Global Voices via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds
       Last updated 2024 06 30
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 (TXT) 2024-06-30 Severnyi volosatyi vombat Avstralii-bol'she ne na grani vymiraniia
 (TXT) 2024-06-30 Tafavoaka ho tsy lany tamingana ny wombat be volonorona any Aostralia avaratra
 (TXT) 2024-06-30 South Africans react to the new coalition government led by Cyril Ramaphosa
 (TXT) 2024-06-30 Poland plans to close the last border crossings with Belarus as migrant crisis continues
 (TXT) 2024-06-30 Miomana ny hanidy ilay sisintany farany fiampitana iraisany amini Belarosia i Polonina raha mbola mitohy kosa ny krizinny mpitsoa-ponenana
 (TXT) 2024-06-30 Mbola vitsy ny vehivavy mpitarika eo aminny sehatra politika thailandey. Inona no azo atao
 (TXT) 2024-06-30 Ireo ekipa an-dranomasina mitazona ani Afrika ho afaka mifandray aminny aterineto
 (TXT) 2024-06-29 Tsenzura i izoliatsiia-Kitai zapreshchaet tysiachi mobil'nykh prilozhenii
 (TXT) 2024-06-29 <<Tsvetochnye zabastovki - v M'ianme grazhdane trebuiut osvobozhdeniia lidera Aun San Su Chzhi
 (TXT) 2024-06-29 El pasado de Nepal revelado-Entrevista con el periodista y escritor Mohan Mainali
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 War on citizens-How the juntas VPN ban is strangling communication in Myanmar
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Trinite-sy-Tobago-afaka ampiasaina hamatsiana ny fiarovana ala honko ve ny fampiasana ny karbona manga
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 The aux perles-la boisson taiwanaise devenue une delice mondiale
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Pourquoi les petits Etats insulaires ont-ils besoin de leur propre plan Marshall 
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Perou-les transgenres officiellement considerees comme << des malades mentaux-
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Periodistas estan amenazados en el sur de Asia
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Nigeria battles cervical cancer as doctors raise awareness about screening and HPV vaccine
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Niger-Boubacar Toure analyzes the withdrawal of US troops
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Le deuil migratoire-plus quun simple mal du pays
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Koryo-saram-Ny tantara lava sy mampalahelonireo Koreana tao Rosia
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Kazakhstan-relachement de chevaux sauvages dans leur habitat naturel
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Compania estatal de petroleo de Azerbaiyan (SOCAR) se ve atrapada en guerra entre Israel y Gaza
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Como equilibrara China las relaciones con Rusia y Europa tras la Cumbre de Paz de Suiza
 (TXT) 2024-06-28 Amerique Latine-la necessite de mettre un terme a la culture du bruit
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Populiatsiia avstraliis'kikh volokhatikh vombativ iaki buli na mezhi vimirannia pochinaie vidnovliuvatisia
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Trinite-et-Tobago-est-il possible dutiliser le carbone bleu pour financer la conservation des mangroves 
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Tandindonin-doza ny fahalalahan-gazety ao Guinee
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Nouvelle-Caledonie-la colere du peuple << tout est negociable sauf lindependance-
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Kazajistan-Sacerdote ortodoxo intenta abrir Iglesia independiente de la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Indonesie-un projet de loi sur la radiodiffusion pourrait restreindre le journalisme dinvestigation et les contenus LGBTQ-
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Frente as catastrofes climaticas todos podem se tornar migrantes diz professora brasileira
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Especie muy invasora de bagre llego desde Sudamerica a aguas de Nepal
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Emeutes en Nouvelle-Caledonie-<< Le destin du peuple kanak ne devrait pas se decider en Europe-. Global Voices en Francais
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 Colombia-Tensiones en mayor mina de oro develan la falta de justicia climatica en la region
 (TXT) 2024-06-27 15-42-24-02-00Cosa ha fatto Claudia Sheinbaum per diventare la nuova presidente del Messico
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Novaia Kaledoniia-<<Vsio podlezhit obsuzhdeniiu krome nezavisimosti-
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Zhenshchin-liderov po-prezhnemu malo v politike Tailanda. Kak eto izmenit'
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Dekolonizatsiia klimatichna kriza ta pokrashchennia media-osviti v Tikhookeans'komu regioni
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 The reality of women who need access to legal abortion in Brazil is one of banishment
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Tensions at Colombias largest gold mine highlight climate justice quagmire
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Leducation chez les Roms-un echec pour deux empires
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Le camp des peuples indigenes qui reclame des droits chaque annee au mois davril au Bresil
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Ingeniosa <<red en arbol-que desafia el bloqueo de conectividad de Gaza
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Guyana-a Almond Beach des locaux restent malgre lerosion et protegent les tortues elles aussi victimes de la perte de leur habitat
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Guineas toxic media landscape threatens press freedom
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Du the Quetta Avec plaisir .
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Chinas legal warfare on Taiwan separatists-The death penalty and absentia trials
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Central African Republic-Renewed relations with France despite Russian military presence
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 Australias northern hairy-nosed wombat is back from brink of extinction
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 19-39-29-02-00Il cambiamento climatico influisce sulla salute mentale di alcune comunita indigene dei Caraibi
 (TXT) 2024-06-26 15-39-02-02-00Il razzismo nascosto dellAmerica Latina
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Zhurnalisty iz chisla men'shinstv-pod ugrozoi v Iuzhnoi Azii
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Russian LGBTQ-activist attended the Pride march in Moldova
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Poisson-chat faranizay mpiremby mandoza avy any Amerika Atsimo nikisaka any aminny ranoni Nepal
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 O amor dos tartaros pelo cha e a hora do cha que nunca acaba
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Ny pi-masoni Trump sy i Biden aminny vato Latino
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Love marriage and rebellion-Exploring feminist themes in Indias Angika folk songs
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 In Mauritania a mesmerising musical world blends tradition and innovation
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Guinea tiene un entorno de medios toxico que pone en riesgo la libertad de prensa
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Empeora la libertad de prensa en Asia Central
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 El <<no cambio-de India-Una perspectiva nepalesa
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Decolonization the climate crisis and improving media education in the Pacific
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Censorship and isolation as China bans thousands of mobile apps
 (TXT) 2024-06-25 Ativista traduz Minecraft manga e Harry Potter do russo para o chuvache
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 With Flower strikes citizens call for the release of Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 Los africanos siguen siendo invisibles en Taiwan
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 La Guinee connait un paysage mediatique toxique qui met en danger la liberte de presse
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 Intento de multimillonaria australiana de retirar su retrato de galeria atrae atencion internacional
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 Hong Kong-O subtexto politico por tras dos pedidos de renuncia de juizes estrangeiros nao permanentes
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 Controversy surrounds Kenya governments planned deployment of police forces to Haiti
 (TXT) 2024-06-24 A highly invasive South American catfish has slipped into Nepals waters
 (TXT) 2024-06-23 Spectacularly disobedient-Pride parades in the Balkans
 (TXT) 2024-06-23 Prefiro morrer por causa de um missil do que de tristeza em outra cidade-Por que os ucranianos nao estao deixando suas casas
 (TXT) 2024-06-23 Manomboka ny vanim-potoananny doro ala ao Tiorkia
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 Turkeys forest fire season begins
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 Presentamos a Daniel Frederic Ngono traductor de la lengua francesa
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 Hamantatra ani Kensa Broadhurst-Fanontaniana&Valiny niarahana taminny mpikatroka iray ho anny fiteny Kornika
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 Fanombohana fanadihadiana mba hisarihana ireo vehivavy mpanao gazety ho any aminny vatsim-piofanana ao Borkina Faso Senegaly ary Togo
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 Can blue bonds be the solution to Belizes debt
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 Ahoana no handanjalanjani Shina ny fifandraisana aminny Rosiana sy aminny Eoropeana taorianny Vovonanny Fandriampahalemana tany Soisa
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 A message from a Jamaica-born Briton on Windrush Day
 (TXT) 2024-06-22 38 anos apos acidente de Chernobyl 12% do territorio da Bielorrussia permanece contaminado
 (TXT) 2024-06-21 Trevozhnyi doklad o zhizni zakliuchionnykh LGBTK-v Brazilii
 (TXT) 2024-06-21 Unearthing Nepals Past-An Interview with Journalist and Author Mohan Mainali
 (TXT) 2024-06-21 Proyecto de ley de radiodifusion en Indonesia podria restringir el periodismo de investigacion y el contenido LGBTQ-
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 blnsb@ lljmykyyn, lshy 'kthr mn mjrd mshrwb mn`sh
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 Trump and Biden are eyeing the Latino vote
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 The story of a Nigerian lesbian-From holy celibacy to secret marriage
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 Taiwan mantiene vivo el recuerdo de la masacre de Tiananmen de 1989 en Pekin
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 Se frustran conmemoraciones de represion de Tiananmen por gran despliegue policial en Hong Kong
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 Lancement dune enquete afin dattirer des femmes journalistes vers des bourses de formation au Burkina Faso au Senegal et au Togo
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 La Chine est-elle en partie responsable de la destruction des Miombo en Afrique 
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 How the Moldovan opposition is searching for a unifying presidential candidate
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 How data shapes political narratives amid the 2024 super-elections
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 Grupos filipinos desafian la prohibicion de pesca <<unilateral-e <<infundada-de China en el mar del Sur de China
 (TXT) 2024-06-20 17-25-56-02-00Abbattere linfluenza colonialista nella questione della diversita di genere nelle Filippine
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 hl yujr lbnn l~ Hrb shml@ m` sry'yl?
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 <<Preferiria morir por un misil que de tristeza en otra ciudad - Por que los ucranianos no abandonan sus hogares en la linea del frente
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Women leaders remain scarce in Thai local politics. What can be done
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Where are the unusual swarms of bees in Chisinau Moldova coming from
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 What did Claudia Sheinbaum do to become the new president of Mexico
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Nepal-equilibre entre droits des populations autochtones et conservation de la nature.
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Miverina any aminny toeram-ponenany voajanahary manan-tantara ao Kazakhstan ny soavaly haolo
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 How will China balance Russian and European relations after the Swiss Peace Summit
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Fahafinaretana isanandro ho an-dry zareo Bangladeshis ny dite na zava-tsarotra goavana aza no atrehanireo mpiasa eny aminny toeram-pambolena
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Arresto de bloguero canadiense Chris Must List en Trinidad y Tobago plantea interrogantes sobre mucho mas que la ley
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 Afrique du Sud-vue densemble sur le paysage mediatique sud-africain a lapproche des prochaines elections
 (TXT) 2024-06-19 16-05-01-02-00Mate-il te indigeno del Sud America dal Paraguay alla Siria
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Where are the women from peripheral areas in Brazilian politics
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Un barrage sur la riviere Naryn au Kirghizstan-un projet symbolique . Global Voices en Francais
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Polish-Taiwanese cultural bridges-An interview with translator Wei-Yun Lin-Gorecka
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Mihiakiaka i Nouvelle-Caledonie Azo ifanarahana ny zava-drehetra ankoatra ny fahaleovantena
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Mauritania-Khally Diallo analyzes June 29 presidential elections
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Mauritania-First round of presidential elections on June 29 2024
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Le the est le plaisir des Bangladais meme si les ouvriers sont confrontes a des difficultes.
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Implications of the EU Digital Services Act on critical voices in Serbia-Challenges for civil society organizations and investigative journalists
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Hong Kong lucha por la memoria de masacre del 4 de junio de 1989
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Es China parcialmente responsable de la destruccion de los bosques de Miombo en Africa
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 En Mauritania fascinante universo musical combina tradicion e innovacion
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 Dite Quetta ve Eny azafady.
 (TXT) 2024-06-18 17-41-34-02-00Abitanti di Aruba protestano contro la crescita insostenibile dellindustria alberghiera e turistica
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 <<Hinds Hall- himno de Macklemore sobre Gaza sube en las listas musicales de Estados Unidos
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 Sanctifying the profane-the Russian Orthodox Church at the front
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 Ramatoa Filoha mila anao izahay ho mpiara-dia aminny vehivavy (mba hinoanay indray)
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 Investigations reveal the troubling connections between politically exposed persons and Chinese companies within Ghanas fisheries sector
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 Hong Kong-The political subtext behind the resignations of overseas non-permanent judges
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 Explicamos el amor de los tartaros por el te y la hora del te que nunca acaba
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 Comunidades del Pacifico buscan proteger la kava ante su creciente popularidad
 (TXT) 2024-06-17 17-44-44-02-00Azerbaigian e Turchia-due culture del te a confronto
 (TXT) 2024-06-16 Estudio sobre seguridad digital entre activistas de dagbani
 (TXT) 2024-06-15 Saludos de...-Oratile Olivia activista digital en lengua setswana de Sudafrica
 (TXT) 2024-06-15 Outro caso de bullying escolar traz a tona velhos problemas no Azerbaijao
 (TXT) 2024-06-15 Ametraham-padintseranana indray ny takela-masoandro Shinoa ho fampandrosoani Brezila ny indostriany
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Pochemu ukraintsy ne pokidaiut doma na linii fronta
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Ultimo proyecto de ley sobre difamacion aumenta aun mas las restricciones a la libertad de expresion en Pakistan
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Wild horses return to their historic natural habitat in Kazakhstan
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Trump y Biden en busca del voto latino
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Propiedad intelectual cultural indigena australiana se preserva en narracion digital
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Pesquisa procura mulheres jornalistas para treinamento no Burkina Faso Senegal e Togo
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Minority journalists are under threat in South Asia
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 La liberigaj luktoj en Centra Ameriko kaj Palestino estas interplektitaj
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 La Mauritanie championne de la liberte dexpression sur le continent africain
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Fanazavana ny endrika maha-te-ho tianny dite Tatars ary ny ora fisotroana dite tsy misy fiafarana
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 En Chad cambio en la continuidad tras eleccion del nuevo presidente segun el experto Clement Sianka
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 El leon o el mosquito-Actual debate sobre IA en Turquia
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Demodification of India-A Nepalese perspective
 (TXT) 2024-06-14 Andao atsahatra ny mizatra kolontsain-tabataba ao Amerika Latina
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 lHSn krmyl rmz ll'ml fy khDm krth@ lmnkh fy jnwb lbrzyl
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 The ingenious network tree defying Gazas connectivity blockade
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 Presidente Aliyev se lleva muy bien con lideres autoritarios
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 New Caledonia cries Everything is negotiable except independence
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 Malaza aminny mozika Amerikana ny hira fanevani Macklemore Hinds Hall any Gaza
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 Les Africains restent largement invisibles a Taiwan
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 Cameroons push for agricultural expansion devastates Indigenous communities and wildlife
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 Azerbaijan State Oil Company (SOCAR) is caught in the midst of Israel-Gaza war
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 Ao Maoritania tontolo mozikaly iray manintona eo anelanelanny fombandrazana sy ny fanavaozana
 (TXT) 2024-06-13 21-48-38-02-00In Nepal blijven boerengezinnen altijd met elkaar hun bedrijf trouw
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 shrH Tby`@ lttr lmHb@ llshy wwqt lshy ldhy l ynthy
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Grazhdane Fidzhi vozmushcheny-chinovniki povyshaiut sebe zarplatu
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Por que las islas pequenas necesitan su propio Plan Marshall
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Partido gobernante de Turquia tiene nueva propuesta legal sobre perros callejeros
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 One in five Nepalese youths in Hong Kong are returned to Nepal against their will
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Le Mexique va t-il elire sa premiere femme Presidente 
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Disturbios contra estudiantes extranjeros en Kirguistan debilitan sus lazos interpersonales con el sur de Asia
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 An-tsary-Fantaro ireo mpanavotra biby tsy manan-tompo ao Kioba
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Ampahadiminireo tanora Nepaley ao Hong Kong no averina any Nepal tsy araka nay sitrapony
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 Activistas exigen clausurar la Oficina Economica y Comercial de Hong Kong tras arresto de tres supuestos espias en Londres
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 20-31-50-02-00La Cina prova a trasformare lo Xinjiang da campo di concentramento a paradiso turistico
 (TXT) 2024-06-12 11-28-27-02-00La guerra di Israele a Gaza domina il palco dellEurovision 2024
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Zakonoproekt o veshchanii v Indonezii mozhet ogranichit' zhurnalistskie rassledovaniia i kontent LGBTK-
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Vondrona Filipiana mihaika ny fandraram-panjonoana mandeha ila sy tsy misy fotony napetraki Shina ao Ranomasini Shina Atsimo
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Un journaliste guatemalteque recoit un prix prestigieux depuis la prison
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Un camino de duelo desde Gaza hasta El Cairo
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Taiwan sy Borkina Faso-tantara diplaomatika misaritaka
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Protestas en Fiyi tras aprobacion en el Parlamento de aumento de sueldo a altos funcionarios del Gobierno
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Presentamos a Kensa Broadhurst activista linguistica de cornico
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Pluies destructions et morts dans le sud du Bresil-un nouveau terme pour definir la catastrophe climatique
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Linterdiction du livre pour enfants << Same-sex Parents-se retourne contre les Australiens
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Lets stop normalizing noise culture in Latin America
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 La canicule expose la vulnerabilite de lAsie du Sud-Est aux changements climatiques
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 La 11e edition des Gay Games se deroulent a Hong Kong et sont tres suivis.
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 Kenya-les realites des professionnelles du sexe connaissant le vieillissement
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 En Mauritanie un univers musical envoutant entre tradition et innovation
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 19-25-28-02-00Un doloroso viaggio da Gaza al Cairo
 (TXT) 2024-06-11 11-24-06-02-00Hinds Hall linno di Macklemore per Gaza che scala le classifiche musicali americane
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Poslednii Zakon o klevete uzhestochaet ogranicheniia svobody slova v Pakistane
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Pominoveniia na ploshchadi Tian'an'men'-politsii bol'she chem aktivistov
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Turkeys Erdogan reigns supreme at hypocrisy and double-speak
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Que hizo Claudia Sheinbaum para llegar a ser la nueva presidente de Mexico
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Miha-mitombo ireo fanamby atrehanny vondrom-piarahamoninireo transgenre (nanova fananahana) talohanny fifidianana tao Pakistana
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Miara-monina ny fianakaviana miara-mamboly any Nepal
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Is it feasible to use blue carbon to finance mangrove conservation in Trinidad and Tobago
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 In photos-Meet the rescuers of stray animals in Cuba
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 I would rather die because of a missile than of sadness in another city-Why Ukrainians are not leaving their frontline homes
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 Central Asia press freedom scores get worse
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 An Orthodox priest in Kazakhstan is trying to open a church independent from the Russian Orthodox Church
 (TXT) 2024-06-10 17-23-23-02-00Uitleg over de theeminnende aard van de Tataren en hun theetijd die nooit ophoudt
 (TXT) 2024-06-09 shriilNkaa meN prvaasn apnepn aur ghr kaa arth kii tlaash
 (TXT) 2024-06-09 <<Saludos desde... - Umasoye activista digital de lengua ekpeye de Nigeria
 (TXT) 2024-06-09 Saludos de... Siya Masuku activista digital de lengua zulu de Sudafrica
 (TXT) 2024-06-09 Quetta Tea Yes please.
 (TXT) 2024-06-09 Ecuador levantara el bloque petrolero pese a su referendo historico
 (TXT) 2024-06-09 Apartheid digital e o uso de algoritmos de redes sociais em crises humanitarias
 (TXT) 2024-06-08 Interv'iu s Aleksandroi Filbin aktivistkoi irlandskogo iazyka
 (TXT) 2024-06-08 Voafononny fametrahana polisini Hong Kong maro dia maro ny fahatsiarovana ny famoretana tao Tiananmen
 (TXT) 2024-06-08 Saludos desde...-Lucy Iwuala activista digital nigeriana de igbo
 (TXT) 2024-06-08 Filipino groups defy Chinas unilateral and baseless fishing ban in the South China Sea
 (TXT) 2024-06-08 Con reintroduccion de tasas de importacion a paneles solares chinos Brasil anhela desarrollar su propio sector
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 lmdh y`tbr 21 myw ywm Hdd llsh`b lshrksy
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 To teleutaio nomoskhedio gia te dusphemise eniskhuei peraitero tous periorismous sten eleutheria tou logou sto Pakistan
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 O agonas gia epibiose kai eleutheria ekphrases tes armenikes koinotetas tes Ierousalem
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Ena taxidi thlipses apo te Gaza sto Kairo
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 << Une veritable revolution - une station radio au Kenya redonne vie a une langue en extinction
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Ver el mundo a traves de palabras-Como los libros nos permiten viajar
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Trinidad & Tobagos arrest of Canadian vlogger Chris Must List raises questions about much more than the law
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Pero-Nosokajiana taminny fomba ofisialy ho marary saina ny olona pelaka
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Maja Milinkovic-La mezcla musical del fado portugues y la sevdah bosnia
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Madam President we need you to be an ally for women (so we can believe again)
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 La Russie elargit chaque vendredi la liste des << agents de letranger-en y ajoutant individus et organisations.
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Grupos do Pacifico destacam o papel da midia frente a crise climatica
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Fifidianana Taiwan 2024-tsy vitanny DPP antoko eo aminny fitondrana ny nihazona ny maro anisa tao aminny antenimiera mpanao lalana taorianny nandreseny taminny fifidianana ny ho filoham-pirenen
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 El Cairo teme un <<efecto bumeran-de las protestas pro-Palestina
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 Disturbios en Nueva Caledonia-El destino del pueblo canaco no debe decidirse en Europa
 (TXT) 2024-06-07 As lutas de libertacao da America Central e da Palestina estao interligadas
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Popytka avstraliiskoi milliardershi ubrat' portret iz galerei privlekla mirovoe vnimanie
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Ste Georgia e diamakhe gia ena eikonidio tou Stalin ginetai protoselido sto esoteriko kai sto exoteriko
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Sera que o Mexico tera sua primeira mulher presidente
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Prohibicion de libro infantil <<Padres del mismo sexo-fracasa en Australia
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Por que el 21 de mayo es un dia de luto para el pueblo circasiano
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Pentru multi jamaicani ceaiul este mai mult decat o bautura racoritoare
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Indonesias Broadcasting Bill could restrict investigative journalism and LGBTQ-content
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Hanome bolongan-tsolika ve i Ekoadaoro na dia teo aza ilay referendum manantantara
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 De ce este 21 mai o zi de doliu pentru poporul cerchez
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Comunitatile din Pacific incearca sa protejeze bautura kava pe masura ce aceasta castiga popularitate la nivel mondial
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 China increases gas imports from Turkmenistan for green energy transition. Its impact is unclear
 (TXT) 2024-06-06 Antsafa voalohany nataonny filoha Zelenskyy niaraka taminny gazety tao Azia Afovoany mampitandrina ny aminny fisariana zoro amini Rosia
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 ntSrt kbyr@ llm`rD@ fy lntkhbt lmHly@ ltrky@
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 ylwn msk, bTl lymyn lsysy fy 'mryk lltyny@
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 With the reintroduction of import taxes on Chinese solar panels Brazil hopes to develop its own industry
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Will Ecuador lift Amazon oil block despite a historic referendum
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Tres maneras de abordar los derechos digitales en Africa
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Tiananmen crackdown commemorations foiled by large Hong Kong police deployment
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Presidenta de Macedonia del Norte violo acuerdo internacional
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Podrian los subsidios por hijos solucionar el bajo indice de natalidad de Corea del Sur
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Mitolona ho aminny fahatsiarovana ny fandripahana tao aminny Kianjani Tiananmen 4 Jona 1989 i Hong Kong
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Las luchas de liberacion de America Central y Palestina estan entrelazadas
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 La musique guineenne-un projet politique devenu heritage national et international
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Keeping the memory of Beijings 1989 Tiananmen Massacre alive in Taiwan
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Grupos de medios del Sudeste Asiatico citan la necesidad de libertad de prensa para lidiar con eventos climaticos extremos
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Companera Presidenta-Queremos volver a creer
 (TXT) 2024-06-05 Au Tchad changement dans la continuite avec lelection du nouveau president selon lexpert Clement Sianka
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 mqbl@ m` Htm `bd l`zyz-llHrb l'hly@ fy lswdn 'n tstmr snwt?
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Macklemore Gaza anthem Hinds Hall climbs US music charts
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Is China partly responsible for the destruction of Africas Miombo woodlands
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Global Voices seeks a Middle East and North Africa regional editor
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Ecos da nossa casa perdida em Gaza
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Dinero de los arboles-Que hay de los indigenas de Guyana y sus derechos Los beneficia el comercio del carbono
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Dependencia de combustibles fosiles agrava crisis energetica de Pakistan
 (TXT) 2024-06-04 Como a China esta tentando mudar Xinjiang de campo de concentracao para paraiso turistico
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Agressiia protiv inostrannykh studentov iz Iuzhnoi Azii v Kyrgyzstane
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 The Central American and Palestinian liberation struggles are intertwined
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 President Zelenskyys first interview with Central Asian journalists warns of dangers of being in Russias orbit
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Peru-Trans people officially categorized as mentally ill
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Para muitos jamaicanos o cha e muito mais do que apenas uma bebida refrescante
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Nisavorovoro i Fiji rehefa nankatoa fampakarana ny karamanny tomponandraikitra ambony ny parlemanta
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Mihoatra lavitra noho ny maha-zavapisotro fanala hetaheta fotsiny azy ny dite ho anireo Jamaikana maro
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Liona sa moka-ny toeranny adihevitra momba ny FaVO (IA) ao Torkia
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Hong Kongs June 4 memory battle behind Chow Hang-tung and her supporters arrests
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Estudiantes nigerianos con tartamudez enfrentan barreras y estigmas educativos
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 El te es un deleite diario para los bangladesies pero trabajadores en plantaciones enfrentan inmensas dificultades
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 El dilema brasileno e indio-Como regular la IA y las grandes empresas de tecnologia
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 Dejemos de normalizar la cultura del ruido en Latinoamerica
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 18-28-28-02-00Google blocca laccesso allinno di protesta pro-democrazia a Hong Kong dopo la sentenza del tribunale
 (TXT) 2024-06-03 16-08-00-02-00Zware regenval en overstromingen worden een deel van ons leven volgens een Braziliaanse architect en stedenbouwkundige
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 hoNliivudd meN arboN kii chvi-jNglii dusstt brbr
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 Uproar in Fiji after parliament approves salary increase for top government officials
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 Survey launches to attract women journalists for training fellowships in Burkina Faso Senegal and Togo
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 Mikatsaka ny hiaro ny kava lasa nahazo laza maneran-tany ireo vondrom-piarahamonina Pasifika
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 Ibrahim Traore hombre fuerte de Burkina Faso tiene cheque en blanco para conservar el poder durante cinco anos o mas
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 Australian billionaires attempt to remove gallery portrait draws international attention
 (TXT) 2024-06-02 19-47-58-02-00Journaliste in Rusland aangehouden wegens een verontschuldiging voor de Taliban
 (TXT) 2024-06-01 No mas jazz-Que pasa con los festivales de jazz en Rusia
 (TXT) 2024-06-01 Manakaiky ireo mpitondra mpanao jadona ny filoha Aliyev
 (TXT) 2024-06-01 18-20-30-02-00Elezioni in Messico-il paese avra la sua prima donna presidente
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Tsenzura v Avstralii-popytka zapretit' detskuiu knigu <<Odnopolye roditeli-
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Yemenies luchan contra reventa no autorizada de sus numeros telefonicos
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Why media literacy matters now more than ever-Insights from the third African media convention held in Ghana
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Voir le monde sous le prisme des mots-voyager a travers les livres
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Un voyage de deuil de Gaza au Caire
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 The Brazilian and Indian dilemma-How to regulate AI and Big Tech
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Taiwan-soutenir Gaza au-dela des idees recues
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Taiwan equilibre des tensions identitaires complexes a linvestiture presidentielle
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Sudeste Asiatico se achicharra-Atribuyen historica ola de calor y clima extremo a crisis climatica
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Pour les nomades de Mongolie litinerance est un droit sacre.
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Pour de nombreux Jamaicains le the est plus quune simple boisson rafraichissante
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Partidarios de Lai Ching-te reciben a nuevo lider taiwanes que enfrenta conflictos internos y ruido de sables de Pekin
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 New museum in Bamoun Kingdom chronicles Cameroons history
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Mampiroborobo ny fizahan-tany ao aminny tananakelini Taiwan fitrandrahana harena an-kibonny tany niroborobo taloha ny mponina tia saka
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Lion or mosquito-The state of the AI debate in Turkey
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Lhomme fort du Burkina Faso Ibrahim Traore saccorde un cheque en blanc pour rester au pouvoir pour cinq ans voire plus
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Le sempiternel probleme de la violence conjugale en Georgie
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Getting to know Kensa Broadhurst-A Q&A with a Cornish language activist
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Elecciones presidenciales en Mauritania-Decodificacion con el politico Khally Diallo
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 Bitcoin minings toll on El Salvador leaves communities without water
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 20-39-11-02-00Een rouwreis van Gaza naar Cairo
 (TXT) 2024-05-31 18-14-11-02-00Perche ignoriamo la storia della tecnologia
 (TXT) 2024-05-20 Cairo fears a boomerang effect of pro-Palestine protests
 (TXT) 2024-05-16 Exiled Russian journalist scores interview with Moldovan president
 (TXT) 2016-03-05 Wohin gehen die von der Polizei beschlagnahmten Drogengelder in Mexiko Kolumbien und den USA
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       Last updated 2024 06 30
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