD registration data
 (TXT) Phrack Magazine: Attacking JavaScript Engines
 (BIN) Julian Assange's statement November 14/15th 2016
 (BIN) ONS Report: Internet Access Households & Individuals 2016
 (BIN) Information Security for Journalists v1.3
 (TXT) BBS Lists: Os/2 BBS
 (BIN) "What would you like to see to see most in Minix?" A question by some guy called Torvalds
 (BIN) D1 COMMSEC - Elisabeth de Leeuw - Unformation  in the Era of Hyper Connectivity
 (BIN) D1 COMMSEC - Marc Newlin - Applying Regulatory Data to IoT RF Reverse Engineering
 (BIN) D1 COMMSEC - Martin Knobloch - Dont Feed the Hippos
 (BIN) D1 COMMSEC - Nadav Markus and Gal De Leon - Exploiting GLIBC - Hacking Everything
 (BIN) D2 COMMSEC - Mattijs van Ommeren - A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Where Malware Meets Murphy
 (BIN) D1T1 - Jacob Torrey - Using the Observer Effect and Cyber Fengshui
 (BIN) D1T1 - Lin Huang - Forcing a Targeted LTE Cellphone into an Eavesdropping Network
 (BIN) D1T1 - Nick Biasini - Exploit Kits - Hunting the Hunters
 (BIN) D1T1 - Radu Caragea - Peering into the Depths of TLS Traffic in Real Time
 (BIN) D1T1 - Shengping Wang and Xu Liu - Escape From The Docker-KVM-QEMU Machine
 (BIN) D1T1 - Tang Qing Hao - Virtualization System Vulnerability Discovery Framework
 (BIN) D1T2 - Broderick Aquilino and Wayne Low - Kernel Exploit Hunting and Mitigation
 (BIN) D1T2 - Chilik Tamir - Profiting from iOS Malware
 (BIN) D1T2 - Michele Spagnuolo and Lukas Weichselbaum - CSP Oddities
 (BIN) D1T2 - Tim Xia - Adaptive Android Kernel Live Patching
 (BIN) D1T2 - Yann Allain and Julien Moinard - Hardsploit Project
 (BIN) D1T3 - Gustavo Grieco - Vulnerability Discovery Using Machine Learning
 (BIN) D1T3 LABS - Anto Joseph - Droid-FF
 (BIN) D2T1 - Anders Fogh - Cache Side Channel Attacks
 (BIN) D2T1 - Felix Wilhelm - Attacking Next Generation Firewalls
 (BIN) D2T1 - Jun Li - CANSsee - An Automobile Intrusion Detection System
 (BIN) D2T1 - Yuwei Zheng and Haoqi Shan - Forging a Wireless Time Signal to Attack NTP Servers
 (BIN) D2T1 Itzik Kotler and Amit Klein - The Perfect Exfiltration Technique
 (BIN) D2T2 - Mikhail Egorov and Sergey Soldatov - New Methods for Exploiting ORM Injections in Java Applications
 (BIN) D2T2 - Peter blasty Geissler - Breaking Naive ESSID WPA2 Key Generation Algorithms
 (BIN) D2T2 - Richard Johnson - Go Speed Tracer - Guided Fuzzing
 (BIN) D2T2 - Shangcong Luan - Xen Hypervisor VM Escape
 (BIN) D2T2 - Wish Wu - Perf - From Profiling to Kernel Exploiting
 (BIN) D2T3 LABS - Matteo Beccaro - Electronic Access Control Security
 (BIN) KEYNOTE 1 - John Adams - Beyond FBI v Apple
 (BIN) KEYNOTE 2 - Adam Laurie - The Future Has Arrived and its Effin Hilarious
 (BIN) The rise and fall of the Gopher protocol-MinnPost
 (BIN) CLOSING KEYNOTE - Sophia D Antoine - Hardware Side Channels in Virtualized Environments
 (BIN) Assange: "Google is not what it seems"
 (BIN) Do You See What I see? Differential of Anonymous Users
 (TXT) The Dutch Government Position on Encryption [original Dutch].txt
 (TXT) The Dutch Government Position on Encryption [machine_translated].txt
 (BIN) Don't throw away your old_boarding pass
 (BIN) Government Cellphone Surveillance Equipment Catalogue
 (TXT) Kazakhstan Telecom notifies on introduction of national security certificate from January 2016
 (BIN) Perl 6 Introduction
 (BIN) Megaupload: the Copyright Lobby and the Future of Digital Rights
 (BIN) Megaupload: Affidavit of Lawrence Lessig September 2015
 (BIN) Covert Communication in Mobile Applications 2015
 (BIN) NSA Journal of Information Warfare 2015
 (BIN) NSA Journal of Information Warfare 2014
 (BIN) EFF Report on colour printers that watermark each doc printed
 (BIN) Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice
 (BIN) TOR browser forensics on Windows OS (short).pdf
 (BIN) Microsoft: a History of Anticompetitive Behaviour and Consumer Harm (2009)
 (BIN) The Web's Shadiest (TLD) Neighbourhoods
 (BIN) Wifi Bedouin - Julian Bleecker's project that spawned the PirateBox
 (BIN) Location Tracking using Mobile Device Power Analysis
 (BIN) Equation Group: questions and answers. Report by Kaspersky
 (BIN) SOHO Pharming: a Team Cymru report on the scale of home/SOHO router exploits
 (BIN) Draft Declaration of Internet Rghts
 (BIN) "Chattering Laptops" - think you're anonymous? Er, no
 (BIN) The (real) Matrix - via The Hidden Wiki
 (BIN) A Question of Momentum - Critical Reflections on Individual Options for Surveillance Resistance.pdf
 (BIN) Understanding Counter-surveillance as Critical Discourse and Practice.pdf
 (BIN) POST note discussing the state of UK data encryption in 2006
 (BIN) POST note discussing Tor, the Dark Net and Online Anonymity
 (BIN) 142,635,139 emails inspected by Mimecast; report
 (BIN) Western Australian Auditor General’s Report: IT systems 2018
 (ARC) A collection of *nix Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers for Interview/Exam (2018 Edition)
 (ARC) PHP 4.0 documentation as big html
 (BIN) A framework for progressive engagement of staff in cyber security
 (BIN) Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt-Usability Evaluation of PGP 5.0
 (BIN) Why Johnny -Still- Can’t Encrypt Evaluating the Usability of a Modern PGP_Client
 (DIR) Bitreich.org Gopherish-themed radio interview
 (BIN) Google Data Collection: Professor Douglas C Schmidt Professor of Computer Science Vanderbilt University
 (IMG) The Linux distro family tree
 (TXT) How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project.txt
 (BIN) Understanding and Characterizing Interception of the DNS Resolution Path
 (BIN) Dissecting Tor Bridges: a Security Evaluation of Their Private and Public Infrastructures
 (BIN) Freeing the Web from the Browser: Revisiting Open Hypermedia (Savage, J: Univeristy of Bath)
 (BIN) A Two-Phase Usability Study of the FIDO U2F Security Key
 (BIN) Do a robot’s social skills and its objection discourage it being switched off (Horstmann et al)
 (BIN) Easy-read guide to LED safety
 (BIN) Potential Human Health Risks of LEDs - Sheer, Final
 (BIN) Results of public consultation on Scheer's preliminary opinion on LEDs
 (BIN) ERP Applications Under Fire - Onapsis - July 2018
 (BIN) FTC Consumer Sentinel Data Book 2017 - Fraud, Theft Report
 (BIN) The 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing
 (BIN) DeepLog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis from System Logs through Deep Learning
 (BIN) Forensic Analysis and Anonymisation of Printed Documents
 (BIN) Identification and Obfuscation of Social Media Users using metadata
 (BIN) The Commodore 64 design from 1985
 (BIN) Deceived by design: User Interface Dark Patterns (Google, Facebook)
 (BIN) Inference Attacks by Malicious Batteries on Mobile Devices
 (BIN) Experimental Security Assessment of BMW Cars by KeenLab (summary).pdf
 (BIN) Breaking S/MIME and OpenPGP Email Encryption using Exfiltration Channels (draft 0.9.0)
 (BIN) A PDF containing an overview and alphabetical listing of Windows commands
 (BIN) Center for Internet Security Benchmark: Debian 1.0 2007
 (BIN) BBC:Microbit A quick-start guide for Teachers
 (BIN) State Considered Harmful: a proposal for a stateless laptop - Rutkowska
 (BIN) Intel X86 Considered Harmful - Rutkowska
        Dennis Yurichev's incredible guide to Reverse-Engineering
 (BIN) Reverse Engineering for Beginners: full version, A4 size
 (BIN) Reverse Engineering for Beginners: lite version, A4 size
 (BIN) Reverse Engineering for Beginners: full version, A5 (ebook) size
 (BIN) Reverse Engineering for Beginners: lite version, A5 (ebook) size
 (BIN) SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PUTTY, Tunnels and Keys by Michael W Lucas
 (BIN) Using malware for money? Read this "study on incentivizing users to ignore security advice
 (TXT) Linux ate my RAM!! Er, not really..
 (BIN) NSA Converged Analysis of Smartphone Devices (May 2010)
 (BIN) Purpose of the Best1_User account created by the BMC Performance Assurance installation
 (BIN) Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious Tor Exit Relays
 (TXT) Raspberry Pi verified peripherals Jan 2014
 (TXT) The essential GPG crib sheet
 (TXT) A Howto guide for Linux and Open Source software
 (BIN) Linux essentials: the complete introduction
 (BIN) User Guide for the original Mac Mini PPC
 (BIN) UK Crypto Laws 2013
 (BIN) What hard drive should I buy - via Backblaze blog
 (BIN) The original Billy Nomad Project notes from 2004
 (HTM) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes
 (HTM) Meulie.net Gopher Proxy Statistics (we're in there!)
        Proxy List
 (TXT) Full list of free, public, forward proxy servers (updated daily)
 (TXT) List of free, public, forward proxy servers (updated daily) JUST THE IP+PORT
        IETF RFCs
 (TXT) Citations for all RFCs in numeric order (updated daily)
 (TXT) RFC1436 - The Internet Gopher Protocol
 (TXT) RFC2378 - The CCSO Nameserver (Ph) Architecture
 (TXT) RFC4266 - The Gopher URI scheme
 (TXT) Ages of MAC addresses scraped from the web (CSV)